0,0 → 1,339
* Image class.
* @author Tamlyn Rhodes <tam at zenology dot co dot uk>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License
* @copyright (c)2003-2005 Tamlyn Rhodes
* @version $Id: image.class.php,v 1.22 2006/08/06 13:50:20 thepavian Exp $
//include the base class
require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/item.class.php";
* Data-only class used to store image data.
* @package singapore
* @author Tamlyn Rhodes <tam at zenology dot co dot uk>
* @copyright (c)2003-2005 Tamlyn Rhodes
class sgImage extends sgItem
* Width in pixels of the image
* @var int
var $width = 0;
* Height in pixels of the image
* @var int
var $height = 0;
* Image file format flag as returned by GetImageSize()
* @var int
var $type;
* Configurable field
var $camera = "";
var $lens = "";
var $film = "";
var $darkroom = "";
var $digital = "";
* Constructor
* @param string image id
* @param sgGallery reference to the parent gallery
function sgImage($id, &$parent)
$this->id = $id;
$this->parent =& $parent;
$this->config =& sgConfig::getInstance();
$this->translator =& Translator::getInstance();
* Over-rides the method in the item class
* @return true returns true
function isImage() { return true; }
* @return bool true if image height is greater than width
function isPortrait()
return $this->width()/$this->height() > 1;
* @return bool true if image height is greater than width
function isLandscape()
return $this->width()/$this->height() < 1;
function hasPrev()
return (bool) $this->index();
function hasNext()
$index = $this->index();
return $index !== false && $index < $this->parent->imageCount()-1;
function &firstImage()
return $this->parent->images[0];
function &prevImage()
return $this->parent->images[$this->index()-1];
function &nextImage()
return $this->parent->images[$this->index()+1];
function &lastImage()
return $this->parent->images[count($this->parent->images)-1];
function firstLink($action = null)
return "";
$tmp =& $this->firstImage();
return '<a href="'.$tmp->URL(null, $action).'">'.$this->firstText().'</a>';
function prevLink($action = null)
return "";
return '<a href="'.$this->prevURL($action).'">'.$this->prevText().'</a>';
function nextLink($action = null)
return "";
return '<a href="'.$this->nextURL($action).'">'.$this->nextText().'</a>';
function lastLink($action = null)
return "";
$tmp =& $this->lastImage();
return '<a href="'.$tmp->URL(null, $action).'">'.$this->lastText().'</a>';
function prevURL($action = null)
$tmp =& $this->prevImage();
return $tmp->URL(null, $action);
function nextURL($action = null)
$tmp =& $this->nextImage();
return $tmp->URL(null, $action);
function firstText() { return $this->translator->_g("image|First"); }
function prevText() { return $this->translator->_g("image|Previous"); }
function nextText() { return $this->translator->_g("image|Next"); }
function lastText() { return $this->translator->_g("image|Last"); }
function parentText() { return $this->translator->_g("image|Thumbnails"); }
function imageURL()
if($this->config->full_image_resize) {
$img = $this->thumbnail("image");
return $img->URL();
} else
return $this->realURL();
function realURL()
return $this->id;
return $this->config->base_url.$this->config->pathto_galleries.$this->parent->idEncoded()."/".$this->idEncoded();
function imageHTML($class = "sgImage")
$ret = "<img src=\"".$this->imageURL().'" ';
$ret .= 'class="'.$class.'" ';
$ret .= 'width="'.$this->width().'" height="'.$this->height().'" ';
if($this->config->imagemap_navigation) $ret .= 'usemap="#sgNavMap" border="0" ';
$ret .= 'alt="'.$this->name().$this->byArtistText().'" />';
return $ret;
function thumbnailURL($type = "album")
$thumb = $this->thumbnail($type);
return $thumb->URL();
function thumbnailHTML($class = "sgThumbnailAlbum", $type = "album")
$thumb = $this->thumbnail($type);
$ret = "<img src=\"".$thumb->URL().'" ';
$ret .= 'class="'.$class.'" ';
$ret .= 'width="'.$thumb->width().'" height="'.$thumb->height().'" ';
$ret .= 'alt="'.$this->name().$this->byArtistText().'" />';
return $ret;
function thumbnailLink($class = "sgThumbnailAlbum", $type = "album")
return '<a href="'.$this->URL().'">'.$this->thumbnailHTML($class, $type).'</a>';
function thumbnailPopupLink($class = "sgThumbnailAlbum", $type = "album")
$ret = '<a href="'.$this->URL().'" onclick="';
$ret .= "window.open('".$this->imageURL()."','','toolbar=0,resizable=1,";
$ret .= "width=".($this->width()+20).",";
$ret .= "height=".($this->height()+20)."');";
$ret .= "return false;\">".$this->thumbnailHTML($class, $type)."</a>";
return $ret;
function nameForce()
return $this->name;
return substr($this->id, strrpos($this->id,'/') + 1, strrpos($this->id,'.') - strrpos($this->id,'/') - 1);
return substr($this->id, 0, strrpos($this->id,'.'));
* checks if image is remote (filename starts with 'http://')
function isRemote($image = null)
if($image == null) $image = $this->id;
return substr($image, 0, 7) == "http://";
* @return string the absolute, canonical system path to the image
function realPath()
return $this->id;
return realpath($this->config->base_path.$this->config->pathto_galleries.$this->parent->id."/".$this->id);
* @return string the rawurlencoded version of the image id
function idEncoded()
return rawurlencode($this->id);
function width()
if($this->config->full_image_resize) {
$img = $this->thumbnail("image");
return $img->width();
} else
return $this->realWidth();
function height()
if($this->config->full_image_resize) {
$img = $this->thumbnail("image");
return $img->height();
} else
return $this->realHeight();
* finds position of current image in parent array
function index()
foreach($this->parent->images as $key => $img)
if($this->id == $img->id)
return $key;
return false;
function realWidth()
//try to load image dimensions if not already loaded
if($this->width == 0) {
$size = @GetImageSize($this->realPath());
list($this->width, $this->height, $this->type) = $size;
return $this->config->thumb_width_image;
return $this->width;
function realHeight()
//try to load image dimensions if not already loaded
if($this->height == 0) {
$size = @GetImageSize($this->realPath());
list($this->width, $this->height, $this->type) = $size;
return $this->config->thumb_height_image;
return $this->height;
/** Accessor methods */
function type() { return $this->type; }
/* Private methods */
function &thumbnail($type)
//only create thumbnail if it doesn't already exist
$this->thumbnails[$type] =& new sgThumbnail($this, $type);
return $this->thumbnails[$type];