0,0 → 1,174
* IO class.
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License
* @copyright (c)2003-2005 Tamlyn Rhodes
* @version $Id: io.class.php,v 1.11 2005/12/04 04:39:46 tamlyn Exp $
* Abstract superclass of all IO classes. Also implements iifn code.
* @package singapore
* @abstract
* @author Tamlyn Rhodes <tam at zenology dot co dot uk>
* @copyright (c)2003, 2004 Tamlyn Rhodes
class sgIO
* Reference to a {@link sgConfig} object representing the current
* script configuration
* @var sgConfig
var $config;
* Constructor. Can be over-ridden by subclass but does not need to be.
* @param sgConfig pointer to current script configuration object
function sgIO()
$this->config =& sgConfig::getInstance();
* Pseudo-abstract method to be over-ridden in subclasses.
function getName()
return "undefined";
* Pseudo-abstract method to be over-ridden in subclasses.
function getVersion()
return "undefined";
* Pseudo-abstract method to be over-ridden in subclasses.
function getAuthor()
return "undefined";
* Pseudo-abstract method to be over-ridden in subclasses.
function getDescription()
return "undefined";
* Fetches gallery info for the specified gallery (and immediate children).
* @param string gallery id
* @param sgItem reference to parent gallery
* @param int number of levels of child galleries to fetch (optional)
* @param string language code spec for this request (optional, ignored)
function &getGallery($galleryId, &$parent, $getChildGalleries = 1, $language = null)
$gal =& new sgGallery($galleryId, $parent);
if(file_exists($this->config->base_path.$this->config->pathto_galleries.$galleryId)) {
$bits = explode("/",$gal->id);
$temp = strtr($bits[count($bits)-1], "_", " ");
if($temp == ".")
$gal->name = $this->config->gallery_name;
elseif($this->config->enable_iifn && strpos($temp, " - "))
list($gal->artist,$gal->name) = explode(" - ", $temp);
$gal->name = $temp;
$dir = Singapore::getListing($this->config->base_path.$this->config->pathto_galleries.$gal->id."/", $this->config->recognised_extensions);
//set gallery thumbnail to first image in gallery (if any)
if(isset($dir->files[0])) $gal->filename = $dir->files[0];
for($i=0; $i<count($dir->files); $i++)
//always get the first image for the gallery thumbnail
//but only get the rest if child galleries are requested
if($getChildGalleries || $i==0) {
$gal->images[$i] =& new sgImage($dir->files[$i], $gal);
//trim off file extension and replace underscores with spaces
$temp = strtr(substr($gal->images[$i]->id, 0, strrpos($gal->images[$i]->id,".")-strlen($gal->images[$i]->id)), "_", " ");
//split string in two on " - " delimiter
if($this->config->enable_iifn && strpos($temp, " - "))
list($gal->images[$i]->artist,$gal->images[$i]->name) = explode(" - ", $temp);
$gal->images[$i]->name = $temp;
//get image size and type
) = @GetImageSize($this->config->base_path.$this->config->pathto_galleries.$gal->id."/".$gal->images[$i]->id);
//set parent link
$gal->images[$i]->parent =& $gal;
} else
//otherwise just create an empty array of the appropriate length
$gal->images[$i] = $dir->files[$i];
} else {
//selected gallery does not exist
return null;
//discover child galleries
//but only fetch their info if required too
foreach($dir->dirs as $gallery)
$gal->galleries[] =& $this->getGallery($galleryId."/".$gallery, $gal, $getChildGalleries-1, $language);
//otherwise just copy their names in so they can be counted
$gal->galleries = $dir->dirs;
return $gal;
* Pseudo-abstract method to be over-ridden in subclasses.
function putGallery($gal) {
return false;
* Pseudo-abstract method to be over-ridden in subclasses.
function getHits($gal) {
return false;
* Pseudo-abstract method to be over-ridden in subclasses.
function putHits($gal) {
return false;
* Pseudo-abstract method to be over-ridden in subclasses.
function getUsers() {
return array();
* Pseudo-abstract method to be over-ridden in subclasses.
function putUsers($users) {
return false;