0,0 → 1,976
* Main class.
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License
* @copyright (c)2003-2006 Tamlyn Rhodes
* @version $Id: singapore.class.php,v 1.75 2006/09/12 11:56:11 thepavian Exp $
//define constants for regular expressions
define('SG_REGEXP_PROTOCOLURL', '(?:http://|https://|ftp://|mailto:)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4}(?::[0-9]+)?(?:/[^ \n\r\"\'<]+)?');
define('SG_REGEXP_WWWURL', 'www\.(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)*[a-zA-Z]{2,4}(?:/[^ \n\r\"\'<]+)?');
define('SG_REGEXP_EMAILURL', '(?:[\w][\w\.\-]+)+@(?:[\w\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4}');
* Provides functions for handling galleries and images
* @package singapore
* @author Tamlyn Rhodes <tam at zenology dot co dot uk>
class Singapore
* current script version
* @var string
var $version = "0.10.1";
* instance of a {@link sgConfig} object representing the current
* script configuration
* @var sgConfig
var $config;
* instance of the currently selected IO handler object
* @var sgIO_csv
var $io;
* instance of a {@link Translator}
* @var Translator
var $translator;
* instance of a {@link sgGallery} representing the current gallery
* @var sgGallery
var $gallery;
* reference to the currently selected {@link sgImage} object in the
* $images array of {@link $gallery}
* @var sgImage
var $image;
* two character code of language currently in use
* @var string
var $language = null;
* name of template currently in use
* @var string
var $template = null;
* details of current user
* @var sgUser
var $user = null;
* name of action requested
* @var string
var $action = null;
* Constructor, does all init type stuff. This code is a total mess.
* @param string the path to the base singapore directory
function Singapore($basePath = "")
//import class definitions
//io handler class included once config is loaded
require_once $basePath."includes/translator.class.php";
require_once $basePath."includes/thumbnail.class.php";
require_once $basePath."includes/gallery.class.php";
require_once $basePath."includes/config.class.php";
require_once $basePath."includes/image.class.php";
require_once $basePath."includes/user.class.php";
//start execution timer
$this->scriptStartTime = microtime();
//remove slashes
$_REQUEST = array_map(array("Singapore","arraystripslashes"), $_REQUEST);
//desanitize request
$_REQUEST = array_map("htmlentities", $_REQUEST);
//load config from singapore root directory
$this->config =& sgConfig::getInstance();
//if instantiated remotely...
if(!empty($basePath)) {
//...try to guess base path and relative url
$this->config->base_path = $basePath;
$this->config->base_url = $basePath;
//...load local config if present
//may over-ride guessed values above
//set current gallery to root if not specified in url
$galleryId = isset($_REQUEST[$this->config->url_gallery]) ? $_REQUEST[$this->config->url_gallery] : ".";
//load config from gallery ini file (gallery.ini) if present
//set current template from request vars or config
//first, preset template to default one
$this->template = $this->config->default_template;
//then check if requested template exists
if(!empty($_REQUEST[$this->config->url_template])) {
$templates = Singapore::getListing($this->config->base_path.$this->config->pathto_templates);
foreach($templates->dirs as $single) {
if($single == $_REQUEST[$this->config->url_template]) {
$this->template = $single;
$this->config->pathto_current_template = $this->config->pathto_templates.$this->template.'/';
//load config from template ini file (template.ini) if present
//set runtime values
$this->config->pathto_logs = $this->config->pathto_data_dir."logs/";
$this->config->pathto_cache = $this->config->pathto_data_dir."cache/";
$this->config->pathto_admin_template = $this->config->pathto_templates.$this->config->admin_template_name."/";
//set current language from request vars or config
$this->language = $_REQUEST[$this->config->url_lang];
else {
$this->language = $this->config->default_language;
foreach($this->getBrowserLanguages() as $lang)
if($lang=="en" || file_exists($basePath.$this->config->pathto_locale."singapore.".$lang.".pmo")) {
$this->language = $lang;
//read the language file
$this->translator =& Translator::getInstance($this->language);
//clear the UMASK
//include IO handler class and create instance
require_once $basePath."includes/io_".$this->config->io_handler.".class.php";
$ioClassName = "sgIO_".$this->config->io_handler;
$this->io = new $ioClassName($this->config);
//load gallery and image info
//set character set
$this->character_set = $this->translator->languageStrings[0]["charset"];
$this->character_set = $this->config->default_charset;
//set action to perform
if(empty($_REQUEST["action"])) $this->action = "view";
else $this->action = $_REQUEST["action"];
* Load gallery and image info
* @param string the id of the gallery to load (optional)
function selectGallery($galleryId = "")
if(empty($galleryId)) $galleryId = isset($_REQUEST[$this->config->url_gallery]) ? $_REQUEST[$this->config->url_gallery] : ".";
//try to validate gallery id
if(strlen($galleryId)>1 && $galleryId{1} != '/') $galleryId = './'.$galleryId;
//detect back-references to avoid file-system walking
if(strpos($galleryId,"../")!==false) $galleryId = ".";
//find all ancestors to current gallery
$this->ancestors = array();
$ancestorNames = explode("/", $galleryId);
$numberOfAncestors = count($ancestorNames);
//construct fully qualified gallery ids
$ancestorIds[0] = ".";
for($i=1; $i<$numberOfAncestors; $i++)
$ancestorIds[$i] = $ancestorIds[$i-1]."/".$ancestorNames[$i];
//fetch galleries passing previous gallery as parent pointer
for($i=0; $i<$numberOfAncestors; $i++)
if(!$this->ancestors[$i] =& $this->io->getGallery(
$ancestorIds[$i], $this->ancestors[$i-1],
//only fetch children of bottom level gallery
($i==$numberOfAncestors-1) ? 1 : 0
//need to remove bogus parent of root gallery created by previous step
//set reference to current gallery
$this->gallery = &$this->ancestors[count($this->ancestors)-1];
//check if gallery was successfully fetched
if($this->gallery == null) {
$this->gallery = new sgGallery($galleryId, $this->ancestors[0]);
$this->gallery->name = $this->translator->_g("Gallery not found '%s'",htmlspecialchars($galleryId));
//sort galleries and images
$GLOBALS["sgSortOrder"] = $this->config->gallery_sort_order;
if($this->config->gallery_sort_order!="x") usort($this->gallery->galleries, array("Singapore","multiSort"));
$GLOBALS["sgSortOrder"] = $this->config->image_sort_order;
if($this->config->image_sort_order!="x") usort($this->gallery->images, array("Singapore","multiSort"));
//if startat is set then cast to int otherwise startat 0
$this->gallery->startat = isset($_REQUEST[$this->config->url_startat]) ? (int)$_REQUEST[$this->config->url_startat] : 0;
$this->startat = $this->gallery->startat; //depreciated
//select the image (if any)
//load hit data
if($this->config->track_views || $this->config->show_views)
//update and save hit data
if($this->config->track_views) {
if($this->isImagePage()) {
$this->image->lasthit = time();
} elseif($this->gallery->startat == 0) {
$this->gallery->lasthit = time();
* Selects an image from the current gallery
* @param mixed either the filename of the image to select or the integer
* index of its position in the images array
* @return boolean true on success; false otherwise
function selectImage($image)
if(is_string($image)) {
foreach($this->gallery->images as $index => $img)
if($img->id == $image) {
$this->image =& $this->gallery->images[$index];
return true;
} elseif(is_int($image) && $image >= 0 && $image < count($this->gallery->images)) {
$this->image =& $this->gallery->images[$image];
return true;
$this->image =& new sgImage("", $this->gallery);
$this->image->name = $this->translator->_g("Image not found '%s'",htmlspecialchars($image));
return false;
* Obfuscates the given email address by replacing "." with "dot" and "@" with "at"
* @param string email address to obfuscate
* @param boolean override the obfuscate_email config setting (optional)
* @return string obfuscated email address or HTML mailto link
function formatEmail($email, $forceObfuscate = false)
if($this->config->obfuscate_email || $forceObfuscate)
return strtr($email,array("@" => ' <b>'.$this->translator->_g("email|at").'</b> ', "." => ' <b>'.$this->translator->_g("email|dot").'</b> '));
return "<a href=\"mailto:".$email."\">".$email."</a>";
* Returns image name for image pages and gallery name for gallery pages.
* If either of these is empty, returns gallery_name config option.
* @return string Title of current page
function pageTitle()
$crumbArray = $this->crumbLineArray();
$ret = "";
$ret .= $crumbArray[$i]->nameForce()." &lt; ";
$ret .= $crumbArray[$i]->nameForce();
return $ret;
* @return bool true if this is an image page; false otherwise
function isImagePage()
return !empty($this->image);
* @return bool true if this is a non-album gallery page; false otherwise
function isGalleryPage()
return !empty($this->gallery) && $this->gallery->galleryCount()>0;;
* @return bool true if this is an album page; false otherwise
function isAlbumPage()
return !$this->isGalleryPage() && !$this->isImagePage() && !empty($this->gallery);
* @return int the script execution time in seconds rounded to two decimal places
function scriptExecTime()
$scriptStartTime = $this->scriptStartTime;
$scriptEndTime = microtime();
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",$scriptStartTime);
$scriptStartTime = (float)$usec + (float)$sec;
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",$scriptEndTime);
$scriptEndTime = (float)$usec + (float)$sec;
$scriptExecTime = floor(($scriptEndTime - $scriptStartTime)*100)/100;
return $scriptExecTime;
* Displays the script execution time if configured to do so
* @returns string the script execution time
function scriptExecTimeText()
return $this->translator->_g("Page created in %s seconds",$this->scriptExecTime());
return "";
function poweredByText()
return $this->translator->_g("Powered by").' <a href="http://www.sgal.org/">singapore</a>';
function allRightsReserved()
return $this->translator->_g("All rights reserved.");
function licenseText()
return $this->translator->_g("Images may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the copyright holder.");
function adminURL()
return '<a href="'.$this->config->base_url.'admin.php">';
function adminLink()
return $this->adminURL().$this->translator->_g("Log in")."</a>";
* Checks to see if the user is currently logged in to admin mode. Also resets
* the login timeout to the current time.
* @returns boolean true if the user is logged in; false otherwise
* @static
function isLoggedIn()
isset($this->user) &&
$_SESSION["sgUser"]["ip"] == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] &&
(time() - $_SESSION["sgUser"]["loginTime"] < 600)
) {
//reset loginTime to current time
$_SESSION["sgUser"]["loginTime"] = time();
return true;
return false;
function loadUser($username = null)
if($username == null)
$username = $_SESSION["sgUser"]["username"];
return false;
$users = $this->io->getUsers();
foreach($users as $user)
if($user->username == $username) {
$this->user = $user;
return $user;
return false;
* Creates an array of objects each representing an item in the crumb line.
* @return array the items of the crumb line
function crumbLineArray()
$crumb = $this->ancestors;
if($this->isImagePage()) $crumb[] = $this->image;
return $crumb;
* @return string the complete crumb line with links
function crumbLineText()
$crumbArray = $this->crumbLineArray();
$ret = "";
$ret .= $crumbArray[$i]->nameLink()." &gt;\n";
$ret .= $crumbArray[$i]->nameForce();
return $ret;
function crumbLine()
return $this->translator->_g("crumb line|You are here:")." ".$this->crumbLineText();
* Generates the HTML code for imagemap_navigation
* @return string imagemap HTML code
function imageMap()
if(!$this->config->imagemap_navigation) return "";
$imageWidth = $this->image->width();
$imageHeight = $this->image->height();
$middleX = round($imageWidth/2);
$middleY = round($imageHeight/2);
$ret = "<map name=\"sgNavMap\" id=\"sgNavMap\">\n";
if($this->image->hasNext()) $ret .= '<area href="'.$this->image->nextURL().'" alt="'.$this->image->nextText().'" title="'.$this->image->nextText().'" shape="poly" ';
else $ret .= '<area href="'.$this->image->parentURL().'" alt="'.$this->image->parentText().'" title="'.$this->image->parentText().'" shape="poly" ';
$ret .= "coords=\"$middleX,$middleY,$imageWidth,$imageHeight,$imageWidth,0,$middleX,$middleY\" />\n";
if($this->image->hasPrev()) $ret .= '<area href="'.$this->image->prevURL().'" alt="'.$this->image->prevText().'" title="'.$this->image->prevText().'" shape="poly" ';
else $ret .= '<area href="'.$this->image->parentURL().'" alt="'.$this->image->parentText().'" title="'.$this->image->parentText().'" shape="poly" ';
$ret .= "coords=\"$middleX,$middleY,0,0,0,$imageHeight,$middleX,$middleY\" />\n";
$ret .= '<area href="'.$this->image->parentURL().'" alt="'.$this->image->parentText().'" title="'.$this->image->parentText().'" shape="poly" ';
$ret .= "coords=\"$middleX,$middleY,0,0,$imageWidth,0,$middleX,$middleY\" />\n";
$ret .= '</map>';
return $ret;
* Generates the HTML code for the language select box
* @return string select box HTML code
function languageFlipper()
if(!$this->config->language_flipper) return "";
$languageCache = $this->config->base_path.$this->config->pathto_data_dir."languages.cache";
// Look for the language file
return "";
// Open the file
$fp = @fopen($languageCache, "r");
if (!$fp) return "";
// Read contents
$str = '';
while (!feof($fp)) $str .= fread($fp, 1024);
// Unserialize
$availableLanguages = @unserialize($str);
$ret = '<div class="sgLanguageFlipper">';
$ret .= '<form method="get" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\">\n";
//carry over current get vars
foreach($_GET as $var => $val)
$ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$var.'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($val)."\" />\n";
$ret .= '<select name="'.$this->config->url_lang."\">\n";
$ret .= ' <option value="'.$this->config->default_language.'">'.$this->translator->_g("Select language...")."</option>\n";
foreach($availableLanguages as $code => $name) {
$ret .= ' <option value="'.$code.'"';
if($code == $this->language && $this->language != $this->config->default_language)
$ret .= 'selected="true" ';
$ret .= '>'.htmlentities($name)."</option>\n";
$ret .= "</select>\n";
$ret .= '<input type="submit" class="button" value="'.$this->translator->_g("Go")."\" />\n";
$ret .= "</form></div>\n";
return $ret;
* Generates the HTML code for the template select box
* @return string select box HTML code
function templateFlipper()
if(!$this->config->template_flipper) return "";
//get list of installed templates
$templates = Singapore::getListing($this->config->base_path.$this->config->pathto_templates, "dirs");
$ret = '<div class="sgTemplateFlipper">';
$ret .= '<form method="get" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\">\n";
//carry over current get vars
foreach($_GET as $var => $val)
$ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$var.'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($val)."\" />\n";
$ret .= '<select name="'.$this->config->url_template."\">\n";
$ret .= ' <option value="'.$this->config->default_template.'">'.$this->translator->_g("Select template...")."</option>\n";
foreach($templates->dirs as $name)
//do not list admin template(s)
if(strpos($name, "admin_")===false) {
$ret .= ' <option value="'.$name.'"';
if($name == $this->template && $this->template != $this->config->default_template)
$ret .= 'selected="true" ';
$ret .= '>'.$name."</option>\n";
$ret .= "</select>\n";
$ret .= '<input type="submit" class="button" value="'.$this->translator->_g("Go")."\" />\n";
$ret .= "</form></div>\n";
return $ret;
* @param string $seperator optional string to seperate the Gallery Tab Links
* @return string
function galleryTab($seperator = " | ")
$showing = $this->galleryTabShowing();
return Singapore::conditional($this->galleryTabLinks(), $showing.$seperator."%s", $showing);
* @return string
function galleryTabShowing()
if($this->isAlbumPage()) {
$total = $this->gallery->imageCount();
$perPage = $this->config->thumb_number_album;
} else {
$total = $this->gallery->galleryCount();
$perPage = $this->config->thumb_number_gallery;
if($this->gallery->startat+$perPage > $total)
$last = $total;
$last = $this->gallery->startat+$perPage;
return $this->translator->_g("Showing %s-%s of %s",($this->gallery->startat+1),$last,$total);
* @return string
function galleryTabLinks()
$ret = "";
$ret .= $this->prevPageLink()." ";
//This is for compatibility with old templates
//it detects if compatibility mode is on using method_exists()
if(!$this->gallery->isRoot() && method_exists($this, 'galleryName'))
$ret .= $this->gallery->parentLink();
$ret .= " ".$this->nextPageLink();
return $ret;
function navigationLinks() {
$ret = "<link rel=\"Top\" title=\"".$this->config->gallery_name."\" href=\"".$this->ancestors[0]->URL()."\" />\n";
if($this->isImagePage()) {
$ret .= "<link rel=\"Up\" title=\"".$this->image->parent->name()."\" href=\"".$this->image->parent->URL()."\" />\n";
if ($this->image->hasPrev()) {
$first= $this->image->firstImage();
$prev = $this->image->prevImage();
$ret .= "<link rel=\"First\" title=\"".$first->name()."\" href=\"".$first->URL()."\" />\n";
$ret .= "<link rel=\"Prev\" title=\"".$prev->name()."\" href=\"".$prev->URL()."\" />\n";
if ($this->image->hasNext()) {
$next = $this->image->nextImage();
$last = $this->image->lastImage();
$ret .= "<link rel=\"Next\" title=\"".$next->name()."\" href=\"".$next->URL()."\" />\n";
$ret .= "<link rel=\"Last\" title=\"".$last->name()."\" href=\"".$last->URL()."\" />\n";
//prefetch next image
$ret .= "<link rel=\"Prefetch\" href=\"".$next->imageURL()."\" />\n";
} else {
$ret .= "<link rel=\"Up\" title=\"".$this->gallery->parent->name()."\" href=\"".$this->gallery->parent->URL()."\" />\n";
if($this->hasPrevPage()) {
$ret .= "<link rel=\"Prev\" title=\"".$this->translator->_g("gallery|Previous")."\" href=\"".$this->prevPageURL()."\" />\n";
$ret .= "<link rel=\"First\" title=\"".$this->translator->_g("gallery|First")."\" href=\"".$this->firstPageURL()."\" />\n";
if($this->hasNextPage()) {
$ret .= "<link rel=\"Next\" title=\"".$this->translator->_g("gallery|Next")."\" href=\"".$this->nextPageURL()."\" />\n";
$ret .= "<link rel=\"Last\" title=\"".$this->translator->_g("gallery|Last")."\" href=\"".$this->lastPageURL()."\" />\n";
return $ret;
* @return int the number of 'pages' or 'screen-fulls'
function galleryPageCount() {
return intval($this->gallery->imageCount()/$this->config->thumb_number_album)+1;
return intval($this->gallery->galleryCount()/$this->config->thumb_number_gallery)+1;
* @return int
function lastPageIndex() {
return ($this->galleryPageCount()-1)*
* @return bool true if there is at least one more page
function hasNextPage() {
return count($this->gallery->images)>$this->startat+$this->config->thumb_number_album;
return count($this->gallery->galleries)>$this->startat+$this->config->thumb_number_gallery;
return isset($this->gallery->images[$this->image->index+1]);
* @return bool true if there is at least one previous page
function hasPrevPage() {
if($this->isAlbumPage() || $this->isGalleryPage())
return $this->startat > 0;
return isset($this->gallery->images[$this->image->index-1]);
function firstPageURL() {
return $this->gallery->URL(0);
function firstPageLink() {
return "<a href=\"".$this->firstPageURL()."\">".$this->translator->_g("First %s", $this->itemsPerPage())."</a>";
* @return string the URL of the previous page
function prevPageURL() {
return $this->gallery->URL($this->startat - $this->itemsPerPage());
function prevPageLink() {
return "<a href=\"".$this->prevPageURL()."\">".$this->translator->_g("Previous %s", $this->itemsPerPage())."</a>";
* @return string the URL of the next page
function nextPageURL() {
return $this->gallery->URL($this->startat + $this->itemsPerPage());
function nextPageLink() {
return "<a href=\"".$this->nextPageURL()."\">".$this->translator->_g("Next %s", $this->itemsPerPage())."</a>";
function lastPageURL() {
$perpage = $this->isAlbumPage() ? $this->config->thumb_number_album : $this->config->thumb_number_gallery;
return $this->gallery->URL(floor($this->gallery->itemCount() / $perpage) * $perpage);
function lastPageLink() {
return "<a href=\"".$this->lastPageURL()."\">".$this->translator->_g("Last %s", $this->itemsPerPage())."</a>";
function itemsPerPage()
return $this->isAlbumPage() ? $this->config->thumb_number_album : $this->config->thumb_number_gallery;
* @return string link for adding a comment to image
function imageCommentLink()
return "<a href=\"".
$this->formatURL($this->gallery->idEncoded(), $this->image->id, null, "addcomment").
"\">".$this->translator->_g("Add a comment")."</a>";
* @return array array of sgImage objects
function &previewThumbnailsArray()
$ret = array();
$index = $this->image->index();
$start = ceil($index - $this->config->thumb_number_preview/2);
for($i = $start; $i < $start + $this->config->thumb_number_preview; $i++)
$ret[$i] =& $this->image->parent->images[$i];
return $ret;
function previewThumbnails()
$thumbs =& $this->previewThumbnailsArray();
$index = $this->image->index();
$ret = "";
foreach($thumbs as $key => $thumb) {
$thumbClass = "sgThumbnailPreview";
if($key==$index-1) $thumbClass .= " sgThumbnailPreviewPrev";
elseif($key==$index) $thumbClass .= " sgThumbnailPreviewCurrent";
elseif($key==$index+1) $thumbClass .= " sgThumbnailPreviewNext";
$ret .= $thumb->thumbnailLink($thumbClass, "preview")."\n";
return $ret;
//////ex-sgUtils methods//////
* Callback function for sorting things
* @static
function multiSort($a, $b) {
switch($GLOBALS["sgSortOrder"]) {
case "f" :
case "p" : return strcmp($a->id, $b->id); //path
case "F" :
case "P" : return strcmp($b->id, $a->id); //path (reverse)
case "n" : return strcmp($a->name, $b->name); //name
case "N" : return strcmp($b->name, $a->name); //name (reverse)
case "i" : return strcasecmp($a->name, $b->name); //case-insensitive name
case "I" : return strcasecmp($b->name, $a->name); //case-insensitive name (reverse)
case "a" : return strcmp($a->artist, $b->artist); //artist
case "A" : return strcmp($b->artist, $a->artist); //artist (reverse)
case "d" : return strcmp($a->date, $b->date); //date
case "D" : return strcmp($b->date, $a->date); //date (reverse)
case "l" : return strcmp($a->location, $b->location); //location
case "L" : return strcmp($b->location, $a->location); //location (reverse)
* Slightly pointless method
function conditional($conditional, $iftrue, $iffalse = null)
if($conditional) return sprintf($iftrue, $conditional);
elseif($iffalse != null) return sprintf($iffalse, $conditional);
else return "";
* Callback function for recursively stripping slashes
* @static
function arraystripslashes($toStrip)
return array_map(array("Singapore","arraystripslashes"), $toStrip);
return stripslashes($toStrip);
function thumbnailPath($gallery, $image, $width, $height, $forceSize, $mode = 1)
$config =& sgConfig::getInstance();
switch($mode) {
case 0 :
return $config->pathto_data_dir."cache/".$width."x".$height.($forceSize?"f":"").strtr("-$gallery-$image",":/?\\","----");
case 1 :
return $config->pathto_galleries.$gallery."/_thumbs/".$width."x".$height.($forceSize?"f":"").strtr("-$image",":/?\\","----");
* @param string relative or absolute path to directory
* @param string regular expression of files to return (optional)
* @param bool true to get hidden directories too
* @returns stdClass|false a data object representing the directory and its contents
* @static
function getListing($wd, $mask = null, $getHidden = false)
$dir = new stdClass;
$dir->path = realpath($wd)."/";
$dir->files = array();
$dir->dirs = array();
$dp = opendir($dir->path);
if(!$dp) return false;
while(false !== ($entry = readdir($dp)))
if(is_dir($dir->path.$entry)) {
if(($entry{0} != '.' && $entry{0} != '_') || $getHidden)
$dir->dirs[] = $entry;
} else {
if($mask == null || preg_match("/\.($mask)$/i",$entry))
$dir->files[] = $entry;
return $dir;
* Recursively deletes all directories and files in the specified directory.
* @returns boolean true on success; false otherwise
* @static
function rmdir_all($wd)
if(!$dp = opendir($wd)) return false;
$success = true;
while(false !== ($entry = readdir($dp))) {
if($entry == "." || $entry == "..") continue;
if(is_dir("$wd/$entry")) $success &= Singapore::rmdir_all("$wd/$entry");
else $success &= unlink("$wd/$entry");
$success &= rmdir($wd);
return $success;
* Returns an array of language codes specified in the Accept-Language HHTP
* header field of the user's browser. q= components are ignored and removed.
* hyphens (-) are converted to underscores (_).
* @return array accepted language codes
* @static
function getBrowserLanguages()
$langs = array();
foreach(explode(",",$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]) as $bit)
if($pos = strpos($bit,";"))
$langs[] = strtr(substr($bit,0,$pos),"-","_");
$langs[] = strtr($bit,"-","_");
return $langs;
* Wrapper for mkdir() implementing the safe-mode hack
function mkdir($path)
$config =& sgConfig::getInstance();
if($config->safe_mode_hack) {
$connection = ftp_connect($config->ftp_server);
// login to ftp server
$result = ftp_login($connection, $config->ftp_user, $config->ftp_pass);
// check if connection was made
if ((!$connection) || (!$result))
return false;
ftp_chdir($connection, $config->ftp_base_path); // go to destination dir
if(!ftp_mkdir($connection, $path)) // create directory
return false;
ftp_site($connection, "CHMOD ".$config->directory_mode." ".$path);
ftp_close($connection); // close connection
return true;
} else
return mkdir($path, octdec($config->directory_mode));
* Tests if $child is within or is the same path as $parent.
* @param string path to parent directory
* @param string path to child directory or file
* @param bool set false to prevent canonicalisation of paths (optional)
* @return bool true if $child is contained within or is $parent
function isSubPath($parent, $child, $canonicalise = true)
$parentPath = $canonicalise ? realpath($parent) : $parent;
$childPath = $canonicalise ? realpath($child) : $child;
return $parentPath && $childPath && substr($childPath,0,strlen($parentPath)) == $parentPath;
function isInGroup($groups1,$groups2)
return (bool) array_intersect(explode(" ",$groups1),explode(" ",$groups2));