0,0 → 1,69
;Option descriptions have been grouped together here.
;Do not uncomment the following lines, they are for illustration only.
; Width in pixels of thumbnails generated by the script.
; This option is affected by the thumb_force_size_* option (see below).
; Height in pixels of thumbnails generated by the script.
; This option is affected by the thumb_force_size_* option (see below).
; By default, width and height are maximum dimensions and images will be
; resized, maintaining the same aspect ratio, to fit within these limits.
; Turn force_size on to make the script crop images to the specified size.
; These options affect gallery pages (those that contain sub-galleries).
; These options affect album pages (those that contain only images).
; These options affect the preview thumbnails displayed on image pages.
; These options affect full size display images and are only used if
; full_image_resize is on in singapore.ini
template_scheme = bob
;bob - black on black, wob - white on black, wow - white on white
imagemap_navigation = off
; typically set in singapore.ini but set here to stop cursor behaviour
thumb_width_gallery = 80
thumb_height_gallery = 80
thumb_force_size_gallery = off
thumb_number_gallery = 10
;Maximum number of galleries to show on one gallery page.
thumb_float_gallery = on
;Float gallery blocks side-by-side
thumb_width_album = 100
thumb_height_album = 100
thumb_force_size_album = off
thumb_number_album = 20
;Maximum number of image thumbnails to show on one album page.
thumb_width_preview = 50
thumb_height_preview = 50
thumb_force_size_preview = off
thumb_number_preview = 3
;Maximum number of preview thumbnails to display (including
;current image). An odd number is usually preferred.
show_fullsizeURL = on
;Turn this on to display link to the full size image
show_slideshowURL = on
;Turn this on to show a link to slideshow on gallery page
thumb_width_image = 700
thumb_height_image = 500
;Modern Update Checker - Connects to my site to check for new version
update_check = yes
update_url = http://www.abitcloser.com/files/
current_version = modern-v1.3.2