0,0 → 1,59
* This file attempts to recursively make all files in the parent directory
* (i.e. the singapore root directory) writable. This will, in general, only
* succeed on server-owned content hence making it deletable by FTP users.
* @author Tamlyn Rhodes <tam at zenology dot co dot uk>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License
* @copyright (c)2004 Tamlyn Rhodes
* @version $Id: cleanup.php,v 1.4 2006/03/02 16:14:03 tamlyn Exp $
* Recursively attempts to make all files and directories in $dir writable
* @param string full directory name (must end with /)
function makeWritable($dir)
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$d = dir($dir);
while (($file = $d->read()) !== false) {
//ignore current and parent dirs and php files
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' || substr($file, strlen($file)-4)=='.php') continue;
$fullfile = $d->path . $file;
echo "Made $fullfile writable.<br />";
if (is_dir($fullfile))
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>cleanup script</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tools.css" />
<h1>Fixing file permissions</h1>
//start with parent directory (singapore root)
<p>All done! <a href="index.html">Return</a> to tools.</p>
0,0 → 1,215
* This file merges the two PO template files (singapore.pot and singapore.admin.pot)
* with all existing language files (singapore.LANG.po)
* @author Joel Sjögren <joel dot sjogren at nonea dot se>
* @author Tamlyn Rhodes <tam at zenology dot co dot uk>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License
* @copyright (c)2003-2005 Tamlyn Rhodes
* @version $Id: compile.php,v 1.9 2006/04/29 16:18:52 tamlyn Exp $
// Programs to call (insert path to them if necessary)
$GETTEXT_MERGE = "msgmerge";
$BASEPATH = realpath("..")."/";
//require config class
require_once $BASEPATH."includes/config.class.php";
//get config object
$config = sgConfig::getInstance();
$OUTPUTPATH = $BASEPATH.$config->pathto_locale;
$standardPot = $OUTPUTPATH."singapore.pot";
$adminPot = $OUTPUTPATH."singapore.admin.pot";
$createbackups = true;
* Parses a directory and returns full path to all the files
* matching the filter (file name suffix)
* @param string $dir full directory name (must end with /)
* @param string $filter file name suffixes separated by | (optional, default don't filter)
* @return array an array with all files
function parseDirectory ($dir, $filter = 'php|html|tpl|inc')
$ret = array();
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$d = dir($dir);
while (($file = $d->read()) !== false) {
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;
$fullfile = $d->path . $file;
if (is_dir($fullfile)) $ret = array_merge($ret,parseDirectory($fullfile."/"));
else if (!$filter || preg_match("/\.({$filter})$/i", $file)) $ret[] = $fullfile;
return $ret;
* Parses a PO file and writes a file with
* serialized strings for PHP
* @param string $input file to read from
* @param string $output file to write to
* @return bool success
function parsePO ($input, $output)
// Open PO-file
file_exists($input) or die("The file {$input} doesn't exit.\n");
$fp = @fopen($input, "r") or die("Couldn't open {$input}.\n");
$type = 0;
$strings = array();
$escape = "\n";
$string = "";
$plural = 0;
$header = "";
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = trim(fgets($fp,1024));
if ($line == "" || $line[0] == "#") continue;
// New (msgid "text")
if (preg_match("/msgid[[:space:]]+\"(.+)\"$/i", $line, $m)) {
$type = 1;
$string = stripcslashes($m[1]);
// New id on several rows (msgid "") or header
} elseif (preg_match("/msgid[[:space:]]+\"\"$/i", $line, $m)) {
$type = 2;
$string = "";
// Add to id on several rows ("")
} elseif (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/i", $line, $m) && ($type == 1 || $type == 2 || $type == 3)) {
$type = 3;
$string .= stripcslashes($m[1]);
// New string (msgstr "text")
} elseif (preg_match("/msgstr[[:space:]]+\"(.+)\"$/i", $line, $m) && ($type == 1 || $type == 3) && $string) {
$strings[$string] = stripcslashes($m[1]);
$type = 4;
// New string on several rows (msgstr "")
} elseif (preg_match("/msgstr[[:space:]]+\"\"$/i", $line, $m) && ($type == 1 || $type == 3) && $string) {
$type = 4;
$strings[$string] = "";
// Add to string on several rows ("")
} elseif (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/i", $line, $m) && $type == 4 && $string) {
$strings[$string] .= stripcslashes($m[1]);
/////Plural forms/////
// New plural id (msgid_plural "text")
} elseif (preg_match("/msgid_plural[[:space:]]+\".*\"$/i", $line, $m)) {
$type = 6;
// New plural string (msgstr[N] "text")
} elseif (preg_match("/msgstr\[(\d+)\][[:space:]]+\"(.+)\"$/i", $line, $m) && ($type == 6) && $string) {
$plural = $m[1];
$strings[$string][$plural] = stripcslashes($m[2]);
$type = 6;
// New plural string on several rows (msgstr[N] "")
} elseif (preg_match("/msgstr\[(\d+)\][[:space:]]+\"\"$/i", $line, $m) && ($type == 6) && $string) {
$plural = $m[1];
$strings[$string][$plural] = "";
$type = 6;
// Add to plural string on several rows ("")
} elseif (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/i", $line, $m) && $type == 6 && $string) {
$strings[$string][$plural] .= stripcslashes($m[1]);
/////Header section/////
// Start header section
} elseif (preg_match("/msgstr[[:space:]]+\"(.+)\"$/i", $line, $m) && $type == 2 && !$string) {
$header = stripcslashes($m[1]);
$type = 5;
// Start header section
} elseif (preg_match("/msgstr[[:space:]]+\"\"$/i", $line, $m) && !$string) {
$header = "";
$type = 5;
// Add to header section
} elseif (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/i", $line, $m) && $type == 5) {
$header .= stripcslashes($m[1]);
// Reset
} else {
$type = 0;
$string = "";
$plural = 0;
// Close PO-file
// Extract plural forms from header
if(preg_match("/Plural-Forms:[[:space:]]+(.+)/i", $header, $m)) {
$pluralString = str_replace("n","\$n",$m[1]);
$pluralString = str_replace(" plural","\$plural",$pluralString);
} else {
$pluralString = "\$nplurals=1; \$plural=\$n==1?0:1;";
// Extract character set from header
if(preg_match("/Content-Type:(.+)charset=(.+)/i", $header, $m))
$charset = $m[2];
$charset = "";
// Extract language name from header
if(preg_match("/Language-Team:[[:space:]]+([^<\n]+)/i", $header, $m))
$language = $m[1];
$language = "Unknown";
$strings[0]["charset"] = $charset;
$strings[0]["language"] = $language;
$strings[0]["plural"] = $pluralString;
// Open data file for writing
$fp = @fopen($output, "wb") or die("Couldn't open file ({$output}).\n");
fwrite($fp, serialize($strings));
//set permissions on new PMO file
@chmod($output, octdec($GLOBALS['config']->file_mode));
// Return
return true;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>i18n po compiler</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tools.css" />
<h1>i18n po compiler</h1>
$files = parseDirectory($OUTPUTPATH, 'po');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!preg_match("/singapore\.(admin\.)?[\w]+\.po$/i", $file)) continue;
$outfile = preg_replace("/\.[^\.]+$/", ".pmo", $file);
if(parsePO($file, $outfile))
echo "Parsed $file to $outfile<br />";
echo "Could not parse $file<br />";
<p>All operations complete. <a href="index.html">Return</a> to tools.</p>
0,0 → 1,278
//permissions bit flags
define("SG_GRP_READ", 1);
define("SG_GRP_EDIT", 2);
define("SG_GRP_ADD", 4);
define("SG_GRP_DELETE", 8);
define("SG_WLD_READ", 16);
define("SG_WLD_EDIT", 32);
define("SG_WLD_ADD", 64);
define("SG_WLD_DELETE", 128);
function getGallery($path)
$gal = new sgGallery('.');
$fp = @fopen($path."/metadata.csv","r");
if($fp) {
while($temp[] = fgetcsv($fp,2048));
) = $temp[1];
for($i=0;$i<count($temp)-3;$i++) {
$gal->images[$i] = new sgImage();
) = $temp[$i+2];
//don't get image size and type
} else {
//selected gallery does not exist or no metadata
return null;
return $gal;
function putGallery($gallery, $path) {
//backup data file
copy($path."/metadata.csv", $path."/metadata.bak");
$fp = fopen($path."/metadata.csv","w");
if(!$fp) return false;
$success = true;
$success &= (bool) fwrite($fp,"filename,thumbnail,owner,group(s),permissions,catergories,image name,artist name,artist email,copyright,image description,image location,date taken,camera info,lens info,film info,darkroom manipulation,digital manipulation");
$success &= (bool) fwrite($fp,"\n\"".
$success &= (bool) fwrite($fp,"\n\"".
$success &= (bool) fclose($fp);
return $success;
function setPerms($obj) {
$obj->permissions = 0;
if(!empty($_POST["sgGrpRead"])) $obj->permissions |= SG_GRP_READ;
if(!empty($_POST["sgGrpEdit"])) $obj->permissions |= SG_GRP_EDIT;
if(!empty($_POST["sgGrpAdd"])) $obj->permissions |= SG_GRP_ADD;
if(!empty($_POST["sgGrpDelete"])) $obj->permissions |= SG_GRP_DELETE;
if(!empty($_POST["sgWldRead"])) $obj->permissions |= SG_WLD_READ;
if(!empty($_POST["sgWldEdit"])) $obj->permissions |= SG_WLD_EDIT;
if(!empty($_POST["sgWldAdd"])) $obj->permissions |= SG_WLD_ADD;
if(!empty($_POST["sgWldDelete"])) $obj->permissions |= SG_WLD_DELETE;
$obj->groups = $_REQUEST["sgGroups"];
$obj->owner = $_REQUEST["sgOwner"];
return $obj;
function convertDirectory ($path)
if (is_dir($path)) {
$gallery = getGallery($path);
echo "<ul><li>Checking $path<br />\n";
if($gallery) {
if($gallery->summary != "" && empty($_REQUEST["convertOverwrite"]))
echo "Did NOT overwrite non-empty summary in $path<br />\n";
else {
$gallery->summary = $gallery->desc;
$gallery->desc = "";
$gallery = setPerms($gallery);
for($i=0; $i<count($gallery->images); $i++)
$gallery->images[$i] = setPerms($gallery->images[$i]);
echo "Successfully converted $path<br />\n";
echo "Problem saving data file for $path<br />\n";
} else
echo "Skipping $path<br />\n";
$d = dir($path);
while (($file = $d->read()) !== false) {
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;
$path = $d->path."/".$file;
if (is_dir($path)) {
echo "</li></ul>\n";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>database converter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tools.css" />
<h1>database converter</h1>
if(isset($_REQUEST["convertType"])) {
include "../includes/config.class.php";
include "../includes/gallery.class.php";
include "../includes/image.class.php";
$config = new sgConfig("../singapore.ini");
$config->base_path = "../";
//echo "<ul>\n";
//echo "</ul>\n";
echo "<p>All operations complete.</p>\n";
} else { ?>
<p>This will convert all your metadata files from singapore 0.9.6, 0.9.7, 0.9.8 or 0.9.9 to 0.9.10.</p>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>">
<h3>summary field</h3>
<p>There is a new gallery summary field that is displayed instead of the
description in the parent gallery. You can choose to either copy or move the
old description field to the summary field or leave both untouched:</p>
<p><input type="radio" class="radio" name="convertType" value="copy" checked="true" /> Copy<br />
<input type="radio" class="radio" name="convertType" value="move" /> Move<br />
<input type="radio" class="radio" name="convertType" value="none" /> Neither<br />
<p>By default only empty summary fields will be written to. Check this option to
allow the summary field to be overwritten <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="convertOverwrite" /></p>
<p>This version introduces multiple authorised users and image &amp; gallery
permissions. Please choose the default permissions that you would like all
objects to be set to. The default permissions selected below are recommended as
they will make all images &amp; galleries readable by everyone but only
modifiable by administrators. See the readme for more information on the
permissions model used by singapore.</p>
<td><input type="text" name="sgOwner" value="__nobody__" /></td>
<td><input type="text" name="sgGroups" value="" /></td>
<td>Group permissions</td>
<td><div class="inputbox">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="sgGrpRead" checked="true"/> Read
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="sgGrpEdit" /> Edit
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="sgGrpAdd" /> Add
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="sgGrpDelete" /> Delete
<td>World permissions</td>
<td><div class="inputbox">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="sgWldRead" checked="true"/> Read
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="sgWldEdit" /> Edit
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="sgWldAdd" /> Add
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="sgWldDelete" /> Delete
<p>Please note that while the script will create backups of your metadata files
it is highly recommended that you create your own backups for added security.</p>
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Go" /></p>
<?php } ?>
<p><a href="index.html">Return</a> to tools.</p>
0,0 → 1,133
* This file searches for strings in all project files matching the filter and
* creates two PO template files (singapore.pot and singapore.admin.pot)
* @author Joel Sjögren <joel dot sjogren at nonea dot se>
* @author Tamlyn Rhodes <tam at zenology dot co dot uk>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License
* @copyright (c)2003-2005 Tamlyn Rhodes
* @version $Id: extract.php,v 1.14 2006/06/24 22:36:15 tamlyn Exp $
// Programs to call (insert path to them if necessary)
$GETTEXT_EXTRACT = "xgettext";
$BASEPATH = realpath("..")."/";
//require config class
require_once $BASEPATH."includes/config.class.php";
//get config object
$config = sgConfig::getInstance();
$OUTPUTPATH = $BASEPATH.$config->pathto_locale;
$standardPot = $OUTPUTPATH."singapore.pot";
$adminPot = $OUTPUTPATH."singapore.admin.pot";
* Parses a directory and returns full path to all the files
* matching the filter (file name suffix)
* @param string $dir full directory name (must end with /)
* @param string $filter file name suffixes separated by | (optional, default don't filter)
* @return array an array with all files
function parseDirectory ($dir, $filter = "php|html|tpl|inc")
$ret = array();
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$d = dir($dir);
while (($file = $d->read()) !== false) {
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;
$fullfile = $d->path . $file;
if (is_dir($fullfile)) $ret = array_merge($ret,parseDirectory($fullfile."/"));
else if (!$filter || preg_match("/\.({$filter})$/i", $file)) $ret[] = $fullfile;
return $ret;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>i18n string extractor</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tools.css" />
<h1>i18n string extractor</h1>
// Create tempfile
$temp = $OUTPUTPATH."/".'~tempfile';
$fp = fopen($temp, 'wb') or die("Couldn't open tempfile {$temp} for writing.\n");
// Get all files matching pattern in current template
$files = parseDirectory("../".$config->pathto_templates.$config->default_template.'/');
$files[] = "../includes/image.class.php";
$files[] = "../includes/item.class.php";
$files[] = "../includes/gallery.class.php";
$files[] = "../includes/singapore.class.php";
$files[] = "../includes/user.class.php";
fwrite($fp, implode("\n", $files));
// Close tempfile
// Call gettext
$res = shell_exec("{$GETTEXT_EXTRACT} --debug --keyword=_g --keyword=_ng:1,2 --keyword=__g -C -F --output=\"" . $standardPot . "\" --files-from=\"" . $temp . "\"");
if (trim($res)) die("Something seemed to go wrong with gettext:\n" . $res . "\n");
else echo "Standard strings extracted $standardPot<br />";
// Remove tempfile
//set permissions on new POT file
@chmod($standardPot, octdec($config->file_mode));
// Create tempfile
$temp = $OUTPUTPATH."/".'~tempfile';
$fp = fopen($temp, 'w') or die("Couldn't open tempfile {$temp} for writing.\n");
// Get all files matching pattern in current template
$files = parseDirectory("../".$config->pathto_templates.$config->admin_template_name.'/');
$files[] = "../includes/admin.class.php";
$files[] = "../admin.php";
fwrite($fp, implode("\n", $files));
// Close tempfile
// Call gettext
$res = shell_exec("{$GETTEXT_EXTRACT} --debug --keyword=_g --keyword=_ng:1,2 -C -F -x \"" . $standardPot . "\" --output=\"" . $adminPot . "\" --files-from=\"" . $temp . "\"");
if (trim($res)) die("Something seemed to go wrong with gettext:\n" . $res . "\n");
else echo "Admin strings extracted to $adminPot<br />";
// Remove tempfile
//set permissions on new POT file
@chmod($adminPot, octdec($config->file_mode));
<p>You may now <a href="merge.php">merge</a> the strings into all previously
translated PO files.</p>
0,0 → 1,68
* Use this script to batch generate all main and preview thumbnails for all
* galleries. Galleries which contain sub-galleries are skipped as are hidden
* galleries.
* Currently this is a bit of a hack. Hopefully a later version of the script
* will be built more robustly using the singapore class to greater advantage.
* @author Tamlyn Rhodes <tam at zenology dot co dot uk>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License
* @copyright (c)2004-2005 Tamlyn Rhodes
* @version 0.1
//relative path to the singapore base installation
$basePath = '../';
//remove the built in time limit
// require main class
require_once $basePath."includes/singapore.class.php";
//create singapore object
$sg = new Singapore($basePath);
function showAllThumbnails(&$sg, &$gal)
echo "<li>Entering <code>".$gal->name()."</code></li>\n";
echo "<ul>\n";
echo "<li>".$gal->thumbnailHTML()."</li>\n";
if($gal->isGallery()) {
foreach($gal->galleries as $subgal)
showAllThumbnails($sg, $sg->io->getGallery($subgal->id, $gal));
} else
foreach($gal->images as $img)
echo "<li>".$img->thumbnailHTML().$img->thumbnailHTML("","preview")."</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>batch thumbnail generator</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tools.css" />
<h1>Generating thumbnails</h1>
//start recursive thumbnail generation
showAllThumbnails($sg, $sg->gallery);
<p>All done! <a href="index.html">Return</a> to tools.</p>
0,0 → 1,58
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>singapore tools</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tools.css" />
<h1>singapore tools</h1>
<p>This is a collection of tools for use with the singapore image gallery. They
must be located in a child directory of the main singapore directory
(<code>tools/</code> by default). Since they are PHP scripts they must be run
on a PHP enabled web server</p>
<h1>language tools</h1>
<p>These tools are to aid translators. They require GNU Gettext to be available
on the host system but do not require the Gettext PHP extension. Please
see the <a href="../docs/Translation.html">translation</a> readme for more
<li><a href="extract.php">Extractor</a> - for developers. Extracts
translatable strings from singapore files and current template and creates
PO template files. Unless you have edited text in the sources you do not need
to execute this.</li>
<li><a href="merge.php">Merger</a> - for translators. Merges new strings from
the PO templates with all currently available PO files.</li>
<li><a href="compile.php">Compiler</a> - for translators. Compiles all
currently available PO files into PHP serialized objects for use with singapore.</li>
<li><a href="localecache.php">Cache updater</a> - for anyone. Caches the names
of all installed languages for use with the language flipper.</li>
<h1>misc tools</h1>
<!--<li><a href="convertdb.php">Database converter</a> - copies or moves the
gallery description field of pre v0.9.10 to the summary field of v0.9.10.</li>-->
<li><a href="generate.php">Batch thumbnail generator</a> - use to generate all
album and preview thumbnails for all galleries in one go. Particularly useful
on slow servers to run overnight.</li>
<li><a href="cleanup.php">Cleanup script</a> - use this script to make all
server generated content world readable allowing you to delete it. Since this
script does not actually delete anything it is safe to be run by anyone.</li>
<li><a href="mod_rewrite.htaccess">mod_rewrite</a> - The .htaccess file you
need for use with Apache mod_rewrite. See readme for more info.</li>
<p><a href="../">Return</a> to singapore.</p>
0,0 → 1,98
* This file merges the two PO template files (singapore.pot and singapore.admin.pot)
* with all existing language files (singapore.LANG.po)
* @author Joel Sjögren <joel dot sjogren at nonea dot se>
* @author Tamlyn Rhodes <tam at zenology dot co dot uk>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License
* @copyright (c)2003, 2004 Tamlyn Rhodes
* @version $Id: localecache.php,v 1.5 2005/12/15 17:18:47 tamlyn Exp $
//require config class
$BASEPATH = "../";
require_once $BASEPATH."includes/config.class.php";
require_once $BASEPATH."includes/translator.class.php";
//get config object
$sgConfig = sgConfig::getInstance();
$sgConfig->base_path = $BASEPATH;
$OUTPUTPATH = $sgConfig->base_path.$sgConfig->pathto_locale;
$OUTPUTFILE = $sgConfig->base_path.$sgConfig->pathto_data_dir."languages.cache";
* Parses a directory and returns full path to all the files
* matching the filter (file name suffix)
* @param string $dir full directory name (must end with /)
* @param string $filter file name suffixes separated by | (optional, default don't filter)
* @return array an array with all files
function parseDirectory ($dir, $filter = 'php|html|tpl|inc')
$ret = array();
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$d = dir($dir);
while (($file = $d->read()) !== false) {
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;
$fullfile = $d->path . $file;
if (is_dir($fullfile)) $ret = array_merge($ret,parseDirectory($fullfile."/"));
else if (!$filter || preg_match("/\.({$filter})$/i", $file)) $ret[] = $fullfile;
return $ret;
function saveCache($availableLanguages, $output)
// Open data file for writing
$fp = @fopen($output, "wb") or die("Couldn't open file ({$output}).\n");
fwrite($fp, serialize($availableLanguages));
return fclose($fp);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>language cache updater</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tools.css" />
<h1>language cache updater</h1>
$files = parseDirectory($OUTPUTPATH, 'pmo');
$availableLanguages = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!preg_match("/singapore\.([\w]+)\.pmo$/i", $file, $matches)) continue;
$i18n = Translator::getInstance($matches[1]);
$availableLanguages[$matches[1]] = $i18n->languageStrings[0]['language'];
echo "Added $matches[1] => ".$i18n->languageStrings[0]['language']." to available languages.<br />\n";
//add english which has no translation files
$availableLanguages["en"] = "English";
if(saveCache($availableLanguages, $OUTPUTFILE))
echo "Cache file saved as ".$OUTPUTFILE;
echo "Could not save cache file as ".$OUTPUTFILE;
<p>All operations complete. <a href="index.html">Return</a> to tools.</p>
0,0 → 1,115
* This file merges the two PO template files (singapore.pot and singapore.admin.pot)
* with all existing language files (singapore.LANG.po)
* @author Joel Sjögren <joel dot sjogren at nonea dot se>
* @author Tamlyn Rhodes <tam at zenology dot co dot uk>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License
* @copyright (c)2003-2005 Tamlyn Rhodes
* @version $Id: merge.php,v 1.8 2006/05/08 09:40:02 thepavian Exp $
// Programs to call (insert path to them if necessary)
$GETTEXT_MERGE = "msgmerge";
$BASEPATH = realpath("..")."/";
//require config class
require_once $BASEPATH."includes/config.class.php";
//get config object
$config = sgConfig::getInstance();
$OUTPUTPATH = $BASEPATH.$config->pathto_locale;
$standardPot = $OUTPUTPATH."singapore.pot";
$adminPot = $OUTPUTPATH."singapore.admin.pot";
$createbackups = true;
* Parses a directory and returns full path to all the files
* matching the filter (file name suffix)
* @param string $dir full directory name (must end with /)
* @param string $filter file name suffixes separated by | (optional, default don't filter)
* @return array an array with all files
function parseDirectory ($dir, $filter = 'php|html|tpl|inc')
$ret = array();
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$d = dir($dir);
while (($file = $d->read()) !== false) {
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;
$fullfile = $d->path . $file;
if (is_dir($fullfile)) $ret = array_merge($ret,parseDirectory($fullfile."/"));
else if (!$filter || preg_match("/\.({$filter})$/i", $file)) $ret[] = $fullfile;
return $ret;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>i18n string merger</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tools.css" />
<h1>i18n string merger</h1>
$files = parseDirectory($OUTPUTPATH, 'po');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!preg_match("/singapore\.[\w]+\.po$/i", $file)) continue;
$backup = $file . '.bak';
if (file_exists($backup)) @unlink($backup);
@rename($file, $backup);
$res = shell_exec("{$GETTEXT_MERGE} --strict \"{$backup}\" \"" . $standardPot . "\" > \"{$file}\"");
if (trim($res)) echo "Something seemed to go wrong with msgmerge:\n" . $res . "\n";
else echo "$standardPot merged with $file<br />";
// Remove backup?
if (!@$createbackups) @unlink($backup);
//set permissions on new POT file
@chmod($standardPot, octdec($config->file_mode));
$files = parseDirectory($OUTPUTPATH, 'po');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!preg_match("/singapore\.admin\.[\w]+\.po$/i", $file)) continue;
$backup = $file . '.bak';
if (file_exists($backup)) @unlink($backup);
@rename($file, $backup);
$res = shell_exec("{$GETTEXT_MERGE} --strict \"{$backup}\" \"" . $adminPot . "\" > \"{$file}\"");
if (trim($res)) echo "Something seemed to go wrong with msgmerge:\n" . $res . "\n";
else echo "$adminPot merged with $file<br />";
// Remove backup?
if (!@$createbackups) @unlink($backup);
//set permissions on new POT file
@chmod($adminPot, octdec($config->file_mode));
<p>Once you have translated the updated PO files you may
<a href="compile.php">compile</a> them into PHP serialized objects for use with
0,0 → 1,33
# There are just two things you need to edit to make this file work on your
# installation. On each of the two lines below starting 'RewriteRule' about
# half way along the line there is a '/singapore/'. Change this to the full
# path to your installation (e.g. the bit after the .com, .org or whatever)
# then rename this file to .htaccess and put it in the singapore root
# directory (the one containing thumb.php). Finally don't forget to turn on
# use_mod_rewrite and update the base_path in singapore.ini. Voila!
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
# rewrite galleries
# url must end in / and gallery names must not contain commas (,)
# example: /singapore/gallery/subgallery,20/
# becomes: /singapore/index.php?gallery=gallery/subgallery&startat=20
RewriteRule ^([^,]+)(,([0-9]+))?/$ /singapore/index.php?gallery=$1&startat=$3&%{QUERY_STRING} [ne]
# rewrite images
# do not rewrite requests to files and directories that really exist
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
# example: /singapore/gallery/subgallery/myphoto.jpeg
# becomes: /singapore/index.php?gallery=gallery/subgallery&image=myphoto.jpeg
RewriteRule ^((.*)/)?([^/]+\.(jpeg|jpg|jpe|png|gif|bmp|tif|tiff))$ /singapore/index.php?gallery=$2&image=$3&%{QUERY_STRING} [ne,nc]
# rewrite feed.xml to the rss template
# example: /singapore/gallery/feed.xml
# becomes: /singapore/index.php?gallery=gallery&template=rss
RewriteRule ^((.*)/)?feed.xml$ /singapore/index.php?gallery=$2&template=rss&%{QUERY_STRING} [ne]
0,0 → 1,82
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