Problem with comparison.
0,0 → 1,96
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Welcome at MLAB site
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This is noncommercial web about electronics with original designs.
We are especially interested in microcontrollers and small robots.
The web is not finished yet, in fact we are working on it these days.
Select your prefered language (not working yet)
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<a href="index.en.html"><img border=0 width=22 height=13 src="GBR.gif" alt="Britská vlajka"></a>
On this web there are published
<a href="AboutMLAB.en.html">MLAB</a>
modules, their documentation and other original papers about electronics
and designs written by our
<a href="AboutAuthors.en.html">authors</a>.
We want to brink <i>new valuable information</i>. We are the authors not
the web links collectors. More information about our goals and about this web
is on the page
<a href="AboutWeb.en.html">about MLAB web</a>.
<h1> Fast links just for test </h1>
<p> <a href="PICPGR301A.en.html">PICPGR301A </a> </p>
<p> <a href="Cestina_UTF8.html" >Test èeštiny UTF8 </a> </p>
<p> <a href="Cestina_CP1250.html">Test èeštiny CP1250 </a> </p>
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