3,8 → 3,8
(define-layer! 7 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-F_Mask.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(65535 50629 13107)))
(define-layer! 6 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-F_Cu.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(53713 6939 26728)))
(define-layer! 5 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-Edge_Cuts.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(54741 65021 13107)))
(define-layer! 4 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-Dwgs_User.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(0 50115 50115)))
(define-layer! 3 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-B_SilkS.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(30069 62194 26471)))
(define-layer! 4 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-Dwgs_User.gbr")(cons 'visible #f)(cons 'color #(0 50115 50115)))
(define-layer! 3 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-B_SilkS.gbr")(cons 'visible #f)(cons 'color #(30069 62194 26471)))
(define-layer! 2 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-B_Mask.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(49601 0 57568)))
(define-layer! 1 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-B_Cu.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(65535 32639 29555)))
(define-layer! 0 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B.drl")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(29555 29555 57054))(cons 'attribs (list (list 'autodetect 'Boolean 1) (list 'zero_supression 'Enum 1) (list 'units 'Enum 1) (list 'digits 'Integer 3))))
1,4 → 1,3
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="Web/CSS/MLAB.css" type="text/css" title="MLAB základní styl">
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="Web/CSS/MLAB_Print.css" type="text/css" media="print">
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="Web/PIC/MLAB.ico">
67,13 → 67,13
<!-- ============== TEXT ============== -->
<div class="Text">
<p class="Title">
MLAB Projekt - open-source hardware pro každého
Open-source stavebnice MLAB
<a href="index.cs.html"><img class="NoBorder" width=22 height=13 src="./Web/PIC/CZE.gif" alt="Česká vlajka"></a>
<a href="index.en.html"><img class="NoBorder" width=22 height=13 src="./Web/PIC/GBR.gif" alt="Britská vlajka"></a>
<p class="Subtitle">
Vítejte na stránkách projektu MLAB - místa orginálních řěšení. Nezáleží zda jste profesionál nebo amatérský nadšenec, modulární systém MLAB zjednoduší vaši práci při vývoji elektroniky. S námi se na své cíle můžete zaměřit ihned.
Tento WEB je plný originálních návrhů modulů a řešení.
<p class="Subtitle">
<a href="./Web/PIC/about_bastl.jpg"><img src="./Web/PIC/about_bastl_small.jpg" alt="Typical MLAB design"></a>
67,13 → 67,16
<!-- ============== TEXT ============== -->
<div class="Text">
<p class="Title">
The MLAB Project - an open-source hardware for everyone
Open-source hardware MLAB project
<a href="index.cs.html"><img class="NoBorder" width=22 height=13 src="Web/PIC/CZE.gif" alt="Czech Flag"></a>
<a href="index.en.html"><img class="NoBorder" width=22 height=13 src="Web/PIC/GBR.gif" alt="British Flag"></a>
<p class=Subtitle>
Welcome to MLAB Project website - a place with original solutions. No matter if you are a professional develop or a hobbyist, the MLAB modular system simplifies your work in electronics development. With us, you can focus on your goals straight away.
This is a noncommercial web about electronics with original designs.
You can find here a lot of electronic modules and you can use its when developing
some electronics. It does not matter if you are professional
developer or hobbyist. You will be surprised by the quality!
<p class="Subtitle">
<a href="./Web/PIC/about_bastl.jpg"><img src="./Web/PIC/about_bastl_small.jpg" alt="Typical MLAB design"></a>
82,7 → 85,10
<iframe src="http://prezi.com/embed/zdjlfo5zm79e/?bgcolor=ffffff&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;autoplay=0&amp;autohide_ctrls=0#" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="400" width="550"></iframe>
For more information see:
On this web there are published MLAB modules,
their documentation and other original papers about electronics and designs
written by our authors. More information about our goals and about this web
is on these pages:
<li><a href="./Web/About.en.html">About MLAB project</a></li>