3,16 → 3,41 |
declare(strict_types=1); |
use Rector\Config\RectorConfig; |
use Rector\Set\ValueObject\SetList; |
use Rector\TypeDeclaration\Rector\ClassMethod\AddVoidReturnTypeWhereNoReturnRector; |
return RectorConfig::configure() |
->withPaths([ |
return static function (RectorConfig $rectorConfig): void { |
$rectorConfig->paths([ |
__DIR__ . '/Articles', |
__DIR__ . '/Server', |
__DIR__ . '/Web', |
]) |
// uncomment to reach your current PHP version |
// ->withPhpSets() |
->withRules([ |
]); |
// Uncomment and set this to your target PHP version |
$rectorConfig->phpVersion(PHP_VERSION_ID); // for PHP 8, this might be 80000 for 8.0 |
// Include sets of rules for PHP version upgrades |
// For upgrading to PHP 8.0 |
$rectorConfig->sets([ |
SetList::PHP_80, |
]); |
// Optionally, include PHP 7.x sets if upgrading from PHP 5 |
$rectorConfig->sets([ |
SetList::PHP_70, |
SetList::PHP_71, |
SetList::PHP_72, |
SetList::PHP_73, |
SetList::PHP_74, |
SetList::PHP_80, // Ensure this is the last to apply PHP 8 changes |
]); |
// Custom rules (you can keep this if you need specific rules like the one below) |
$rectorConfig->rules([ |
AddVoidReturnTypeWhereNoReturnRector::class, |
]); |
// Uncomment and adjust to your current PHP version |
// This helps Rector make decisions based on your starting PHP version. |
// $rectorConfig->phpVersion(70400); // Example for PHP 7.4 |
}; |