179,10 → 179,11
print "Configuring stepper motor.."
X = axis(spi, 0, 1) # set Number of Steps per axis Unit and set Direction of Rotation
maximum_speed = X.MaxSpeed(200.0)
maximum_speed = X.MaxSpeed(100.0)
print "Motor speed limit is: %f steps/s" % maximum_speed
running = False
print "Waiting for IR command.."
while True: # set maximal motor speed
189,18 → 190,26
key = pylirc.nextcode() ## preccessing the IR remote control commands.
if key == ['start']:
real_speed = X.Run(1, SPEED)
print "Motor running at: %f steps/s" % real_speed
running = True
requested_speed = SPEED
if key == ['faster']:
real_speed = X.Run(1, SPEED * 1.2) # runnig the motor at 120% of the base motor speed
print "Motor running at: %f steps/s" % real_speed
running = True
requested_speed = SPEED * 1.2 # runnig the motor at 120% of the base motor speed
if key == ['slower']:
real_speed = X.Run(1, SPEED * 0.8)
print "Motor running at: %f steps/s" % real_speed
running = True
requested_speed = SPEED * 0.8
if key == ['stop']:
running = False
if running == True:
real_speed = X.Run(1, requested_speed)
print "Motor running at: %f steps/s" % real_speed
X.Float(hard=False) # release power
print "Stopping the motor."