81,7 → 81,7
<a href="./Web/Designs.cs.html" ><img src="./Web/PIC/pic_designs.cs.gif" alt="Konstrukce"></a>
<p class="title"><b>
Právě probíhá migrace serveru na nové želeso. Po dobu migrace bude fungování serveru omezeno.
Za komplikace se omlouváme.
83,7 → 83,7
<a href="./Web/Modules.en.html" ><img class="NoBorder" src="./Web/PIC/pic_modules.en.gif" alt="Modules" ></a>
<a href="./Web/Designs.en.html" ><img class="NoBorder" src="./Web/PIC/pic_designs.en.gif" alt="Designs" ></a>
<p class="title"><b>
Hardware upgrade is just made. The server will not work properly until the process is finished.
We aplologize for inconvenience.