61,7 → 61,7
Because we are not English native speakers it is not easy to write large
English texts. We hope that the most information is international
(schematics, pictures, sources) so only the detailed text can be
problem. If you have any question, please ask and we will try to answer.
problem. If you have any question, please ask us and we will try to answer.
<h2> I have found a bug or typo. What should I do? </h2>
77,7 → 77,7
All design data (schematic files, PCB files, sources and so on) is
stored in SubVersion database on our server. You can browse the database
using your web client because we have
<a href= "http://www.mlab.cz/WebSVN/listing.php?repname=MLAB&amp;path=%2F&amp;sc=0&amp;langchoice=English" title="Webové rozhraní pro SVN databázi">WebSVN</a> server.
<a href= "http://www.mlab.cz/WebSVN/listing.php?repname=MLAB&amp;path=%2F&amp;sc=0&amp;langchoice=English" title="Web interface for SVN database">WebSVN</a> server.
You can browse or look at any single file or you can download the whole
(compressed) subdirectory of the project you are interested in.
74,15 → 74,9
<p class=Subtitle>
This is a noncommercial web about electronics with original designs.
We are especially interested in micro-controllers and small robots.
You can find here a lot of electronic modules and you can use its when developing
some electronics. It does not matter if you are professional
developer or hobbyist. You will be surprised by the quality!
The web is being continuously improved so if you find any problem let our
<a href="./Web/AboutAuthors.en.html#WebMaster">webmaster</a> know.
<p class="Rozcestnik">
<a href="./Web/Articles.en.html"><img class="NoBorder" src="./Web/PIC/pic_articles.en.gif" alt="Articles"></a>
92,9 → 86,7
On this web there are published MLAB modules,
their documentation and other original papers about electronics and designs
written by our authors.
We want to bring <i>new valuable information</i>. We are the authors not
the web links collectors. More information about our goals and about this web
written by our authors. More information about our goals and about this web
is on these pages: