; ======================================================================
; Calculate and append CRC
; There are two versions of the CRC16 calculation, selectable by the
; USBTINY_FAST_CRC macro. The default implementation calculates one bit
; at a time, and is compact but relatively slow. The "fast" version
; processes 4 bits at a time, and is about twice as fast, but 42 bytes
; larger.
; The fast version calculates 4 bits at a time, using a precomputed table
; of 16 values. Each value is 16 bits, but only the 8 significant bits
; are stored. The table should not cross a 256-byte page. The check.py
; script will check for this. An 8 bit algoritm would be even faster,
; but requires a lookup table of 512 bytes.
; Copyright 2006-2010 Dick Streefland
; This is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General
; Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
; ======================================================================

#include "def.h"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; void crc(unsigned char *data, unsigned char len);
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define data    r24
#define len     r22

#define b       r18
#define tmp     r19
#define zl      r20
#define crc_l   r24
#define crc_h   r25

        .global crc
        .type   crc, @function
        ; crc = 0xffff
        movw    XL, r24
        ldi     crc_h, 0xff
        ldi     crc_l, 0xff
        ldi     zl, lo8(crc4tab)
        ldi     ZH, hi8(crc4tab)
        rjmp    entry

        ; crc ^= b
        ld      b, X+
        eor     crc_l, b

        ; index1 = crc & 0x0f
        mov     ZL, crc_l
        andi    ZL, 0x0f

        ; tmp = crc4tab[index1]
        add     ZL, zl
        lpm     tmp, Z+

        ; index2 = (crc >> 4)
        mov     ZL, crc_l
        swap    ZL

        ; crc >>= 8
        mov     crc_l, crc_h

        ; index2 = (index2 ^ tmp) & 0xf
        mov     crc_h, tmp
        andi    tmp, 1
        eor     ZL, tmp
        andi    ZL, 0x0f

        ; treat upper byte of CRC remainder
        swap    crc_h
        mov     tmp, crc_h
        andi    crc_h, 0x0f
        andi    tmp, 0xe0
        eor     crc_l, tmp

        ; crc ^= crc4tab[index]
        add     ZL, zl
        lpm     tmp, Z+
        eor     crc_h, tmp
        andi    tmp, 1
        eor     crc_h, tmp
        eor     crc_l, tmp

        ; next byte
        dec     len
        brpl    next_byte

        ; crc ^= 0xffff
        com     crc_l
        com     crc_h

        ; append crc to buffer
        st      X+, crc_l
        st      X+, crc_h


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; CRC table. As bits 1..8 are always zero, omit them.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        .section .progmem.crc,"a",@progbits
;;;     .align  4               ; crude way to avoid crossing a page boundary
        .byte   0x00+0x00
        .byte   0xcc+0x01
        .byte   0xd8+0x01
        .byte   0x14+0x00
        .byte   0xf0+0x01
        .byte   0x3c+0x00
        .byte   0x28+0x00
        .byte   0xe4+0x01
        .byte   0xa0+0x01
        .byte   0x6c+0x00
        .byte   0x78+0x00
        .byte   0xb4+0x01
        .byte   0x50+0x00
        .byte   0x9c+0x01
        .byte   0x88+0x01
        .byte   0x44+0x00
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
for crc in range(16):
        for bit in range(4):
                xor = crc & 1
                crc >>= 1
                if xor:
                        crc ^= 0xA001   # X^16 + X^15 + X^2 + 1 (reversed)
        print "\t.byte\t0x%02x+0x%02x" % (crc >> 8, crc & 0xff)
\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; void crc(unsigned char *data, unsigned char len);
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define data    r24
#define len     r22

#define b       r18
#define con_01  r19
#define con_a0  r20
#define crc_l   r24
#define crc_h   r25

        .global crc
        .type   crc, @function
        movw    XL, r24
        ldi     crc_h, 0xff
        ldi     crc_l, 0xff
        tst     len
        breq    done1
        ldi     con_a0, 0xa0
        ldi     con_01, 0x01
        ld      b, X+
        eor     crc_l, b
        ldi     b, 8
        lsr     crc_h
        ror     crc_l
        brcc    noxor
        eor     crc_h, con_a0
        eor     crc_l, con_01
        dec     b
        brne    next_bit
        dec     len
        brne    next_byte
        com     crc_l
        com     crc_h
        st      X+, crc_l
        st      X+, crc_h