#ifndef __CONFIG_H_ 
#define __CONFIG_H_

// Define USB pin names
// --------------------

#if! defined (__AVR_ATtiny45__)
#define CONFIG_USB_PORT         D
#define CONFIG_USB_DPLUS        2
#define CONFIG_USB_DMINUS       4
#define CONFIG_USB_PORT         B
#define CONFIG_USB_DPLUS        2
#define CONFIG_USB_DMINUS       0

// SPI Config
// ----------

#define ENABLE_SCL_EXPAND       // wait for slow target device (SCL L state hold in L state)

// CPU Compatibility
// -----------------

// ATmega88 --> ATmega8 (USART0 Registers to USART Registers)
#ifdef UDR0
        #define UDR UDR0

#ifdef UDRE0
        #define UDRE UDRE0

#ifdef UCSR0A
        #define UCSRA UCSR0A

// Macros for Port (enables to easily define IO signals)
// ---------------
#define GLUE(A,B) A##B
#define DDR(PORT_LETTER)  GLUE(DDR, PORT_LETTER)                // Makes DDRC  from DDR(C) etc.
#define PORT(PORT_LETTER) GLUE(PORT,PORT_LETTER)                // Makes PORTC from PORT(C)
#define PIN(PORT_LETTER)  GLUE(PIN, PORT_LETTER)                // Makes PINC  from PIN(C)
