// Include FTDI library
#include "mlab_xvcd_port_FTDI.h"

// JTAG Output Pin Mask
#define IO_OUTPUT_MASK                          (PORT_TCK|PORT_TDI|PORT_TMS|PORT_LED)           // Mask for all Output Pins

// Global Variables
FT_HANDLE               ftHandle;                                                                                       // Handle for FTDI device
bool                            ftHandleValid   =       false;                                          // Valid Handle
unsigned char   PinStatus               =       0;                                                              //      Status of DBUS pins
unsigned char   LedMask                 =       0;                                                              //      LED Mask for DBUS data transfer

// Convert string to int (both decimal and hex string)
int atoiEx(char *s)
        if (s[0]=='0' && (s[1]=='x' || s[1]=='X'))
                // Hex Value
                int i;
                #pragma warning(disable: 4996) // Disable MS warning about scanf
                sscanf(s, "%x", &i);
                return i;
                // Decimal Value
                return atoi(s);

// Print FTDI Pin Names (from mask value)
void jtagPrintPinNames(int pinMask)
        // 16bit (MSB is CBUS, LSB is DBUS)
        int bit=15;
        bool useDelimiter=false;

                int mask = 1 << bit;
                if (pinMask & mask)
                        if (useDelimiter)
                        if (bit > 7)
                                printf("CBUS%c", '0' + bit - 8);
                                printf("DBUS%c", '0' + bit);
                                switch (mask)
                                        case FTDI_TXD: printf("(TXD)"); break;
                                        case FTDI_RXD: printf("(RXD)"); break;
                                        case FTDI_RTS: printf("(RTS)"); break;
                                        case FTDI_CTS: printf("(CTS)"); break;
                                        case FTDI_DTR: printf("(DTR)"); break;
                                        case FTDI_DSR: printf("(DSR)"); break;
                                        case FTDI_DCD: printf("(DCD)"); break;
                                        case FTDI_RI:  printf("(RI) "); break;
                        useDelimiter = true;
        while (bit-- > 0);

// Verify pin usage
void jtagCheckPinConfig()
        // Check CBUS usage
        if ( PORT_TCK > 0x00FF )
                fprintf(stderr, "\nFTDI: INTERNAL ERROR: TCK can't use CBUS signal"), exit(2);
        if ( PORT_TCK == 0 )
                fprintf(stderr, "\nFTDI: INTERNAL ERROR: TCK not defined"), exit(2);
        if ( PORT_TDI > 0x00FF )
                fprintf(stderr, "\nFTDI: INTERNAL ERROR: TDI can't use CBUS signal"), exit(2);
        if ( PORT_TDI == 0 )
                fprintf(stderr, "\nFTDI: INTERNAL ERROR: TDI not defined"), exit(2);

        if ( PORT_TDO > 0x00FF )
                fprintf(stderr, "\nFTDI: INTERNAL ERROR: TDO can't use CBUS signal"), exit(2);
        if ( PORT_TDO == 0 )
                fprintf(stderr, "\nFTDI: INTERNAL ERROR: TDO not defined"), exit(2);

        if ( PORT_TMS > 0x00FF)
                fprintf(stderr, "\nFTDI: INTERNAL ERROR: TMS can't use CBUS signal"), exit(2);
        if ( PORT_TMS == 0 )
                fprintf(stderr, "\nFTDI: INTERNAL ERROR: TMS not defined"), exit(2);

        if ( PORT_LED > 0x0FFF)
                fprintf(stderr, "\nFTDI: INTERNAL ERROR: LED can't use CBUS signal > 3"), exit(2);

// Print JTAG Pin Assignment
void jtagPrintPinConfig()
        // Print pin masks human readable
        printf("  JTAG Port Pins    "); printf("TCK->"); jtagPrintPinNames(PORT_TCK); printf("\n");
        printf("                    "); printf("TDI->"); jtagPrintPinNames(PORT_TDI); printf("\n");
        printf("                    "); printf("TDO->"); jtagPrintPinNames(PORT_TDO); printf("\n");
        printf("                    "); printf("TMS->"); jtagPrintPinNames(PORT_TMS); printf("\n");
        printf("                    "); printf("LED->"); jtagPrintPinNames(PORT_LED); printf("\n");

// Connect to FTDI driver
int jtagOpenPort(int findDeviceBy, char *findDeviceByStr)
        // Enumerate FTDI Devices
        // ----------------------

        FT_STATUS ftStatus;

        // Print Library Version
        printf("FTDI Connect\n");
        DWORD dwLibraryVer;
        ftStatus = FT_GetLibraryVersion(&dwLibraryVer);
        if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                printf("  Library Version   0x%x\n", dwLibraryVer);
                fprintf(stderr, "\nFTDI: Error Reading Library Version\n");

        // Create Device Information List
        DWORD numDevs = 0;
        ftStatus = FT_CreateDeviceInfoList(&numDevs);
        if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                printf("  Devices Found     %d\n", numDevs);
                printf("  No FTDI Device Found\n");

        if (numDevs==0)
                return -1;

        // Print Config Info

        // List All FTDI Devices
        FT_HANDLE ftHandleTemp;
        DWORD Flags;
        DWORD ID;
        DWORD Type;
        DWORD LocId;
        char SerialNumber[16];
        char Description[64];
        for (DWORD i=0; i<numDevs; i++)
                ftStatus = FT_GetDeviceInfoDetail(i, &Flags, &Type, &ID, &LocId, SerialNumber, Description, &ftHandleTemp);
                if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                        printf("Device %d\n", i);
                        if (Flags & FT_FLAGS_OPENED)
                                printf("  Description       Device is used by another process\n");
                                printf("  Description       \"%s\"\n", Description);
                                printf("  SerialNumber      \"%s\"\n", SerialNumber);
                                //printf("  Flags             0x%x\n",   Flags);
                                //printf("  Type              0x%x\n",   Type);
                                //printf("  ID                0x%x\n",   ID);
                                printf("  Location          0x%x\n", LocId);

        // Select one Device and Open It
        unsigned int selectedDeviceIndex = 0;
        if (findDeviceBy==0)
                // Select by Device Number
                selectedDeviceIndex = atoiEx(findDeviceByStr);
                if (numDevs<=selectedDeviceIndex)
                        fprintf(stderr, "  There is no Device Number %d\n\n", selectedDeviceIndex);
                        return -1;
                // Open device
                ftStatus = FT_Open(selectedDeviceIndex, &ftHandle);
                // Select by Description / Serial Number / Location
                if (findDeviceBy==FT_OPEN_BY_LOCATION)
                        // Open device (location is number, not string)
                        int findDeviceByInt = atoiEx(findDeviceByStr);
                        ftStatus = FT_OpenEx((void*)findDeviceByInt, findDeviceBy, &ftHandle);
                        ftStatus = FT_OpenEx(findDeviceByStr, findDeviceBy, &ftHandle);

        // Check Status
        if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                ftHandleValid = true;
                //printf("  FTDI Device Opened\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "  Can't Open FTDI Device (error code %d)\n\n", ftStatus);
                return -1;

        // Selected Device
        ftStatus = FT_GetDeviceInfo(ftHandle, &Type, &ID, SerialNumber, Description, 0);
        if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                printf("Selected Device\n");
                printf("  Description       \"%s\"\n", Description);
                printf("  SerialNumber      \"%s\"\n", SerialNumber);
                //printf("  Type              0x%x\n",   Type);
                //printf("  ID                0x%x\n",   ID);

        // Get Driver Version
        DWORD dwDriverVer;
        ftStatus = FT_GetDriverVersion(ftHandle, &dwDriverVer);
        if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                printf("  Device Driver Ver 0x%x\n", dwDriverVer);
                fprintf(stderr, "FTDI: Error Reading Driver Version\n");

        // Set BitBang Mode
        if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                // printf("Set BitBang Mode\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "FTDI: Set BitBang Mode Failed %d\n", ftStatus);

        // Set Baud Rate
        ftStatus = FT_SetBaudRate(ftHandle, BAUD_RATE);
        if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                printf("  Baud Rate         %d\n", BAUD_RATE);
                fprintf(stderr, "FTDI: Set Baud Rate Failed %d\n", ftStatus);

        ftStatus = FT_Purge(ftHandle, FT_PURGE_RX | FT_PURGE_TX); // Purge both Rx and Tx buffers
        if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                // printf("Purge \n");
                fprintf(stderr, "FTDI: FT_Purge failed %d\n", ftStatus);

        ftStatus = FT_SetLatencyTimer(ftHandle, USB_LATENCY);   // Latency in ms
        if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                printf("  USB Latency       %d\n", USB_LATENCY);
                fprintf(stderr, "FTDI: Set USB Latency Timer Failed %d\n", ftStatus);

        return 0;

// Enable or Disable Activity LED
void jtagSetLED(bool LedEnable)

        // DBUS Connected LED (BitBang Mode)
        LedMask = LedEnable ? (PORT_LED & 0xFF) : 0;    // Set mask for jtagScan function
        if (PORT_LED & 0xFF)
                // Set / Reset LED Pin
                DWORD BytesWritten;
                DWORD BytesReceived;
                unsigned char DataOut = LedMask | (PinStatus & ~PORT_LED);      //      Preserve PinStatus
                unsigned char Dummy;
                FT_Write(ftHandle, &DataOut, 1, &BytesWritten );        // Send 1 byte
                FT_Read (ftHandle, &Dummy,   1, &BytesReceived);        // Read 1 byte
//printf("[PinStatus %x DataOut %x]", PinStatus, DataOut);

        // CBUS Connected LED (BitBang Mode) 1 and 0 state of the port
        const unsigned char On  = ( ((PORT_LED & 0x0F00) >> 4) | ((PORT_LED & 0x0F00) >> 8) );
        const unsigned char Off = ( ((PORT_LED & 0x0F00) >> 4)                                );

        if (On)
                // Set / Reset LED Pin
                FT_SetBitMode(ftHandle, LedEnable ? On : Off, FT_BITMODE_CBUS_BITBANG);

                // Return to used Mode

// Set port to Idle state
void jtagSetIdle()
        char b = 0;             // Idle State for JTAG pins
        DWORD BytesWritten;
        DWORD BytesReceived;

        // Write (idle state of pins)
        FT_Write(ftHandle, &b, 1, &BytesWritten);
        // Read (not to left data in input fifo)
        FT_Read(ftHandle, &b, 1, &BytesReceived);

// Close FTDI connection
int jtagClosePort()
        if (ftHandleValid)
                // Switch Off the Outputs
                FT_Purge(ftHandle, FT_PURGE_RX | FT_PURGE_TX); // Purge both Rx and Tx buffers
                FT_SetBitMode(ftHandle, 0, FT_BITMODE_SYNC_BITBANG);
                // Close FTDI Lib
                ftHandleValid = false;
        return 0;

// Send data to JTAG port and bring returned data
int jtagScan(const unsigned char *TMS, const unsigned char *TDI, unsigned char *TDO, unsigned int bits)
        FT_STATUS ftStatus;
        DWORD BytesWritten;
        DWORD BytesReceived;
        unsigned int r, t;

        // Decompose TDI and TMS byte array to raw bitstream
        //(1 TDI bit + 1 TMS bit --> 1 byte + 1 byte with TCK)
        unsigned char buffer[16384];
        if (bits > sizeof(buffer)/2)
                fprintf(stderr, "\n  FTDI: Out of Buffer Space for %d bits\n", bits);
                return -1;

        // Switch LED On

        // Prepare transmit data to buffer
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bits; ++i)
                unsigned char v = 0 | LedMask;  // LED On / Off (on DBUS)
                if (TMS[i/8] & (1<<(i&7)))
                        v |= PORT_TMS;
                        // printf("T");
                        // printf("t");
                if (TDI[i/8] & (1<<(i&7)))
                        v |= PORT_TDI;
                        // printf("|");
                        // printf(".");
                buffer[i * 2 + 0] = v;
                buffer[i * 2 + 1] = v | PORT_TCK;
        PinStatus = buffer[bits*2-1];
        // printf("\n");

        // Send data to FTDI
        r = 0;
        while (r < bits * 2)
                t = bits * 2 - r;
                if (t > FTDI_MAX_WRITESIZE)
                        t = FTDI_MAX_WRITESIZE;
                // printf("writing %d bytes to FTDI\n", t);
                ftStatus = FT_Write(ftHandle, buffer+r, t, &BytesWritten);
                if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
                                fprintf(stderr, "\n  FTDI: Error Writing\n");
                                return -2;

                unsigned int i = 0;
                while (i < t)
                        FT_SetTimeouts(ftHandle, 5000, 0);      // timeout 5 sec
                        ftStatus = FT_Read(ftHandle, buffer+r+i, t-i, &BytesReceived);
                        if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
                                if (BytesReceived == t-i)
                                        // FT_Read OK
                                        // printf("Read from FTDI %d bytes", BytesReceived);
                                        // FT_Read Timeout
                                        fprintf(stderr, "\n  FTDI: Read Timeout\n");
                                        return -2;
                                fprintf(stderr, "\n  FTDI: Error Reading\n");// Error
                                return -2;

                        i += BytesReceived;
                r += t;

        // Pack TDO bitstream from receive buffer to byte array
        memset(TDO, 0, (bits + 7) / 8);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bits; ++i)
                if (buffer[i * 2 + 1] & PORT_TDO)
                        TDO[i/8] |= 1 << (i&7);
                        // printf("H");
                        // printf("L");
        // printf("\n");
        // printf(" Bits %d ", bit_counter);

        // Switch LED Off

        return 0;

// Check if Cable is still connected and accesible
// True is o.k.
bool CheckCable()
        FT_STATUS ftStatus;

        DWORD lpdwAmountInRxQueue, lpdwAmountInTxQueue, lpdwEventStatus;

        ftStatus = FT_GetStatus(ftHandle, &lpdwAmountInRxQueue, &lpdwAmountInTxQueue, &lpdwEventStatus);
        return (ftStatus==FT_OK);