#ifndef __twi_aap_h__
#define __two_aap_h__

#include <compat/twi.h>

#include "common.h"
#include "usart.h"
#include "guids.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
//#define SERIAL_DBG

namespace EEPROM_layout {
        const uint16_t TWI_SoftAddr_Ofs = 0xff;

namespace TWI {
        const uint8_t GeneralCallAddr = 0;
        const size_t UniqueID_Size = 16*3;
        const size_t GUID_Size = sizeof(GUID);

        struct sConfigRecord {
                uint8_t UniqueID[UniqueID_Size];
                GUID ClassID;
                GUID DevID;

        enum TWI_AAPCommands {
                TWI_AAPCmd_Reserved           = 0,
                TWI_AAPCmd_Start              = 0x20,
                TWI_AAPCmd_End                = 0x21,
                TWI_AAPCmd_ResetDevices       = 0x22,
                TWI_AAPCmd_ResetToPermAddress = 0x23,
                TWI_AAPCmd_GetConfig          = 0x24,
                TWI_AAPCmd_AssignAddress      = 0x25
        enum MainStates {
                MS_Idle = 0,

        extern uint8_t State;
        extern uint8_t LastCmd;
        extern uint8_t SoftAddress;

        inline void Init() {
                TWBR = 32; // 100kHz with an 8MHz crystal
//              TWBR = 16; // 200kHz with an 8MHz crystal
                TWSR = 0; // pre-scaler: 1
                TWCR = (1 << TWEA) | (1 << TWEN) | (1 << TWIE) | (1 << TWINT);
                if (TWSR == TW_BUS_ERROR) SETBIT(TWCR,(1 << TWSTO)); // reset TWI
                TWAMR = 0; // all address bits matter
                State = MS_Idle;
                SoftAddress = EEPROM::GetByte(EEPROM_layout::TWI_SoftAddr_Ofs);
                if (SoftAddress == 0xff) SoftAddress = 0;
                SoftAddress &= 0xfe;
//              TWAR = GeneralCallAddr | 1; // General call recognition and slave-receiver mode through address being 0
                TWAR = SoftAddress | 1;
                LastCmd = TWI_AAPCmd_Reserved;

        // These used in all states, including user states, so make them available.
        extern uint8_t TWIStatus;
        extern uint8_t TWIData;
        extern uint8_t TWIPrevData;
        extern uint8_t TWIControl;

        void ResetTWITransmit();
        void ResetTWIReceive();
        void ResetTWI();

#endif // __twi_aap_h__