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<h1> About MLAB </h1>
        <a href="PIC/about_bastl.jpg"><img width=480 height=360 src="PIC/about_bastl_small.jpg"
         alt="Sample picture"></a>

      <h2>Purpose </h2>
        Basic reason for existence of MLAB is the need for opened robust and
        somehow universal kit (as a box of universal bricks) for both electronic
        hobbyists and professionals. MLAB is focused on general electronics and
        microcontroller technology. It can be used for tuition as well.

        In opposite to another more known projects such as Arduino the MLAB is not a development platform 
        focused to only one architecture of microprocessors but uses many types of chips from much              
        manufactures. In addition the MLAB provide much better design reliability which is achieved by using 
        the base board usually made from aluminium or single sided PCB material. The board is not only
        mechanical support but it is a good ground conductor as well.
        The base is furnished by holes for fastening of individual MLAB modules.
        The holes are places on a grid every 10.16mm (0.4inch). Dimension of a
        module can be any integer number of grid and screws are usually places
        to all four corners.
        <a href="PIC/about_montage.jpg"><img width=480 height=360 src="PIC/about_montage_small.jpg"
         alt="Assembling of modules on the base"></a>
        Electrical connections are made by stranded wires with female connectors
        on both sides. On modules there are prepared jumper connectors in common
        raster 2.54mm (that is 1/10 inch). Wires can be easily obtained from old
        printer cable. There are a lot of wires of different colors, almost free.
        <a href="PIC/about_wires.jpg"><img width=480 height=360 src="PIC/about_wires_small.jpg"
         alt="Picture of wires"></a>
        For power supplies it is used the same jumper connectors. Usually this
          For +5V 3-pin jumpers are used. Both side pins are grounds and middle
          pin is power. This type of connector is used for stabilized +5V or for
          small voltage from batteries.
          For power above +5V (typically +12V or +16V for programmer or for
          power electronics it is used 4-pin jumper connectors. Both side pins
          are ground and two middle pins are power. It is supposed that
          experimenter knows that he deals with “hi voltage” that can be
          dangerous for some devices.

<h1> About web </h1>
      <h2> Why this web was created </h2>
          The web was created because we believe that we have something to publish.
          The main reason was the MLAB project. It is some sort of construction kit
          or electronic "lego". MLAB modules proved useable so well that we whish to share
          it with the others.
      <h2> What can you find here </h2>
          Everything about MLAB (documentation, design files etc.) and a lot of other
          things. Some articles about electronics. Everything is original written by our
      <h2> Language </h2>
          The web is primary in Czech language but some information is translated
          into English. When the text is not in English it is presented in Czech.
          Schematics, tables, source files and other design data are considered
          to be international enough to be valuable even without translated text.
          The translation may not be done well. If you can see errors let us know, please.
      <h2> Who are the authors </h2>
          Several keen electronics and hobbyists. Our hobby is our job as well.
          The web and MLAB project are noncommercial and they are created in
          authors free time.
      <h2> Something does not work? </h2>
          Let us know and we will try to mend or improve it (if the result is worth
          the effort).
      <h2> How does it work inside? </h2>
          The base component is SubVersion system (source code version system, similar
          to CVS or SourSafe). Every piece of information is in SubVersion database and
          web content is automatically generated. SubVersion is primarily intended for
          the authors. Users do not need to install SubVersion client. The content of SVN
          is accessible via WebSVN Web interface (read only).
          Web server is Apache 2 running on Linux.
          Web pages are based on HTML4 and CSS2. They are not optimised for
          any particular browser and we hope that we avoided successfully all important
          bugs of widely used browsers.

      <h1> About authors </h1>
          In the beginning of the project MLAB was developed by few <a href="../Web/AboutAuthors.en.html">authors</a>. But now MLAB is continually improved by much more wide community. Some of main contributors is listed on project wiki page.

<h1> Copyrights </h1>

      <h2> Extend </h2>
          The whole content of this web is copyrighted material and remains as is
          even if it is stored or spread by any means (web, computer, operational memory).

      <h2> Warranties </h2>
          The authors gives the project as is without any warranty. They particularly do not
          guarantee the accuracy, completeness and suitability for any purpose.
          Thinking is required.

      <h2> What is allowed </h2>
          It is possible to use the project for noncommercial purposes and for personal
          studying. Commercial organizations may use it for their own internal needs
          but as a part of training of their customers or partners.
          Original and derived project may be published provided that they contain
          link to MLAB web <a href="http://www.mlab.cz"> http://www.mlab.cz</a>
          and that the information about original authors is preserved.

      <h2> What is not allowed </h2>
          To use project for commercial purpose, especially for profit.
          It is not allowed to manufacture the MLAB devices or modules and sell them
          and to publish MLAB documentation by print or publish it with another
          commercial documentation.
          It is not allowed to modify the project and deploy it as commercial project.

      <h2> Exceptions </h2>
          It is possible to use MLAB against the rules above with agreement of the authors
          only. If you are not sure consult with authors.

<h1> Community communication channels </h1>

        <h2> IRC channel </h2>
          The most fastest communication channel is IRC on our server mlab.cz #mlab 

        <h2> Mailing list </h2>
          E-mail conference is powered by <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/mlab-users">google groups</a>. This is the most reliable communication method useful for universal questions addressed to mlab community. This method of communication is useful specially for questions and problems who can be needed probably even other users. 

        <h2> Facebook </h2>
          We have a facebook page too <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/MLAB/203283666377414">Facebooku</a> it is used mainly for propagation or highlighting some of main events in development.

<h1> Project partners </h1>

The MLAB project is such widespread at now that it can not be maintained by small group of contributors. As it needs much sources to stay actual and state-of-art at today technology abilities. The whole project is supported by others groups and institutions.


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