?lang_form? ?lang_select? ?lang_submit? ?lang_endform?


?curdirlinks? - Rev 6

?prevdifflink? - Blame - ?getfile?

/*! \file lcd.c \brief Character LCD driver for HD44780/SED1278 displays. */
// File Name    : 'lcd.c'
// Title                : Character LCD driver for HD44780/SED1278 displays
//                                      (usable in mem-mapped, or I/O mode)
// Author               : Pascal Stang
// Created              : 11/22/2000
// Revised              : 4/30/2002
// Version              : 1.1
// Target MCU   : Atmel AVR series
// Editor Tabs  : 4
// This code is distributed under the GNU Public License
//              which can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

#include "global.h"
#include "timer.h"

#include "lcd.h"

// custom LCD characters
unsigned char __attribute__ ((progmem)) LcdCustomChar[] =
        0x00, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x00, // 0. 0/5 full progress block
        0x00, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x00, // 1. 1/5 full progress block
        0x00, 0x1F, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1F, 0x00, // 2. 2/5 full progress block
        0x00, 0x1F, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1F, 0x00, // 3. 3/5 full progress block
        0x00, 0x1F, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x00, // 4. 4/5 full progress block
        0x00, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x00, // 5. 5/5 full progress block
        0x03, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x03, 0x00, // 6. rewind arrow
        0x00, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x00, // 7. stop block
        0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x00, // 8. pause bars
        0x18, 0x1C, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x1E, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x00, // 9. fast-forward arrow
        0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x00, // 10. scroll up arrow
        0x00, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, // 11. scroll down arrow
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // 12. blank character
        0x00, 0x0E, 0x19, 0x15, 0x13, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, // 13. animated play icon frame 0
        0x00, 0x0E, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, // 14. animated play icon frame 1
        0x00, 0x0E, 0x13, 0x15, 0x19, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, // 15. animated play icon frame 2
        0x00, 0x0E, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x11, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, // 16. animated play icon frame 3

/********************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS **********************/

void lcdInitHW(void)
        // initialize I/O ports
        // if I/O interface is in use
        // initialize LCD control lines
        cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RS);
        cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RW);
        cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E);
        // initialize LCD control lines to output
        sbi(LCD_CTRL_DDR, LCD_CTRL_RS);
        sbi(LCD_CTRL_DDR, LCD_CTRL_RW);
        sbi(LCD_CTRL_DDR, LCD_CTRL_E);
        // initialize LCD data port to input
        // initialize LCD data lines to pull-up
        #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, inb(LCD_DATA_DDR)&0x0F);             // set data I/O lines to input (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, inb(LCD_DATA_POUT)|0xF0);   // set pull-ups to on (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, 0x00);                                               // set data I/O lines to input (8bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, 0xFF);                                              // set pull-ups to on (8bit)
        // enable external memory bus if not already enabled
        sbi(MCUCR, SRE);                        // enable bus interface

void lcdBusyWait(void)
        // wait until LCD busy bit goes to zero
        // do a read from control register
        cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RS);                                // set RS to "control"
        #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, inb(LCD_DATA_DDR)&0x0F);     // set data I/O lines to input (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, inb(LCD_DATA_POUT)|0xF0);   // set pull-ups to on (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, 0x00);                                       // set data I/O lines to input (8bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, 0xFF);                                      // set pull-ups to on (8bit)
        sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RW);                                // set R/W to "read"
        sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E);                                 // set "E" line
        LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
        while(inb(LCD_DATA_PIN) & 1<<LCD_BUSY)
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E);         // clear "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                                                      // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                                      // wait
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E);         // set "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                                                      // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                                      // wait
                #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT                                            // do an extra clock for 4 bit reads
                        cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
                        LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                        LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                        sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                        LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                        LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
        cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E);                 // clear "E" line
        //      leave data lines in input mode so they can be most easily used for other purposes
        // memory bus read
        // sbi(MCUCR, SRW);                     // enable RAM waitstate
        // wait until LCD busy bit goes to zero
        while( (*((volatile unsigned char *) (LCD_CTRL_ADDR))) & (1<<LCD_BUSY) );
        // cbi(MCUCR, SRW);                     // disable RAM waitstate

void lcdControlWrite(u08 data) 
// write the control byte to the display controller
        lcdBusyWait();                                                  // wait until LCD not busy
        cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RS);                        // set RS to "control"
        cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RW);                        // set R/W to "write"
        #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT
                // 4 bit write
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, inb(LCD_DATA_DDR)|0xF0);     // set data I/O lines to output (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, (inb(LCD_DATA_POUT)&0x0F) | (data&0xF0) );  // output data, high 4 bits
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, (inb(LCD_DATA_POUT)&0x0F) | (data<<4) );    // output data, low 4 bits
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
                // 8 bit write
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, 0xFF);                               // set data I/O lines to output (8bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, data);                              // output data, 8bits
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
        //      leave data lines in input mode so they can be most easily used for other purposes
        #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, inb(LCD_DATA_DDR)&0x0F);             // set data I/O lines to input (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, inb(LCD_DATA_POUT)|0xF0);   // set pull-ups to on (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, 0x00);                       // set data I/O lines to input (8bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, 0xFF);                      // set pull-ups to on (8bit)
        // memory bus write
        //sbi(MCUCR, SRW);                      // enable RAM waitstate
        lcdBusyWait();                          // wait until LCD not busy
        *((volatile unsigned char *) (LCD_CTRL_ADDR)) = data;
        //cbi(MCUCR, SRW);                      // disable RAM waitstate

u08 lcdControlRead(void)
// read the control byte from the display controller
        register u08 data;
        lcdBusyWait();                          // wait until LCD not busy
        #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, inb(LCD_DATA_DDR)&0x0F);             // set data I/O lines to input (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, inb(LCD_DATA_POUT)|0xF0);   // set pull-ups to on (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, 0x00);                       // set data I/O lines to input (8bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, 0xFF);                      // set pull-ups to on (8bit)
        cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RS);                // set RS to "control"
        sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RW);                // set R/W to "read"
        #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT
                // 4 bit read
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                              // wait
                data = inb(LCD_DATA_PIN)&0xF0;  // input data, high 4 bits
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                              // wait
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                              // wait
                data |= inb(LCD_DATA_PIN)>>4;   // input data, low 4 bits
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
                // 8 bit read
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                              // wait
                data = inb(LCD_DATA_PIN);               // input data, 8bits
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
        //      leave data lines in input mode so they can be most easily used for other purposes
        //sbi(MCUCR, SRW);                      // enable RAM waitstate
        lcdBusyWait();                          // wait until LCD not busy
        data = *((volatile unsigned char *) (LCD_CTRL_ADDR));
        //cbi(MCUCR, SRW);                      // disable RAM waitstate
        return data;

void lcdDataWrite(u08 data) 
// write a data byte to the display
        lcdBusyWait();                                                  // wait until LCD not busy
        sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RS);                // set RS to "data"
        cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RW);                // set R/W to "write"
        #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT
                // 4 bit write
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, inb(LCD_DATA_DDR)|0xF0);     // set data I/O lines to output (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, (inb(LCD_DATA_POUT)&0x0F) | (data&0xF0) );  // output data, high 4 bits
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, (inb(LCD_DATA_POUT)&0x0F) | (data<<4) );    // output data, low 4 bits
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
                // 8 bit write
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, 0xFF);                       // set data I/O lines to output (8bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, data);                      // output data, 8bits
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
        //      leave data lines in input mode so they can be most easily used for other purposes
        #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, inb(LCD_DATA_DDR)&0x0F);             // set data I/O lines to input (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, inb(LCD_DATA_POUT)|0xF0);   // set pull-ups to on (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, 0x00);                       // set data I/O lines to input (8bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, 0xFF);                      // set pull-ups to on (8bit)
        // memory bus write
        //sbi(MCUCR, SRW);                      // enable RAM waitstate
        lcdBusyWait();                          // wait until LCD not busy
        *((volatile unsigned char *) (LCD_DATA_ADDR)) = data;
        //cbi(MCUCR, SRW);                      // disable RAM waitstate

u08 lcdDataRead(void)
// read a data byte from the display
        register u08 data;
        lcdBusyWait();                          // wait until LCD not busy
        #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, inb(LCD_DATA_DDR)&0x0F);             // set data I/O lines to input (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, inb(LCD_DATA_POUT)|0xF0);   // set pull-ups to on (4bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_DDR, 0x00);                       // set data I/O lines to input (8bit)
                outb(LCD_DATA_POUT, 0xFF);                      // set pull-ups to on (8bit)
        sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RS);                // set RS to "data"
        sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_RW);                // set R/W to "read"
        #ifdef LCD_DATA_4BIT
                // 4 bit read
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                data = inb(LCD_DATA_PIN)&0xF0;  // input data, high 4 bits
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                data |= inb(LCD_DATA_PIN)>>4;                   // input data, low 4 bits
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
                // 8 bit read
                sbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // set "E" line
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                LCD_DELAY;                                                              // wait
                data = inb(LCD_DATA_PIN);                       // input data, 8bits
                cbi(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_CTRL_E); // clear "E" line
        //      leave data lines in input mode so they can be most easily used for other purposes
        // memory bus read
        //sbi(MCUCR, SRW);                      // enable RAM waitstate
        lcdBusyWait();                          // wait until LCD not busy
        data = *((volatile unsigned char *) (LCD_DATA_ADDR));
        //cbi(MCUCR, SRW);                      // disable RAM waitstate
        return data;

/********************* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********************/

void lcdInit()
        // initialize hardware
        // LCD function set
        // clear LCD
        delay(60000);   // wait 60ms
        // set entry mode
        lcdControlWrite(1<<LCD_ENTRY_MODE | 1<<LCD_ENTRY_INC);
        // set display to on
        //lcdControlWrite(1<<LCD_ON_CTRL | 1<<LCD_ON_DISPLAY | 1<<LCD_ON_BLINK);
        lcdControlWrite(1<<LCD_ON_CTRL | 1<<LCD_ON_DISPLAY );
        // move cursor to home
        // set data address to 0
        lcdControlWrite(1<<LCD_DDRAM | 0x00);

        // load the first 8 custom characters

void lcdHome(void)
        // move cursor to home

void lcdClear(void)
        // clear LCD

void lcdGotoXY(u08 x, u08 y)
        register u08 DDRAMAddr;

        // remap lines into proper order
        case 0: DDRAMAddr = LCD_LINE0_DDRAMADDR+x; break;
        case 1: DDRAMAddr = LCD_LINE1_DDRAMADDR+x; break;
        case 2: DDRAMAddr = LCD_LINE2_DDRAMADDR+x; break;
        case 3: DDRAMAddr = LCD_LINE3_DDRAMADDR+x; break;
        default: DDRAMAddr = LCD_LINE0_DDRAMADDR+x;

        // set data address
        lcdControlWrite(1<<LCD_DDRAM | DDRAMAddr);

void lcdLoadCustomChar(u08* lcdCustomCharArray, u08 romCharNum, u08 lcdCharNum)
        register u08 i;
        u08 saveDDRAMAddr;

        // backup the current cursor position
        saveDDRAMAddr = lcdControlRead() & 0x7F;

        // multiply the character index by 8
        lcdCharNum = (lcdCharNum<<3);   // each character occupies 8 bytes
        romCharNum = (romCharNum<<3);   // each character occupies 8 bytes

        // copy the 8 bytes into CG (character generator) RAM
        for(i=0; i<8; i++)
                // set CG RAM address
                lcdControlWrite((1<<LCD_CGRAM) | (lcdCharNum+i));
                // write character data
                lcdDataWrite( pgm_read_byte(lcdCustomCharArray+romCharNum+i) );

        // restore the previous cursor position
        lcdControlWrite(1<<LCD_DDRAM | saveDDRAMAddr);


void lcdPrintData(char* data, u08 nBytes)
        register u08 i;

        // check to make sure we have a good pointer
        if (!data) return;

        // print data
        for(i=0; i<nBytes; i++)

void lcdProgressBar(u16 progress, u16 maxprogress, u08 length)
        u08 i;
        u32 pixelprogress;
        u08 c;

        // draw a progress bar displaying (progress / maxprogress)
        // starting from the current cursor position
        // with a total length of "length" characters
        // ***note, LCD chars 0-5 must be programmed as the bar characters
        // char 0 = empty ... char 5 = full

        // total pixel length of bargraph equals length*PROGRESSPIXELS_PER_CHAR;
        // pixel length of bar itself is
        pixelprogress = ((progress*(length*PROGRESSPIXELS_PER_CHAR))/maxprogress);
        // print exactly "length" characters
        for(i=0; i<length; i++)
                // check if this is a full block, or partial or empty
                // (u16) cast is needed to avoid sign comparison warning
                if( ((i*(u16)PROGRESSPIXELS_PER_CHAR)+5) > pixelprogress )
                        // this is a partial or empty block
                        if( ((i*(u16)PROGRESSPIXELS_PER_CHAR)) > pixelprogress )
                                // this is an empty block
                                // use space character?
                                c = 0;
                                // this is a partial block
                                c = pixelprogress % PROGRESSPIXELS_PER_CHAR;
                        // this is a full block
                        c = 5;
                // write character to display



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