// This PHP script generates clickable HTML documentation files for amforth
// project. Script should be run once (offline) when new versions of sorces are
// available. It creates new subdirectory with HTML documentation tree.
// Configuration file is GenerateHTML.cfg
// (c)miho 2007 / http://www.mlab.cz

// **********************************************************************
// History
// **********************************************************************
// 0.00 work wersion

// **********************************************************************
// Definitions/parameters
// **********************************************************************

define ('INCLUDE_PATTERN', "/^ *\.include +\"(\S+)\"/i");
define ('LABEL_PREFIX',    "(VE_|XT_|PFA)");
define ('LABEL_PATTERN',   "/^ *(".LABEL_PREFIX."\S+):/i");
define ('WORD_PATTERN',    "/((?:\\n *;.*)*)\\n *VE_Q:[^\\n]*\\n? *.db +[^,]* *, *(\S[^\\n|;]+)/im");  // Q is used instead of Word
define ('ASMFILES',        "CodeAsm/");

// **********************************************************************
// Generic Funcions
// **********************************************************************

function MyReadFile($FileName, &$FileContent)
// Reads file, returns file as a single string
  // Read file

  // Test if file contains any content
  if ($FileContent==FALSE)
    return "No Data in File $FileName";

  // Remove CR or LF or CR/LF
  foreach($FileContent as $Key => $Line)

  // No error
  return "";

function MyReadFileString($FileName, &$FileContent)
// Reads file and returns its content as a single string
  // No Error
  // Read file
  $Error=MyReadFile($FileName, &$FileContent);

  // Convert to a single string
  if ($Error=="") $FileContent=implode("\n",$FileContent);

  // Finished
  return $Error;

function MyWriteFile($FileName, $FileContent)
// Creates and writes file
    // Create Output File
    if ($File==FALSE)
      return "Unable Write File ".$FileName;
    // Write content
    // No Error
    return "";

function FileName2HTML($FileName)
// Converts FileName to FileName of HTML file
  // Remove path
  // Change suffix
  // Finished
  #print $FileName;
  return $FileName;

function Label2Link($Link, $href, $title, &$LabelList)
// Converts Label to Link
// If label not found returns original text
// IN $Link      - label to find
// IN $Word      - word to show (on mouse)
// IN $LabelList - list of all labels (Label, FileName, LineNumber)
  // Find label in $LabelList
  foreach($LabelList as $Value)
    if ($Link===$Value["Label"])
      #$LabelListItem=$Value /////////////////////////////
      print "Found ".$Value["Label"]."\n";

  // Create link
  $Link="<a href=\"".$FileName."\" title=\" ".$Word."\">".$Link.'</a>';

  return $Link;

// **********************************************************************
// Function for processing
// **********************************************************************

function SourceAsm($SourceDir, $FileName, &$SourceAsmFiles, &$LabelList )
// Process ASM source file, recurse all includes
// Stores file names and labels into two arrays
// IN  $SourceDir      - base directory (not printed)
// IN  $FileName       - file to process
// OUT $SourceAsmFiles - list of all processed files (Filename)
// OUT $LabelList      - list of all labels (Label, FileName, LineNumber)

  // Start
  print "Read Asm: $FileName\n";

  // Read file
  $Error=MyReadFile($SourceDir.$FileName, $FileContent);
  if ($Error!="")
    print $Error."\n";
    return 1;
  // Remember filename

  // Filter source file line by line - find labels
  foreach($FileContent as $Key => $Value)
    // Find label definitions
    if (preg_match(LABEL_PATTERN,$Value,$Matches))
      print "  label @line ".($Key+1)." ".$Matches[1]."\n";

  // Filter source file line by line - find includes
  foreach($FileContent as $Key => $Value)
    // Find .include "filename" lines
    if (preg_match(INCLUDE_PATTERN,$Value,$Matches))
      print "  include @line ".($Key+1)." --> ".$Matches[1]."\n";
      // Remember links

  // Print delimiter
  print "\n";
  // Recurse includes
  if ($Includes)
    foreach($Includes as $Value)
      if ($Dir=="./")
      SourceAsm($SourceDir, $Dir.$Value, $SourceAsmFiles, $LabelList);

  // End
  return 0;

function PrintSourceAsm(&$SourceAsmFiles)
// Prints all procesed ASM files
  print "Asm Source File List\n";
  foreach($SourceAsmFiles as $Key => $Value)
    print "  ".$Value."\n";
  print "\n";

function PrintLabels(&$LabelList)
// Prints all found labels
  print "Label List\n";
  foreach($LabelList as $Key => $Value)
    print "  ".$Value["Label"]." ".$Value["FileName"]." ".$Value["LineNumber"]."\n";
  print "\n";

function CreateWordList($SourceDir, &$LabelList, &$WordList)
// Goes through LabelList and looks for word definitions
// IN  $LabelList - Found labels
// OUT $WordList  - Word List (ShortLabel, Word, Comment, Label, FileName)

  print "Word List\n";
  if ($LabelList)
  foreach ($LabelList as $Value)
    // Take all VE definitions
    if (stristr(substr($Value["Label"],0,3),"VE_"))
      // Prepare Label without VE_

      // Prepare search pattern
      #print "Pattern: ".$Pattern." ".$Value["FileName"]."\n";

      // Read source file
      $Error=MyReadFileString($FileName, $FileContent);
      if ($Error!="")
        print "  ".$Error."\n";
        return 1;
      // Find label
      if (preg_match($Pattern,$FileContent,$Matches))
        // Coments - remove semiculomn
        $Comment = rtrim(preg_replace("/\\n; ?(.*)/","$1\n",$Matches[1]));

        // Convert .db parameters into string
        #$Word=$Matches[2]." : ";

        foreach(explode(",",$Matches[2]) as $Val)
          // String element
          preg_match("/^ *\"([^\"]*)(\" *)/",$Val,$Tmp);
          #print "S:".$Tmp[1]."\n";
          if ($Tmp[1]!="")

          // Hexa number
          #print "H:".$Tmp[1]."\n";
          if ($Tmp[1]!="")
            if ($Number!=0)
          // Decimal number
          #print "D:".$Tmp[1]."\n";
          if ($Tmp[1]!="")
            if ($Number!=0)

        // Store label into array
        $WordList[]=array("Word"=>$Word, "ShortLabel"=>$ShortLabel, "Comment"=>$Comment,
                          "Label"=>$Value["Label"] , "FileName"=>$Value["FileName"]
        print "  ".$Word." = ".$ShortLabel."\n";
        if($Comment) print "    ".preg_replace("/\\n/","\n    ",$Comment)."\n";

      // Sort Words

      // Clean Up
  print "\n";

function GenerateWordList($TemplateDir, $DestinationDir, &$LabelList, &$WordList)
// Creates HTML pages with Word List
// IN  $TemplateDir    - template directory (file WordList.*.html)
// IN  $LabelList      - list of labels (Label, FileName, LineNumber)
// IN  $WordList       - list of words (ShortLabel, Word, Comment, Label, FileName)
// OUT WordList.*.html - create HTML pages (file WordList.*.html)
  // Find all templates
  print "Word List in HTML\n";
  foreach (glob($TemplateDir."WordList.*.html") as $FileName)
    // Process template file
    print "  Temlate $FileName\n";

    // Read template file
    $Error=MyReadFileString($FileName, $FileContent);
    if ($Error!="")
      print "  ".$Error."\n";
      return 1;

    // Find <<WordList>>
    if (!preg_match("/( *)(<<WordList>>)/i",$FileContent,$Matches))
      print "  Missing <<WordList>> in template file\n";
      return -1;
    // Create HTML code - table header
    $WordListHTML[]="  <tr>";
    $WordListHTML[]="    <th>Word</th>";
    $WordListHTML[]="    <th>Label</th>";
    $WordListHTML[]="    <th>Definition</th>";
    $WordListHTML[]="  </tr>";
    // Create HTML code - table lines
    foreach($WordList as $Key => $Value)
      // Prepare (just for readibility)
      $Link="<a href=\"".ASMFILES.FileName2HTML($Value["FileName"])."#".$Value["ShortLabel"].
              "\" title=\"".$Value["Label"]."\">".$Value["ShortLabel"]."</a>";
      // Generate HTML
      $WordListHTML[]="  <tr>";
      $WordListHTML[]="    <td>".htmlspecialchars($Word)."</td>";
      $WordListHTML[]="    <td>".$Link."</td>";
      $WordListHTML[]="    <td>".htmlspecialchars($Comment)."</td>";
      $WordListHTML[]="  </tr>";
    // Create HTML code - table end
    // Indent and Concatenate lines
    foreach($WordListHTML as $Key => $Value)
    // Put it into HTML template
    $FileContent=str_ireplace("<<WordList>>", $WordListHTML, $FileContent);
    #print $FileContent;
    // Create Output File
    $Error=MyWriteFile($DestinationDir.basename($FileName), $FileContent);
    if ($Error!="")
      print "  ".$Error."\n";
      return -1;

    // Clear memory

  // Delimiter
  print "\n";

function GenerateAsmFiles($TemplateDir, $SourceDir, &$SourceAsmFiles, $DestinationDir)
// Cretaes HTML files from all processed ASM files
// IN
  // Info
  print "Copy ASM Files\n";

  // Destination directory exists
  if (!is_dir($DestinationDir))
    if (!@mkdir($DestinationDir))
      print "  Unable Create Dir ".$DestinationDir."\n";
      return -1;
  // Read template
  $Error=MyReadFileString($TemplateDir."FileAsm.en.html", $Template);
  if ($Error!="")
    print "  ".$Error."\n";
    return -1;

  // Copy all source files
  foreach($SourceAsmFiles as $Key => $FileName)
    print "  ".$FileName."\n";

    // Read ASM file
    $Error=MyReadFileString($SourceDir.$FileName, $FileContent);
    if ($Error!="")
      print "  ".$Error."\n";
      return 1;

    // Prepare HTML

    // Use Template
    $TemplateWork=str_ireplace("<<FileName>>",    $FileName,    $TemplateWork);
    $TemplateWork=str_ireplace("<<FileContent>>", $FileContent, $TemplateWork);

    // Write ASM file in HTML
    $Error=MyWriteFile($DestinationDir.FileName2HTML($FileName), $TemplateWork);
    if ($Error!="")
      print "  ".$Error."\n";
      return -1;
  // Delimiter
  print "\n";

// **********************************************************************
// Main Block
// **********************************************************************

// This file contains configurations for this script

// Global Like Variables
//$SourceAsmFiles - All processed ASM files (filenames)
//$LabelList      - All label definitions (Label, FileName, LineNumber)
//$WordList       - Word List (ShortLabel, Word, Comment, Label, FileName)

// Process all ASM files from the root level
SourceAsm($CFG_SourceDir, $CFG_SourceAsm, $SourceAsmFiles, $LabelList);

// Destilate Labels and Words
CreateWordList($CFG_SourceDir, $LabelList, $WordList);

// Create HTML WordList
GenerateWordList($CFG_TemplateDir, $CFG_DestinationDir, $LabelList, $WordList);

// Copy ASM files and convert them into HTML
GenerateAsmFiles($CFG_TemplateDir, $CFG_SourceDir, $SourceAsmFiles, $CFG_DestinationDir);

// Zpracování readme autora + verze
// Dodělat kontroly vstupní CFG parametrů (existence souborů a adresářů)
// Osetreni chyb - die(1) zpusobi chybu (v shellu a da se tak poznat, ze to nedopadlo)

// Zpracování templejtů do samostatného podprogramu (vyřešit indent...)
//    tím se vyřeší i en/cs verze Asm souboru

// Generovat log do souboru místo printu (zvážit) oddělit chyby a varování
// Vyčistit cílový adresář
// Process all FORTH files
// Problém s rekurzí (potenciální nekonečno)
// Chtělo by to do stránek vkládat info o verzi a (c)