-- increase output every fourth clock cycle

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library sychro1;

entity saw_generator_wrapper is
        generic (
                G_INCREASE_EVERY_NTH : positive := 4
  port (
                i_clk : in std_logic;
                i_rst : in std_logic;
                o_valid : out std_logic;
                o_data  : out std_logic_vector
end saw_generator_wrapper;

architecture behavioral of saw_generator_wrapper is
        signal s_modulo_counter_carry : std_logic;

        -- first counter that counts modulo G_INCREASE_EVERY_NTH to generate a valid signal for the second counter
        -- and the output:
        modulo_up_counter : entity sychro1.up_counter
        generic map ( G_MIN_NUMBER => 0, G_MAX_NUMBER => G_INCREASE_EVERY_NTH - 1 )
        port map ( i_clk => i_clk, i_rst => i_rst, i_valid => '1', o_data => open, o_carry => s_modulo_counter_carry );
        -- the second counter:
        main_up_counter : entity sychro1.up_counter_stdlv
        generic map ( G_BITS => o_data'length, G_MIN_NUMBER => ( o_data'range => '0' ), G_MAX_NUMBER => ( o_data'range => '1' ) )
        port map( i_clk => i_clk, i_rst => i_rst, i_valid => s_modulo_counter_carry, o_data => o_data, o_carry => open );
        -- signal connection:
        o_valid <= s_modulo_counter_carry;
end architecture;