use <library.scad>

Clear=0.175; // size of tolerance zone
thickness = 2; // global wall thickness
height = 15;    // height of one screen element
screen_radius = 75/2; // outer radius of screen
tube_radius=30/2;       // inner radius of the space for a sensor
screen_bevel = 10;              // bevel of outer screen wall
num_ribs = 3;                   // number of holding ribs
cap_radius = screen_radius * 1.5;
inner_ring_thickness = thickness *2;

angle_sep = 360/num_ribs;

cap_height = cap_radius - sqrt(cap_radius*cap_radius - (screen_radius - screen_bevel)*(screen_radius - screen_bevel));

difference () {

    union() {
            //cap outer shell
            intersection () {
                    translate ([0,0,-cap_radius + height + cap_height])
                        sphere(cap_radius, $fn=100);

                //screen outer shell 
                cylinder (h=screen_radius*(height/screen_bevel),r1=screen_radius ,r2=0,$fn=100);

            // cap holder
           translate ([0,0,height + (cap_height-thickness)])
                screen_holder(height, screen_radius, thickness);


        union() {
                intersection () {
                //cap inner cavity 
                translate ([0,0,-cap_radius + height + cap_height  ]) 
                        sphere(cap_radius-thickness, $fn=100);

                //screen  inner cavity  (height is solved by triangle similarity)
                translate ([0,0, -Clear/2 ]) 
                cylinder (h=(screen_radius  - thickness)*(height/screen_bevel),r1=screen_radius  - thickness ,r2=0,$fn=100);

        // center ribs
        for (i = [0 : (num_ribs-1)]) {
                rotate ([90,0,angle_sep * i])
                translate ([0,0,-thickness/2])
                linear_extrude (height = thickness, convexity = 10)
                polygon(points=[[0, cap_height + height],[tube_radius + thickness - Clear, 0],[screen_radius - thickness,0],[screen_radius - screen_bevel - thickness,height]]);
