#!/usr/bin/env bash
# tidyup.sh
# This script will sort create organized directory structure
# from observation files in one directory.
# Takes one argument: path to the directory
# Returns 0 if sorting succeeds
# Returns 1 if there are no files to sort
# Returns >1 in case of error
# before: 
# |
# | meteor_uflu_130128_0010.jpg
# | meteor_uflu_130128_0011.jpg
# | meteor_uflu_130128_1310.jpg
# | meteor_uflu_130129_1112.jpg
# | meteor_uflu_130129_1113.jpg
# | .
# | .
# | .
# after:
# |
# |- uflu             <- observatory
# |    |- 2013             <- year
# |         |- 01             <- month
# |             |- 28             <- day
# |             |   |- 00             <- hour
# |             |   |   |- meteor_uflu_130128_0010.jpg
# |             |   |   |- meteor_uflu_130128_0011.jpg
# |             |   |
# |             |   |- 13
# |             |       |- meteor_uflu_130128_1310.jpg
# |             |  
# |             |- 29
# |             |   |- 11
# |                     |- meteor_uflu_130129_0012.jpg
# |                     |- meteor_uflu_130129_0012.jpg
# .
# .
# .
# filename format must be as meteor_uflu_130128_0010.jpg


# turn on debug
set -x

# none or 1 argument allowed
[[ "$#" -ne 1 ]] && echo "Wrong number of arguments ($#)" && exit 1

# directory in which to sort must exists
[[ ! -d "$1" ]] && echo "Directory doesn't exist" && exit 1
cd $1

# if there are no files with $EXT extension in the directory then quit
ls -f *.$EXT > /dev/null 2>&1
[[ "$?" -ne 0 ]] && exit 1

for i in *.$EXT; do
    echo "processing " $i
    PREFIX=`echo $i | cut -d $DELIM -f1,2`
    OBSERVATORY=`echo $PREFIX | cut -d $DELIM -f2`
    POSTFIX=`echo $i | cut -d $DELIM -f4`

    TIMESTAMP=`echo "$i" | cut -d $DELIM -f3`
    YEAR=20`echo "$TIMESTAMP" | cut -c 1-2`
    MONTH=`echo "$TIMESTAMP" | cut -c 3-4`
    DAY=`echo "$TIMESTAMP" | cut -c 5-6`
    HOUR=`echo "$POSTFIX" | cut -c 1-2`

    # observatory / year / month / day / hour

    # create directory with observatory name, year, month and day if hasn't existed before
    [[ -d "$DAYDIR" ]] || mkdir -p "$DAYDIR" 
    mv "$i" "$DAYDIR"


exit 0