CoreGenerator Project Files

Software:       ISE 14.5 (WebPack)
Device:         Spartan3AN XC3S50AN-4TQG144C

Input (source) Files

S3AN01_ChipScopeILA.cgp         - Core Generator Project File (used by GUI CoreGen)

ChipScope_ICON.xco              - ChipScope Config Block Configuration File
ChipScope_ILA_18_1024.xco       - ChipScope Integrated Logic Analyser Configuration File 18 bits 1024 smaples
ChipScope_ILA_9_2048.xco        - ChipScope Integrated Logic Analyser Configuration File 9 bits 2048 smaples
ChipScope_VIO_FreqSel.xco       - ChipScope Virtul IO Configuration File (used for Frequency Selection)
ChipScope_VIO_UserOut.xco       - ChipScope Virtul IO Configuration File (used for User Output)

All other files may be deleted. Open .cgp file in CoreGenerator and let it regenerate
all cores.