/*              mija 2008       

                *.h file for defines lcd.c

                data                    PIN_D0
                write                   PIN_E
                commamnd/data   PIN_RS

        !!!!NOTE must be set PIN with PORT and DDR


#define PIN_D0  PC3
#define PORT_D0 PORTC
#define DDR_D0  DDRC

#define PIN_D1  PB4
#define PORT_D1 PORTB
#define DDR_D1  DDRB

#define PIN_D2  PB5
#define PORT_D2 PORTB
#define DDR_D2  DDRB

#define PIN_D3  PB3
#define PORT_D3 PORTB
#define DDR_D3  DDRB

#define PIN_E   PB1
#define PORT_E  PORTB
#define DDR_E   DDRB

#define PIN_RS  PB2
#define DDR_RS  DDRB


void LCD_init(void);
void LCD_putc(uint8_t data);
void LCD_gotoxy( uint8_t x, uint8_t y);
void LCD_clear(void);

void LCD_send_data(uint8_t data);
void LCD_send_command(uint8_t data);
void LCD_send(uint8_t data);
void LCD_send_nibble(uint8_t data);
void LCD_init_IO_PIN(void);


//********************** example printf ***********************
#inlcude <stdio.h>

static int put_lcd(char c, FILE *stream);
static FILE mystdout = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(put_lcd, NULL,_FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);

static int put_lcd(char c, FILE *stream)
        switch (c)
                case '\n':      LCD_gotoxy(1,2);break;
        case '\r':      LCD_gotoxy(1,1);break;
                default :       LCD_putc(c);
        return 0;