# vim:et:ts=3:sts=3:sw=3:fdm=marker:

// WebSVN - Subversion repository viewing via the web using PHP
// Copyright © 2004-2006 Tim Armes, Matt Sicker
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
// --
// command.inc
// External command handling

// {{{ replaceEntities
// Replace character codes with HTML entities for display purposes.
// This routine assumes that the character encoding of the string is
// that of the local system (i.e., it's a string returned from a command
// line command).

function replaceEntities($str, $rep)
   global $config;
   // Ideally, we'd do this:
   // $str = htmlentities($str, ENT_COMPAT, $config->inputEnc);
   // However, htmlentities is very limited in it's ability to process
   // character encodings.  We have to rely on something more powerful.
   if (version_compare(phpversion(), "4.1.0", "<"))
      // In this case, we can't do any better than assume that the
      // input encoding is ISO-8859-1.
      $str = htmlentities($str);
      $str = toOutputEncoding($str, $rep->getContentEncoding());

      // $str is now encoded as UTF-8.
      $str = htmlentities($str, ENT_COMPAT, $config->outputEnc);
   return $str;

// }}}

// {{{ toOutputEncoding

function toOutputEncoding($str, $inputEncoding = "")
   global $config;
   if (empty($inputEncoding))
      $inputEncoding = $config->inputEnc;
   // Try to convert the messages based on the locale information
   if ($config->inputEnc && $config->outputEnc)
      if (function_exists("iconv"))
         $output = @iconv($inputEncoding, $config->outputEnc, $str);
         if (!empty($output))
            $str = $output;

   return $str;

// }}}

// {{{ quoteCommand

function quoteCommand($cmd, $redirecterr)
   global $config;
   if ($redirecterr)
      $cmd .= " 2>&1";
   // On Windows machines, the whole line needs quotes round it so that it's
   // passed to cmd.exe correctly

   if ($config->serverIsWindows)
      $cmd = "\"$cmd\"";
   return $cmd;

// }}}

// {{{ runCommand

function runCommand($cmd, $mayReturnNothing = false)
   global $lang;
   $output = array ();
   $err = false;

   $c = quoteCommand($cmd, false);
   // Try to run the command normally
   if ($handle = popen($c, 'r'))
      $firstline = true;
                while (!feof($handle))
                   $line = fgets($handle);
                   if ($firstline && empty($line) && !$mayReturnNothing)
                      $err = true;
                   $firstline = false;
                   $output[] = toOutputEncoding(rtrim($line));
                if (!$err)
                   return $output;

   echo '<p>',$lang['BADCMD'],': <code>',$cmd,'</code></p>';
   // Rerun the command, this time grabbing the error information

   $c = quoteCommand($cmd, true);

   $output = toOutputEncoding(shell_exec($c));
   if (!empty($output))
      echo '<p>',nl2br($output),'</p>';

// }}}

// {{{ quote
// Quote a string to send to the command line

function quote($str)
   global $config;

   if ($config->serverIsWindows)
      return "\"$str\"";
      return escapeshellarg($str);      

// }}}
