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      <p class="Title">
        Open-source hardware MLAB project
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      <p class=Subtitle>
        This is a noncommercial web about electronics with original designs.
        You can find here a lot of electronic modules and you can use its when developing
        some electronics. It does not matter if you are professional
        developer or hobbyist. You will be surprised by the quality!
      <p class="Subtitle">
      <a href="./Web/PIC/about_bastl.jpg"><img src="./Web/PIC/about_bastl_small.jpg" alt="Typical MLAB design"></a>

        On this web there are published MLAB modules,
        their documentation and other original papers about electronics and designs
        written by our authors. More information about our goals and about this web
        is on these pages:
        <li><a href="./Web/About.en.html">About MLAB project</a></li>
        <li><a href="./Web/AboutAuthors.en.html">About Authors</a></li>

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