Rev Age Author Path Log message Diff Changes
4154 3385 d 7 h jacho /Modules/ Diff
4153 3385 d 7 h jacho /Modules/ADconverters/I2CADC01A/SCH_PCB/ Diff
4152 3388 d 5 h jacho /Modules/Sensors/ALTIMET01A/ Diff
4151 3388 d 7 h kaklik / Vylepseni modelu pro snadnejsi tisk. Diff
4150 3388 d 7 h jacho /Modules/Sensors/ALTIMET01A/ Diff
4149 3388 d 23 h kaklik / upravy cestou ve vlaku v cine. Diff
4148 3389 d 1 h jacho /Modules/CommSerial/JTAGFT2232V02A/ Diff
4147 3389 d 7 h jacho /Modules/ Diff
4146 3390 d 0 h jacho /Modules/ADconverters/I2CADC01A/SCH_PCB/ Diff
4145 3393 d 3 h kaklik / aktualizace dokumentace. Diff
4144 3396 d 5 h jacho /Modules/PowerSupply/ Diff
4143 3399 d 15 h kaklik / Vylepseni tisknutelnosti nozicky pod akvarium. Diff
4142 3400 d 22 h kaklik /Modules/PowerSupply/THERMOGEN01A/ Pridan navrh modulu od Ondry Hanuse. Diff
4141 3405 d 1 h kakl /Modules/ADconverters/I2CADC01A/SW/example/ Two values plot Diff
4140 3405 d 4 h kakl /Modules/ADconverters/I2CADC01A/SW/example/ An temperature real time plot using HTML5 Diff
4139 3421 d 2 h jacho /Modules/ Diff
4138 3421 d 23 h jacho /Modules/Sensors/RGBC01A/ Diff
4137 3434 d 10 h kakl /Modules/Sensors/PCRD01A/SW/dozimeterADC/ shorten LED blink Diff
4136 3434 d 16 h kakl /Modules/Sensors/PCRD01A/SW/dozimeterADC/ ADC version of dosimeter Diff
4135 3436 d 3 h kakl /Modules/Sensors/PCRD01A/SW/dozimeter/ Portable dosimeter with time discrimination. Diff