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Rev Age Author Path Log message Diff Changes
4318 3271 d 22 h jacho / Diff
4312 3274 d 23 h kaklik /Modules/PowerSupply/ oprava chyby ve vypoctu pozice sroubu. Diff
4310 3275 d 10 h kaklik /Modules/PowerSupply/ pridani novych podlozek pro moduly. Diff
4308 3275 d 18 h kaklik /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/SCH_PCB/ vycisteni spoju a nekterych prokovu. Diff
4294 3284 d 1 h jacho /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/ Uprava LION2CELL01C. Generovani vyrobnich dat. Diff
4293 3284 d 13 h jacho /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/SCH_PCB/ Diff
4290 3285 d 10 h jacho /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/SCH_PCB/ Diff
4289 3285 d 11 h jacho /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/SCH_PCB/ Diff
4283 3289 d 0 h jacho /Modules/ aktualizace fotek a dokumentací Diff
4280 3290 d 10 h kaklik /Modules/ pridani novych fotografii modulu. Diff
4273 3292 d 23 h jacho /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/SCH_PCB/ Diff
4272 3293 d 19 h jacho /Modules/ Diff
4271 3294 d 16 h jacho /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/DOC/ Diff
4270 3295 d 9 h kakl /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/SW/ Delete old code. Diff
4269 3295 d 10 h kakl /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/SW/ Added LION2CELL setup script. Diff
4268 3295 d 10 h kakl /Modules/PowerSupply/LION1CELL01B/SW/ Added LION1CELL setup script. Diff
4267 3296 d 18 h jacho /Modules/ Diff
4266 3296 d 22 h kaklik /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/ zaznam dalsich chyb v modulu. Diff
4264 3298 d 9 h kaklik /Modules/PowerSupply/TPS63060V01A/ pridani fotky modulu. Diff
4263 3298 d 14 h kakl /Modules/PowerSupply/LION2CELL01C/SW/ New setup for LION2CELL.
Do not go properly. Capacyty decreased with charging and increased with discharging.