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Rev Age Author Path Log message Diff Changes
4988 272 d 4 h kaklik / Upgrade WebSVN to 2.8.3 Diff
1189 5986 d 18 h miho / Doplněna možnost stahování souborů ve WebSVN (a pruhatý výpis) Diff
306 6610 d 6 h kaklik /WebSVN/languages/ Diff
272 6615 d 7 h kakl /WebSVN/languages/ Diff
271 6615 d 7 h kakl /WebSVN/languages/ Diff
270 6615 d 7 h kakl /WebSVN/languages/ Diff
269 6615 d 7 h kakl /WebSVN/languages/ Diff
264 6615 d 8 h kakl /WebSVN/languages/ Diff
263 6615 d 8 h kakl /WebSVN/languages/ Diff
185 6637 d 8 h miho /WebSVN/ Aktualizace WebSVN na 501 Diff
180 6637 d 16 h miho /WebSVN/languages/ Oprava LANG na LANGUAGETAG (nový tag od TIGRISů). Diff
179 6637 d 16 h miho /WebSVN/languages/ Diff
172 6640 d 7 h miho / Diff
171 6640 d 7 h miho / Diff
142 6643 d 17 h root /Websvn/languages/NotUsed/ Diff
141 6643 d 17 h root /Websvn/languages/NotUsed/ Diff
140 6643 d 17 h miho /Websvn/languages/ Diff
139 6643 d 18 h root /Websvn/ Rozfungovani websvn Diff
138 6644 d 18 h root /Websvn/languages/ Diff
137 6644 d 19 h root /Websvn/languages/ Corrected TO -> A Diff