amforth - Forth for ATmega
This page provides cross reference of the language amforth. The list is automaticaly generated drectly from assemble source files.
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Repository UUID | 1be2a6a9-e81f-0410-9be0-e59bd151596a |
Last Changed Author | mtrute |
Last Changed Rev | 328 |
Last Changed Date | 2007-06-11 08:42:09 +0200 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) |
Word | Label | Definition |
! | STORE | ( n addr -- ) Memory R( -- ) write 16bit to RAM memory (or IO or CPU registers) |
# | SHARP | ( d1 -- d2) Numeric IO R( -- ) compiles next digit to HLD |
#> | SHARP_G | ( d1 -- addr count ) Numeric IO R( -- ) convert HLD buffer to a usable string |
#int | NUMINT | ( -- n ) Interrupt R( -- ) number of interrupt vectors (0 based) |
#s | SHARP_S | ( d1 -- 0) Numeric IO R( -- ) call # until a value of zero is reached |
#tib | NUMBERTIB | ( -- addr ) System R( -- ) address of variable holding the number of characters in TIB |
' | TICK | ( -- XT ) Dictionary R( -- ) search dictionary, returns XT or throw an exception -13 |
( | LPARENTHESIS | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) skip everything up to the closing bracket on the same line |
* | MUL | ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) multiply routine |
*/ | STARSLASH | (n1 n2 n3 -- n4) Arithmetics R( -- ) signed multiply and division with double precision intermediate |
*/mod | STARSLASHMOD | ( n1 n2 n3 -- rem quot) Arithmetics R( -- ) signed multiply and division with double precision intermediate and remainder |
+ | PLUS | ( n1 n2 -- n3) Arithmetics R( -- ) addition |
+! | PLUSSTORE | ( n addr -- ) Arithmetics R( -- ) add value to content of RAM address |
+loop | PLOOP | ( addr -- ) Control Structure R( -- ) compile +loop and resolve branch |
, | COMMA | ( n -- ) Dictionary R( -- ) compile 16 bit into flash at here. |
- | MINUS | ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) subtract |
. | DOT | ( n -- ) Numeric IO R( -- ) prints TOS in free number format |
." | DOTSTRING | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) compiles string into dictionary to be typed at runtime |
." | DOTSTRING | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) compiles string into dictionary to be typed at runtime |
.s | DOTS | ( -- ) Tools R( -- ) stack dump |
.s | DOTS | ( -- ) Tools R( -- ) stack dump |
/ | SLASH | ( n1 n2 -- n3) Arithmetics R( -- ) diviion |
/int | INTOFF | ( -- sreg ) Interrupt R( -- ) turns off all interrupts and leaves SREG in TOS |
/key | SLASHKEY | ( -- f) Character IO R( -- ) fetch 'key? vector and execute it if not zero. Leave true if a character can be read, false otherwise |
/mod | SLASHMOD | ( n1 n2 -- rem quot) Arithmetics R( -- ) signed division n1/n2 with remainder |
/string | SLASHSTRING | ( addr1 u1 n-- addr2 u2 ) String R( -- ) adjust string from addr1 to addr1+n, reduce length from u1 to u2 |
0 | ZERO | ( -- 0 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) leaves the value 0 on TOS |
0< | LESSZERO | ( n1 -- flag) Compare R( -- ) compare with zero |
0<> | NOTEQUALZERO | ( n -- flag ) Compare R( -- ) compare with zero |
0= | EQUALZERO | ( n -- flag ) Compare R( -- ) compare with 0 (zero) |
0> | GREATERZERO | ( n1 -- flag ) Compare R( -- ) compare with zero |
1+ | 1PLUS | ( n1 -- n2 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) optimized increment |
1- | 1MINUS | ( n1 -- n2 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) optimized decrement (CORE) |
1ms | 1MS | ( -- ) Time R(--) busy waits (almost) exactly 1 millisecond |
2* | 2STAR | ( n1 -- n2 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) arithmetic shift left |
2/ | 2SLASH | ( n1 -- n2 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) arithmetic shift right |
: | COLON | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) create named entry in the dictionary |
:noname | COLONNONAME | ( -- xt ) Compiler R( -- ) create unnamed entry in the dictionary |
; | SEMICOLON | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) finish colon defintion, compiles (exit) and returns to interpreter state |
< | LESS | ( n1 n2 -- flasg) Compare R( -- ) compare two values |
<# | L_SHARP | ( -- ) Numeric IO R( -- ) emties counted string at address from hld |
<> | NOTEQUAL | ( n1 n2 -- flag) Compare R( -- ) compare two values |
= | EQUAL | ( n1 n2 -- flag ) Compare R( -- ) compares two values |
> | GREATER | ( n1 n2 -- flag ) Compare R( -- ) compares two values (signed) |
>< | BYTESWAP | ( n1 -- n2 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) swap the bytes of the TOS |
>in | G_IN | ( -- addr ) System R( -- ) pointer to current read position in TIB |
>r | TO_R | ( n -- ) Stack R( -- n) move TOS to TOR |
?do | QDO | ( -- addr ) Control Structure R( -- ) start do .. [+]loop |
?do | QDO | ( -- addr ) Control Structure R( -- ) start do .. [+]loop |
?dup | QDUP | ( n1 -- [ n1 n1 ] | 0) Stack R( -- ) duplicate TOS if non-zero |
@ | FETCH | ( addr -- n ) Memory R( -- ) read 1 cell from RAM (or IO or CPU register) |
Edefer | EDEFER | ( n <name> -- ) Compiler R( -- ) creates a defer vector which is kept in eeprom. |
Edefer | EDEFER | ( n <name> -- ) Compiler R( -- ) creates a defer vector which is kept in eeprom. |
Rdefer | RDEFER | ( n <name> -- ) Compiler R( -- ) creates a RAM based defer vector |
Rdefer | RDEFER | ( n <name> -- ) Compiler R( -- ) creates a RAM based defer vector |
[ | LBRACKET | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) put system to interpreter state |
['] | BRACKETTICK | ( -- XT ) Compiler R( -- ) what does ' in the interpreter mode do in colon definitions |
\ | BACKSLASH | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) everything up to the end of the current line is a comment |
] | RBRACKET | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) turn on compiler |
abort | ABORT | ( n*x -- ) Exceptions R( n*y -- ) send an exception -1 |
abort" | ABORTSTRING | ( n*x -- ) Exceptions R( n*y -- ) check flag. If true emit some text and throw exception -2 |
abort" | ABORTSTRING | ( n*x -- ) Exceptions R( n*y -- ) check flag. If true emit some text and throw exception -2 |
abs | ABS | ( n1 -- u1 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) get the absolute value |
accept | ACCEPT | ( addr n1 -- n2 ) System R( -- ) reads a line with with KEY into addr until n2 characters are reveived or cr/lf detected. |
again | AGAIN | ( addr -- ) Control Structure R( -- ) go back to begin |
allot | ALLOT | ( n -- ) System R( -- ) allocate memory in RAM |
and | AND | ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Logic R( -- ) bitwise and |
base | BASE | ( -- addr ) Numeric IO R( -- ) base fo numeric IO |
baud0 | BAUD0 | ( -- v) System Value R( -- ) returns usart0 baudrate |
begin | BEGIN | ( -- addr ) Control Structure R( -- ) start a control structture |
bl | BL | ( -- 32 ) Character IO R( -- ) put ascii code of the blank to the stack |
c! | CSTORE | ( c addr -- ) Memory R( -- ) store a byte to RAM address |
c@ | CFETCH | ( addr - c1 ) Memory R( -- ) fetch a single byte from RAM (or IO or CPU register) |
case | CASE | ( -- 0 ) Control Structure R( -- ) |
case | CASE | ( -- 0 ) Control Structure R( -- ) |
catch | CATCH | ( xt -- ) Exceptions R( -- ) or R( ny -- ) execute the XT and restore stack frame if an exception is thrown |
char | CHAR | ( -- c ) Tools R( -- ) first character of the next word |
cmove> | CMOVE_G | (addr-from addr-to n -- ) Memory R( -- ) copy data in RAM |
cold | COLD | ( -- ) System R( -- ) main entry word. executes turnkey operation and executes quit |
compile | COMPILE | ( -- ) Dictionary R( -- ) copy the next flash cell to HERE |
constant | CONSTANT | ( n -- ) Compiler R( -- ) create a named constant |
count | COUNT | ( addr -- addr+1 n) String R( -- ) addr is the address of a counted string in RAM |
cr | CR | ( -- ) Character IO R( -- ) emits CR/LF |
create | CREATE | ( -- ) Dictionary R( -- ) create a complete dictionary header. |
cscan | CSCAN | ( addr1 n1 c -- addr1 n2 ) String R( -- ) Scan string at addr1/n1 until first c, leaving addr1/n2, char at n2 is last non-c character |
cskip | CSKIP | ( addr1 n1 c -- addr2 n2 ) String R( -- ) skips leading occurancies in string at addr1/n1 leaving addr2/n2 pointing to the 1st non-c character |
d+ | DPLUS | ( d1 d2 -- d3) Arithmetics R( -- ) add double cell values |
d+ | DPLUS | ( d1 d2 -- d3) Arithmetics R( -- ) add double cell values |
d- | DMINUS | ( d1 d2 -- d3 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) subtract double cell values |
d- | DMINUS | ( d1 d2 -- d3 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) subtract double cell values |
d2* | D2STAR | ( d1 -- d2 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) shift a double cell left |
d2* | D2STAR | ( d1 -- d2 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) shift a double cell left |
d2/ | D2SLASH | ( d1 -- d2 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) shift a double cell value right |
d< | DLESS | ( d1 d2 -- flasg) Compare R( -- ) compare two values |
d> | DGREATER | ( d1 d2 -- flag ) Compare R( -- ) compares two values (signed) |
d>s | D2S | ( d1 -- n1 ) Conversion R( -- ) shrink double cell value to single cell. |
decimal | DECIMAL | ( -- ) Numeric IO R( -- ) set base to 10 (decimal) |
defer! | DEFERSTORE | ( xt1 xt2 -- ) System R( -- ) stores xt1 as the xt to be executed when xt2 is called |
defer@ | DEFERFETCH | ( xt1 -- xt2 ) System R( -- ) returns the XT assoziates with the given XT |
depth | DEPTH | ( -- n ) Stack R( -- ) currently used data stack size in cells |
digit | DIGIT | ( c base -- number flag ) Numeric IO R( -- ) convert character to number, set flag if successful |
dinvert | DINVERT | ( d1 -- d2) Arithmetics R( -- ) flip all bits in the double cell value |
dinvert | DINVERT | ( d1 -- d2) Arithmetics R( -- ) flip all bits in the double cell value |
do | DO | ( -- addr ) Control Structure R( -- ) start do .. [+]loop |
does> | DOES | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) |
dp | DP | ( -- eaddr) System Pointer R( -- ) first unused address in flash (NRWW is always used) |
drop | DROP | ( n -- ) Stack R( -- ) drop TOS |
dup | DUP | ( n -- n n ) Stack R( -- ) duplicate TOS |
e! | ESTORE | ( n addr -- ) Memory R( -- ) write to eeprom address |
e@ | EFETCH | ( addr - n) Memory R( -- ) read 2 bytes from eeprom |
edp | EDP | ( -- eaddr) System Pointer R( -- ) first unused address in eeprom |
else | ELSE | ( addr1 -- addr2) Compiler R( -- ) |
emit | EMIT | ( -- eaddr) Character IO R( -- ) fetch the emit vector and execute it |
emit? | EMITQ | ( -- c) Character IO R( -- ) fetch emit? vector and execute it |
endcase | ENDCASE | ( f -- ) Compiler R( -- ) |
endcase | ENDCASE | ( f -- ) Compiler R( -- ) |
endof | ENDOF | ( addr1 -- addr2 ) Compiler R( -- ) |
endof | ENDOF | ( addr1 -- addr2 ) Compiler R( -- ) |
execute | EXECUTE | ( xt -- ) System R( -- ) execute XT |
exit | EXIT | ( -- ) Compiler R( xt -- ) end of current colon word |
f_cpu | F_CPU | ( -- f_cou ) System R( -- ) put the cpu frequency on stack |
find | FIND | ( addr -- -- [ addr 0 ] | [ xt [-1|1]] ) Tools R( -- ) search dictionary |
handler | HANDLER | ( -- addr ) Exceptions R( -- ) used by catch/throw |
heap | HEAP | ( -- eaddr) System Pointer R( -- ) address of first unallocated RAM |
here | HERE | ( -- addr ) System Pointer R( -- ) |
hex | HEX | ( -- ) Numeric IO R( -- ) set base to 16 (decimal) |
hld | HLD | ( -- addr ) Numeric IO R( -- ) address of buffer for pictured numeric output |
hold | HOLD | ( c -- ) Numeric IO R( -- ) prepend character to pictured numeric output buffer |
i | I | ( -- n ) Control Structure R( loop-sys -- loop-sys) current loop counter |
i! | ISTORE | ( n addr -- ) Memory R( -- ) writes a cell in flash |
i@ | IFETCH | ( addr -- n1 ) Memory R( -- ) reads a cell from flash, addr is cell address, not byte addres first byte gets into the lower word on tos |
icount | ICOUNT | ( adr -- adr n ) Tools R( -- ) get count byte out of packed counted string in flash |
idump | IDUMP | ( addr len -- ) Tools R( -- ) dumps flash memory beginning with address addr and len cells long |
idump | IDUMP | ( addr len -- ) Tools R( -- ) dumps flash memory beginning with address addr and len cells long |
if | IF | ( -- addr ) Control Structure R( -- ) start conditional branch |
immediate | IMMEDIATE | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) set immediate flag |
int | INTON | ( -- ) Interrupt R( -- ) turns on all interrupts |
int! | INTSTORE | ( xt i -- ) Interrupt R( -- ) stores XT as interrupt vector i |
int@ | INTFETCH | ( i -- xt ) Interrupt R( -- ) fetches XT from interrupt vector i |
interpret | INTERPRET | ( -- ) System R(i*x - j*x ) interpret input word by word. may throw exceptions |
invert | INVERT | ( n1 -- n2) Arithmetics R( -- ) 1-complement of TOS |
is | IS | ( xt1 c<char> -- ) System R( --) stores xt into defer or compiles code to do so at runtime |
is | IS | ( xt1 c<char> -- ) System R( --) stores xt into defer or compiles code to do so at runtime |
itype | ITYPE | ( addr n -- ) Tools R( -- ) reads packed string from flash and emit it |
j | J | ( -- n ) Control Structure R( loop-sys1 loop-sys2 -- loop-sys1 loop-sys2) loop counter of outer loop |
key | KEY | ( -- c ) Character IO R( -- ) fetch key vector and execute it |
key? | KEYQ | ( -- f) Character IO R( -- ) fetch 'key? vector and execute it. Leave true if a character can be read, false otherwise |
leave | LEAVE | ( -- ) R(next limit counter -- next ) runtime of leave |
leave | LEAVE | ( -- ) R(next limit counter -- next ) runtime of leave |
literal | LITERAL | ( n -- ) Compiler R( -- ) compile a literal in colon defintions |
log2 | LOG2 | ( n1 -- n2 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) logarithm base 2 or highest set bitnumber |
loop | LOOP | ( addr -- ) Control Structure R( -- ) cpmpile (loop) and resolve branch |
lshift | LSHIFT | ( n1 n2 -- n3) Arithmetics R( -- ) logical shift left |
m* | MSTAR | ( n1 n2 -- d) Arithmetics R( -- ) multiply 2 cells to a double cell |
max | MAX | ( n1 n2 -- n1|n2 ) Compare R( -- ) compare two values, leave the bigger one |
min | MIN | ( n1 n2 -- n1|n2 ) Compare R( -- ) compare two values leave the smaller one |
mod | MOD | ( n1 n2 -- n3) Arithmetics R( -- ) remainder of division |
negate | NEGATE | ( n1 -- n2 ) Logic R( -- ) 2-complement |
noop | NOOP | ( -- ) Tools R( -- ) do nothing |
not | NOT | ( flag -- flag' ) Logic R( -- ) identical to 0= |
number | NUMBER | (addr -- n ) Numeric IO R( -- ) convert a word to a number, throw exception -1 on error |
of | OF | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) see case |
of | OF | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) see case |
or | OR | ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Logic R( -- ) logical or |
over | OVER | ( n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1 ) Stack R( -- ) stack manipulation |
pad | PAD | ( -- addr ) System Pointer R( -- ) scratch buffer. |
parse | PARSE | ( char "ccc" -- c-addr u ) String R( -- ) in input buffer parse ccc delimited string by the delimiter char. |
pause | PAUSE | ( -- ) Multitasking R( -- ) fetch pause vector and execute it. may make a context/task switch |
quit | QUIT | ( -- ) System R( -- ) main loop of amforth. accept - interpret in an endless loop |
r> | R_FROM | ( -- n ) Stack R( n --) move TOR to TOS |
r@ | R_FETCH | ( -- n) Stack R( n -- n ) fetch content of TOR |
recurse | RECURSE | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) compile XT of the word beeing currently defined into dictionary (! not conforming to ANS!) |
refill | REFILL | ( -- f ) IO R( -- ) refills the input buffer |
repeat | REPEAT | (addr1 -- addr2 ) Control Structure R( -- ) go back to begin |
rot | ROT | ( n1 n2 n3 -- n2 n3 n1) Stack R( -- ) stack manupulation |
rp | RP | ( -- addr) Stackpointer R( -- ) address of variable to store the return stack pointer for inactive tasks |
rp! | RP_STORE | ( n -- ) Stackpointer R( -- xy) set return stack pointer |
rp0 | RP0 | ( -- addr) Stackpointer R( -- ) start value of return stack |
rp@ | RP_FETCH | ( -- n) Stackpointer R( -- ) current return stack pointer address |
rshift | RSHIFT | ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Arithmetics R( -- ) logical shift right |
rx0 | RX0 | ( -- c) Hardware Access R( --) get 1 character from input queue, wait if needed |
rx0? | RX0Q | ( -- f) Hardware Access R( --) check if unread characters are in the input queue. |
s" | SQUOTE | ( <cchar> -- ) Compiler R( -- ) compiles a string to flash, at runtime leaves ( -- addr count) on stack |
s" | SQUOTE | ( <cchar> -- ) Compiler R( -- ) compiles a string to flash, at runtime leaves ( -- addr count) on stack |
s, | SCOMMA | ( addr len -- ) Compiler R( -- ) compiles a string from RAM to Flash |
s>d | S2D | ( n1 -- d1 ) Conversion R( -- ) extend (signed) single cell value to double cell |
sign | SIGN | ( n -- ) Numeric IO R( -- ) place a - in HLD if value is negative |
sleep | SLEEP | ( -- ) Interrupt R( -- ) calls the MCU sleep instruction. Not useful itself! |
source | SOURCE | ( addr1 u1 n-- addr2 u2 ) System R( -- ) adjust string from addr1 to addr1+n, reduce length from u1 to u2 |
sp | SP | ( -- addr) Stackpointer R( -- ) address of variable to store data stack pointer for inactive tasks |
sp! | SP_STORE | ( addr -- i*x) Stackpointer R( -- ) data stack pointer changed to addr |
sp0 | SP0 | ( -- addr) Stackpointer R( -- ) start of data stack |
sp@ | SP_FETCH | ( -- n) Stackpointer R( -- ) current data stack pointer |
space | SPACE | ( -- ) Character IO R( -- ) emits a space (bl) |
state | STATE | ( -- addr ) Compiler R( -- ) system state |
swap | SWAP | ( n1 n2 -- n2 n1) Stack R( -- ) stack manipulation |
then | THEN | ( addr -- ) Compiler R( -- ) finish if |
throw | THROW | ( n -- ) Exceptions R( -- ) throw an exception |
tib | TIB | ( -- addr ) System Pointer R( -- ) terminal input buffer address |
to | TO | ( n <name> -- ) Tools R( --) store the TOS to value (an EEPROM 16bit cell) |
turnkey | TURNKEY | ( -- eaddr) System Pointer R( -- ) address of the variable that holds an XT to be started by cold before quit takes over |
tx0 | TX0 | (c -- ) Hardware Access R( --) put 1 character into output queue, wait if needed, enable UDRIE0 interrupt |
tx0? | TX0Q | ( -- f) Hardware Access R( --) check if a character can be appended to output queue. |
type | TYPE | ( addr n -- ) Character IO R( -- ) emits a string |
u*/mod | USTARSLASHMOD | ( u1 u2 u3 -- rem quot) Arithmetics R( -- ) unsigned division with remainder u3 * u2 / u1 |
u. | UDOT | ( n -- ) Numeric IO R( -- ) unsigned numeric output |
u. | UDOT | ( n -- ) Numeric IO R( -- ) unsigned numeric output |
u/mod | USLASHMOD | (u1 u2 -- rem quot) Arithmetics R( -- ) unsigned division with remainder |
u< | ULESS | ( u1 u2 -- flasg) Compare R( -- ) compare values u1 < u2 (unsigned) |
u> | UGREATER | ( u1 u2 -- flag ) Compare R( -- ) compares u1 > u2 (unsigned) |
um/mod | UMSLASHMOD | ( ud u2 -- rem quot) Arithmetics R( -- ) unsigned division ud / u2 with remainder |
unloop | UNLOOP | ( -- ) Control Structure R(loop-sys -- ) remove loop-sys |
until | UNTIL | ( addr -- ) Compiler R( -- ) finish begin with conditional branch |
unused | UNUSED | ( -- n ) Tools R( -- ) number of unused flash cells |
up! | UP_STORE | ( addr -- ) System R( -- ) set user pointer |
up@ | UP_FETCH | ( -- addr ) System R( -- ) get user pointer |
usart0 | USART0 | ( -- ) Hardware Access R( --) initialize usart0 |
user | USER | ( n -- ) Compiler R( -- ) define a new user variable |
value | VALUE | ( n <name> -- ) Compiler R( -- ) allocate space for 1 cell in EEPROM. used in conjunction with TO |
variable | VARIABLE | ( -- ) Compiler R( -- ) create a variable entry and allocate RAM space for it |
ver | VER | ( -- ) Tools R( -- ) emits the version string |
wdr | WDR | ( -- ) Interrupt R( -- ) calls the MCU wdr instruction |
while | WHILE | ( dest -- orig dest ) Control Structure R( -- ) control structure |
word | WORD | ( c -- addr ) Tools R( -- ) skip leading delimiter characters and parses TIB to the next delimiter. copy the word into PAD |
words | WORDS | ( -- ) Tools R( -- ) emits a list of all (visible) words in the dictionary |
words | WORDS | ( -- ) Tools R( -- ) emits a list of all (visible) words in the dictionary |
xor | XOR | ( n1 n2 -- n3) Logic R( -- ) exclusive or |