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% Compact Academic CV
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% LaTeX Template
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% Version 1.0 (10/6/2012)
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% This template has been downloaded from:
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% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
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% Original author:
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% Dario Taraborelli (http://nitens.org/taraborelli/home)
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% License:
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% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
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{\LARGE Jakub Kákona}\\[1cm] % Your name
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U Jatek \texttt{19}
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Česká Republika\\[.2cm]
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Phone: \texttt{+420 604 484 808}\\ % Your phone number
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Email: \href{mailto:kjakub@gmail.com}{kjakub@gmail.com}\\ % Your email address
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%\textsc{url}: \href{http://www.ias.edu/spfeatures/einstein/}{http://www.ias.edu/spfeatures/einstein/}\\ % Your academic/personal website
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\vfill % Whitespace between contact information and specific CV information
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Narození: 1.10.1988, Cheb\\ % Your date of birth
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%Nationality: Česká % Your nationality
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\section*{Aktuální stav}
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\emph{Student}, ČVUT Fakulta elektrotechnická, Obor Letecké a kosmické systémy. % Your current or previous employment position
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\section*{Oblasti specializace}
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Astronomie, Radioastronomie, fyzika, (opto)elektronika. % Your primary areas of research interest
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\years{2013}Mentor programu ESA SOCIS pro projekt MLAB\\
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\years{2007-2013}Vedoucí robotického kroužku Robozor v Českých Budějovicích \\
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\years{2008-2014}Vedoucí radioastronomické skupiny na letní Astronomické expedici v Úpici\\
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\years{2008-2012}\textsc{Bc.} Aplikace přírodních věd - Laserové systémy a optoelektronika, FJFI ČVUT\\
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\years{2004-2008} Střední průmyslová škola strojní a elektrotechnická České Budějovice\\
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\years{2013} ESA Summer of Code in Space
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%\subsection*{Journal articles}
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\years{2012} J. Kákona, M. Kákona, J. Szylar, “Measuring of ionospheric disturbances with Software Defined Radio based on Open Hardware", \emph{Acta Polytechnica}\\
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%\subsection*{Newspaper articles}
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%\section*{Service to the profession}
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\vfill{} % Whitespace before final footer
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{\scriptsize Last updated: \today\- •\- } % Any final footer text such as a URL to the latest version of your CV, last updated date, compiled in XeTeX, etc
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