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% The documentation of the usage of CTUstyle -- the template for
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% typessetting thesis by plain\TeX at CTU in Prague
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% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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% Petr Olsak Jan. 2013
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% You can copy this file to your own file and do some changes.
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% Then you can run: pdfcsplain your-file
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\input ctustyle % The template is included here.
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%\input pdfuni % Uncomment this if you need accented PDFoutlines
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\worktype [M/EN] % Type: B = bachelor, M = master, D = Ph.D., O = other
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% / the language: CZ = Czech, SK = Slovak, EN = English
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\faculty {F3} % Type your faculty F1, F2, F3, etc.
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% use main language of your document here:
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\department {Department of Measurement}
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\titleCZ {Rychlý vícekanálový systém sběru dat pro radioastronomický přijímač}
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%\subtitle {Šablona v plain\TeX{}u\nl pro sazbu studentských závěrečných prací na ČVUT}
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% \subtitle is optional
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\author {Jakub Kákona}
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\date {June 2014}
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\supervisor {Ing. Martin Matoušek, Ph.D.} % One or more supervisors
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\studyinfo {Aircraft and Space Systems} % Study programme etc.
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\workname {Dokumentace} % Used only if \worktype [O/*] (Other)
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% optional more information about the document:
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\workinfo {\url{http://wiki.mlab.cz/doku.php?id=cs:sdrx}}
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% Title / Subtitle in minor language:
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\title {Fast multi-channel data acquisition system for radio-astronomy receiver}
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%\subtitleEN {the plain\TeX{} template for theses at CTU}
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% If minor language is other than English
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% use \titleCZ, \subtitleCZ or \titleSK, \subtitleSK instead it.
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\pagetwo {} % The text printed on the page 2 at the bottom.
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\abstractEN {
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\abstractCZ {
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} % If your language is Slovak use \abstractSK instead \abstractCZ
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\keywordsEN { ADC interface, radioastronomy, signal digitalisation
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\keywordsCZ { Radioastronomie, digitalizace signálu, A/D konverze
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\thanks { % Use main language here
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\declaration { % Use main language here
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Prohlašuji, že jsem předloženou práci vypracoval
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samostatně a že jsem uvedl veškeré použité informační zdroje v~souladu
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s~Metodickým pokynem o~dodržování etických principů při přípravě
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vysokoškolských závěrečných prací.
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V Praze dne 12. 5. 2014 % !!! Attention, you have to change this item.
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\signature % makes dots
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%%%%% <-- % The place for your own macros is here.
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%\draft % Uncomment this if the version of your document is working only.
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%\linespacing=1.7 % uncomment this if you need more spaces between lines
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% Warning: this works only when \draft is activated!
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\savetoner % Turns off the lightBlue backround of tables and
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% verbatims, only for \draft version.
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%\blackwhite % Use this if you need really Black+White thesis.
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%\onesideprinting % Use this if you really don't use duplex printing.
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\makefront % Mandatory command. Makes title page, acknowledgment, contents etc.
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\input introduction % Files where the source of the document is prepared.
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\input description % Full name is: uvod.tex, popis.tex, the suffix can be omitted.
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\input conclusion
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\input appendix
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