?lang_form? ?lang_select? ?lang_submit? ?lang_endform?


?curdirlinks? -

Blame information for rev 32

Line No. Rev Author Line
1 32 kaklik /*****************************************************************************
2 * Module for Microchip Graphics Library
3 * GOL Layer
4 *****************************************************************************
5 * FileName: GOL.h
6 * Dependencies: None
7 * Processor: PIC24F, PIC24H, dsPIC, PIC32
8 * Compiler: MPLAB C30 V3.00, MPLAB C32
9 * Linker: MPLAB LINK30, MPLAB LINK32
10 * Company: Microchip Technology Incorporated
11 *
12 * Software License Agreement
13 *
14 * Copyright © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. All rights reserved.
15 * Microchip licenses to you the right to use, modify, copy and distribute
16 * Software only when embedded on a Microchip microcontroller or digital
17 * signal controller, which is integrated into your product or third party
18 * product (pursuant to the sublicense terms in the accompanying license
19 * agreement).
20 *
21 *
22 * You should refer to the license agreement accompanying this Software
23 * for additional information regarding your rights and obligations.
24 *
36 *
37 * Author Date Comment
38 *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
39 * Anton Alkhimenok and
40 * Paolo A. Tamayo
41 * 11/12/07 Version 1.0 release
42 * PAT 06/29/09 Added BTN_MSG_STILLPRESSED message for
43 * button object and EVENT_STILLPRESS for
45 *****************************************************************************/
46 #ifndef _GOL_H
47 #define _GOL_H
49 #include "Graphics\Graphics.h"
51 /*********************************************************************
52 * Overview: GOL scheme defines the style scheme to be used by an object.
53 *
54 *********************************************************************/
55 typedef struct
56 {
57 WORD EmbossDkColor; // Emboss dark color used for 3d effect.
58 WORD EmbossLtColor; // Emboss light color used for 3d effect.
59 WORD TextColor0; // Character color 0 used for objects that supports text.
60 WORD TextColor1; // Character color 1 used for objects that supports text.
61 WORD TextColorDisabled; // Character color used when object is in a disabled state.
62 WORD Color0; // Color 0 usually assigned to an Object state.
63 WORD Color1; // Color 1 usually assigned to an Object state.
64 WORD ColorDisabled; // Color used when an Object is in a disabled state.
65 WORD CommonBkColor; // Background color used to hide Objects.
66 void *pFont; // Font selected for the scheme.
69 /*********************************************************************
70 * Overview: Pointer to the GOL default scheme (GOL_SCHEME). This
71 * scheme is created in GOLInit() function. GOL scheme
72 * defines the style scheme to be used by an object.
73 * Use GOLGetSchemeDefault() to get this pointer.
74 *
75 *********************************************************************/
76 extern GOL_SCHEME *_pDefaultGolScheme;
78 /*********************************************************************
79 * Overview: This structure defines the Object types used in the library.
80 *
81 *********************************************************************/
82 typedef enum
83 {
84 OBJ_BUTTON, // Type defined for Button Object.
85 OBJ_WINDOW, // Type defined for Window Object.
86 OBJ_CHECKBOX, // Type defined for Check Box Object.
87 OBJ_RADIOBUTTON, // Type defined for Radio Button Object.
88 OBJ_EDITBOX, // Type defined for Edit Box Object.
89 OBJ_LISTBOX, // Type defined for List Box Object.
90 OBJ_SLIDER, // Type defined for Slider and/or Scroll Bar Object.
91 OBJ_PROGRESSBAR, // Type defined for Progress Object.
92 OBJ_STATICTEXT, // Type defined for Static Text Object.
93 OBJ_PICTURE, // Type defined for Picture or Bitmap Object.
94 OBJ_GROUPBOX, // Type defined for Group Box Object.
95 OBJ_CUSTOM, // Type defined for Custom Object.
96 OBJ_ROUNDDIAL, // Type defined for Dial Object.
97 OBJ_METER, // Type defined for Meter Object.
98 OBJ_GRID, // Type defined for Grid Object.
99 OBJ_CHART, // Type defined for Chart Object.
100 OBJ_TEXTENTRY, // Type defined for Text-Entry Object.
101 OBJ_DIGITALMETER, // Type defined for DIGITALMETER Object.
102 OBJ_UNKNOWN // Type is undefined and not supported by the library.
105 /*********************************************************************
106 * Overview: This structure defines the GOL message used in the library.
107 * - The types must be one of the INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE:
111 * - TYPE_MOUSE
112 * - uiEvent must be one of the INPUT_DEVICE_EVENT.
113 * - for touch screen:
115 * - EVENT_MOVE
119 * - for keyboard:
120 * - EVENT_KEYSCAN (param2 contains scan code)
121 * - EVENT_KEYCODE (param2 contains character code)
122 * - param1:
123 * - for touch screen is the x position
124 * - for keyboard ID of object receiving the message
125 * - param2
126 * - for touch screen y position
127 * - for keyboard scan or key code
128 *
129 *********************************************************************/
130 typedef struct
131 {
132 BYTE type; // Type of input device.
133 BYTE uiEvent; // The generic events for input device.
134 SHORT param1; // Parameter 1 meaning is dependent on the type of input device.
135 SHORT param2; // Parameter 2 meaning is dependent on the type of input device.
136 } GOL_MSG;
138 /*********************************************************************
139 * Overview: This structure defines the types of input devices
140 * used in the library.
141 *
142 *********************************************************************/
143 typedef enum
144 {
145 TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, // Unknown device.
146 TYPE_KEYBOARD, // Keyboard.
147 TYPE_TOUCHSCREEN, // Touchscreen.
148 TYPE_MOUSE, // Mouse.
149 TYPE_TIMER, // Timer.
150 TYPE_SYSTEM // System Messages.
153 /*********************************************************************
154 * Overview: This structure defines the types of GOL message events
155 * used in the library.
156 *
157 *********************************************************************/
158 typedef enum
159 {
160 EVENT_INVALID = 0, // An invalid event.
161 EVENT_MOVE, // A move event.
162 EVENT_PRESS, // A press event.
163 EVENT_STILLPRESS, // A continuous press event.
164 EVENT_RELEASE, // A release event.
165 EVENT_KEYSCAN, // A keyscan event, parameters has the object ID keyboard scan code.
166 EVENT_CHARCODE, // Character code is presented at the parameters.
167 EVENT_SET, // A generic set event.
168 EVENT_SET_STATE, // A set state event.
169 EVENT_CLR_STATE // A clear state event.
172 /*********************************************************************
173 * Overview: This structure defines the list of translated messages for
174 * GOL Objects used in the library.
175 *
176 *********************************************************************/
177 typedef enum
178 {
179 OBJ_MSG_INVALID = 0, // Invalid message response.
180 CB_MSG_CHECKED, // Check Box check action ID.
181 CB_MSG_UNCHECKED, // Check Box un-check action ID.
182 RB_MSG_CHECKED, // Radio Button check action ID.
183 WND_MSG_CLIENT, // Window client area selected action ID.
184 WND_MSG_TITLE, // Window title bar selected action ID.
185 BTN_MSG_PRESSED, // Button pressed action ID.
186 BTN_MSG_STILLPRESSED, // Button is continuously pressed ID.
187 BTN_MSG_RELEASED, // Button released action ID.
188 BTN_MSG_CANCELPRESS, // Button released action ID with button press canceled.
189 PICT_MSG_SELECTED, // Picture selected action ID.
190 GB_MSG_SELECTED, // Group Box selected action ID.
191 CC_MSG_SELECTED, // Custom Control selected action ID.
192 SLD_MSG_INC, // Slider or Scroll Bar increment action ID.
193 SLD_MSG_DEC, // Slider or Scroll Bar decrement action ID.
194 ST_MSG_SELECTED, // Static Text selected action ID.
195 DM_MSG_SELECTED, // Digital Meter selected action ID.
196 PB_MSG_SELECTED, // Progress Bar selected action ID.
197 RD_MSG_CLOCKWISE, // Dial move clockwise action ID.
198 RD_MSG_CTR_CLOCKWISE, // Dial move counter clockwise action ID.
199 MTR_MSG_SET, // Meter set value action ID.
200 EB_MSG_CHAR, // Edit Box insert character action ID.
201 EB_MSG_DEL, // Edit Box remove character action ID.
202 EB_MSG_TOUCHSCREEN, // Edit Box touchscreen selected action ID.
203 LB_MSG_SEL, // List Box item select action ID.
204 LB_MSG_MOVE, // List Box item move action ID.
205 LB_MSG_TOUCHSCREEN, // List Box touchscreen selected action ID.
206 GRID_MSG_TOUCHED, // Grid item touched action ID.
207 GRID_MSG_ITEM_SELECTED, // Grid item selected action ID.
208 GRID_MSG_UP, // Grid up action ID.
209 GRID_MSG_DOWN, // Grid down action ID.
210 GRID_MSG_LEFT, // Grid left action ID.
211 GRID_MSG_RIGHT, // Grid right action ID.
212 CH_MSG_SELECTED, // Chart selected action ID
213 TE_MSG_RELEASED, // TextEntry released action ID
214 TE_MSG_PRESSED, // TextEntry pressed action ID
215 TE_MSG_ADD_CHAR, // TextEntry add character action ID
216 TE_MSG_DELETE, // TextEntry delete character action ID
217 TE_MSG_SPACE, // TextEntry add space character action ID
218 TE_MSG_ENTER, // TextEntry enter action ID
219 OBJ_MSG_PASSIVE // Passive message response. No change in object needed.
220 } TRANS_MSG;
222 /*********************************************************************
223 * Overview: This structure defines the first nine fields of the
224 * Objects structure. This allows generic operations on
225 * library Objects.
226 *
227 *********************************************************************/
228 typedef struct
229 {
230 WORD ID; // Unique id assigned for referencing.
231 void *pNxtObj; // A pointer to the next object.
232 GOL_OBJ_TYPE type; // Identifies the type of GOL object.
233 WORD state; // State of object.
234 SHORT left; // Left position of the Object.
235 SHORT top; // Top position of the Object.
236 SHORT right; // Right position of the Object.
237 SHORT bottom; // Bottom position of the Object.
238 GOL_SCHEME *pGolScheme; // Pointer to the scheme used.
241 /*********************************************************************
242 * Overview: The following are the common Objcet States.
243 *
244 *********************************************************************/
246 // Focus state bit.
247 #define FOCUSED 0x0001
249 // Disabled state bit.
250 #define DISABLED 0x0002
252 // Object hide state bit. Object will be hidden from the
253 // screen by drawing over it the common background color.
254 #define HIDE 0x8000
256 // Object redraw state bit. The whole Object must be redrawn.
257 #define DRAW 0x7C00
259 // Focus redraw state bit. The focus rectangle must be redrawn.
260 #define DRAW_FOCUS 0x2000
262 // Partial Object redraw state bit. A part or parts of
263 // of the Object must be redrawn to show updated state.
264 #define DRAW_UPDATE 0x3C00
266 /*********************************************************************
267 * Overview: The following are the global variables of GOL.
268 *
269 *********************************************************************/
271 /*********************************************************************
272 * Overview: Pointer to the current linked list of objects displayed
273 * and receiving messages. GOLDraw() and GOLMsg() process
274 * objects referenced by this pointer.
275 *
276 *********************************************************************/
277 extern OBJ_HEADER *_pGolObjects;
279 /*********************************************************************
280 * Overview: Pointer to the object receiving keyboad input. This pointer
281 * is used or modified by the following APIs:
282 * - GOLSetFocus()
283 * - GOLGetFocus()
284 * - GOLGetFocusNext()
285 * - GOLGetFocusPrev()
286 * - GOLCanBeFocused()
287 *
288 *********************************************************************/
289 extern OBJ_HEADER *_pObjectFocused;
291 // Line type used for focus mark.
292 #define FOCUS_LINE 2
294 /*********************************************************************
295 * Overview: This option defines the 3-D effect emboss size for objects.
296 * The default value of this is 3 set in GOL.h. If it is not
297 * defined in GraphicsConfig.h file then the default value is used.
298 *
299 *********************************************************************/
300 #ifndef GOL_EMBOSS_SIZE
301 #define GOL_EMBOSS_SIZE 3
302 #endif
304 /*********************************************************************
305 * Overview: The following are the style scheme default settings.
306 *
307 *********************************************************************/
309 // Default GOL font.
310 extern const FONT_FLASH GOLFontDefault;
312 // Default Font assignement.
313 #define FONTDEFAULT GOLFontDefault
315 #ifdef USE_PALETTE
317 #include "PaletteColorDefines.h"
319 #else
321 // Brown color scheme
322 #define SADDLEBROWN RGB565CONVERT(139, 69, 19) // Saddle Color
323 #define SIENNA RGB565CONVERT(160, 82, 45) // Sienna Color
324 #define PERU RGB565CONVERT(205, 133, 63) // Peru Color
325 #define BURLYWOOD RGB565CONVERT(222, 184, 135) // Burly wood Color
326 #define WHEAT RGB565CONVERT(245, 245, 220) // Wheat Color
327 #define TAN RGB565CONVERT(210, 180, 140) // Tan Color
328 #define GRAY80 RGB565CONVERT(204, 204, 204) // Gray80 Color
329 #define GRAY90 RGB565CONVERT(229, 229, 229) // Gray90 Color
330 #define GRAY95 RGB565CONVERT(242, 242, 242) // Gray95 Color
331 #if (COLOR_DEPTH == 1)
333 /* default settings for a monochrome display */
335 // Emboss dark color default value.
338 // Emboss light color default value.
341 // Text color 0 default value.
344 // Text color 1 default value.
345 #define TEXTCOLOR1DEFAULT 0x00
347 // Text color disabled default value.
350 // Color 0 default value.
351 #define COLOR0DEFAULT 0x00
353 // Color 1 default value.
354 #define COLOR1DEFAULT 0xFF
356 // Disabled color default value.
359 // Common background color default value.
362 #else
363 #if defined (GFX_PICTAIL_V1)
365 /* default settings for Microtips display */
367 // Emboss dark color default value.
368 #define EMBOSSDKCOLORDEFAULT RGB565CONVERT(0x2B, 0x55, 0x87)
370 // Emboss light color default value.
373 // Text color 0 default value.
374 #define TEXTCOLOR0DEFAULT RGB565CONVERT(0x07, 0x1E, 0x48)
376 // Text color 1 default value.
379 // Text color disabled default value.
382 // Color 0 default value.
383 #define COLOR0DEFAULT RGB565CONVERT(0x93, 0xEF, 0xFF)
385 // Color 1 default value.
386 #define COLOR1DEFAULT RGB565CONVERT(0x26, 0xC7, 0xF2)
388 // Disabled color default value.
391 // Common background color default value.
394 #else
396 /* default settings for TRULY display */
398 // Emboss dark color default value.
399 #define EMBOSSDKCOLORDEFAULT RGB565CONVERT(0x2B, 0x55, 0x87)
401 // Emboss light color default value.
404 // Text color 0 default value.
405 #define TEXTCOLOR0DEFAULT RGB565CONVERT(0x07, 0x1E, 0x48)
407 // Text color 1 default value.
410 // Text color disabled default value.
413 // Color 0 default value.
414 #define COLOR0DEFAULT RGB565CONVERT(0xA9, 0xDB, 0xEF)
416 // Color 1 default value.
417 #define COLOR1DEFAULT RGB565CONVERT(0x26, 0xC7, 0xF2)
419 // Disabled color default value.
422 // Common background color default value.
425 #endif // #if defined (GFX_PICTAIL_V1)
426 #endif // USE_MONOCHROME
427 #endif
429 /*********************************************************************
430 * Function: WORD GOLCanBeFocused(OBJ_HEADER* object)
431 *
432 * Overview: This function returns non-zero if the object can
433 * be focused. Only button, check box, radio button,
434 * slider, edit box, list box, scroll bar can accept
435 * focus. If the object is disabled it cannot be set
436 * to focused state.
437 *
438 * PreCondition: none
439 *
440 * Input: object - Pointer to the object of interest.
441 *
442 * Output: This returns a non-zero if the object can be focused
443 * and zero if not.
444 *
445 * Side Effects: none
446 *
447 ********************************************************************/
448 WORD GOLCanBeFocused(OBJ_HEADER *object);
450 /*********************************************************************
451 * Function: OBJ_HEADER *GOLGetFocusNext()
452 *
453 * Overview: This function returns the pointer to the previous object
454 * in the active linked list which is able to receive
455 * keyboard input.
456 *
457 * PreCondition: none
458 *
459 * Input: none
460 *
461 * Output: This returns the pointer of the previous object in the
462 * active list capable of receiving keyboard input. If
463 * there is no object capable of receiving keyboard
464 * inputs (i.e. none can be focused) NULL is returned.
465 *
466 * Side Effects: none
467 *
468 ********************************************************************/
469 OBJ_HEADER *GOLGetFocusPrev(void);
471 /*********************************************************************
472 * Function: OBJ_HEADER *GOLGetFocusNext()
473 *
474 * Overview: This function returns the pointer to the next object
475 * in the active linked list which is able to receive
476 * keyboard input.
477 *
478 * PreCondition: none
479 *
480 * Input: none
481 *
482 * Output: This returns the pointer of the next object in the
483 * active list capable of receiving keyboard input. If
484 * there is no object capable of receiving keyboard
485 * inputs (i.e. none can be focused) NULL is returned.
486 *
487 * Side Effects: none
488 *
489 ********************************************************************/
490 OBJ_HEADER *GOLGetFocusNext(void);
492 /*********************************************************************
493 * Function: void GOLSetFocus(OBJ_HEADER* object)
494 *
495 * Overview: This function sets the keyboard input focus to the
496 * object. If the object cannot accept keyboard messages
497 * focus will not be changed. This function resets FOCUSED
498 * state for the object was in focus previously, set
499 * FOCUSED state for the required object and marks the
500 * objects to be redrawn.
501 *
502 * PreCondition: none
503 *
504 * Input: object - Pointer to the object of interest.
505 *
506 * Output: none
507 *
508 * Side Effects: none
509 *
510 ********************************************************************/
511 void GOLSetFocus(OBJ_HEADER *object);
513 /*********************************************************************
514 * Macros: GOLGetFocus()
515 *
516 * Overview: This macro returns the pointer to the current object
517 * receiving keyboard input.
518 *
519 * PreCondition: none
520 *
521 * Input: none
522 *
523 * Output: Returns the pointer to the object receiving keyboard input.
524 * If there is no object in focus NULL is returned.
525 *
526 * Side Effects: none
527 *
528 ********************************************************************/
529 #define GOLGetFocus() _pObjectFocused
531 /*********************************************************************
532 * Macros: GetObjType(pObj)
533 *
534 * Overview: This macro returns the object type.
535 *
536 * PreCondition: none
537 *
538 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
539 *
540 * Output: Returns the OBJ_TYPE of the object.
541 *
542 * Side Effects: none
543 *
544 ********************************************************************/
545 #define GetObjType(pObj) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->type
547 /*********************************************************************
548 * Macros: GetObjID(pObj)
549 *
550 * Overview: This macro returns the object ID.
551 *
552 * PreCondition: none
553 *
554 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
555 *
556 * Output: Returns the ID of the object.
557 *
558 * Example:
559 * <CODE>
560 * void UseOfGetObjID(OBJ_HEADER *pObj) {
561 * WORD id;
562 * switch(id = GetObjID(pObj)) {
563 * case ID_WINDOW1:
564 * // do something
565 * case ID_WINDOW2:
566 * // do something else
567 * case ID_WINDOW3:
568 * // do something else
569 * default:
570 * // do something else
571 * }
572 * }
573 * </CODE>
574 *
575 * Side Effects: none
576 *
577 ********************************************************************/
578 #define GetObjID(pObj) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->ID
580 /*********************************************************************
581 * Macros: GetObjNext(pObj)
582 *
583 * Overview: This macro returns the next object after the specified
584 * object.
585 *
586 * PreCondition: none
587 *
588 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
589 *
590 * Output: Returns the pointer of the next object.
591 *
592 * Example:
593 * <CODE>
594 * // This is the same example for the GetObjType() macro
595 * // We just replaced one line
596 * void RedrawButtons(void) {
597 * OBJ_HEADER *pCurr;
598 *
599 * pCurr = GOLGetList(); // get active list
600 * while(pCurr->pNxtObj != NULL) {
601 * if (GetObjType(pCurr) == BUTTON)
602 * pCurr->state = BTN_DRAW; // set button to be redrawn
603 * pCurr = GetObjNext(pCurr); // Use of GetObjNext() macro
604 * // replaces the old line
605 * }
606 * GolDraw(); // redraw all buttons in the
607 * // active list
608 * }
609 * </CODE>
610 *
611 * Side Effects: none
612 *
613 ********************************************************************/
614 #define GetObjNext(pObj) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->pNxtObj
616 /*********************************************************************
617 * Macros: IsObjUpdated(pObj)
618 *
619 * Overview: This macro tests if the object is pending to
620 * be redrawn. This is done by testing the 6 MSBits
621 * of object’s state to detect if the object must
622 * be redrawn.
623 *
624 * PreCondition: none
625 *
626 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
627 *
628 * Output: Returns a nonzero value if the object needs
629 * to be redrawn. Zero if not.
630 *
631 * Example:
632 * <CODE>
633 * int DrawButtonWindowOnly() {
634 * static OBJ_HEADER *pCurrentObj = NULL;
635 * SHORT done = 0;
636 *
637 * if (pCurrentObj == NULL)
638 * pCurrentObj = GOLGetList(); // get current list
639 *
640 * while(pCurrentObj != NULL){
641 * if(IsObjUpdated(pCurrentObj)){
642 * switch(pCurrentObj->type){
643 * case OBJ_BUTTON:
644 * done = BtnDraw((BUTTON*)pCurrentObj);
645 * break;
646 * case OBJ_WINDOW:
647 * done = WndDraw((WINDOW*)pCurrentObj);
648 * break;
649 * }
650 * // reset state of object if done
651 * if (done)
652 * GOLDrawComplete(pCurrentObj)
653 * // Return if not done. This means that BtnDraw()
654 * // was terminated prematurely by device busy status
655 * // and must be recalled to finish rendering of
656 * // objects in the list that have new states.
657 * else
658 * return 0;
659 * }
660 * // go to the next object in the list
661 * pCurrentObj = pCurrentObj->pNxtObj;
662 * }
663 * return 1;
664 * }
665 * </CODE>
666 *
667 * Side Effects: none
668 *
669 ********************************************************************/
670 #define IsObjUpdated(pObj) (((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state & 0xfc00)
672 /*********************************************************************
673 * Macros: GOLDrawComplete(pObj)
674 *
675 * Overview: This macro resets the drawing states of the object
676 * (6 MSBits of the object’s state).
677 *
678 * PreCondition: none
679 *
680 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
681 *
682 * Output: none
683 *
684 * Example:
685 * <CODE>
686 * // This function should be called again whenever an incomplete
687 * // rendering (done = 0) of an object occurs.
688 * // internal states in the BtnDraw() or WndDraw() should pickup
689 * // on the state where it left off to continue rendering.
690 * void GOLDraw() {
691 * static OBJ_HEADER *pCurrentObj = NULL;
692 * SHORT done;
693 *
694 * if(pCurrentObj == NULL) {
695 * if(GOLDrawCallback()) {
696 * // If it's last object jump to head
697 * pCurrentObj = GOLGetList();
698 * } else {
699 * return;
700 * }
701 * }
702 * done = 0;
703 *
704 * while(pCurrentObj != NULL) {
705 * if(IsObjUpdated(pCurrentObj)) {
706 * switch(pCurrentObj->type) {
707 * case OBJ_BUTTON:
708 * done = BtnDraw((BUTTON*)pCurrentObj);
709 * break;
710 * case OBJ_WINDOW:
711 * done = WndDraw((WINDOW*)pCurrentObj);
712 * break;
713 * }
714 * if(done){
715 * GOLDrawComplete(pCurrentObj);
716 * }else{
717 * return;
718 * }
719 * }
720 * pCurrentObj = pCurrentObj->pNxtObj;
721 * }
722 * }
723 * </CODE>
724 *
725 * Side Effects: none
726 *
727 ********************************************************************/
728 #define GOLDrawComplete(pObj) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state &= 0x03ff
730 /*********************************************************************
731 * Macros: SetState(pObj, stateBits)
732 *
733 * Overview: This macro sets the state bits of an object.
734 * Object must be redrawn to display the changes.
735 * It is possible to set several state bits with
736 * this macro.
737 *
738 * PreCondition: none
739 *
740 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
741 * stateBits - Defines which state bits are to be
742 * set. Please refer to specific objects for object
743 * state bits definition for details
744 *
745 * Output: none
746 *
747 * Example:
748 * <CODE>
749 * void BtnMsgDefault(WORD msg, BUTTON* pB){
750 * switch(msg){
751 * case BTN_MSG_PRESSED:
752 * // set pressed and redraw
753 * SetState(pB, BTN_PRESSED|BTN_DRAW);
754 * break;
755 * case BTN_MSG_RELEASED:
756 * ClrState(pB, BTN_PRESSED); // reset pressed
757 * SetState(pB, BTN_DRAW); // redraw
758 * break;
759 * }
760 * }
761 * </CODE>
762 *
763 * Side Effects: none
764 *
765 ********************************************************************/
766 #define SetState(pObj, stateBits) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state |= (stateBits)
768 /*********************************************************************
769 * Macros: ClrState(pObj, stateBits)
770 *
771 * Overview: This macro clear the state bits of an object.
772 * Object must be redrawn to display the changes.
773 * It is possible to clear several state bits with
774 * this macro.
775 *
776 * PreCondition: none
777 *
778 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
779 * stateBits - Defines which state bits are to be
780 * cleared. Please refer to specific objects for object
781 * state bits definition for details
782 *
783 * Output: none
784 *
785 * Example:
786 * See example for SetState().
787 *
788 * Side Effects: none
789 *
790 ********************************************************************/
791 #define ClrState(pObj, stateBits) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state &= (~(stateBits))
793 /*********************************************************************
794 * Macros: GetState(pObj, stateBits)
795 *
796 * Overview: This macro retrieves the current value of
797 * the state bits of an object. It is possible
798 * to get several state bits.
799 *
800 * PreCondition: none
801 *
802 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
803 * stateBits - Defines which state bits are requested.
804 * Please refer to specific objects for object
805 * state bits definition for details
806 *
807 * Output: Macro returns a non-zero if any bit in the
808 * stateBits mask is set.
809 *
810 * Example:
811 * <CODE>
812 * #define BTN_HIDE 0x8000
813 * BUTTON *pB;
814 * // pB is created and initialized
815 * // do something here to set state
816 *
817 * // Hide the button (remove from screen)
818 * if (GetState(pB,BTN_HIDE)) {
819 * SetColor(pB->pGolScheme->CommonBkColor);
820 * Bar(pB->left,pB->top,pB->right,pB->bottom);
821 *
822 * }
823 * </CODE>
824 *
825 * Side Effects: none
826 *
827 ********************************************************************/
828 #define GetState(pObj, stateBits) (((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state & (stateBits))
830 /*********************************************************************
831 * Function: GOL_SCHEME *GOLCreateScheme()
832 *
833 * Overview: This function creates a new style scheme object
834 * and initializes the parameters to default values.
835 *
836 * PreCondition: none
837 *
838 * Input: none
839 *
840 * Output: Pointer to the new GOL_SCHEME created.
841 *
842 * Example:
843 * <CODE>
844 * extern const char Font22[] __attribute__((aligned(2)));
845 * extern const char Font16[] __attribute__((aligned(2)));
846 *
847 * GOLSCHEME *pScheme1, *pScheme2;
848 * pScheme1 = GOLCreateScheme();
849 * pScheme2 = GOLCreateScheme();
850 *
851 * pScheme1->pFont = (BYTE*)Font22;
852 * pScheme2->pFont = (BYTE*)Font16;
853 * </CODE>
854 *
855 * Side Effects: none
856 *
857 ********************************************************************/
858 GOL_SCHEME *GOLCreateScheme(void);
860 /*********************************************************************
861 * Macros: GOLSetScheme(pObj, pScheme)
862 *
863 * Overview: This macro sets the GOL scheme to be used for the object.
864 *
865 * PreCondition: none
866 *
867 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
868 * pScheme - Pointer to the style scheme to be used.
869 *
870 * Output: none
871 *
872 * Example:
873 * <CODE>
874 * extern FONT_FLASH Gentium12;
875 * GOLSCHEME *pScheme1;
876 * BUTTON *pButton;
877 *
878 * pScheme1 = GOLCreateScheme();
879 * pScheme1->pFont = &Gentium12;
880 *
881 * // assume button is created and initialized
882 *
883 * // reassign the scheme used by pButton to pScheme1
884 * GOLSetScheme(pButton, pScheme1);
885 * </CODE>
886 *
887 * Side Effects: none
888 *
889 ********************************************************************/
890 #define GOLSetScheme(pObj, pScheme) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->pGolScheme = pScheme
892 /*********************************************************************
893 * Macros: GOLGetScheme(pObj)
894 *
895 * Overview: This macro gets the GOL scheme used by the given object.
896 *
897 * PreCondition: none
898 *
899 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
900 *
901 * Output: Returns the style scheme used by the given object.
902 *
903 * Example:
904 * <CODE>
905 * GOLSCHEME *pScheme2;
906 * BUTTON *pButton;
907 *
908 * // assume button is created and initialized
909 * // get the scheme assigned to pButton
910 * pScheme2 = GOLGetScheme(pButton);
911 * </CODE>
912 *
913 * Side Effects: none
914 *
915 ********************************************************************/
916 #define GOLGetScheme(pObj) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->pGolScheme
918 /*********************************************************************
919 * Macros: GOLGetSchemeDefault()
920 *
921 * Overview: This macro returns the default GOL scheme pointer.
922 *
923 * PreCondition: none
924 *
925 * Input: none
926 *
927 * Output: Returns the pointer to the default style scheme.
928 *
929 * Side Effects: none
930 *
931 ********************************************************************/
932 #define GOLGetSchemeDefault() _pDefaultGolScheme
934 /*********************************************************************
935 * Function: void GOLInit()
936 *
937 * Overview: This function initializes the graphics library and
938 * creates a default style scheme with default settings
939 * referenced by the global scheme pointer. GOLInit()
940 * function must be called before GOL functions can be
941 * used. It is not necessary to call GraphInit()
942 * function if this function is used.
943 *
944 * PreCondition: none
945 *
946 * Input: none
947 *
948 * Output: none
949 *
950 * Side Effects: This sets the line type to SOLID_LINE, sets the
951 * screen to all BLACK, sets the current drawing color
952 * to WHITE, sets the graphic cursor position to upper
953 * left corner of the screen, sets active and visual
954 * pages to page #0, clears the active page and disables
955 * clipping. This also creates a default style scheme.
956 *
957 ********************************************************************/
958 void GOLInit();
960 /*********************************************************************
961 * Function: void GOLAddObject(OBJ_HEADER* object)
962 *
963 * Overview: This function adds an object to the tail of the
964 * active list pointed to by _pGolObjects. The new list
965 * tail is set to point to NULL.
966 *
967 * PreCondition: none
968 *
969 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object to be added on the current
970 * active list.
971 *
972 * Output: none
973 *
974 * Example:
975 * <CODE>
976 * void MoveObject(OBJ_HEADER *pSrcList, OBJ_HEADER *pDstList,
977 * OBJ_HEADER *pObjtoMove) {
978 * OBJ_HEADER *pTemp = pSrcList;
979 *
980 * if(pTemp != pObjtoMove) {
981 * while(pTemp->pNxtObj != pObjtoMove)
982 * pTemp = pTemp->pNxtObj;
983 * }
984 *
985 * pTemp->pNxtObj = pObjtoMove ->pNxt; // remove object from list
986 * GOLSetList(pDstList); // destination as active list
987 * GOLAddObject(pObjtoMove); // add object to active list
988 * }
989 * </CODE>
990 *
991 * Side Effects: none
992 *
993 ********************************************************************/
994 void GOLAddObject(OBJ_HEADER *object);
996 /*********************************************************************
997 * Macros: void GOLNewList()
998 *
999 * Overview: This macro starts a new linked list of objects and
1000 * resets the keyboard focus to none. This macro assigns
1001 * the current active list _pGolObjects and current receiving
1002 * keyboard input _pObjectFocused object pointers to NULL.
1003 * Any keyboard inputs at this point will be ignored.
1004 * Previous active list must be saved in another pointer if
1005 * to be referenced later. If not needed anymore memory used
1006 * by that list should be freed by GOLFree() function.
1007 *
1008 * PreCondition: none
1009 *
1010 * Input: none
1011 *
1012 * Output: none
1013 *
1014 * Example:
1015 * <CODE>
1016 * OBJ_HEADER *pSave;
1017 *
1018 * pSave = GOLGetList(); // save current list
1019 * GOLNewList(); // start the new list
1020 * // current list is now NULL
1021 *
1022 * // assume that objects are already created
1023 * // you can now add objects to the new list
1024 * GOLAddObject(pButton);
1025 * GOLAddObject(pWindow);
1026 * GOLAddObject(pSlider);
1027 * </CODE>
1028 *
1029 * Side Effects: This macro sets the focused object pointer
1030 * (_pObjectFocused) to NULL.
1031 *
1032 ********************************************************************/
1033 #define GOLNewList() \
1034 _pGolObjects = NULL; \
1035 _pObjectFocused = NULL
1037 /*********************************************************************
1038 * Macros: GOLGetList()
1039 *
1040 * Overview: This macro gets the current active list.
1041 *
1042 * PreCondition: none
1043 *
1044 * Input: none
1045 *
1046 * Output: Returns the pointer to the current active list.
1047 *
1048 * Example:
1049 * See GOLNewList() example.
1050 *
1051 * Side Effects: none
1052 *
1053 ********************************************************************/
1054 #define GOLGetList() _pGolObjects
1056 /*********************************************************************
1057 * Macros: GOLSetList(objsList)
1058 *
1059 * Overview: This macro sets the given object list as the active
1060 * list and resets the keyboard focus to none. This macro
1061 * assigns the receiving keyboard input object _pObjectFocused
1062 * pointer to NULL. If the new active list has an object’s
1063 * state set to focus, the _pObjectFocused pointer must be
1064 * set to this object or the object’s state must be change
1065 * to unfocused. This is to avoid two objects displaying a
1066 * focused state when only one object in the active list must
1067 * be set to a focused state at anytime.
1068 *
1069 * PreCondition: none
1070 *
1071 * Input: objsList - The pointer to the new active list.
1072 *
1073 * Output: none
1074 *
1075 * Example:
1076 * <CODE>
1077 * OBJ_HEADER *pSave;
1078 * pSave = GOLGetList(); // save current list
1079 * GOLNewList(); // start the new list
1080 * // current list is now NULL
1081 *
1082 * // you can now add objects to the current list
1083 * // assume that objects are already created
1084 * GOLAddObject(pButton);
1085 * GOLAddObject(pWindow);
1086 * GOLAddObject(pSlider);
1087 *
1088 * // do something here on the new list
1089 * // return the old list
1090 * GOLSetList(pSave);
1091 * </CODE>
1092 *
1093 * Side Effects: This macro sets the focused object pointer
1094 * (_pObjectFocused) to NULL. Previous active list
1095 * should be saved if needed to be referenced later.
1096 * If not, use GOLFree() function to free the memory
1097 * used by the objects before calling GOLSetList().
1098 *
1099 ********************************************************************/
1100 #define GOLSetList(objsList) \
1101 _pGolObjects = objsList; \
1102 _pObjectFocused = NULL
1104 /*********************************************************************
1105 * Function: OBJ_HEADER* GOLFindObject(WORD ID)
1106 *
1107 * Overview: This function finds an object in the active list
1108 * pointed to by _pGolObjects using the given object ID.
1109 *
1110 * PreCondition: none
1111 *
1112 * Input: ID - User assigned value set during the creation of the object.
1113 *
1114 * Output: Pointer to the object with the given ID.
1115 *
1116 * Example:
1117 * <CODE>
1118 * void CopyObject(OBJ_HEADER *pSrcList, OBJ_HEADER *pDstList, WORD ID)
1119 * {
1120 * OBJ_HEADER *pTemp;
1121 *
1122 * pTemp = GOLFindObject(ID); // find the object
1123 * if (pTemp != NULL) {
1124 * GOLSetList(pDstList); // destination as active list
1125 * GOLAddObject(pObj); // add object to active list
1126 * }
1127 * }
1128 * </CODE>
1129 *
1130 * Side Effects: none
1131 *
1132 ********************************************************************/
1133 OBJ_HEADER * GOLFindObject(WORD ID);
1135 /*********************************************************************
1136 * Function: void GOLFree()
1137 *
1138 * Overview: This function frees all the memory used by objects in
1139 * the active list and initializes _pGolObjects pointer
1140 * to NULL to start a new empty list. This function must
1141 * be called only inside the GOLDrawCallback()function when
1142 * using GOLDraw() and GOLMsg() functions. This requirement
1143 * assures that primitive rendering settings are not altered
1144 * by the rendering state machines of the objects.
1145 *
1146 * PreCondition: none
1147 *
1148 * Input: none
1149 *
1150 * Output: none
1151 *
1152 * Example:
1153 * <CODE>
1154 * void DeletePage(OBJ_HEADER *pPage) {
1155 * OBJ_HEADER *pTemp;
1156 *
1157 * // assuming pPage is different from the current active list
1158 * pTemp = GOLGetList(); // save the active list
1159 * GOLSetList(pPage); // set list as active list
1160 * GolFree(); // pPage objects are deleted
1161 *
1162 * GOLSetList(pTemp); // restore the active list
1163 * }
1164 * </CODE>
1165 *
1166 * Side Effects: All objects in the active list are deleted from memory.
1167 *
1168 ********************************************************************/
1169 void GOLFree(void);
1171 /*********************************************************************
1172 * Function: BOOL GOLDeleteObject(OBJ_HEADER * object)
1173 *
1174 * PreCondition: none
1175 *
1176 * Input: pointer to the object
1177 *
1178 * Output: none
1179 *
1180 * Side Effects: none
1181 *
1182 * Overview: deletes an object to the linked list objects for the current screen.
1183 *
1184 * Note: none
1185 *
1186 ********************************************************************/
1187 BOOL GOLDeleteObject(OBJ_HEADER *object);
1189 /*********************************************************************
1190 * Function: BOOL GOLDeleteObjectByID(WORD ID)
1191 *
1192 * PreCondition: none
1193 *
1194 * Input: ID of the object.
1195 *
1196 * Output: none
1197 *
1198 * Side Effects: none
1199 *
1200 * Overview: Deletes an object in the current active linked list of objects using the ID parameter
1201 * of the object.
1202 *
1203 * Note: none
1204 *
1205 ********************************************************************/
1206 BOOL GOLDeleteObjectByID(WORD ID);
1208 /*********************************************************************
1209 * Function: WORD GOLDraw()
1210 *
1211 * Overview: This function loops through the active list and redraws
1212 * objects that need to be redrawn. Partial redrawing or
1213 * full redraw is performed depending on the drawing states
1214 * of the objects.
1215 * GOLDrawCallback() function is called by GOLDraw()
1216 * when drawing of objects in the active list is completed.
1217 *
1218 * PreCondition: none
1219 *
1220 * Input: none
1221 *
1222 * Output: Non-zero if the active link list drawing is completed.
1223 *
1224 * Example:
1225 * <CODE>
1226 * // Assume objects are created & states are set to draw objects
1227 * while(1){
1228 * if(GOLDraw()){ // parse active list and redraw objects that needs to be redrawn
1230 * // here GOL drawing is completed
1231 * // it is safe to modify objects states and linked list
1232 *
1233 * TouchGetMsg(&msg); // evaluate messages from touch screen device
1234 *
1235 * GOLMsg(&msg); // evaluate each object is affected by the message
1236 * }
1237 * }
1238 * </CODE>
1239 *
1240 * Side Effects: none
1241 *
1242 ********************************************************************/
1243 WORD GOLDraw(void);
1245 /*********************************************************************
1246 * Function: void GOLRedrawRec(SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, SHORT bottom)
1247 *
1248 * Overview: This function marks all objects in the active
1249 * list intersected by the given rectangular area
1250 * to be redrawn.
1251 *
1252 * PreCondition: none
1253 *
1254 * Input: left - Defines the left most border of the rectangle area.
1255 * top - Defines the top most border of the rectangle area.
1256 * right - Defines the right most border of the rectangle area.
1257 * bottom - Defines the bottom most border of the rectangle area.
1258 *
1259 * Output: none
1260 *
1261 * Example:
1262 * <CODE>
1263 * OBJ_HEADER *pTemp;
1264 * OBJ_HEADER *pAllObjects;
1265 *
1266 * // assume *pAllObjects points to a list of all existing objects
1267 * // created and initialized
1268 *
1269 * // mark all objects inside the rectangle to be redrawn
1270 * GOLRedrawRec(10,10,100,100);
1271 *
1272 * pTemp = pAllObjects;
1273 * GOLStartNewList(); // reset active list
1274 * while(pTemp->pNxtObj != NULL) {
1275 * if (pTemp->state&0x7C00) // add only objects to be
1276 * GOLAddObject(pTemp); // redrawn to the active list
1277 * pTemp = pTemp->pNxtObj;
1278 * }
1279 * GOLDraw(); // redraw active list
1280 * </CODE>
1281 *
1282 * Side Effects: none
1283 *
1284 ********************************************************************/
1285 void GOLRedrawRec(SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, SHORT bottom);
1287 /*********************************************************************
1288 * Macros: GOLRedraw(pObj)
1289 *
1290 * Overview: This macro sets the object to be redrawn. For the
1291 * redraw to be effective, the object must be in the
1292 * current active list. If not, the redraw action will
1293 * not be performed until the list where the object is
1294 * currently inserted will be set to be the active list.
1295 *
1296 * PreCondition: none
1297 *
1298 * Input: pObj - Pointer to the object to be redrawn.
1299 *
1300 * Output: none
1301 *
1302 * Example:
1303 * <CODE>
1304 * void GOLRedrawRec(SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, SHORT bottom) {
1305 * // set all objects encompassed by the rectangle to be redrawn
1306 * OBJ_HEADER *pCurrentObj;
1307 *
1308 * pCurrentObj = GOLGetList();
1309 * while(pCurrentObj != NULL){
1310 * if (
1311 * ((pCurrentObj->left >= left) && (pCurrentObj->left <= right)) ||
1312 * ((pCurrentObj->right >= left) && (pCurrentObj->right <= right))||
1313 * ((pCurrentObj->top >= top) && (pCurrentObj->top <= bottom)) ||
1314 * ((pCurrentObj->bottom >= top) && (pCurrentObj->bottom <= bottom))){
1315 * GOLRedraw(pCurrentObj);
1316 * }
1317 * pCurrentObj = pCurrentObj->pNxtObj;
1318 * }//end of while
1319 * }
1320 * </CODE>
1321 *
1322 * Side Effects: none
1323 *
1324 ********************************************************************/
1325 #define GOLRedraw(pObj) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state |= 0x7c00;
1327 /*********************************************************************
1328 * Function: void GOLMsg(GOL_MSG *pMsg)
1329 *
1330 * Overview: This function receives a GOL message from user and
1331 * loops through the active list of objects to check
1332 * which object is affected by the message. For affected
1333 * objects the message is translated and GOLMsgCallback()
1334 * is called. In the call back function, user has the
1335 * ability to implement action for the message. If the
1336 * call back function returns non-zero OBJMsgDefault()
1337 * is called to process message for the object by default.
1338 * If zero is returned OBJMsgDefault() is not called.
1339 * Please refer to GOL Messages section for deatils.
1340 *
1341 * This function should be called when GOL drawing
1342 * is completed. It can be done when GOLDraw() returns
1343 * non-zero value or inside GOLDrawCallback() function.
1344 *
1345 * PreCondition: none
1346 *
1347 * Input: pMsg - Pointer to the GOL message from user.
1348 *
1349 * Output: none
1350 *
1351 * Example:
1352 * <CODE>
1353 * // Assume objects are created & states are set to draw objects
1354 * while(1){
1355 * if(GOLDraw()){
1356 * // GOL drawing is completed here
1357 * // it is safe to change objects
1358 * TouchGetMsg(&msg); // from user interface module
1359 * GOLMsg(&msg);
1360 * }
1361 * }
1362 * </CODE>
1363 *
1364 * Side Effects: none
1365 *
1366 ********************************************************************/
1367 void GOLMsg(GOL_MSG *pMsg);
1369 /*********************************************************************
1370 * Function: WORD GOLMsgCallback(WORD objMsg, OBJ_HEADER* pObj, GOL_MSG* pMsg)
1371 *
1372 * Overview: The user MUST implement this function. GOLMsg() calls
1373 * this function when a valid message for an object in the
1374 * active list is received. User action for the message should
1375 * be implemented here. If this function returns non-zero,
1376 * the message for the object will be processed by default.
1377 * If zero is returned, GOL will not perform any action.
1378 *
1379 * PreCondition: none
1380 *
1381 * Input: objMsg - Translated message for the object or the action ID response from the object.
1382 * pObj - Pointer to the object that processed the message.
1383 * pMsg - Pointer to the GOL message from user.
1384 *
1385 * Output: Return a non-zero if the message will be processed by default.
1386 * If a zero is returned, the message will not be processed by GOL.
1387 *
1388 * Example:
1389 * <CODE>
1390 * WORD GOLMsgCallback(WORD objMsg, OBJ_HEADER* pObj, GOL_MSG *pMsg){
1391 * static char focusSwitch = 1;
1392 *
1393 * switch(GetObjID(pObj)){
1394 * case ID_BUTTON1:
1395 * // Change text and focus state
1396 * if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_RELEASED){
1397 * focusSwitch ^= 1;
1398 * if(focusSwitch){
1399 * BtnSetText((BUTTON*)pObj, "Focused");
1400 * SetState(pObj,BTN_FOCUSED);
1401 * }else{
1402 * BtnSetText((BUTTON*)pObj, "Unfocused");
1403 * ClrState(pObj,BTN_FOCUSED);
1404 * }
1405 * }
1406 * // Process by default
1407 * return 1;
1408 * case ID_BUTTON2:
1409 * // Change text
1410 * if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_PRESSED){
1411 * BtnSetText((BUTTON*)pObj, "Pressed");
1412 * }
1413 * if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_RELEASED){
1414 * BtnSetText((BUTTON*)pObj, "Released");
1415 * }
1416 * // Process by default
1417 * return 1;
1418 * case ID_BUTTON3:
1419 * // Change face picture
1420 * if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_PRESSED){
1421 * BtnSetBitmap(pObj,arrowLeft);
1422 * }
1423 * if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_RELEASED){
1424 * BtnSetBitmap(pObj,(char*)arrowRight);
1425 * }
1426 * // Process by default
1427 * return 1;
1428 * case ID_BUTTON_NEXT:
1429 * if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_RELEASED){
1430 * screenState = CREATE_CHECKBOXES;
1431 * }
1432 * // Process by default
1433 * return 1;
1434 * case ID_BUTTON_BACK:
1435 * return 1;
1436 * default:
1437 * return 1;
1438 * }
1439 * }
1440 * </CODE>
1441 *
1442 * Side Effects: none
1443 *
1444 ********************************************************************/
1445 WORD GOLMsgCallback(WORD objMsg, OBJ_HEADER *pObj, GOL_MSG *pMsg);
1447 /*********************************************************************
1448 * Function: WORD GOLDrawCallback()
1449 *
1450 * Overview: GOLDrawCallback() function MUST BE implemented by
1451 * the user. This is called inside the GOLDraw()
1452 * function when the drawing of objects in the active
1453 * list is completed. User drawing must be done here.
1454 * Drawing color, line type, clipping region, graphic
1455 * cursor position and current font will not be changed
1456 * by GOL if this function returns a zero. To pass
1457 * drawing control to GOL this function must return
1458 * a non-zero value. If GOL messaging is not using
1459 * the active link list, it is safe to modify the
1460 * list here.
1461 *
1462 * PreCondition: none
1463 *
1464 * Input: none
1465 *
1466 * Output: Return a one if GOLDraw() will have drawing control
1467 * on the active list. Return a zero if user wants to
1468 * keep the drawing control.
1469 *
1470 * Example:
1471 * <CODE>
1472 * #define SIG_STATE_SET 0
1473 * #define SIG_STATE_DRAW 1
1474 * WORD GOLDrawCallback(){
1475 * static BYTE state = SIG_STATE_SET;
1476 * if(state == SIG_STATE_SET){
1477 * // Draw the button with disabled colors
1480 * WHITE, altScheme->EmbossLtColor,
1481 * altScheme->EmbossDkColor,
1483 *
1484 * state = SIG_STATE_DRAW;
1485 * }
1486 *
1487 * if(!GOLPanelDrawTsk()){
1488 * // do not return drawing control to GOL
1489 * // drawing is not complete
1490 * return 0;
1491 * }else{
1492 * state = SIG_STATE_SET;
1493 * // return drawing control to GOL, drawing is complete
1494 * return 1;
1495 * }
1496 * }
1497 * </CODE>
1498 *
1499 * Side Effects: none
1500 *
1501 ********************************************************************/
1502 WORD GOLDrawCallback(void);
1504 /*********************************************************************
1505 * Variables for rounded panel drawing. Used by GOLRndPanelDraw and GOLRndPanelDrawTsk
1506 ********************************************************************/
1507 extern SHORT _rpnlX1; // Panel center x position of upper left corner
1508 extern SHORT _rpnlY1; // Panel center y position of upper left corner
1509 extern SHORT _rpnlX2; // Panel center x position of lower right corner
1510 extern SHORT _rpnlY2; // Panel center y position of lower right corner
1511 extern SHORT _rpnlR; // radius (defines the rounded corner size)
1512 extern WORD _rpnlFaceColor; // Panel face color
1513 extern WORD _rpnlEmbossLtColor; // Panel emboss light color
1514 extern WORD _rpnlEmbossDkColor; // Panel emboss dark color
1515 extern WORD _rpnlEmbossSize; // Size of panel emboss (Usually uses GOL_EMBOSS_SIZE but maybe different
1517 // for some objects)emboss size
1518 extern void *_pRpnlBitmap; // Bitmap used in the panel
1520 /*********************************************************************
1521 * Macros: GOLPanelDraw( left, top, right, bottom,
1522 * radius,
1523 * faceClr,
1524 * embossLtClr, embossDkClr,
1525 * pBitmap,
1526 * embossSize)
1527 *
1528 * Overview: This macro sets the parameters to draw a panel.
1529 * Panel is not an object. It will not be added to
1530 * the active list. Use GOLPanelDrawTsk() to display
1531 * the panel on the screen.
1532 * The following relationships of the parameters determines
1533 * the general shape of the button:
1534 * 1. Panel width is determined by right - left.
1535 * 2. Panel height is determined by top - bottom.
1536 * 3. Panel radius - specifies if the panel will have a rounded
1537 * edge. If zero then the panel will have
1538 * sharp (cornered) edge.
1539 * 4. If 2*radius = height = width, the panel is circular.
1540 *
1541 * PreCondition: none
1542 *
1543 * Input: left - Panel's left most position.
1544 * top - Panel's top most position.
1545 * right - Panel's right most position.
1546 * bottom - Panel's bottom most position.
1547 * radius - The radius of the rounded corner of the panel.
1548 * faceClr - Defines the face color of the panel.
1549 * embossLtClr - Defines the emboss light color.
1550 * embossDkClr - Defines the emboss dark color.
1551 * pBitmap - Defines the bitmap used in the face of the panel.
1552 * embossSize - Defines the emboss size of the panel.
1553 *
1554 * Output: none
1555 *
1556 * Example:
1557 * <CODE>
1558 * // Dimensions for signature box
1559 * #define SIG_PANEL_LEFT 10
1560 * #define SIG_PANEL_RIGHT 310
1561 * #define SIG_PANEL_TOP 50
1562 * #define SIG_PANEL_BOTTOM 170
1563 *
1564 * #define SIG_STATE_SET 0
1565 * #define SIG_STATE_DRAW 1
1566 *
1567 * GOL_SCHEME *altScheme; // style scheme
1568 *
1569 * // Draws box for signature
1570 * WORD PanelSignature() {
1571 * static BYTE state = SIG_STATE_SET;
1572 *
1573 * if(state == SIG_STATE_SET){
1574 * // set data for panel drawing (radius = 0)
1575 * // assume altScheme is defined
1578 * WHITE,
1579 * altScheme->EmbossLtColor,
1580 * altScheme->EmbossDkColor,
1582 *
1583 * state = SIG_STATE_DRAW; // change state
1584 * }
1585 *
1586 * if(!GOLPanelDrawTsk())
1587 * return 0; // drawing is not completed
1588 * } else {
1589 * state = SIG_STATE_SET; // set state to initial
1590 * return 1; // drawing is done
1591 * }
1592 * }
1593 * </CODE>
1594 *
1595 * Side Effects: none
1596 *
1597 ********************************************************************/
1598 #define GOLPanelDraw(left, top, right, bottom, radius, faceClr, embossLtClr, embossDkClr, pBitmap, embossSize) \
1599 _rpnlX1 = left; \
1600 _rpnlY1 = top; \
1601 _rpnlX2 = right; \
1602 _rpnlY2 = bottom; \
1603 _rpnlR = radius; \
1604 _rpnlFaceColor = faceClr; \
1605 _rpnlEmbossLtColor = embossLtClr; \
1606 _rpnlEmbossDkColor = embossDkClr; \
1607 _pRpnlBitmap = pBitmap; \
1608 _rpnlEmbossSize = embossSize;
1610 /*********************************************************************
1611 * Function: WORD GOLPanelDrawTsk()
1612 *
1613 * Overview: This function draws a panel on the screen with parameters
1614 * set by GOLPanelDraw() macro. This function must be called
1615 * repeatedly (depending on the return value) for a successful
1616 * rendering of the panel.
1617 *
1618 * PreCondition: Parameters of the panel must be set by GOLPanelDraw() macro.
1619 *
1620 * Input: none
1621 *
1622 * Output: Returns the status of the panel rendering
1623 * <CODE>
1624 * 0 – Rendering of the panel is not yet finished.
1625 * 1 – Rendering of the panel is finished.
1626 * </CODE>
1627 *
1628 * Example:
1629 * See GOLPanelDraw() example.
1630 *
1631 * Side Effects: none
1632 *
1633 ********************************************************************/
1634 WORD GOLPanelDrawTsk(void);
1636 /*********************************************************************
1637 * Function: WORD GOLTwoTonePanelDrawTsk()
1638 *
1639 * Overview: This function draws a two tone panel on the screen with parameters
1640 * set by GOLPanelDraw() macro. This function must be called
1641 * repeatedly (depending on the return value) for a successful
1642 * rendering of the panel.
1643 *
1644 * PreCondition: Parameters of the panel must be set by GOLPanelDraw() macro.
1645 *
1646 * Input: none
1647 *
1648 * Output: Returns the status of the panel rendering
1649 * <CODE>
1650 * 0 – Rendering of the panel is not yet finished.
1651 * 1 – Rendering of the panel is finished.
1652 * </CODE>
1653 *
1654 * Example:
1655 * Usage is similar to GOLPanelDraw() example.
1656 *
1657 * Side Effects: none
1658 *
1659 ********************************************************************/
1660 WORD GOLTwoTonePanelDrawTsk(void);
1662 #endif // _GOL_H

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