?lang_form? ?lang_select? ?lang_submit? ?lang_endform?


?curdirlinks? -

Blame information for rev 32

Line No. Rev Author Line
1 32 kaklik /******************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Microchip Memory Disk Drive File System
4 *
5 ******************************************************************************
6 * FileName: FSIO.h
7 * Dependencies: GenericTypeDefs.h
8 * FSconfig.h
9 * FSDefs.h
10 * stddef.h
11 * Processor: PIC18/PIC24/dsPIC30/dsPIC33/PIC32
12 * Compiler: C18/C30/C32
13 * Company: Microchip Technology, Inc.
14 *
15 * Software License Agreement
16 *
17 * The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated
18 * (the “Company”) for its PICmicro® Microcontroller is intended and
19 * supplied to you, the Company’s customer, for use solely and
20 * exclusively on Microchip PICmicro Microcontroller products. The
21 * software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is
22 * protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved.
23 * Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the
24 * user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to
25 * civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this
26 * license.
27 *
34 *
35 *****************************************************************************/
37 /********************************************************************
38 Change History:
39 Rev Description
40 ---- -----------------------
41 1.2.4 - 1.2.6 No major changes
42 ********************************************************************/
45 #ifndef FS_DOT_H
46 #define FS_DOT_H
48 #include "GenericTypeDefs.h"
49 #include "FSconfig.h"
50 #include "MDD File System\FSDefs.h"
51 #include "stddef.h"
54 #include "MDD File System\SD-SPI.h"
55 #endif
57 #include "MDD File System\CF-PMP.h"
58 #endif
60 #include "MDD File System\CF- Bit transaction.h"
61 #endif
63 #include "USB\usb_host_msd_scsi.h"
64 #endif
66 #include "MDD File System\Internal Flash.h"
67 #endif
70 /*******************************************************************/
71 /* Strunctures and defines */
72 /*******************************************************************/
74 #ifndef FALSE
75 // Summary: False value
76 // Description: This macro will indicate that a condition is false.
77 #define FALSE 0
78 #endif
79 #ifndef TRUE
80 // Summary: True value
81 // Description: This macro will indicate that a condition is true.
82 #define TRUE !FALSE // True value
83 #endif
88 #ifndef SEEK_SET
89 // Summary: Macro for the FSfseek SEEK_SET base location.
90 // Description: Functions as an input for FSfseek that specifies that the position in the file will be changed
91 // relative to the beginning of the file.
92 #define SEEK_SET 0
94 #endif
95 #ifndef SEEK_CUR
97 // Summary: Macro for the FSfseek SEEK_CUR base location.
98 // Description: Functions as an input for FSfseek that specifies that the position in the file will be changed
99 // relative to the current location of the file
100 #define SEEK_CUR 1
102 #endif
103 #ifndef SEEK_END
105 // Summary: Macro for the FSfseek SEEK_END base location
106 // Description: Functions as an input for FSfseek that specifies that the position in the file will be changed
107 // relative to the end of the file. For this macro, the offset value will be subtracted from
108 // the end location of the file by default.
109 #define SEEK_END 2
111 #endif
116 // Summary: Macro for the FSfopen FS_APPEND mode
117 // Description: If this macro is specified as the mode argument in a call of FSfopen, the file being opened will
118 // be created if it doesn't exist. If it does exist, it's file information will be loaded and the
119 // current location in the file will be set to the end. The user will then be able to write to the file.
120 #define FS_APPEND "a"
121 #define APPEND "a" //deprecated
123 // Summary: Macro for the FSfopen FS_WRITE mode
124 // Description: If this macro is specified as the mode argument in a call of FSfopen, the file being opened will
125 // be created if it doesn't exist. If it does exist, it will be erased and replaced by an empty file
126 // of the same name. The user will then be able to write to the file.
127 #define FS_WRITE "w"
128 #define WRITE "w" //deprecated
130 // Summary: Macro for the FSfopen FS_READ mode
131 // Description: If this macro is specified as the mode argument in a call of FSfopen, the file information for the
132 // specified file will be loaded. If the file does not exist, the FSfopen function will fail. The user
133 // will then be able to read from the file.
134 #define FS_READ "r"
135 #if defined(__32MX795F512L__)
136 #warning FSfopen must use "r" and not READ as input on this device
137 #else
138 #define READ "r" //deprecated
139 #endif
141 // Summary: Macro for the FSfopen FS_APPEND+ mode
142 // Description: If this macro is specified as the mode argument in a call of FSfopen, the file being opened will
143 // be created if it doesn't exist. If it does exist, it's file information will be loaded and the
144 // current location in the file will be set to the end. The user will then be able to write to the file
145 // or read from the file.
146 #define FS_APPENDPLUS "a+"
147 #define APPENDPLUS "a+" //deprecated
149 // Summary: Macro for the FSfopen FS_WRITE+ mode
150 // Description: If this macro is specified as the mode argument in a call of FSfopen, the file being opened will
151 // be created if it doesn't exist. If it does exist, it will be erased and replaced by an empty file
152 // of the same name. The user will then be able to write to the file or read from the file.
153 #define FS_WRITEPLUS "w+"
154 #define WRITEPLUS "w+" //deprecated
156 // Summary: Macro for the FSfopen FS_READ+ mode
157 // Description: If this macro is specified as the mode argument in a call of FSfopen, the file information for the
158 // specified file will be loaded. If the file does not exist, the FSfopen function will fail. The user
159 // will then be able to read from the file or write to the file.
160 #define FS_READPLUS "r+"
161 #define READPLUS "r+" //deprecated
165 #ifndef intmax_t
166 #ifdef __PIC24F__
167 // Summary: A data type indicating the maximum integer size in an architecture
168 // Description: The intmax_t data type refers to the maximum-sized data type on any given architecture. This
169 // data type can be specified as a format specifier size specification for the FSfprintf function.
170 #define intmax_t long long
171 #elif defined __PIC24H__
172 #define intmax_t long long
173 #elif defined __dsPIC30F__
174 #define intmax_t long long
175 #elif defined __dsPIC33F__
176 #define intmax_t long long
177 #endif
178 #endif
182 // Summary: Indicates flag conditions for a file object
183 // Description: The FILEFLAGS structure is used to indicate conditions in a file. It contains three flags: 'write' indicates
184 // that the file was opened in a mode that allows writes, 'read' indicates that the file was opened in a mode
185 // that allows reads, and 'FileWriteEOF' indicates that additional data that is written to the file will increase
186 // the file size.
187 typedef struct
188 {
189 unsigned write :1; // Indicates a file was opened in a mode that allows writes
190 unsigned read :1; // Indicates a file was opened in a mode that allows reads
191 unsigned FileWriteEOF :1; // Indicates the current position in a file is at the end of the file
196 // Summary: Indicates how to search for file entries in the FILEfind function
197 // Description: The values in the SEARCH_TYPE enumeration are used internally by the library to indicate how the FILEfind function
198 // how to perform a search. The 'LOOK_FOR_EMPTY_ENTRY' value indicates that FILEfind should search for an empty file entry.
199 // The 'LOOK_FOR_MATCHING_ENTRY' value indicates that FILEfind should search for an entry that matches the FSFILE object
200 // that was passed into the FILEfind function.
201 typedef enum{
208 // Summary: Macro indicating the length of a 8.3 file name
209 // Description: The TOTAL_FILE_SIZE macro indicates the maximum number of characters in an 8.3 file name. This value includes
210 // 8 characters for the name, three for the extentsion, and 1 for the radix ('.')
211 #define TOTAL_FILE_SIZE 8+3+1
213 // Summary: A mask that indicates the limit of directory entries in a sector
214 // Description: The MASK_MAX_FILE_ENTRY_LIMIT_BITS is used to indicate to the Cache_File_Entry function that a new sector needs to
215 // be loaded.
218 // Summary: Value used for shift operations to calculate the sector offset in a directory
219 // Description: The VALUE_BASED_ON_ENTRIES_PER_CLUSTER macro is used to calculate sector offsets for directories. The position of the
220 // entry is shifted by 4 bits (divided by 16, since there are 16 entries in a sector) to calculate how many sectors a
221 // specified entry is offset from the beginning of the directory.
224 // Summary: A value that will indicate that a dotdot directory entry points to the root.
225 // Description: The VALUE_DOTDOT_CLUSTER_VALUE_FOR_ROOT macro is used as an absolute address when writing information to a dotdot entry
226 // in a newly created directory. If a dotdot entry points to the root directory, it's cluster value must be set to 0,
227 // regardless of the actual cluster number of the root directory.
230 // Summary: MAcro indicating the length of an 8.3 file name in a directory entry
231 // Description: The FILE_NAME_SIZE macro indicates the number of characters that an 8.3 file name will take up when packed in
232 // a directory entry. This value includes 8 characters for the name and 3 for the extension. Note that the radix is not
233 // stored in the directory entry.
234 #define FILE_NAME_SIZE 11
238 // Summary: Contains file information and is used to indicate which file to access.
239 // Description: The FSFILE structure is used to hold file information for an open file as it's being modified or accessed. A pointer to
240 // an open file's FSFILE structure will be passeed to any library function that will modify that file.
241 typedef struct
242 {
243 DISK * dsk; // Pointer to a DISK structure
244 DWORD cluster; // The first cluster of the file
245 DWORD ccls; // The current cluster of the file
246 WORD sec; // The current sector in the current cluster of the file
247 WORD pos; // The position in the current sector
248 DWORD seek; // The absolute position in the file
249 DWORD size; // The size of the file
250 FILEFLAGS flags; // A structure containing file flags
251 WORD time; // The file's last update time
252 WORD date; // The file's last update date
253 char name[FILE_NAME_SIZE]; // The name of the file
254 WORD entry; // The position of the file's directory entry in it's directory
255 WORD chk; // File structure checksum
256 WORD attributes; // The file attributes
257 DWORD dirclus; // The base cluster of the file's directory
258 DWORD dirccls; // The current cluster of the file's directory
259 } FSFILE;
261 /* Summary: Possible results of the FSGetDiskProperties() function.
262 ** Description: See the FSGetDiskProperties() function for more information.
263 */
264 typedef enum
265 {
272 /* Summary: Contains the disk search information, intermediate values, and results
273 ** Description: This structure is used in conjunction with the FSGetDiskProperties()
274 ** function. See that function for more information about the usage.
275 */
276 typedef struct
277 {
278 DISK * disk; /* pointer to the disk we are searching */
279 BOOL new_request; /* is this a new request or a continued request */
280 FS_DISK_ERRORS properties_status; /* status of the last call of the function */
282 struct
283 {
284 BYTE disk_format; /* disk format: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 */
285 WORD sector_size; /* sector size of the drive */
286 BYTE sectors_per_cluster; /* number of sectors per cluster */
287 DWORD total_clusters; /* the number of total clusters on the drive */
288 DWORD free_clusters; /* the number of free (unused) clusters on drive */
289 } results; /* the results of the current search */
291 struct
292 {
293 DWORD c;
294 DWORD curcls;
295 DWORD EndClusterLimit;
296 DWORD ClusterFailValue;
297 } private; /* intermediate values used to continue searches. This
298 member should be used only by the FSGetDiskProperties()
299 function */
303 // Summary: A structure used for searching for files on a device.
304 // Description: The SearchRec structure is used when searching for file on a device. It contains parameters that will be loaded with
305 // file information when a file is found. It also contains the parameters that the user searched for, allowing further
306 // searches to be perfomed in the same directory for additional files that meet the specified criteria.
307 typedef struct
308 {
309 char filename[FILE_NAME_SIZE + 2]; // The name of the file that has been found
310 unsigned char attributes; // The attributes of the file that has been found
311 unsigned long filesize; // The size of the file that has been found
312 unsigned long timestamp; // The last modified time of the file that has been found (create time for directories)
314 unsigned int entry; // The directory entry of the last file found that matches the specified attributes. (Internal use only)
315 char searchname[FILE_NAME_SIZE + 2]; // The name specified when the user began the search. (Internal use only)
316 unsigned char searchattr; // The attributes specified when the user began the search. (Internal use only)
317 unsigned long cwdclus; // The directory that this search was performed in. (Internal use only)
318 unsigned char initialized; // Check to determine if the structure was initialized by FindFirst (Internal use only)
319 } SearchRec;
322 /***************************************************************************
323 * Prototypes *
324 ***************************************************************************/
329 /*************************************************************************
330 Function:
331 int FSInit(void)
332 Summary:
333 Function to initialize the device.
334 Conditions:
335 The physical device should be connected to the microcontroller.
336 Input:
337 None
338 Return Values:
339 TRUE - Initialization successful
340 FALSE - Initialization unsuccessful
341 Side Effects:
342 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
343 Description:
344 Initializes the static or dynamic memory slots for holding file
345 structures. Initializes the device with the DISKmount function. Loads
346 MBR and boot sector information. Initializes the current working
347 directory to the root directory for the device if directory support
348 is enabled.
349 Remarks:
350 None
351 *************************************************************************/
353 int FSInit(void);
356 /*********************************************************************
357 Function:
358 FSFILE * FSfopen (const char * fileName, const char *mode)
359 Summary:
360 Open a file
361 Conditions:
362 For read modes, file exists; FSInit performed
363 Input:
364 fileName - The name of the file to open
365 mode -
366 - WRITE - Create a new file or replace an existing file
367 - READ - Read data from an existing file
368 - APPEND - Append data to an existing file
369 - WRITEPLUS - Create a new file or replace an existing file (reads also enabled)
370 - READPLUS - Read data from an existing file (writes also enabled)
371 - APPENDPLUS - Append data to an existing file (reads also enabled)
372 Return Values:
373 FSFILE * - The pointer to the file object
374 NULL - The file could not be opened
375 Side Effects:
376 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
377 Description:
378 This function will open a file or directory. First, RAM in the
379 dynamic heap or static array will be allocated to a new FSFILE object.
380 Then, the specified file name will be formatted to ensure that it's
381 in 8.3 format. Next, the FILEfind function will be used to search
382 for the specified file name. If the name is found, one of three
383 things will happen: if the file was opened in read mode, its file
384 info will be loaded using the FILEopen function; if it was opened in
385 write mode, it will be erased, and a new file will be constructed in
386 its place; if it was opened in append mode, its file info will be
387 loaded with FILEopen and the current location will be moved to the
388 end of the file using the FSfseek function. If the file was not
389 found by FILEfind, it will be created if the mode was specified as
390 a write or append mode. In these cases, a pointer to the heap or
391 static FSFILE object array will be returned. If the file was not
392 found and the mode was specified as a read mode, the memory
393 allocated to the file will be freed and the NULL pointer value
394 will be returned.
395 Remarks:
396 None.
397 *********************************************************************/
399 FSFILE * FSfopen(const char * fileName, const char *mode);
405 /******************************************************************************
406 Function:
407 FSFILE * FSfopenpgm(const rom char * fileName, const rom char *mode)
408 Summary:
409 Open a file named with a ROM string on PIC18
410 Conditions:
411 For read modes, file exists; FSInit performed
412 Input:
413 fileName - The name of the file to be opened (ROM)
414 mode - The mode the file will be opened in (ROM)
415 Return Values:
416 FSFILE * - A pointer to the file object
417 NULL - File could not be opened
418 Side Effects:
419 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
420 Description:
421 The FSfopenpgm function will copy a PIC18 ROM fileName and mode argument
422 into RAM arrays, and then pass those arrays to the FSfopen function.
423 Remarks:
424 This function is for use with PIC18 when passing arguments in ROM.
425 ******************************************************************************/
427 FSFILE * FSfopenpgm(const rom char * fileName, const rom char *mode);
430 /**************************************************************************************
431 Function:
432 int FindFirstpgm (const char * fileName, unsigned int attr, SearchRec * rec)
433 Summary:
434 Find a file named with a ROM string on PIC18
435 Conditions:
436 None
437 Input:
438 fileName - The name of the file to be found (ROM)
439 attr - The attributes of the file to be found
440 rec - Pointer to a search record to store the file info in
441 Return Values:
443 -1 - No file matching the given parameters was found
444 Side Effects:
445 Search criteria from previous FindFirst call on passed SearchRec object will be lost.
446 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
447 Description:
448 The FindFirstpgm function will copy a PIC18 ROM fileName argument
449 into a RAM array, and then pass that array to the FindFirst function.
450 Remarks:
451 Call FindFirstpgm or FindFirst before calling FindNext.
452 This function is for use with PIC18 when passing arguments in ROM.
453 **************************************************************************************/
455 int FindFirstpgm (const rom char * fileName, unsigned int attr, SearchRec * rec);
458 /**************************************************************************
459 Function:
460 int FSchdirpgm (const rom char * path)
461 Summary:
462 Changed the CWD with a path in ROM on PIC18
463 Conditions:
464 None
465 Input:
466 path - The path of the directory to change to (ROM)
467 Return Values:
469 EOF - The current working directory could not be changed
470 Side Effects:
471 The current working directory may be changed. The FSerrno variable will
472 be changed.
473 Description:
474 The FSchdirpgm function passes a PIC18 ROM path pointer to the
475 chdirhelper function.
476 Remarks:
477 This function is for use with PIC18 when passing arguments in ROM
478 **************************************************************************/
480 int FSchdirpgm (const rom char * path);
482 #ifdef ALLOW_WRITES
485 /*************************************************************
486 Function:
487 int FSremovepgm (const rom char * fileName)
488 Summary:
489 Delete a file named with a ROM string on PIC18
490 Conditions:
491 File not opened; file exists
492 Input:
493 fileName - The name of the file to be deleted (ROM)
494 Return Values:
496 -1 - File could not be removed
497 Side Effects:
498 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
499 Description:
500 The FSremovepgm function will copy a PIC18 ROM fileName argument
501 into a RAM array, and then pass that array to the FSremove function.
502 Remarks:
503 This function is for use with PIC18 when passing arguments in ROM.
504 *************************************************************/
506 int FSremovepgm (const rom char * fileName);
509 /**************************************************************************
510 Function:
511 int FSmkdirpgm (const rom char * path)
512 Summary:
513 Create a directory with a path in ROM on PIC18
514 Conditions:
515 None
516 Input:
517 path - The path of directories to create (ROM)
518 Return Values:
520 EOF - The specified directory could not be created
521 Side Effects:
522 Will create all non-existent directories in the path. The FSerrno
523 variable will be changed.
524 Description:
525 The FSmkdirpgm function passes a PIC18 ROM path pointer to the
526 mkdirhelper function.
527 Remarks:
528 This function is for use with PIC18 when passing arugments in ROM
529 **************************************************************************/
531 int FSmkdirpgm (const rom char * path);
534 /**************************************************************************
535 Function:
536 int FSrmdirpgm (const rom char * path)
537 Summary:
538 Delete a directory with a path in ROM on PIC18
539 Conditions:
540 None.
541 Input:
542 path - The path of the directory to remove (ROM)
543 rmsubdirs -
544 - TRUE - All sub-dirs and files in the target dir will be removed
545 - FALSE - FSrmdir will not remove non-empty directories
546 Return Values:
548 EOF - The specified directory could not be deleted
549 Side Effects:
550 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
551 Description:
552 The FSrmdirpgm function passes a PIC18 ROM path pointer to the
553 rmdirhelper function.
554 Remarks:
555 This function is for use with PIC18 when passing arguments in ROM.
556 **************************************************************************/
558 int FSrmdirpgm (const rom char * path, unsigned char rmsubdirs);
561 /*****************************************************************
562 Function:
563 int FSrenamepgm(const rom char * fileName, FSFILE * fo)
564 Summary:
565 Rename a file named with a ROM string on PIC18
566 Conditions:
567 File opened.
568 Input:
569 fileName - The new name of the file (in ROM)
570 fo - The file to rename
571 Return Values:
573 -1 - File could not be renamed
574 Side Effects:
575 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
576 Description:
577 The Fsrenamepgm function will copy the rom fileName specified
578 by the user into a RAM array and pass that array into the
579 FSrename function.
580 Remarks:
581 This function is for use with PIC18 when passing arguments in ROM.
582 *****************************************************************/
584 int FSrenamepgm (const rom char * fileName, FSFILE * fo);
585 #endif
586 #endif
589 /************************************************************
590 Function:
591 int FSfclose(FSFILE *fo)
592 Summary:
593 Update file information and free FSFILE objects
594 Conditions:
595 File opened
596 Input:
597 fo - Pointer to the file to close
598 Return Values:
600 EOF - Error closing the file
601 Side Effects:
602 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
603 Description:
604 This function will update the directory entry for the
605 file pointed to by 'fo' with the information contained
606 in 'fo,' including the new file size and attributes.
607 Timestamp information will also be loaded based on the
608 method selected by the user and written to the entry
609 as the last modified time and date. The file entry will
610 then be written to the device. Finally, the memory
611 used for the specified file object will be freed from
612 the dynamic heap or the array of FSFILE objects.
613 Remarks:
614 A function to flush data to the device without closing the
615 file can be created by removing the portion of this
616 function that frees the memory and the line that clears
617 the write flag.
618 ************************************************************/
620 int FSfclose(FSFILE *fo);
623 /*********************************************************
624 Function:
625 void FSrewind (FSFILE * fo)
626 Summary:
627 Set the current position in a file to the beginning
628 Conditions:
629 File opened.
630 Input:
631 fo - Pointer to file structure
632 Return Values:
633 None
634 Side Effects:
635 None.
636 Description:
637 The FSrewind funciton will reset the position of the
638 specified file to the beginning of the file. This
639 functionality is faster than using FSfseek to reset
640 the position in the file.
641 Remarks:
642 None.
643 *********************************************************/
645 void FSrewind (FSFILE *fo);
648 /**************************************************************************
649 Function:
650 size_t FSfread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n, FSFILE *stream)
651 Summary:
652 Read data from a file
653 Conditions:
654 File is opened in a read mode
655 Input:
656 ptr - Destination buffer for read bytes
657 size - Size of units in bytes
658 n - Number of units to be read
659 stream - File to be read from
660 Return:
661 size_t - number of units read
662 Side Effects:
663 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
664 Description:
665 The FSfread function will read data from the specified file. First,
666 the appropriate sector of the file is loaded. Then, data is read into
667 the specified buffer until the specified number of bytes have been read.
668 When a cluster boundary is reached, a new cluster will be loaded. The
669 parameters 'size' and 'n' indicate how much data to read. 'Size'
670 refers to the size of one object to read (in bytes), and 'n' will refer
671 to the number of these objects to read. The value returned will be equal
672 to 'n' unless an error occured or the user tried to read beyond the end
673 of the file.
674 Remarks:
675 None.
676 **************************************************************************/
678 size_t FSfread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n, FSFILE *stream);
681 /**********************************************************************
682 Function:
683 int FSfseek(FSFILE *stream, long offset, int whence)
684 Summary:
685 Change the current position in a file
686 Conditions:
687 File opened
688 Input:
689 stream - Pointer to file structure
690 offset - Offset from base location
691 whence -
692 - SEEK_SET - Seek from start of file
693 - SEEK_CUR - Seek from current location
694 - SEEK_END - Seek from end of file (subtract offset)
695 Return Values:
697 -1 - Operation unsuccesful
698 Side Effects:
699 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
700 Description:
701 The FSfseek function will change the current position in the file to
702 one specified by the user. First, an absolute offset is calculated
703 using the offset and base location passed in by the user. Then, the
704 position variables are updated, and the sector number that corresponds
705 to the new location. That sector is then loaded. If the offset
706 falls exactly on a cluster boundary, a new cluster will be allocated
707 to the file and the position will be set to the first byte of that
708 cluster.
709 Remarks:
710 None
711 **********************************************************************/
713 int FSfseek(FSFILE *stream, long offset, int whence);
716 /*******************************************************************
717 Function:
718 long FSftell (FSFILE * fo)
719 Summary:
720 Determine the current location in a file
721 Conditions:
722 File opened
723 Input:
724 fo - Pointer to file structure
725 Return: Current location in the file
726 Side Effects:
727 The FSerrno variable will be changed
728 Description:
729 The FSftell function will return the current position in the
730 file pointed to by 'fo' by returning the 'seek' variable in the
731 FSFILE object, which is used to keep track of the absolute
732 location of the current position in the file.
733 Remarks:
734 None
735 *******************************************************************/
737 long FSftell(FSFILE *fo);
740 /****************************************************
741 Function:
742 int FSfeof( FSFILE * stream )
743 Summary:
744 Indicate whether the current file position is at the end
745 Conditions:
746 File is open in a read mode
747 Input:
748 stream - Pointer to the target file
749 Return Values:
750 Non-Zero - EOF reached
752 Side Effects:
753 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
754 Description:
755 The FSfeof function will indicate that the end-of-
756 file has been reached for the specified file by
757 comparing the absolute location in the file to the
758 size of the file.
759 Remarks:
760 None.
761 ****************************************************/
763 int FSfeof( FSFILE * stream );
766 #ifdef ALLOW_FORMATS
767 /*******************************************************************
768 Function:
769 int FSformat (char mode, long int serialNumber, char * volumeID)
770 Summary:
771 Formats a device
772 Conditions:
773 The device must possess a valid master boot record.
774 Input:
775 mode - - 0 - Just erase the FAT and root
776 - 1 - Create a new boot sector
777 serialNumber - Serial number to write to the card
778 volumeID - Name of the card
779 Return Values:
781 EOF - Format was unsuccessful
782 Side Effects:
783 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
784 Description:
785 The FSformat function can be used to create a new boot sector
786 on a device, based on the information in the master boot record.
787 This function will first initialize the I/O pins and the device,
788 and then attempts to read the master boot record. If the MBR
789 cannot be loaded successfully, the function will fail. Next, if
790 the 'mode' argument is specified as '0' the existing boot sector
791 information will be loaded. If the 'mode' argument is '1' an
792 entirely new boot sector will be constructed using the disk
793 values from the master boot record. Once the boot sector has
794 been successfully loaded/created, the locations of the FAT and
795 root will be loaded from it, and they will be completely
796 erased. If the user has specified a volumeID parameter, a
797 VOLUME attribute entry will be created in the root directory
798 to name the device.
800 FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 formatting are supported.
802 Based on the number of sectors, the format function automatically
803 compute the smallest possible value for the cluster size in order to
804 accommodate the physical size of the media. In this case, if a media
805 with a big capacity is formatted, the format function may take a very
806 long time to write all the FAT tables.
808 Therefore, the FORMAT_SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER macro may be used to
809 specify the exact cluster size (in multiples of sector size). This
810 macro can be defined in FSconfig.h
812 Remarks:
813 Only devices with a sector size of 512 bytes are supported by the
814 format function
815 *******************************************************************/
817 int FSformat (char mode, long int serialNumber, char * volumeID);
818 #endif
821 #ifdef ALLOW_WRITES
822 /***************************************************************************
823 Function:
824 int FSattrib (FSFILE * file, unsigned char attributes)
825 Summary:
826 Change the attributes of a file
827 Conditions:
828 File opened
829 Input:
830 file - Pointer to file structure
831 attributes - The attributes to set for the file
832 - Attribute - Value - Indications
833 - ATTR_READ_ONLY - 0x01 - The read-only attribute
834 - ATTR_HIDDEN - 0x02 - The hidden attribute
835 - ATTR_SYSTEM - 0x04 - The system attribute
836 - ATTR_ARCHIVE - 0x20 - The archive attribute
837 Return Values:
839 -1 - Attribute change was unsuccessful
840 Side Effects:
841 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
842 Description:
843 The FSattrib funciton will set the attributes of the specified file
844 to the attributes passed in by the user. This function will load the
845 file entry, replace the attributes with the ones specified, and write
846 the attributes back. If the specified file is a directory, the
847 directory attribute will be preserved.
848 Remarks:
849 None
850 ***************************************************************************/
852 int FSattrib (FSFILE * file, unsigned char attributes);
855 /***************************************************************
856 Function:
857 int FSrename (const rom char * fileName, FSFILE * fo)
858 Summary:
859 Change the name of a file or directory
860 Conditions:
861 File opened.
862 Input:
863 fileName - The new name of the file
864 fo - The file to rename
865 Return Values:
867 EOF - File was not renamed
868 Side Effects:
869 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
870 Description:
871 The FSrename function will rename a file. First, it will
872 search through the current working directory to ensure the
873 specified new filename is not already in use. If it isn't,
874 the new filename will be written to the file entry of the
875 file pointed to by 'fo.'
876 Remarks:
877 None
878 ***************************************************************/
880 int FSrename (const char * fileName, FSFILE * fo);
883 /*********************************************************************
884 Function:
885 int FSremove (const char * fileName)
886 Summary:
887 Delete a file
888 Conditions:
889 File not opened, file exists
890 Input:
891 fileName - Name of the file to erase
892 Return Values:
894 EOF - File was not removed
895 Side Effects:
896 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
897 Description:
898 The FSremove function will attempt to find the specified file with
899 the FILEfind function. If the file is found, it will be erased
900 using the FILEerase function.
901 Remarks:
902 None
903 **********************************************************************/
905 int FSremove (const char * fileName);
908 /*********************************************************************************
909 Function:
910 size_t FSfwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n, FSFILE *stream)
911 Summary:
912 Write data to a file
913 Conditions:
914 File opened in WRITE, APPEND, WRITE+, APPEND+, READ+ mode
915 Input:
916 ptr - Pointer to source buffer
917 size - Size of units in bytes
918 n - Number of units to transfer
919 stream - Pointer to file structure
920 Return:
921 size_t - number of units written
922 Side Effects:
923 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
924 Description:
925 The FSfwrite function will write data to a file. First, the sector that
926 corresponds to the current position in the file will be loaded (if it hasn't
927 already been cached in the global data buffer). Data will then be written to
928 the device from the specified buffer until the specified amount has been written.
929 If the end of a cluster is reached, the next cluster will be loaded, unless
930 the end-of-file flag for the specified file has been set. If it has, a new
931 cluster will be allocated to the file. Finally, the new position and filezize
932 will be stored in the FSFILE object. The parameters 'size' and 'n' indicate how
933 much data to write. 'Size' refers to the size of one object to write (in bytes),
934 and 'n' will refer to the number of these objects to write. The value returned
935 will be equal to 'n' unless an error occured.
936 Remarks:
937 None.
938 *********************************************************************************/
940 size_t FSfwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n, FSFILE *stream);
942 #endif
944 #ifdef ALLOW_DIRS
947 /**************************************************************************
948 Function:
949 int FSchdir (char * path)
950 Summary:
951 Change the current working directory
952 Conditions:
953 None
954 Input:
955 path - The path of the directory to change to.
956 Return Values:
958 EOF - The current working directory could not be changed
959 Side Effects:
960 The current working directory may be changed. The FSerrno variable will
961 be changed.
962 Description:
963 The FSchdir function passes a RAM pointer to the path to the
964 chdirhelper function.
965 Remarks:
966 None
967 **************************************************************************/
969 int FSchdir (char * path);
972 /**************************************************************
973 Function:
974 char * FSgetcwd (char * path, int numchars)
975 Summary:
976 Get the current working directory name
977 Conditions:
978 None
979 Input:
980 path - Pointer to the array to return the cwd name in
981 numchars - Number of chars in the path
982 Return Values:
983 char * - The cwd name string pointer (path or defaultArray)
984 NULL - The current working directory name could not be loaded.
985 Side Effects:
986 The FSerrno variable will be changed
987 Description:
988 The FSgetcwd function will get the name of the current
989 working directory and return it to the user. The name
990 will be copied into the buffer pointed to by 'path,'
991 starting at the root directory and copying as many chars
992 as possible before the end of the buffer. The buffer
993 size is indicated by the 'numchars' argument. The first
994 thing this function will do is load the name of the current
995 working directory, if it isn't already present. This could
996 occur if the user switched to the dotdot entry of a
997 subdirectory immediately before calling this function. The
998 function will then copy the current working directory name
999 into the buffer backwards, and insert a backslash character.
1000 Next, the function will continuously switch to the previous
1001 directories and copy their names backwards into the buffer
1002 until it reaches the root. If the buffer overflows, it
1003 will be treated as a circular buffer, and data will be
1004 copied over existing characters, starting at the beginning.
1005 Once the root directory is reached, the text in the buffer
1006 will be swapped, so that the buffer contains as much of the
1007 current working directory name as possible, starting at the
1008 root.
1009 Remarks:
1010 None
1011 **************************************************************/
1013 char * FSgetcwd (char * path, int numbchars);
1016 #ifdef ALLOW_WRITES
1018 /**************************************************************************
1019 Function:
1020 int FSmkdir (char * path)
1021 Summary:
1022 Create a directory
1023 Conditions:
1024 None
1025 Input:
1026 path - The path of directories to create.
1027 Return Values:
1029 EOF - The specified directory could not be created
1030 Side Effects:
1031 Will create all non-existent directories in the path. The FSerrno
1032 variable will be changed.
1033 Description:
1034 The FSmkdir function passes a RAM pointer to the path to the
1035 mkdirhelper function.
1036 Remarks:
1037 None
1038 **************************************************************************/
1040 int FSmkdir (char * path);
1043 /**************************************************************************
1044 Function:
1045 int FSrmdir (char * path)
1046 Summary:
1047 Delete a directory
1048 Conditions:
1049 None
1050 Input:
1051 path - The path of the directory to remove
1052 rmsubdirs -
1053 - TRUE - All sub-dirs and files in the target dir will be removed
1054 - FALSE - FSrmdir will not remove non-empty directories
1055 Return Values:
1057 EOF - The specified directory could not be deleted
1058 Side Effects:
1059 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
1060 Description:
1061 The FSrmdir function passes a RAM pointer to the path to the
1062 rmdirhelper function.
1063 Remarks:
1064 None.
1065 **************************************************************************/
1067 int FSrmdir (char * path, unsigned char rmsubdirs);
1068 #endif
1070 #endif
1075 /***********************************************************************************************************
1076 Function:
1077 int SetClockVars (unsigned int year, unsigned char month, unsigned char day, unsigned char hour, unsigned char minute, unsigned char second)
1078 Summary:
1079 Manually set timestamp variables
1080 Conditions:
1081 USERDEFINEDCLOCK macro defined in FSconfig.h.
1082 Input:
1083 year - The year (1980\-2107)
1084 month - The month (1\-12)
1085 day - The day of the month (1\-31)
1086 hour - The hour (0\-23)
1087 minute - The minute (0\-59)
1088 second - The second (0\-59)
1089 Return Values:
1090 None
1091 Side Effects:
1092 Modifies global timing variables
1093 Description:
1094 Lets the user manually set the timing variables. The values passed in will be converted to the format
1095 used by the FAT timestamps.
1096 Remarks:
1097 Call this before creating a file or directory (set create time) and
1098 before closing a file (set last access time, last modified time)
1099 ***********************************************************************************************************/
1101 int SetClockVars (unsigned int year, unsigned char month, unsigned char day, unsigned char hour, unsigned char minute, unsigned char second);
1102 #endif
1107 /***********************************************************************************
1108 Function:
1109 int FindFirst (const char * fileName, unsigned int attr, SearchRec * rec)
1110 Summary:
1111 Initial search function
1112 Conditions:
1113 None
1114 Input:
1115 fileName - The name to search for
1116 - Parital string search characters
1117 - * - Indicates the rest of the filename or extension can vary (e.g. FILE.*)
1118 - ? - Indicates that one character in a filename can vary (e.g. F?LE.T?T)
1119 attr - The attributes that a found file may have
1120 - ATTR_READ_ONLY - File may be read only
1121 - ATTR_HIDDEN - File may be a hidden file
1122 - ATTR_SYSTEM - File may be a system file
1123 - ATTR_VOLUME - Entry may be a volume label
1124 - ATTR_DIRECTORY - File may be a directory
1125 - ATTR_ARCHIVE - File may have archive attribute
1126 - ATTR_MASK - All attributes
1127 rec - pointer to a structure to put the file information in
1128 Return Values:
1130 -1 - No file matching the specified criteria was found
1131 Side Effects:
1132 Search criteria from previous FindFirst call on passed SearchRec object
1133 will be lost. The FSerrno variable will be changed.
1134 Description:
1135 The FindFirst function will search for a file based on parameters passed in
1136 by the user. This function will use the FILEfind function to parse through
1137 the current working directory searching for entries that match the specified
1138 parameters. If a file is found, its parameters are copied into the SearchRec
1139 structure, as are the initial parameters passed in by the user and the position
1140 of the file entry in the current working directory.
1141 Remarks:
1142 Call FindFirst or FindFirstpgm before calling FindNext
1143 ***********************************************************************************/
1145 int FindFirst (const char * fileName, unsigned int attr, SearchRec * rec);
1148 /**********************************************************************
1149 Function:
1150 int FindNext (SearchRec * rec)
1151 Summary:
1152 Sequential search function
1153 Conditions:
1154 None
1155 Input:
1156 rec - The structure to store the file information in
1157 Return Values:
1159 -1 - No additional files matching the specified criteria were found
1160 Side Effects:
1161 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
1162 Description:
1163 The FindNext function performs the same function as the FindFirst
1164 funciton, except it does not copy any search parameters into the
1165 SearchRec structure (only info about found files) and it begins
1166 searching at the last directory entry offset at which a file was
1167 found, rather than at the beginning of the current working
1168 directory.
1169 Remarks:
1170 Call FindFirst or FindFirstpgm before calling this function
1171 **********************************************************************/
1173 int FindNext (SearchRec * rec);
1174 #endif
1177 /**********************************************************************
1178 Function:
1179 // PIC24/30/33/32
1180 int FSfprintf (FSFILE * fptr, const char * fmt, ...)
1181 // PIC18
1182 int FSfpritnf (FSFILE * fptr, const rom char * fmt, ...)
1183 Summary:
1184 Function to write formatted strings to a file
1185 Conditions:
1186 For PIC18, integer promotion must be enabled in the project build
1187 options menu. File opened in a write mode.
1188 Input:
1189 fptr - A pointer to the file to write to.
1190 fmt - A string of characters and format specifiers to write to
1191 the file
1192 ... - Additional arguments inserted in the string by format
1193 specifiers
1194 Returns:
1195 The number of characters written to the file
1196 Side Effects:
1197 The FSerrno variable will be changed.
1198 Description:
1199 Writes a specially formatted string to a file.
1200 Remarks:
1201 Consult AN1045 for a full description of how to use format
1202 specifiers.
1203 **********************************************************************/
1206 #ifdef __18CXX
1207 int FSfprintf (FSFILE *fptr, const rom char *fmt, ...);
1208 #else
1209 int FSfprintf (FSFILE *fptr, const char * fmt, ...);
1210 #endif
1211 #endif
1214 /**************************************************************************
1215 Function:
1216 int FSerror (void)
1217 Summary:
1218 Return an error code for the last function call
1219 Conditions:
1220 The return value depends on the last function called.
1221 Input:
1222 None
1223 Side Effects:
1224 None.
1225 Return Values:
1226 FSInit -
1227 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1228 - CE_INIT_ERROR – The physical media could not be initialized
1229 - CE_BAD_SECTOR_READ – The MBR or the boot sector could not be
1230 read correctly
1231 - CE_BAD_PARITION – The MBR signature code was incorrect.
1232 - CE_NOT_FORMATTED – The boot sector signature code was incorrect or
1233 indicates an invalid number of bytes per sector.
1234 - CE_CARDFAT32 – The physical media is FAT32 type (only an error
1235 when FAT32 support is disabled).
1236 - CE_UNSUPPORTED_FS – The device is formatted with an unsupported file
1237 system (not FAT12 or 16).
1238 FSfopen -
1239 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1240 - CE_NOT_INIT – The device has not been initialized.
1241 - CE_TOO_MANY_FILES_OPEN – The function could not allocate any
1242 additional file information to the array
1243 of FSFILE structures or the heap.
1244 - CE_INVALID_FILENAME – The file name argument was invalid.
1245 - CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The user attempted to open a directory in a
1246 write mode or specified an invalid mode argument.
1247 - CE_FILE_NOT_FOUND – The specified file (which was to be opened in read
1248 mode) does not exist on the device.
1249 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – A read from the device failed.
1250 - CE_ERASE_FAIL – The existing file could not be erased (when opening
1251 a file in WRITE mode).
1252 - CE_DIR_FULL – The directory is full.
1253 - CE_DISK_FULL– The data memory section is full.
1254 - CE_WRITE_ERROR – A write to the device failed.
1255 - CE_SEEK_ERROR – The current position in the file could not be set to
1256 the end (when the file was opened in APPEND mode).
1257 FSfclose -
1258 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1259 - CE_WRITE_ERROR – The existing data in the data buffer or the new file
1260 entry information could not be written to the device.
1261 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – The file entry information could not be cached
1262 FSfread -
1263 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1264 - CE_WRITEONLY – The file was opened in a write-only mode.
1265 - CE_WRITE_ERROR – The existing data in the data buffer could not be
1266 written to the device.
1267 - CE_BAD_SECTOR_READ – The data sector could not be read.
1268 - CE_EOF – The end of the file was reached.
1269 - CE_COULD_NOT_GET_CLUSTER – Additional clusters in the file could not be loaded.
1270 FSfwrite -
1271 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1272 - CE_READONLY – The file was opened in a read-only mode.
1273 - CE_WRITE_PROTECTED – The device write-protect check function indicated
1274 that the device has been write-protected.
1275 - CE_WRITE_ERROR – There was an error writing data to the device.
1276 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – The data sector to be modified could not be read from
1277 the device.
1278 - CE_DISK_FULL – All data clusters on the device are in use.
1279 FSfseek -
1280 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1281 - CE_WRITE_ERROR – The existing data in the data buffer could not be
1282 written to the device.
1283 - CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The specified offset exceeds the size of the file.
1284 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – The sector that contains the new current position
1285 could not be loaded.
1286 - CE_COULD_NOT_GET_CLUSTER – Additional clusters in the file could not be
1287 loaded/allocated.
1288 FSftell -
1289 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1290 FSattrib -
1291 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1292 - CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The attribute argument was invalid.
1293 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – The existing file entry information could not be
1294 loaded.
1295 - CE_WRITE_ERROR – The file entry information could not be written to
1296 the device.
1297 FSrename -
1298 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1299 - CE_FILENOTOPENED – A null file pointer was passed into the function.
1300 - CE_INVALID_FILENAME – The file name passed into the function was invalid.
1301 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – A read from the device failed.
1302 - CE_FILENAME_EXISTS – A file with the specified name already exists.
1303 - CE_WRITE_ERROR – The new file entry data could not be written to the
1304 device.
1305 FSfeof -
1306 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1307 FSformat -
1308 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1309 - CE_INIT_ERROR – The device could not be initialized.
1310 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – The master boot record or boot sector could not be
1311 loaded successfully.
1312 - CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The user selected to create their own boot sector on
1313 a device that has no master boot record, or the mode
1314 argument was invalid.
1315 - CE_WRITE_ERROR – The updated MBR/Boot sector could not be written to
1316 the device.
1317 - CE_BAD_PARTITION – The calculated number of sectors per clusters was
1318 invalid.
1319 - CE_NONSUPPORTED_SIZE – The card has too many sectors to be formatted as
1320 FAT12 or FAT16.
1321 FSremove -
1322 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1323 - CE_WRITE_PROTECTED – The device write-protect check function indicated
1324 that the device has been write-protected.
1325 - CE_INVALID_FILENAME – The specified filename was invalid.
1326 - CE_FILE_NOT_FOUND – The specified file could not be found.
1327 - CE_ERASE_FAIL – The file could not be erased.
1328 FSchdir -
1329 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1330 - CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The path string was mis-formed or the user tried to
1331 change to a non-directory file.
1332 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – A directory entry could not be cached.
1333 - CE_DIR_NOT_FOUND – Could not find a directory in the path.
1334 FSgetcwd -
1335 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1336 - CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The user passed a 0-length buffer into the function.
1337 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – A directory entry could not be cached.
1338 - CE_BAD_SECTOR_READ – The function could not determine a previous directory
1339 of the current working directory.
1340 FSmkdir -
1341 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1342 - CE_WRITE_PROTECTED – The device write-protect check function indicated
1343 that the device has been write-protected.
1344 - CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The path string was mis-formed.
1345 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – Could not successfully change to a recently created
1346 directory to store its dir entry information, or
1347 could not cache directory entry information.
1348 - CE_INVALID_FILENAME – One or more of the directory names has an invalid
1349 format.
1350 - CE_WRITE_ERROR – The existing data in the data buffer could not be
1351 written to the device or the dot/dotdot entries could
1352 not be written to a newly created directory.
1353 - CE_DIR_FULL – There are no available dir entries in the CWD.
1354 - CE_DISK_FULL – There are no available clusters in the data region of
1355 the device.
1356 FSrmdir -
1357 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1358 - CE_DIR_NOT_FOUND – The directory specified could not be found or the
1359 function could not change to a subdirectory within
1360 the directory to be deleted (when recursive delete is
1361 enabled).
1362 - CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The user tried to remove the CWD or root directory.
1363 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – A directory entry could not be cached.
1364 - CE_DIR_NOT_EMPTY – The directory to be deleted was not empty and
1365 recursive subdirectory removal was disabled.
1366 - CE_ERASE_FAIL – The directory or one of the directories or files
1367 within it could not be deleted.
1368 - CE_BAD_SECTOR_READ – The function could not determine a previous directory
1369 of the CWD.
1370 SetClockVars -
1371 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1372 - CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The time values passed into the function were
1373 invalid.
1374 FindFirst -
1375 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1376 - CE_INVALID_FILENAME – The specified filename was invalid.
1377 - CE_FILE_NOT_FOUND – No file matching the specified criteria was found.
1378 - CE_BADCACHEREAD – The file information for the file that was found
1379 could not be cached.
1380 FindNext -
1381 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1382 - CE_NOT_INIT – The SearchRec object was not initialized by a call to
1383 FindFirst.
1384 - CE_INVALID_ARGUMENT – The SearchRec object was initialized in a different
1385 directory from the CWD.
1386 - CE_INVALID_FILENAME – The filename is invalid.
1387 - CE_FILE_NOT_FOUND – No file matching the specified criteria was found.
1388 FSfprintf -
1389 - CE_GOOD – No Error
1390 - CE_WRITE_ERROR – Characters could not be written to the file.
1391 Description:
1392 The FSerror function will return the FSerrno variable. This global
1393 variable will have been set to an error value during the last call of a
1394 library function.
1395 Remarks:
1396 None
1397 **************************************************************************/
1399 int FSerror (void);
1402 /*********************************************************************************
1403 Function:
1404 int FSCreateMBR (unsigned long firstSector, unsigned long numSectors)
1405 Summary:
1406 Creates a master boot record
1407 Conditions:
1408 The I/O pins for the device have been initialized by the InitIO function.
1409 Input:
1410 firstSector - The first sector of the partition on the device (cannot
1411 be 0; that's the MBR)
1412 numSectors - The number of sectors available in memory (including the
1413 MBR)
1414 Return Values:
1416 EOF - MBR could not be created
1417 Side Effects:
1418 None
1419 Description:
1420 This function can be used to create a master boot record for a device. Note
1421 that this function should not be used on a device that is already formatted
1422 with a master boot record (i.e. most SD cards, CF cards, USB keys). This
1423 function will fill the global data buffer with appropriate partition information
1424 for a FAT partition with a type determined by the number of sectors available
1425 to the partition. It will then write the MBR information to the first sector
1426 on the device. This function should be followed by a call to FSformat, which
1427 will create a boot sector, root dir, and FAT appropriate the the information
1428 contained in the new master boot record. Note that FSformat only supports
1429 FAT12 and FAT16 formatting at this time, and so cannot be used to format a
1430 device with more than 0x3FFD5F sectors.
1431 Remarks:
1432 This function can damage the device being used, and should not be called
1433 unless the user is sure about the size of the device and the first sector value.
1434 *********************************************************************************/
1436 int FSCreateMBR (unsigned long firstSector, unsigned long numSectors);
1440 /*********************************************************************************
1441 Function:
1442 void FSGetDiskProperties(FS_DISK_PROPERTIES* properties)
1443 Summary:
1444 Allows user to get the disk properties (size of disk, free space, etc)
1445 Conditions:
1446 1) ALLOW_GET_DISK_PROPERTIES must be defined in FSconfig.h
1447 2) a FS_DISK_PROPERTIES object must be created before the function is called
1448 3) the new_request member of the FS_DISK_PROPERTIES object must be set before
1449 calling the function for the first time. This will start a new search.
1450 4) this function should not be called while there is a file open. Close all
1451 files before calling this function.
1452 Input:
1453 properties - a pointer to a FS_DISK_PROPERTIES object where the results should
1454 be stored.
1455 Return Values:
1456 This function returns void. The properties_status of the previous call of
1457 this function is located in the properties.status field. This field has
1458 the following possible values:
1460 FS_GET_PROPERTIES_NO_ERRORS - operation completed without error. Results
1461 are in the properties object passed into the function.
1462 FS_GET_PROPERTIES_DISK_NOT_MOUNTED - there is no mounted disk. Results in
1463 properties object is not valid
1464 FS_GET_PROPERTIES_CLUSTER_FAILURE - there was a failure trying to read a
1465 cluster from the drive. The results in the properties object is a partial
1466 result up until the point of the failure.
1467 FS_GET_PROPERTIES_STILL_WORKING - the search for free sectors is still in
1468 process. Continue calling this function with the same properties pointer
1469 until either the function completes or until the partial results meets the
1470 application needs. The properties object contains the partial results of
1471 the search and can be used by the application.
1472 Side Effects:
1473 Can cause errors if called when files are open. Close all files before
1474 calling this function.
1476 Calling this function without setting the new_request member on the first
1477 call can result in undefined behavior and results.
1479 Calling this function after a result is returned other than
1480 FS_GET_PROPERTIES_STILL_WORKING can result in undefined behavior and results.
1481 Description:
1482 This function returns the information about the mounted drive. The results
1483 member of the properties object passed into the function is populated with
1484 the information about the drive.
1486 Before starting a new request, the new_request member of the properties
1487 input parameter should be set to TRUE. This will initiate a new search
1488 request.
1490 This function will return before the search is complete with partial results.
1491 All of the results except the free_clusters will be correct after the first
1492 call. The free_clusters will contain the number of free clusters found up
1493 until that point, thus the free_clusters result will continue to grow until
1494 the entire drive is searched. If an application only needs to know that a
1495 certain number of bytes is available and doesn't need to know the total free
1496 size, then this function can be called until the required free size is
1497 verified. To continue a search, pass a pointer to the same FS_DISK_PROPERTIES
1498 object that was passed in to create the search.
1500 A new search request sould be made once this function has returned a value
1501 other than FS_GET_PROPERTIES_STILL_WORKING. Continuing a completed search
1502 can result in undefined behavior or results.
1504 Typical Usage:
1505 <code>
1506 FS_DISK_PROPERTIES disk_properties;
1508 disk_properties.new_request = TRUE;
1510 do
1511 {
1512 FSGetDiskProperties(&disk_properties);
1513 } while (disk_properties.properties_status == FS_GET_PROPERTIES_STILL_WORKING);
1514 </code>
1516 results.disk_format - contains the format of the drive. Valid results are
1517 FAT12(1), FAT16(2), or FAT32(3).
1519 results.sector_size - the sector size of the mounted drive. Valid values are
1520 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096.
1522 results.sectors_per_cluster - the number sectors per cluster.
1524 results.total_clusters - the number of total clusters on the drive. This
1525 can be used to calculate the total disk size (total_clusters *
1526 sectors_per_cluster * sector_size = total size of drive in bytes)
1528 results.free_clusters - the number of free (unallocated) clusters on the drive.
1529 This can be used to calculate the total free disk size (free_clusters *
1530 sectors_per_cluster * sector_size = total size of drive in bytes)
1532 Remarks:
1533 PIC24F size estimates:
1534 Flash - 400 bytes (-Os setting)
1536 PIC24F speed estimates:
1537 Search takes approximately 7 seconds per Gigabyte of drive space. Speed
1538 will vary based on the number of sectors per cluster and the sector size.
1539 *********************************************************************************/
1540 void FSGetDiskProperties(FS_DISK_PROPERTIES* properties);
1541 #endif
1544 #endif

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