Line No. | Rev | Author | Line |
1 | 21 | kaklik | ' struktura pro funce vyberu adresare |
3 | hwndOwner As Long |
4 | pidlRoot As Long |
5 | pszDisplayName As Long |
6 | lpszTitle As Long |
7 | ulFlags As Long |
8 | lpfn As Long |
9 | lParam As Long |
10 | iImage As Long |
11 | End Type |
12 | |||
13 | |||
14 | ' dekalrace fci z Windows pro vyhledani adresare |
15 | Private Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" (ByRef bi As BROWSEINFO) As Long |
16 | Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" (ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal dirName As String) As Long |
17 | Sub Main |
18 | |||
19 | PathName$=ActiveDocument.path ' defaultni cesta, tam co je design |
20 | 'vytvoreni dialogu |
21 | Begin Dialog UserDialog 510,315,"Automat",.CallbackFunc ' %GRID:10,7,1,1 |
22 | OKButton 40,287,100,21 |
23 | CheckBox 20,14,90,14,"Ref",.CompRef |
24 | CheckBox 20,35,90,14,"Value",.CompValue |
25 | CheckBox 20,56,90,14,"Decal",.CompDecal |
26 | CheckBox 20,77,90,14,"Type",.CompType |
27 | CheckBox 20,98,90,14,"Side",.CompSide |
28 | CheckBox 20,119,90,14,"Height",.CompHeight |
29 | CheckBox 20,140,90,14,"Position",.CompPosition |
30 | GroupBox 150,7,150,70," Unit for position",.GroupBox1 |
31 | OptionGroup .UnitSelect |
32 | OptionButton 170,28,90,14,"metric",.UnitMetric |
33 | OptionButton 170,49,90,14,"mils",.UnitMils |
34 | GroupBox 150,91,150,63,"Side",.GroupBox2 |
35 | CheckBox 170,105,90,14,"TOP",.SideTop |
36 | CheckBox 170,126,90,14,"BOTT",.SideBott |
37 | CheckBox 350,105,130,14,"Skip zero height",.ZeroHeight |
38 | GroupBox 20,189,450,42,"Directory" |
39 | Text 40,210,310,14,PathName$,.Directory |
40 | PushButton 360,203,90,21,"browse ...",.browse |
41 | TextBox 30,252,440,21,.FileName |
42 | CancelButton 360,287,100,21 |
43 | CheckBox 350,126,110,14,"To Excel",.ToExcel |
44 | GroupBox 330,7,140,70,"Type",.GroupBox3 |
45 | CheckBox 350,28,90,14,"SMD",.TypeSMD |
46 | CheckBox 350,49,90,14,"KLASIC",.TypeKLASIC |
47 | CheckBox 20,161,100,14,"Orientation",.CompOrientation |
48 | End Dialog |
49 | Dim dlg As UserDialog |
50 | 'defaultni nastaveni dialogu |
51 | dlg.FileName$="automat.txt" |
52 | dlg.CompRef=1 |
53 | dlg.CompValue=1 |
54 | dlg.CompDecal=1 |
55 | dlg.CompType=1 |
56 | dlg.CompSide=1 |
57 | dlg.CompHeight=0 |
58 | dlg.CompPosition=1 |
59 | dlg.CompOrientation=1 |
60 | dlg.UnitSelect=1 |
61 | dlg.SideTop=1 |
62 | dlg.SideBott=1 |
63 | dlg.TypeKLASIC=1 |
64 | dlg.TypeSMD=1 |
65 | dlg.ToExcel=1 |
66 | dlg.ZeroHeight=0 |
67 | Dialog dlg |
68 | |||
69 | file = PathName & "\" & dlg.FileName |
70 | |||
71 | ' otevri textovy soubor |
72 | On Error GoTo NotOpen |
73 | Open file For Output As #1 |
74 | |||
75 | ' hlavicka souburu |
76 | If dlg.CompRef=1 Then Print #1, "Ref"; Space(10-Len("Ref")); |
77 | If dlg.CompValue=1 Then Print #1, "Value"; Space(20-Len("Value")); |
78 | If dlg.CompDecal=1 Then Print #1, "Footprint"; Space(50-Len("Footprint")); |
79 | If dlg.CompType=1 Then Print #1, "Type" ; Space(10-Len("Type")); |
80 | If dlg.CompSide=1 Then Print #1, "Layer"; Space(10-Len("Layer")); |
81 | 'If dlg.CompHeight=1 Then Print #1, "Height"; Space(10-Len("Height")); |
82 | |||
83 | If dlg.compPosition=1 Then |
84 | If dlg.UnitSelect=1 Then |
85 | Print #1, " X [mils]"; Space(30-Len(" X [mils]")); |
86 | Print #1, " Y [mils]"; Space(30-Len(" Y [mils]")); |
87 | End If |
88 | If dlg.UnitSelect=0 Then |
89 | Print #1, " X [mm]"; Space(30-Len(" X [mm]")); |
90 | Print #1, " Y [mm]"; Space(30-Len(" Y [mm]")); |
91 | End If |
92 | End If |
93 | If dlg.CompOrientation=1 Then Print #1, "Orientation [DEG]"; Space(20-Len("Orientation [DEG]")); |
94 | |||
95 | Print #1,"" 'odradkovani |
96 | |||
97 | ' pro zvyseni rychlosti |
98 | LockServer |
99 | |||
100 | ' vlastni vyplneni tabulky |
101 | For Each nextComp In ActiveDocument.Components |
102 | |||
103 | On Error Resume Next 'pokud neni Atribut Geometry.Height definovan,soucastku zapis do tabulky |
104 | If dlg.ZeroHeight =1 And ZeroItem(nextComp.Attributes("Geometry.Height").value)="TRUE" Then GoTo SkipItem ' preskoc polzky s nulovou vyskou |
105 | |||
106 | If dlg.SideTop=0 And ActiveDocument.LayerName(nextComp.layer)="Top" Then GoTo SkipItem 'preskoc soucastky na strane soucastek |
107 | If dlg.SideBott=0 And ActiveDocument.LayerName(nextComp.layer)="Bottom" Then GoTo SkipItem 'preskoc soucastky na strane spoju |
108 | If dlg.TypeSMD=0 And nextComp.IsSMD=True Then GoTo SkipItem |
109 | If dlg.TypeKLASIC=0 And nextComp.IsSMD=False Then GoTo SkipItem |
110 | |||
111 | If dlg.CompRef=1 Then Print #1, nextComp.Name; Space$(10-Len(nextComp.Name)); |
112 | |||
113 | If dlg.CompValue=1 Then |
114 | On Error GoTo NotExist ' skoc, pokud atribut "value" neni definovan |
115 | Print #1, nextComp.Attributes("Value").value; Space$(20-Len(nextComp.Attributes("Value").value)); |
116 | End If |
117 | |||
118 | If dlg.CompDecal=1 Then Print #1, nextComp.Decal; Space$(50-Len(nextComp.Decal)); |
119 | If dlg.CompType=1 Then |
120 | If nextComp.IsSMD Then |
121 | Print #1,"SMD"; Space$(10-Len("SMD")); |
122 | End If |
123 | If Not nextComp.IsSMD Then |
124 | Print #1,"KLASIC"; Space(10-Len("KLASIC")); |
125 | End If |
126 | End If |
127 | |||
128 | If dlg.CompSide=1 Then Print #1, ActiveDocument.LayerName(nextComp.layer); Space$(10-Len(ActiveDocument.LayerName(nextComp.layer))); |
129 | |||
130 | If dlg.CompPosition=1 Then |
131 | If dlg.UnitSelect=1 Then 'jednotky jsou mils |
132 | Print #1, Str(Int(nextComp.PositionX(2))); Space$(30-Len(Str(Int(nextComp.PositionX)))); |
133 | Print #1, Str(Int(nextComp.PositionY(2))); Space$(30-Len(Str(Int(nextComp.PositionY)))); |
134 | End If |
135 | If dlg.UnitSelect=0 Then 'jednoky jsou mm |
136 | Print #1, Str((nextComp.PositionX(4))); Space$(30-Len(Str((nextComp.PositionX)))); |
137 | Print #1, Str((nextComp.PositionY(4))); Space$(30-Len(Str((nextComp.PositionY)))); |
138 | End If |
139 | End If |
140 | If dlg.CompOrientation=1 Then |
141 | Print #1, Str(Int(nextComp.Orientation)); Space$(30-Len(Str(Int(nextComp.Orientation)))); |
142 | End If |
143 | |||
144 | Print #1,"" 'odradkovani |
145 | SkipItem: |
146 | Next nextComp |
147 | |||
148 | UnlockServer |
149 | |||
150 | ' zavri textovy soubor |
151 | Close #1 |
152 | If dlg.ToExcel=1 Then ToExcel(file) 'export do excelu |
153 | End |
154 | |||
155 | NotExist: |
156 | ' atribut neni definovan, do tabulky zapis "NOTEXIST a jdi na dalsi polozku |
157 | Print #1, "NOTEXIST"; Space$(20-Len("NOTEXIST")); |
158 | Resume Next |
159 | |||
160 | NotOpen: |
161 | MsgBox "Not create files" |
162 | End Sub |
163 | ' otevre v Excelu soubor se jmenem v file |
164 | Sub ToExcel(file) |
165 | ' otevri excel a natahni soubor |
166 | On Error GoTo noExcel |
167 | Dim excelApp As Object |
168 | Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") |
169 | On Error GoTo 0 |
170 | excelApp.Visible = True |
171 | excelApp.Workbooks.OpenText FileName:= file |
172 | excelApp.Rows("1:1").Select |
173 | With excelApp.Selection |
174 | .Font.Bold = True |
175 | .Font.Italic = True |
176 | End With |
177 | excelApp.Range("A1").Select |
178 | Set excelApp = Nothing |
179 | End |
180 | |||
181 | noExcel: |
182 | ' excel neni, otevri Notepad |
183 | Shell "Notepad " & file, 3 |
184 | End Sub |
185 | |||
186 | 'zjisti, zda dany string obsahuje nulove ciso |
187 | 'pokud string obsahuje jen nuly a dalsi neciselne znaky, vraci "TRUE" |
188 | 'pokud string obsahuje i jine cislice nebo jen neciselne znaky, vraci "FALSE" |
189 | Function ZeroItem$(Data$) |
190 | ZeroItem$="FALSE" |
191 | For i=1 To Len(Data$) |
192 | If Not(Mid(Data$,i,1)=" " Or Mid(Data$,i,1)=".") Then |
193 | |||
194 | If Mid(Data$,i,1)="0" Then |
195 | ZeroItem$="TRUE" |
196 | Else |
197 | If Mid(Data$,i,1)>"0" And Mid(Data$,i,1)<="9" Then |
198 | ZeroItem$="FALSE" |
199 | i=Len(Data$) |
200 | Else |
201 | i=Len(Data$) |
202 | End If |
203 | End If |
204 | End If |
205 | Next i |
206 | End Function |
207 | 'obsluzna fce dialogu |
208 | Function CallbackFunc%(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue%) |
209 | |||
210 | Select Case Action% |
211 | |||
212 | Case 2 'stisknuto nejake tlacitko, nebo neco vybrano v boxech |
213 | If DlgItem$="browse" Then 'stisknuto tlacitko browse |
214 | s$=BrowseDirectory |
215 | If s<>"" Then |
216 | PathName=s |
217 | DlgText "Directory",PathName 'nahrad puvodni obsah okenka Path v dialogu |
218 | CallbackFunc=True ' refresuj dialog |
219 | End If |
220 | End If |
221 | If DlgItem$="Cancel" Then End 'zkonci script |
222 | End Select |
223 | End Function |
224 | ' vrati vybranou cestu jako string |
225 | Function BrowseDirectory As String |
226 | Dim bi As BROWSEINFO, s As String*256, pos |
227 | bi.ulFlags = 9 |
228 | bi.hwndOwner = dlgHandle |
229 | Dim pidl As Long |
230 | pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(bi) |
231 | If pidl <> 0 Then |
232 | If SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, s) <> 0 Then |
233 | pos = InStr(s, Chr(0)) |
234 | BrowseDirectory = Left(s, pos-1) |
235 | End If |
236 | End If |
237 | End Function |
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