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3 | <title>Procyon AVRlib: net/cs8900.h Source File</title> |
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10 | <h1>cs8900.h</h1><a href="cs8900_8h.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">00001 <span class="comment">/*! \file cs8900.h \brief Crystal CS8900 Ethernet Interface Driver. */</span> |
11 | 00002 <span class="comment">//*****************************************************************************</span> |
12 | 00003 <span class="comment">//</span> |
13 | 00004 <span class="comment">// File Name : 'cs8900.h'</span> |
14 | 00005 <span class="comment">// Title : Crystal CS8900 Ethernet Interface Driver</span> |
15 | 00006 <span class="comment">// Author : Pascal Stang</span> |
16 | 00007 <span class="comment">// Created : 11/7/2004</span> |
17 | 00008 <span class="comment">// Revised : 8/22/2005</span> |
18 | 00009 <span class="comment">// Version : 0.1</span> |
19 | 00010 <span class="comment">// Target MCU : Atmel AVR series</span> |
20 | 00011 <span class="comment">// Editor Tabs : 4</span> |
21 | 00012 <span class="comment">//</span><span class="comment"></span> |
22 | 00013 <span class="comment">/// \ingroup network</span> |
23 | 00014 <span class="comment">/// \defgroup cs8900 Crystal CS8900 Ethernet Interface Driver (cs8900.c)</span> |
24 | 00015 <span class="comment">/// \code #include "net/cs8900.h" \endcode</span> |
25 | 00016 <span class="comment">/// \par Overview</span> |
26 | 00017 <span class="comment">/// This driver provides initialization and transmit/receive</span> |
27 | 00018 <span class="comment">/// functions for the Crystal CS8900 10Mb Ethernet Controller and PHY.</span> |
28 | 00019 <span class="comment"></span><span class="comment">//</span> |
29 | 00020 <span class="comment">//*****************************************************************************</span><span class="comment"></span> |
30 | 00021 <span class="comment">//@{</span> |
31 | 00022 <span class="comment"></span> |
32 | 00023 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef CS8900_H</span> |
33 | 00024 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define CS8900_H</span> |
34 | 00025 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
35 | 00026 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="global_8h.html">global.h</a>"</span> |
36 | 00027 |
37 | 00028 <span class="preprocessor">#define nop() asm volatile ("nop")</span> |
38 | 00029 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
39 | 00030 |
40 | 00031 <span class="comment">// Crystal ESIA product ID</span> |
41 | 00032 <span class="preprocessor">#define CS8900_ESIA_ID (0x630e)</span> |
42 | 00033 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
43 | 00034 <span class="comment">// CS8900 IO Registers</span> |
44 | 00035 <span class="preprocessor">#define CS8900_IO_RXTX_DATA_PORT0 (0x0000)</span> |
45 | 00036 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define CS8900_IO_RXTX_DATA_PORT1 (0x0002)</span> |
46 | 00037 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define CS8900_IO_TXCMD (0x0004)</span> |
47 | 00038 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define CS8900_IO_TXLENGTH (0x0006)</span> |
48 | 00039 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define CS8900_IO_ISQ (0x0008)</span> |
49 | 00040 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define CS8900_IO_PP_PTR (0x000a)</span> |
50 | 00041 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define CS8900_IO_PP_DATA_PORT0 (0x000c)</span> |
51 | 00042 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define CS8900_IO_PP_DATA_PORT1 (0x000e)</span> |
52 | 00043 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
53 | 00044 <span class="comment">// definitions for Crystal CS8900 ethernet-controller</span> |
54 | 00045 <span class="comment">// based on linux-header by Russel Nelson</span> |
55 | 00046 |
56 | 00047 <span class="preprocessor">#define PP_ChipID 0x0000 // offset 0h -> Corp-ID</span> |
57 | 00048 <span class="preprocessor"></span> <span class="comment">// offset 2h -> Model/Product Number</span> |
58 | 00049 <span class="comment">// offset 3h -> Chip Revision Number</span> |
59 | 00050 |
60 | 00051 <span class="preprocessor">#define PP_ISAIOB 0x0020 // IO base address</span> |
61 | 00052 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_CS8900_ISAINT 0x0022 // ISA interrupt select</span> |
62 | 00053 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_CS8900_ISADMA 0x0024 // ISA Rec DMA channel</span> |
63 | 00054 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_ISASOF 0x0026 // ISA DMA offset</span> |
64 | 00055 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_DmaFrameCnt 0x0028 // ISA DMA Frame count</span> |
65 | 00056 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_DmaByteCnt 0x002A // ISA DMA Byte count</span> |
66 | 00057 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_CS8900_ISAMemB 0x002C // Memory base</span> |
67 | 00058 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_ISABootBase 0x0030 // Boot Prom base</span> |
68 | 00059 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_ISABootMask 0x0034 // Boot Prom Mask</span> |
69 | 00060 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_RxFrameByteCnt 0x0050</span> |
70 | 00061 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
71 | 00062 <span class="comment">// EEPROM data and command registers</span> |
72 | 00063 <span class="preprocessor">#define PP_EECMD 0x0040 // NVR Interface Command register</span> |
73 | 00064 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_EEData 0x0042 // NVR Interface Data Register</span> |
74 | 00065 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
75 | 00066 <span class="comment">// Configuration and control registers</span> |
76 | 00067 <span class="preprocessor">#define PP_RxCFG 0x0102 // Rx Bus config</span> |
77 | 00068 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_RxCTL 0x0104 // Receive Control Register</span> |
78 | 00069 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_TxCFG 0x0106 // Transmit Config Register</span> |
79 | 00070 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_TxCMD 0x0108 // Transmit Command Register</span> |
80 | 00071 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_BufCFG 0x010A // Bus configuration Register</span> |
81 | 00072 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_LineCTL 0x0112 // Line Config Register</span> |
82 | 00073 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_SelfCTL 0x0114 // Self Command Register</span> |
83 | 00074 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_BusCTL 0x0116 // ISA bus control Register</span> |
84 | 00075 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_TestCTL 0x0118 // Test Register</span> |
85 | 00076 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
86 | 00077 <span class="comment">// Status and Event Registers</span> |
87 | 00078 <span class="preprocessor">#define PP_ISQ 0x0120 // Interrupt Status</span> |
88 | 00079 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_RxEvent 0x0124 // Rx Event Register</span> |
89 | 00080 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_TxEvent 0x0128 // Tx Event Register</span> |
90 | 00081 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_BufEvent 0x012C // Bus Event Register</span> |
91 | 00082 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_RxMiss 0x0130 // Receive Miss Count</span> |
92 | 00083 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_TxCol 0x0132 // Transmit Collision Count</span> |
93 | 00084 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_LineST 0x0134 // Line State Register</span> |
94 | 00085 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_SelfST 0x0136 // Self State register</span> |
95 | 00086 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_BusST 0x0138 // Bus Status</span> |
96 | 00087 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_TDR 0x013C // Time Domain Reflectometry</span> |
97 | 00088 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
98 | 00089 <span class="comment">// Initiate Transmit Registers</span> |
99 | 00090 <span class="preprocessor">#define PP_TxCommand 0x0144 // Tx Command</span> |
100 | 00091 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_TxLength 0x0146 // Tx Length</span> |
101 | 00092 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
102 | 00093 <span class="comment">// Address Filter Registers</span> |
103 | 00094 <span class="preprocessor">#define PP_LAF 0x0150 // Hash Table</span> |
104 | 00095 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_IA 0x0158 // Physical Address Register</span> |
105 | 00096 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
106 | 00097 <span class="comment">// Frame Location</span> |
107 | 00098 <span class="preprocessor">#define PP_RxStatus 0x0400 // Receive start of frame</span> |
108 | 00099 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_RxLength 0x0402 // Receive Length of frame</span> |
109 | 00100 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_RxFrame 0x0404 // Receive frame pointer</span> |
110 | 00101 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define PP_TxFrame 0x0A00 // Transmit frame pointer</span> |
111 | 00102 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
112 | 00103 <span class="comment">// Primary I/O Base Address. If no I/O base is supplied by the user, then this</span> |
113 | 00104 <span class="comment">// can be used as the default I/O base to access the PacketPage Area.</span> |
114 | 00105 <span class="preprocessor">#define DEFAULTIOBASE 0x0300</span> |
115 | 00106 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
116 | 00107 <span class="comment">// PP_RxCFG - Receive Configuration and Interrupt Mask bit definition - Read/write</span> |
117 | 00108 <span class="preprocessor">#define SKIP_1 0x0040</span> |
118 | 00109 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_STREAM_ENBL 0x0080</span> |
119 | 00110 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_OK_ENBL 0x0100</span> |
120 | 00111 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_DMA_ONLY 0x0200</span> |
121 | 00112 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define AUTO_RX_DMA 0x0400</span> |
122 | 00113 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define BUFFER_CRC 0x0800</span> |
123 | 00114 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_CRC_ERROR_ENBL 0x1000</span> |
124 | 00115 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_RUNT_ENBL 0x2000</span> |
125 | 00116 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_EXTRA_DATA_ENBL 0x4000</span> |
126 | 00117 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
127 | 00118 <span class="comment">// PP_RxCTL - Receive Control bit definition - Read/write</span> |
128 | 00119 <span class="preprocessor">#define RX_IA_HASH_ACCEPT 0x0040</span> |
129 | 00120 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_PROM_ACCEPT 0x0080</span> |
130 | 00121 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_OK_ACCEPT 0x0100</span> |
131 | 00122 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_MULTCAST_ACCEPT 0x0200</span> |
132 | 00123 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_IA_ACCEPT 0x0400</span> |
133 | 00124 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_BROADCAST_ACCEPT 0x0800</span> |
134 | 00125 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_BAD_CRC_ACCEPT 0x1000</span> |
135 | 00126 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_RUNT_ACCEPT 0x2000</span> |
136 | 00127 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_EXTRA_DATA_ACCEPT 0x4000</span> |
137 | 00128 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
138 | 00129 <span class="comment">// PP_TxCFG - Transmit Configuration Interrupt Mask bit definition - Read/write</span> |
139 | 00130 <span class="preprocessor">#define TX_LOST_CRS_ENBL 0x0040</span> |
140 | 00131 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_SQE_ERROR_ENBL 0x0080</span> |
141 | 00132 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_OK_ENBL 0x0100</span> |
142 | 00133 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_LATE_COL_ENBL 0x0200</span> |
143 | 00134 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_JBR_ENBL 0x0400</span> |
144 | 00135 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_ANY_COL_ENBL 0x0800</span> |
145 | 00136 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_16_COL_ENBL 0x8000</span> |
146 | 00137 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
147 | 00138 <span class="comment">// PP_TxCMD - Transmit Command bit definition - Read-only and</span> |
148 | 00139 <span class="comment">// PP_TxCommand - Write-only</span> |
149 | 00140 <span class="preprocessor">#define TX_START_5_BYTES 0x0000</span> |
150 | 00141 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_START_381_BYTES 0x0040</span> |
151 | 00142 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_START_1021_BYTES 0x0080</span> |
152 | 00143 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_START_ALL_BYTES 0x00C0</span> |
153 | 00144 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_FORCE 0x0100</span> |
154 | 00145 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_ONE_COL 0x0200</span> |
155 | 00146 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_NO_CRC 0x1000</span> |
156 | 00147 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_RUNT 0x2000</span> |
157 | 00148 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
158 | 00149 <span class="comment">// PP_BufCFG - Buffer Configuration Interrupt Mask bit definition - Read/write</span> |
159 | 00150 <span class="preprocessor">#define GENERATE_SW_INTERRUPT 0x0040</span> |
160 | 00151 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_DMA_ENBL 0x0080</span> |
161 | 00152 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define READY_FOR_TX_ENBL 0x0100</span> |
162 | 00153 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_UNDERRUN_ENBL 0x0200</span> |
163 | 00154 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_MISS_ENBL 0x0400</span> |
164 | 00155 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_128_BYTE_ENBL 0x0800</span> |
165 | 00156 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_COL_COUNT_OVRFLOW_ENBL 0x1000</span> |
166 | 00157 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_MISS_COUNT_OVRFLOW_ENBL 0x2000</span> |
167 | 00158 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_DEST_MATCH_ENBL 0x8000</span> |
168 | 00159 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
169 | 00160 <span class="comment">// PP_LineCTL - Line Control bit definition - Read/write</span> |
170 | 00161 <span class="preprocessor">#define SERIAL_RX_ON 0x0040</span> |
171 | 00162 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define SERIAL_TX_ON 0x0080</span> |
172 | 00163 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define AUI_ONLY 0x0100</span> |
173 | 00164 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define AUTO_AUI_10BASET 0x0200</span> |
174 | 00165 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define MODIFIED_BACKOFF 0x0800</span> |
175 | 00166 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define NO_AUTO_POLARITY 0x1000</span> |
176 | 00167 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TWO_PART_DEFDIS 0x2000</span> |
177 | 00168 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define LOW_RX_SQUELCH 0x4000</span> |
178 | 00169 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
179 | 00170 <span class="comment">// PP_SelfCTL - Software Self Control bit definition - Read/write</span> |
180 | 00171 <span class="preprocessor">#define POWER_ON_RESET 0x0040</span> |
181 | 00172 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define SW_STOP 0x0100</span> |
182 | 00173 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define SLEEP_ON 0x0200</span> |
183 | 00174 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define AUTO_WAKEUP 0x0400</span> |
184 | 00175 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define HCB0_ENBL 0x1000</span> |
185 | 00176 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define HCB1_ENBL 0x2000</span> |
186 | 00177 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define HCB0 0x4000</span> |
187 | 00178 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define HCB1 0x8000</span> |
188 | 00179 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
189 | 00180 <span class="comment">// PP_BusCTL - ISA Bus Control bit definition - Read/write</span> |
190 | 00181 <span class="preprocessor">#define RESET_RX_DMA 0x0040</span> |
191 | 00182 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define MEMORY_ON 0x0400</span> |
192 | 00183 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define DMA_BURST_MODE 0x0800</span> |
193 | 00184 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define IO_CHANNEL_READY_ON 0x1000</span> |
194 | 00185 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_DMA_SIZE_64K 0x2000</span> |
195 | 00186 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ENABLE_IRQ 0x8000</span> |
196 | 00187 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
197 | 00188 <span class="comment">// PP_TestCTL - Test Control bit definition - Read/write</span> |
198 | 00189 <span class="preprocessor">#define LINK_OFF 0x0080</span> |
199 | 00190 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ENDEC_LOOPBACK 0x0200</span> |
200 | 00191 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define AUI_LOOPBACK 0x0400</span> |
201 | 00192 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define BACKOFF_OFF 0x0800</span> |
202 | 00193 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define FDX_8900 0x4000</span> |
203 | 00194 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
204 | 00195 <span class="comment">// PP_RxEvent - Receive Event Bit definition - Read-only</span> |
205 | 00196 <span class="preprocessor">#define RX_IA_HASHED 0x0040</span> |
206 | 00197 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_DRIBBLE 0x0080</span> |
207 | 00198 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_OK 0x0100</span> |
208 | 00199 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_HASHED 0x0200</span> |
209 | 00200 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_IA 0x0400</span> |
210 | 00201 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_BROADCAST 0x0800</span> |
211 | 00202 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_CRC_ERROR 0x1000</span> |
212 | 00203 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_RUNT 0x2000</span> |
213 | 00204 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_EXTRA_DATA 0x4000</span> |
214 | 00205 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define HASH_INDEX_MASK 0xFC00 // Hash-Table Index Mask (6 Bit)</span> |
215 | 00206 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
216 | 00207 <span class="comment">// PP_TxEvent - Transmit Event Bit definition - Read-only</span> |
217 | 00208 <span class="preprocessor">#define TX_LOST_CRS 0x0040</span> |
218 | 00209 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_SQE_ERROR 0x0080</span> |
219 | 00210 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_OK 0x0100</span> |
220 | 00211 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_LATE_COL 0x0200</span> |
221 | 00212 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_JBR 0x0400</span> |
222 | 00213 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_16_COL 0x8000</span> |
223 | 00214 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_COL_COUNT_MASK 0x7800</span> |
224 | 00215 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
225 | 00216 <span class="comment">// PP_BufEvent - Buffer Event Bit definition - Read-only</span> |
226 | 00217 <span class="preprocessor">#define SW_INTERRUPT 0x0040</span> |
227 | 00218 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_DMA 0x0080</span> |
228 | 00219 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define READY_FOR_TX 0x0100</span> |
229 | 00220 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_UNDERRUN 0x0200</span> |
230 | 00221 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_MISS 0x0400</span> |
231 | 00222 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_128_BYTE 0x0800</span> |
232 | 00223 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TX_COL_OVRFLW 0x1000</span> |
233 | 00224 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_MISS_OVRFLW 0x2000</span> |
234 | 00225 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RX_DEST_MATCH 0x8000</span> |
235 | 00226 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
236 | 00227 <span class="comment">// PP_LineST - Ethernet Line Status bit definition - Read-only</span> |
237 | 00228 <span class="preprocessor">#define LINK_OK 0x0080</span> |
238 | 00229 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define AUI_ON 0x0100</span> |
239 | 00230 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define TENBASET_ON 0x0200</span> |
240 | 00231 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define POLARITY_OK 0x1000</span> |
241 | 00232 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define CRS_OK 0x4000</span> |
242 | 00233 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
243 | 00234 <span class="comment">// PP_SelfST - Chip Software Status bit definition</span> |
244 | 00235 <span class="preprocessor">#define ACTIVE_33V 0x0040</span> |
245 | 00236 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define INIT_DONE 0x0080</span> |
246 | 00237 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define SI_BUSY 0x0100</span> |
247 | 00238 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define EEPROM_PRESENT 0x0200</span> |
248 | 00239 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define EEPROM_OK 0x0400</span> |
249 | 00240 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define EL_PRESENT 0x0800</span> |
250 | 00241 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define EE_SIZE_64 0x1000</span> |
251 | 00242 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
252 | 00243 <span class="comment">// PP_BusST - ISA Bus Status bit definition</span> |
253 | 00244 <span class="preprocessor">#define TX_BID_ERROR 0x0080</span> |
254 | 00245 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define READY_FOR_TX_NOW 0x0100</span> |
255 | 00246 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
256 | 00247 <span class="comment">// The following block defines the ISQ event types</span> |
257 | 00248 <span class="preprocessor">#define ISQ_RX_EVENT 0x0004</span> |
258 | 00249 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ISQ_TX_EVENT 0x0008</span> |
259 | 00250 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ISQ_BUFFER_EVENT 0x000C</span> |
260 | 00251 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ISQ_RX_MISS_EVENT 0x0010</span> |
261 | 00252 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ISQ_TX_COL_EVENT 0x0012</span> |
262 | 00253 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
263 | 00254 <span class="preprocessor">#define ISQ_EVENT_MASK 0x003F // ISQ mask to find out type of event</span> |
264 | 00255 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
265 | 00256 <span class="preprocessor">#define AUTOINCREMENT 0x8000 // Bit mask to set Bit-15 for autoincrement</span> |
266 | 00257 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
267 | 00258 <span class="comment">// EEProm Commands</span> |
268 | 00259 <span class="preprocessor">#define EEPROM_WRITE_EN 0x00F0</span> |
269 | 00260 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define EEPROM_WRITE_DIS 0x0000</span> |
270 | 00261 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define EEPROM_WRITE_CMD 0x0100</span> |
271 | 00262 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define EEPROM_READ_CMD 0x0200</span> |
272 | 00263 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
273 | 00264 <span class="comment">// Receive Header of each packet in receive area of memory for DMA-Mode</span> |
274 | 00265 <span class="preprocessor">#define RBUF_EVENT_LOW 0x0000 // Low byte of RxEvent</span> |
275 | 00266 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RBUF_EVENT_HIGH 0x0001 // High byte of RxEvent</span> |
276 | 00267 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RBUF_LEN_LOW 0x0002 // Length of received data - low byte</span> |
277 | 00268 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RBUF_LEN_HI 0x0003 // Length of received data - high byte</span> |
278 | 00269 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define RBUF_HEAD_LEN 0x0004 // Length of this header</span> |
279 | 00270 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
280 | 00271 <span class="comment">// typedefs</span> |
281 | 00272 |
282 | 00273 <span class="comment">// constants</span> |
283 | 00274 |
284 | 00275 <span class="comment">// prototypes</span> |
285 | 00276 |
286 | 00277 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="nic_8h.html">nic.h</a>"</span> |
287 | 00278 |
288 | 00279 <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> cs8900BeginPacketRetreive(<span class="keywordtype">void</span>); |
289 | 00280 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> cs8900RetreivePacketData(u08* packet, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> packetLength); |
290 | 00281 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> cs8900EndPacketRetreive(<span class="keywordtype">void</span>); |
291 | 00282 |
292 | 00283 |
293 | 00284 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> cs8900Init(<span class="keywordtype">void</span>); |
294 | 00285 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> cs8900Write(<span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> address, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> data); |
295 | 00286 <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> cs8900Read(<span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> address); |
296 | 00287 |
297 | 00288 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> cs8900Write16(<span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> address, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">short</span> data); |
298 | 00289 <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">short</span> cs8900Read16(<span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> address); |
299 | 00290 |
300 | 00291 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> cs8900WriteReg(<span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">short</span> address, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">short</span> data); |
301 | 00292 <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">short</span> cs8900ReadReg(<span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">short</span> address); |
302 | 00293 |
303 | 00294 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> cs8900CopyToFrame(<span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *source, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">short</span> size); |
304 | 00295 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> cs8900CopyFromFrame(<span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *dest, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">short</span> size); |
305 | 00296 |
306 | 00297 u08 cs8900LinkStatus(<span class="keywordtype">void</span>); |
307 | 00298 |
308 | 00299 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> cs8900IORegDump(<span class="keywordtype">void</span>); |
309 | 00300 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> cs8900RegDump(<span class="keywordtype">void</span>); |
310 | 00301 |
311 | 00302 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span> |
312 | 00303 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="comment">//@}</span> |
313 | 00304 <span class="comment"></span> |
314 | 00305 |
315 | 00306 <span class="comment">/****************</span> |
316 | 00307 <span class="comment"></span> |
317 | 00308 <span class="comment">// CS8900 device register definitions</span> |
318 | 00309 <span class="comment"></span> |
319 | 00310 <span class="comment">// Crystal ESIA product id.</span> |
320 | 00311 <span class="comment"></span> |
321 | 00312 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_ESIA_ID (0x630e)</span> |
322 | 00313 <span class="comment"></span> |
323 | 00314 <span class="comment">//IO Registers.</span> |
324 | 00315 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_IO_RX_TX_DATA_PORT0 (0x0000)</span> |
325 | 00316 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_IO_TX_TX_DATA_PORT1 (0x0002)</span> |
326 | 00317 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_IO_TxCMD (0x0004)</span> |
327 | 00318 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_IO_TxLength (0x0006)</span> |
328 | 00319 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_IO_ISQ (0x0008)</span> |
329 | 00320 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_IO_PACKET_PAGE_PTR (0x000a)</span> |
330 | 00321 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_IO_PP_DATA_PORT0 (0x000c)</span> |
331 | 00322 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_IO_PP_DATA_PORT1 (0x000e)</span> |
332 | 00323 <span class="comment"></span> |
333 | 00324 <span class="comment"> * Packet Page Registers.</span> |
334 | 00325 <span class="comment"></span> |
335 | 00326 <span class="comment"> * Bus Interface Registers.</span> |
336 | 00327 <span class="comment"></span> |
337 | 00328 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_PROD_ID (0x0000)</span> |
338 | 00329 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_IO_BASE (0x0020)</span> |
339 | 00330 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_INT (0x0022)</span> |
340 | 00331 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_DMA_CHANNEL (0x0024)</span> |
341 | 00332 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_DMA_SOF (0x0026)</span> |
342 | 00333 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_DMA_FRM_CNT (0x0028)</span> |
343 | 00334 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_DMA_RX_BCNT (0x002a)</span> |
344 | 00335 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_MEM_BASE (0x002c)</span> |
345 | 00336 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_BPROM_BASE (0x0030)</span> |
346 | 00337 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_BPROM_AMASK (0x0034)</span> |
347 | 00338 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_EEPROM_CMD (0x0040)</span> |
348 | 00339 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_EEPROM_DATA (0x0042)</span> |
349 | 00340 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_RX_FRAME_BCNT (0x0050)</span> |
350 | 00341 <span class="comment"></span> |
351 | 00342 <span class="comment"> * Configuration and Control Registers.</span> |
352 | 00343 <span class="comment"></span> |
353 | 00344 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_RxCFG (0x0102)</span> |
354 | 00345 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_RxCTL (0x0104)</span> |
355 | 00346 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_TxCFG (0x0106)</span> |
356 | 00347 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_TxCMD_READ (0x0108)</span> |
357 | 00348 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_BufCFG (0x010a)</span> |
358 | 00349 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_LineCFG (0x0112)</span> |
359 | 00350 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_SelfCTL (0x0114)</span> |
360 | 00351 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_BusCTL (0x0116)</span> |
361 | 00352 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_TestCTL (0x0118)</span> |
362 | 00353 <span class="comment"></span> |
363 | 00354 <span class="comment"> * Status and Event Registers.</span> |
364 | 00355 <span class="comment"></span> |
365 | 00356 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_ISQ (0x0120)</span> |
366 | 00357 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_RxEvent (0x0124)</span> |
367 | 00358 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_TxEvent (0x0128)</span> |
368 | 00359 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_BufEvent (0x012c)</span> |
369 | 00360 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_RxMISS (0x0130)</span> |
370 | 00361 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_TxCol (0x0132)</span> |
371 | 00362 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_LineST (0x0134)</span> |
372 | 00363 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_SelfST (0x0136)</span> |
373 | 00364 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_BusST (0x0138)</span> |
374 | 00365 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_TDR (0x013c)</span> |
375 | 00366 <span class="comment"></span> |
376 | 00367 <span class="comment"> * Initiate Transmit Registers.</span> |
377 | 00368 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_TxCMD (0x0144)</span> |
378 | 00369 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_TxLength (0x0146)</span> |
379 | 00370 <span class="comment"></span> |
380 | 00371 <span class="comment">* Address Filter Registers.</span> |
381 | 00372 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_LAF (0x0150)</span> |
382 | 00373 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_IA (0x0158)</span> |
383 | 00374 <span class="comment"></span> |
384 | 00375 <span class="comment"> * Frame Location.</span> |
385 | 00376 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_RxStatus (0x0400)</span> |
386 | 00377 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_RxLength (0x0402)</span> |
387 | 00378 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_RxFrameLoc (0x0404)</span> |
388 | 00379 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PP_TxFrameLoc (0x0a00)</span> |
389 | 00380 <span class="comment"></span> |
390 | 00381 <span class="comment"> * Bit Definitions of Registers.</span> |
391 | 00382 <span class="comment"> * IO Packet Page Pointer.</span> |
392 | 00383 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_PPP_AUTO_INCREMENT (0x8000)</span> |
393 | 00384 <span class="comment"></span> |
394 | 00385 <span class="comment"> * Reg 3. Receiver Configuration.</span> |
395 | 00386 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CONFIG_SKIP_1 (1 << 6)</span> |
396 | 00387 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CONFIG_STREAM_ENABLE (1 << 7)</span> |
397 | 00388 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CONFIG_RX_OK (1 << 8)</span> |
398 | 00389 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CONFIG_RX_DMA (1 << 9)</span> |
399 | 00390 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CONFIG_RX_AUTO_DMA (1 << 10)</span> |
400 | 00391 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CONFIG_BUFFER_CRC (1 << 11)</span> |
401 | 00392 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CONFIG_CRC_ERROR (1 << 12)</span> |
402 | 00393 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CONFIG_RUNT (1 << 13)</span> |
403 | 00394 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CONFIG_EXTRA_DATA (1 << 14)</span> |
404 | 00395 <span class="comment"></span> |
405 | 00396 <span class="comment"> * Reg 4. Receiver Event.</span> |
406 | 00397 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_EVENT_HASH_IA_MATCH (1 << 6)</span> |
407 | 00398 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_EVENT_DRIBBLE_BITS (1 << 7)</span> |
408 | 00399 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_EVENT_RX_OK (1 << 8)</span> |
409 | 00400 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_EVENT_HASHED (1 << 9)</span> |
410 | 00401 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_EVENT_IA (1 << 10)</span> |
411 | 00402 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_EVENT_BROADCAST (1 << 11)</span> |
412 | 00403 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_EVENT_CRC_ERROR (1 << 12)</span> |
413 | 00404 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_EVENT_RUNT (1 << 13)</span> |
414 | 00405 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_EVENT_EXTRA_DATA (1 << 14)</span> |
415 | 00406 <span class="comment"></span> |
416 | 00407 <span class="comment"> * Reg 5. Receiver Control.</span> |
417 | 00408 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CTRL_HASH_IA_MATCH (1 << 6)</span> |
418 | 00409 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CTRL_PROMISCUOUS (1 << 7)</span> |
419 | 00410 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CTRL_RX_OK (1 << 8)</span> |
420 | 00411 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CTRL_MULTICAST (1 << 9)</span> |
421 | 00412 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CTRL_INDIVIDUAL (1 << 10)</span> |
422 | 00413 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CTRL_BROADCAST (1 << 11)</span> |
423 | 00414 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CTRL_CRC_ERROR (1 << 12)</span> |
424 | 00415 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CTRL_RUNT (1 << 13)</span> |
425 | 00416 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_RX_CTRL_EXTRA_DATA (1 << 14)</span> |
426 | 00417 <span class="comment"></span> |
427 | 00418 <span class="comment"> * Reg 7. Transmit Configuration.</span> |
428 | 00419 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CONFIG_LOSS_OF_CARRIER (1 << 6)</span> |
429 | 00420 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CONFIG_SQ_ERROR (1 << 7)</span> |
430 | 00421 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CONFIG_TX_OK (1 << 8)</span> |
431 | 00422 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CONFIG_OUT_OF_WINDOW (1 << 9)</span> |
432 | 00423 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CONFIG_JABBER (1 << 10)</span> |
433 | 00424 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CONFIG_ANY_COLLISION (1 << 11)</span> |
434 | 00425 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CONFIG_16_COLLISION (1 << 15)</span> |
435 | 00426 <span class="comment"></span> |
436 | 00427 <span class="comment"> * Reg 8. Transmit Event.</span> |
437 | 00428 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_EVENT_LOSS_OF_CARRIER (1 << 6)</span> |
438 | 00429 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_EVENT_SQ_ERROR (1 << 7)</span> |
439 | 00430 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_EVENT_TX_OK (1 << 8)</span> |
440 | 00431 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_EVENT_OUT_OF_WINDOW (1 << 9)</span> |
441 | 00432 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_EVENT_JABBER (1 << 10)</span> |
442 | 00433 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_EVENT_16_COLLISIONS (1 << 15)</span> |
443 | 00434 <span class="comment"></span> |
444 | 00435 <span class="comment"> * Reg 9. Transmit Command Status.</span> |
445 | 00436 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CMD_STATUS_TX_START_5 (0 << 6)</span> |
446 | 00437 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CMD_STATUS_TX_START_381 (1 << 6)</span> |
447 | 00438 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CMD_STATUS_TX_START_1021 (2 << 6)</span> |
448 | 00439 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CMD_STATUS_TX_START_ENTIRE (3 << 6)</span> |
449 | 00440 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CMD_STATUS_FORCE (1 << 8)</span> |
450 | 00441 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CMD_STATUS_ONE_COLLISION (1 << 9)</span> |
451 | 00442 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CMD_STATUS_INHIBIT_CRC (1 << 12)</span> |
452 | 00443 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_TX_CMD_STATUS_TX_PAD_DISABLED (1 << 13)</span> |
453 | 00444 <span class="comment"></span> |
454 | 00445 <span class="comment"> * Reg B. Buffer Configuration.</span> |
455 | 00446 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_CONFIG_SW_INT (1 << 6)</span> |
456 | 00447 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_CONFIG_RX_DMA_DONE (1 << 7)</span> |
457 | 00448 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_CONFIG_RDY_FOR_TX (1 << 8)</span> |
458 | 00449 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_CONFIG_TX_UNDERRUN (1 << 9)</span> |
459 | 00450 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_CONFIG_RX_MISSED (1 << 10)</span> |
460 | 00451 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_CONFIG_RX_128_BYTES (1 << 11)</span> |
461 | 00452 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_CONFIG_TX_COL_OVF (1 << 12)</span> |
462 | 00453 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_CONFIG_RX_MISSED_OVF (1 << 13)</span> |
463 | 00454 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_CONFIG_RX_DEST_MATCH (1 << 15)</span> |
464 | 00455 <span class="comment"></span> |
465 | 00456 <span class="comment"> * Reg C. Buffer Event.</span> |
466 | 00457 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_EVENT_SW_INT (1 << 6)</span> |
467 | 00458 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_EVENT_RX_DMA_DONE (1 << 7)</span> |
468 | 00459 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_EVENT_RDY_FOR_TX (1 << 8)</span> |
469 | 00460 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_EVENT_TX_UNDERRUN (1 << 9)</span> |
470 | 00461 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_EVENT_RX_MISSED (1 << 10)</span> |
471 | 00462 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_EVENT_RX_128_BYTES (1 << 11)</span> |
472 | 00463 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUFFER_EVENT_RX_DEST_MATCH (1 << 15)</span> |
473 | 00464 <span class="comment"></span> |
474 | 00465 <span class="comment"> * Reg 13. Line Control.</span> |
475 | 00466 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_CTRL_RX_ON (1 << 6)</span> |
476 | 00467 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_CTRL_TX_ON (1 << 7)</span> |
477 | 00468 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_CTRL_AUI (1 << 8)</span> |
478 | 00469 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_CTRL_10BASET (0 << 9)</span> |
479 | 00470 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_CTRL_AUTO_AUI_10BASET (1 << 9)</span> |
480 | 00471 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_CTRL_MOD_BACKOFF (1 << 11)</span> |
481 | 00472 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_CTRL_POLARITY_DISABLED (1 << 12)</span> |
482 | 00473 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_CTRL_2_PART_DEF_DISABLED (1 << 13)</span> |
483 | 00474 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_CTRL_LO_RX_SQUELCH (1 << 14)</span> |
484 | 00475 <span class="comment"></span> |
485 | 00476 <span class="comment"> * Reg 14. Line Status.</span> |
486 | 00477 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_STATUS_LINK_OK (1 << 7)</span> |
487 | 00478 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_STATUS_AUI (1 << 8)</span> |
488 | 00479 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_STATUS_10_BASE_T (1 << 9)</span> |
489 | 00480 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_STATUS_POLARITY_OK (1 << 12)</span> |
490 | 00481 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_LINE_STATUS_CRS (1 << 14)</span> |
491 | 00482 <span class="comment"></span> |
492 | 00483 <span class="comment"> * Reg 15. Self Control.</span> |
493 | 00484 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_CTRL_RESET (1 << 6)</span> |
494 | 00485 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_CTRL_SW_SUSPEND (1 << 8)</span> |
495 | 00486 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_CTRL_HW_SLEEP (1 << 9)</span> |
496 | 00487 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_CTRL_HW_STANDBY (1 << 10)</span> |
497 | 00488 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_CTRL_HC0E (1 << 12)</span> |
498 | 00489 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_CTRL_HC1E (1 << 13)</span> |
499 | 00490 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_CTRL_HCB0 (1 << 14)</span> |
500 | 00491 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_CTRL_HCB1 (1 << 15)</span> |
501 | 00492 <span class="comment"></span> |
502 | 00493 <span class="comment"> * Reg 16. Self Status.</span> |
503 | 00494 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_STATUS_3_3_V (1 << 6)</span> |
504 | 00495 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_STATUS_INITD (1 << 7)</span> |
505 | 00496 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_STATUS_SIBUST (1 << 8)</span> |
506 | 00497 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_STATUS_EEPROM_PRESENT (1 << 9) </span> |
507 | 00498 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_STATUS_EEPROM_OK (1 << 10)</span> |
508 | 00499 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_STATUS_EL_PRESENT (1 << 11)</span> |
509 | 00500 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_SELF_STATUS_EE_SIZE (1 << 12)</span> |
510 | 00501 <span class="comment"></span> |
511 | 00502 <span class="comment"> * Reg 17. Bus Control.</span> |
512 | 00503 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUS_CTRL_RESET_RX_DMA (1 << 6)</span> |
513 | 00504 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUS_CTRL_USE_SA (1 << 9)</span> |
514 | 00505 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUS_CTRL_MEMORY_ENABLE (1 << 10)</span> |
515 | 00506 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUS_CTRL_DMA_BURST (1 << 11)</span> |
516 | 00507 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUS_CTRL_IOCHRDYE (1 << 12)</span> |
517 | 00508 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUS_CTRL_RX_DMA_SIZE (1 << 13)</span> |
518 | 00509 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUS_CTRL_ENABLE_INT (1 << 15)</span> |
519 | 00510 <span class="comment"></span> |
520 | 00511 <span class="comment"> * Reg 18. Bus Status.</span> |
521 | 00512 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUS_STATUS_TX_BID_ERROR (1 << 7)</span> |
522 | 00513 <span class="comment">#define CS8900_BUS_STATUS_RDY_FOR_TX_NOW (1 << 8)</span> |
523 | 00514 <span class="comment"></span> |
524 | 00515 <span class="comment">*/</span> |
525 | </pre></div><hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Sun Oct 29 03:41:07 2006 for Procyon AVRlib by |
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