1055 |
kaklik |
1 |
set terminal png
2 |
set output "chadba_utlum.png"
3 |
4 |
set xlabel "vzdalenost [m]"
5 |
set ylabel "intenzita signalu [dBm]"
6 |
7 |
#f(x) = Lo + 10*n*log(x/d0) + a
8 |
g(x) = k*x + a
9 |
q(x) = j*x + b
10 |
h(x) = l*x + c
11 |
12 |
#fit q(x) "chodba2" using (-30.0/126.0 * $1+30.0):($3) via j,b
13 |
#fit h(x) "chodba3" using (-30.0/111.0 * $1+30.0):($3) via l,c
14 |
15 |
16 |
fit g(x) "chodba1" using (-30.0/151.0 * $1+31.0):($3), "chodba2" using (-30.0/126.0 * $1+30.0):($3) via k,a
17 |
18 |
19 |
plot "chodba1" using (-30.0/151.0 * $1+31.0):($3) with points title "1.pokus", "chodba2" using (-30.0/126.0 * $1+30.0):($3) with points title "2.pokus", "chodba3" using (-30.0/111.0 * $1+30.0):($3) with points title "3.pokus", g(x), q(x), h(x)
20 |
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22 |
set output "chodba_braun.png"
23 |
plot "Chodba_s_lidmi.dat" using (-30.0/151.0 * $1+30.0):($3) with points notitle
24 |
25 |
26 |
set output "mistnost.png"
27 |
plot "mistnost1" using (-12.0/58.0 * $1+17.0):($3) with points notitle
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