Rev Author Line No. Line
1045 jacho 1 CCS PCM C Compiler, Version 4.106, 47914 25-3-13 12:58
3 Filename: C:\Users\Honza\Documents\pic\serio_tlak\pic\main.lst
5 ROM used: 516 words (6%)
6 Largest free fragment is 2048
7 RAM used: 24 (7%) at main() level
8 79 (21%) worst case
9 Stack: 2 locations
11 *
12 0000: MOVLW 01
13 0001: MOVWF 0A
14 0002: GOTO 18F
15 0003: NOP
16 .................... #include "C:\Users\Honza\Documents\pic\serio_tlak\pic\main.h"
17 .................... #include <16F887.h>
18 .................... //////// Standard Header file for the PIC16F887 device ////////////////
19 .................... #device PIC16F887
20 .................... #list
21 ....................
22 .................... #device adc=8
23 ....................
24 .................... #FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer
25 .................... #FUSES INTRC //Internal RC Osc
26 .................... #FUSES NOPUT //No Power Up Timer
27 .................... #FUSES MCLR //Master Clear pin enabled
28 .................... #FUSES NOPROTECT //Code not protected from reading
29 .................... #FUSES NOCPD //No EE protection
30 .................... #FUSES NOBROWNOUT //No brownout reset
31 .................... #FUSES IESO //Internal External Switch Over mode enabled
32 .................... #FUSES FCMEN //Fail-safe clock monitor enabled
33 .................... #FUSES NOLVP //No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O
34 .................... #FUSES NODEBUG //No Debug mode for ICD
35 .................... #FUSES NOWRT //Program memory not write protected
36 .................... #FUSES BORV40 //Brownout reset at 4.0V
37 ....................
38 .................... #use delay(clock=8000000)
39 ....................
40 ....................
41 ....................
42 ....................
43 ....................
44 .................... /**** Automatic weather station 01A ****/
45 .................... #define VERSION "0.1"
46 ....................
47 .................... #define ID "$Id: main.c 2858 2013-03-22 16:04:13Z kaklik $"
48 .................... #include <string.h>
49 .................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 .................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2008 Custom Computer Services ////
51 .................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
52 .................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
53 .................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
54 .................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
55 .................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
56 .................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
57 .................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
58 ....................
59 .................... #ifndef _STRING
60 .................... #define _STRING
61 .................... #include <stddef.h>
62 .................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
63 .................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2003 Custom Computer Services ////
64 .................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
65 .................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
66 .................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
67 .................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
68 .................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
69 .................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
70 .................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
71 ....................
72 .................... #ifndef _STDDEF
73 ....................
74 .................... #define _STDDEF
75 ....................
76 .................... #if sizeof(unsigned int8 *)==1
77 .................... #define ptrdiff_t unsigned int8
78 .................... #else
79 .................... #define ptrdiff_t unsigned int16
80 .................... #endif
81 ....................
82 .................... #define size_t unsigned int8
83 .................... #define wchar_t char
84 .................... #define NULL 0
85 ....................
86 .................... #define offsetof(s,f) (offsetofbit(s,f)/8)
87 ....................
88 .................... #endif
89 ....................
90 .................... #include <ctype.h>
91 .................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
92 .................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2003 Custom Computer Services ////
93 .................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
94 .................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
95 .................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
96 .................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
97 .................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
98 .................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
99 .................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100 ....................
101 .................... #ifndef _CTYPE
102 .................... #define _CTYPE
103 ....................
104 .................... #define islower(x) isamong(x,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
105 .................... #define isupper(x) isamong(x,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
106 .................... #define isalnum(x) isamong(x,"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
107 .................... #define isalpha(x) isamong(x,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
108 .................... #define isdigit(x) isamong(x,"0123456789")
109 .................... #define isspace(x) ((x)==' ')
110 .................... #define isxdigit(x) isamong(x,"0123456789ABCDEFabcdef")
111 .................... #define iscntrl(x) ((x)<' ')
112 .................... #define isprint(x) ((x)>=' ')
113 .................... #define isgraph(x) ((x)>' ')
114 .................... #define ispunct(x) (((x)>' ')&&!isalnum(x))
115 ....................
116 .................... #endif
117 ....................
118 ....................
119 ....................
120 ....................
121 ....................
122 .................... //////////////////////////////////////////////
123 .................... //// Uncomment the following define to ////
124 .................... //// allow some functions to use a ////
125 .................... //// quicker algorithm, but use more ROM ////
126 .................... //// ////
127 .................... //// #define FASTER_BUT_MORE_ROM ////
128 .................... //////////////////////////////////////////////
129 ....................
130 ....................
131 ....................
132 .................... /*Copying functions*/
133 .................... /* standard template:
134 .................... void *memmove(void *s1, void *s2, size_t n).
135 .................... Copies max of n characters safely (not following ending '\0')
136 .................... from s2 in s1; if s2 has less than n characters, appends 0 */
137 ....................
138 .................... char *memmove(void *s1,char *s2,size_t n)
139 .................... {
140 .................... char *sc1;
141 .................... char *sc2;
142 .................... sc1=s1;
143 .................... sc2=s2;
144 .................... if(sc2<sc1 && sc1 <sc2 +n)
145 .................... for(sc1+=n,sc2+=n;0<n;--n)
146 .................... *--sc1=*--sc2;
147 .................... else
148 .................... for(;0<n;--n)
149 .................... *sc1++=*sc2++;
150 .................... return s1;
151 .................... }
152 ....................
153 .................... /* Standard template: char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2)
154 .................... copies the string s2 including the null character to s1.
155 .................... This is a compiler built in to handle the different address
156 .................... spaces */
157 ....................
158 .................... #define strcopy strcpy
159 ....................
160 .................... /* standard template:
161 .................... char *strncpy(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n).
162 .................... Copies max of n characters (not following ending '\0')
163 .................... from s2 in s1; if s2 has less than n characters, appends 0 */
164 ....................
165 .................... char *strncpy(char *s1, char *s2, size_t n)
166 .................... {
167 .................... char *s;
168 ....................
169 .................... for (s = s1; n > 0 && *s2 != '\0'; n--)
170 .................... *s++ = *s2++;
171 .................... for (; n > 0; n--)
172 .................... *s++ = '\0';
173 ....................
174 .................... return(s1);
175 .................... }
176 .................... /***********************************************************/
177 ....................
178 .................... /*concatenation functions*/
179 .................... /* standard template: char *strcat(char *s1, const char *s2)
180 .................... appends s2 to s1*/
181 ....................
182 .................... char *strcat(char *s1, char *s2)
183 .................... {
184 .................... char *s;
185 ....................
186 .................... for (s = s1; *s != '\0'; ++s);
187 .................... while(*s2 != '\0')
188 .................... {
189 .................... *s = *s2;
190 .................... ++s;
191 .................... ++s2;
192 .................... }
193 ....................
194 .................... *s = '\0';
195 .................... return(s1);
196 .................... }
197 .................... /* standard template: char *strncat(char *s1, char *s2,size_t n)
198 .................... appends not more than n characters from s2 to s1*/
199 ....................
200 .................... char *strncat(char *s1, char *s2, size_t n)
201 .................... {
202 .................... char *s;
203 ....................
204 .................... for (s = s1; *s != '\0'; ++s);
205 .................... while(*s2 != '\0' && 0<n)
206 .................... {
207 .................... *s = *s2;
208 .................... ++s;
209 .................... ++s2;
210 .................... --n;
211 .................... }
212 ....................
213 .................... *s = '\0';
214 .................... return(s1);
215 .................... }
216 ....................
217 .................... /***********************************************************/
218 ....................
219 ....................
220 .................... /*comparison functions*/
221 .................... /* standard template: signed int memcmp(void *s1, void *s2).
222 .................... Compares s1 & s2; returns -1 if s1<s2, 0 if s1=s2, 1 if s1>s2 */
223 ....................
224 .................... signed int8 memcmp(void * s1,char *s2,size_t n)
225 .................... {
226 .................... char *su1, *su2;
227 .................... for(su1=s1, su2=s2; 0<n; ++su1, ++su2, --n)
228 .................... {
229 .................... if(*su1!=*su2)
230 .................... return ((*su1<*su2)?-1:+1);
231 .................... }
232 .................... return 0;
233 .................... }
234 ....................
235 .................... /* standard template: int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2).
236 .................... Compares s1 & s2; returns -1 if s1<s2, 0 if s1=s2, 1 if s1>s2 */
237 ....................
238 .................... signed int8 strcmp(char *s1, char *s2)
239 .................... {
240 .................... for (; *s1 == *s2; s1++, s2++)
241 .................... if (*s1 == '\0')
242 .................... return(0);
243 .................... return((*s1 < *s2) ? -1: 1);
244 .................... }
245 .................... /* standard template: int strcoll(const char *s1, const char *s2).
246 .................... Compares s1 & s2; returns -1 if s1<s2, 0 if s1=s2, 1 if s1>s2 */
247 ....................
248 .................... signed int8 strcoll(char *s1, char *s2)
249 .................... {
250 .................... for (; *s1 == *s2; s1++, s2++)
251 .................... if (*s1 == '\0')
252 .................... return(0);
253 .................... return((*s1 < *s2) ? -1: 1);
254 .................... }
255 ....................
256 .................... /* standard template:
257 .................... int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n).
258 .................... Compares max of n characters (not following 0) from s1 to s2;
259 .................... returns same as strcmp */
260 ....................
261 .................... signed int8 strncmp(char *s1, char *s2, size_t n)
262 .................... {
263 .................... for (; n > 0; s1++, s2++, n--)
264 .................... if (*s1 != *s2)
265 .................... return((*s1 <*s2) ? -1: 1);
266 .................... else if (*s1 == '\0')
267 .................... return(0);
268 .................... return(0);
269 .................... }
270 .................... /* standard template:
271 .................... int strxfrm(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n).
272 .................... transforms maximum of n characters from s2 and places them into s1*/
273 .................... size_t strxfrm(char *s1, char *s2, size_t n)
274 .................... {
275 .................... char *s;
276 .................... unsigned int8 n1;
277 .................... n1=n;
278 .................... for (s = s1; n > 0 && *s2 != '\0'; n--)
279 .................... *s++ = *s2++;
280 .................... for (; n > 0; n--)
281 .................... *s++ = '\0';
282 ....................
283 .................... return(n1);
284 .................... }
285 ....................
286 ....................
287 ....................
288 ....................
289 ....................
290 .................... /***********************************************************/
291 .................... /*Search functions*/
292 .................... /* standard template: void *memchr(const char *s, int c).
293 .................... Finds first occurrence of c in n characters of s */
294 ....................
295 .................... char *memchr(void *s,unsigned int8 c,size_t n)
296 .................... {
297 .................... char uc;
298 .................... char *su;
299 .................... uc=c;
300 .................... for(su=s;0<n;++su,--n)
301 .................... if(*su==uc)
302 .................... return su;
303 .................... return NULL;
304 .................... }
305 ....................
306 .................... /* standard template: char *strchr(const char *s, int c).
307 .................... Finds first occurrence of c in s */
308 ....................
309 .................... char *strchr(char *s, unsigned int8 c)
310 .................... {
311 .................... for (; *s != c; s++)
312 .................... if (*s == '\0')
313 .................... return(0);
314 .................... return(s);
315 .................... }
316 .................... /* standard template:
317 .................... size_t strcspn(const char *s1, const char *s2).
318 .................... Computes length of max initial segment of s1 that
319 .................... consists entirely of characters NOT from s2*/
320 ....................
321 .................... unsigned int8 strcspn(char *s1, char *s2)
322 .................... {
323 .................... char *sc1, *sc2;
324 ....................
325 .................... for (sc1 = s1; *sc1 != 0; sc1++)
326 .................... for (sc2 = s2; *sc2 != 0; sc2++)
327 .................... if (*sc1 == *sc2)
328 .................... return(sc1 - s1);
329 .................... return(sc1 - s1);
330 .................... }
331 .................... /* standard template:
332 .................... char *strpbrk(const char *s1, const char *s2).
333 .................... Locates first occurence of any character from s2 in s1;
334 .................... returns s1 if s2 is empty string */
335 ....................
336 .................... char *strpbrk(char *s1, char *s2)
337 .................... {
338 .................... char *sc1, *sc2;
339 ....................
340 .................... for (sc1 = s1; *sc1 != 0; sc1++)
341 .................... for (sc2 = s2; *sc2 != 0; sc2++)
342 .................... if (*sc1 == *sc2)
343 .................... return(sc1);
344 .................... return(0);
345 .................... }
346 ....................
347 ....................
348 .................... /* standard template: char *strrchr(const char *s, int c).
349 .................... Finds last occurrence of c in s */
350 ....................
351 .................... char *strrchr(char *s, unsigned int8 c)
352 .................... {
353 .................... char *p;
354 ....................
355 .................... for (p = 0; ; s++)
356 .................... {
357 .................... if (*s == c)
358 .................... p = s;
359 .................... if (*s == '\0')
360 .................... return(p);
361 .................... }
362 .................... }
363 .................... /* computes length of max initial segment of s1 consisting
364 .................... entirely of characters from s2 */
365 ....................
366 .................... unsigned int8 strspn(char *s1, char *s2)
367 .................... {
368 .................... char *sc1, *sc2;
369 ....................
370 .................... for (sc1 = s1; *sc1 != 0; sc1++)
371 .................... for (sc2 = s2; ; sc2++)
372 .................... if (*sc2 == '\0')
373 .................... return(sc1 - s1);
374 .................... else if (*sc1 == *sc2)
375 .................... break;
376 .................... return(sc1 - s1);
377 .................... }
378 .................... /* standard template:
379 .................... char *strstr(const char *s1, const char *s2);
380 .................... Locates first occurence of character sequence s2 in s1;
381 .................... returns 0 if s2 is empty string
382 ....................
383 .................... Uncomment #define FASTER_BUT_MORE_ROM at the top of the
384 .................... file to use the faster algorithm */
385 .................... char *strstr(char *s1, char *s2)
386 .................... {
387 .................... char *s, *t;
388 ....................
389 .................... #ifdef FASTER_BUT_MORE_ROM
390 .................... if (*s2 == '\0')
391 .................... return(s1);
392 .................... #endif
393 ....................
394 .................... while (*s1)
395 .................... {
396 .................... for(s = s1, t = s2; *t && (*s == *t); ++s, ++t);
397 ....................
398 .................... if (*t == '\0')
399 .................... return s1;
400 .................... ++s1;
401 .................... #ifdef FASTER_BUT_MORE_ROM
402 .................... while(*s1 != '\0' && *s1 != *s2)
403 .................... ++s1;
404 .................... #endif
405 .................... }
406 .................... return 0;
407 .................... }
408 ....................
409 .................... /* standard template: char *strtok(char *s1, const char *s2).
410 ....................
411 .................... Finds next token in s1 delimited by a character from separator
412 .................... string s2 (which can be different from call to call). First call
413 .................... starts at beginning of s1 searching for first character NOT
414 .................... contained in s2; returns 0 if none is found.
415 .................... If one is found, it is the start of first token (return value).
416 .................... Function then searches from there for a character contained in s2.
417 .................... If none is found, current token extends to end of s1, and subsequent
418 .................... searches for a token will return 0. If one is found, it is
419 .................... overwritten by '\0', which terminates current token. Function saves
420 .................... pointer to following character from which next search will start.
421 .................... Each subsequent call, with 0 as first argument, starts searching
422 .................... from saved pointer */
423 ....................
424 .................... char *strtok(char *s1, char *s2)
425 .................... {
426 .................... char *beg, *end;
427 .................... static char *save;
428 *
429 01A9: BCF 03.6
430 01AA: CLRF 20
431 01AB: CLRF 21
432 ....................
433 .................... beg = (s1)? s1: save;
434 .................... beg += strspn(beg, s2);
435 .................... if (*beg == '\0')
436 .................... {
437 .................... *save = ' ';
438 .................... return(0);
439 .................... }
440 .................... end = strpbrk(beg, s2);
441 .................... if (*end != '\0')
442 .................... {
443 .................... *end = '\0';
444 .................... end++;
445 .................... }
446 .................... save = end;
447 .................... return(beg);
448 .................... }
449 ....................
450 .................... /*****************************************************************/
451 .................... /*Miscellaneous functions*/
452 .................... /* standard template
453 .................... maps error number in errnum to an error message string
454 .................... Returns: Pointer to string
455 .................... */
456 .................... #ifdef _ERRNO
457 .................... char * strerror(unsigned int8 errnum)
458 .................... {
459 .................... char s[15];
460 .................... switch( errnum)
461 .................... {
462 .................... case 0:
463 .................... strcpy(s,"no errors");
464 .................... return s;
465 .................... case EDOM :
466 .................... strcpy(s,"domain error");
467 .................... return s;
468 .................... case ERANGE:
469 .................... strcpy(s,"range error");
470 .................... return s;
471 .................... }
472 .................... }
473 .................... #ENDIF
474 .................... /* standard template: size_t strlen(const char *s).
475 .................... Computes length of s1 (preceding terminating 0) */
476 ....................
477 .................... unsigned int8 strlen(char *s)
478 .................... {
479 .................... char *sc;
480 ....................
481 .................... for (sc = s; *sc != 0; sc++);
482 *
483 0032: MOVF 66,W
484 0033: MOVWF 68
485 0034: MOVF 65,W
486 0035: MOVWF 67
487 0036: MOVF 68,W
488 0037: MOVWF 7A
489 0038: MOVF 67,W
490 0039: MOVWF 04
491 003A: BCF 03.7
492 003B: BTFSC 7A.0
493 003C: BSF 03.7
494 003D: MOVF 00,F
495 003E: BTFSC 03.2
496 003F: GOTO 044
497 0040: INCF 67,F
498 0041: BTFSC 03.2
499 0042: INCF 68,F
500 0043: GOTO 036
501 .................... return(sc - s);
502 0044: MOVF 65,W
503 0045: SUBWF 67,W
504 0046: MOVWF 77
505 0047: MOVF 68,W
506 0048: MOVWF 7A
507 0049: MOVF 66,W
508 004A: BTFSS 03.0
509 004B: INCFSZ 66,W
510 004C: SUBWF 7A,F
511 004D: MOVF 77,W
512 004E: MOVWF 78
513 .................... }
514 004F: RETURN
515 ....................
516 .................... /* standard template: size_t stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2).
517 .................... Compares s1 to s2 ignoring case (upper vs. lower) */
518 ....................
519 .................... signed int8 stricmp(char *s1, char *s2)
520 .................... {
521 .................... for(; *s1==*s2||(isalpha(*s1)&&isalpha(*s2)&&(*s1==*s2+32||*s2==*s1+32));
522 .................... s1++, s2++)
523 .................... if (*s1 == '\0')
524 .................... return(0);
525 .................... return((*s1 < *s2) ? -1: 1);
526 .................... }
527 ....................
528 ....................
529 .................... /* standard template: char *strlwr(char *s).
530 .................... Replaces uppercase letters by lowercase;
531 .................... returns pointer to new string s */
532 ....................
533 .................... char *strlwr(char *s)
534 .................... {
535 .................... char *p;
536 ....................
537 .................... for (p = s; *p != '\0'; p++)
538 .................... if (*p >= 'A' && *p <='Z')
539 .................... *p += 'a' - 'A';
540 .................... return(s);
541 .................... }
542 ....................
543 ....................
544 .................... /************************************************************/
545 ....................
546 ....................
547 .................... #endif
548 ....................
549 .................... #use rs232(baud=9600,parity=N,xmit=PIN_B7,rcv=PIN_B6,bits=8) //rcv TXD xmit RXD
550 0050: BSF 03.5
551 0051: BCF 06.7
552 0052: BCF 03.5
553 0053: BCF 06.7
554 0054: MOVLW 08
555 0055: MOVWF 78
556 0056: GOTO 057
557 0057: NOP
558 0058: BSF 78.7
559 0059: GOTO 068
560 005A: BCF 78.7
561 005B: RRF 69,F
562 005C: BTFSC 03.0
563 005D: BSF 06.7
564 005E: BTFSS 03.0
565 005F: BCF 06.7
566 0060: BSF 78.6
567 0061: GOTO 068
568 0062: BCF 78.6
569 0063: DECFSZ 78,F
570 0064: GOTO 05B
571 0065: GOTO 066
572 0066: NOP
573 0067: BSF 06.7
574 0068: MOVLW 3F
575 0069: MOVWF 04
576 006A: DECFSZ 04,F
577 006B: GOTO 06A
578 006C: NOP
579 006D: BTFSC 78.7
580 006E: GOTO 05A
581 006F: BTFSC 78.6
582 0070: GOTO 062
583 0071: RETURN
584 ....................
585 .................... #CASE // Case sensitive compiler
586 ....................
587 .................... #define SEND_DELAY 50 // Time between two characters on RS232
588 ....................
589 .................... #define CSN_SPI PIN_C2 // preassure sensor connection
590 .................... #include "..\MPL115A1.c"
591 .................... /*
592 .................... MPL115A1 SDN - +3.3V (always power on)
593 .................... MPL115A1 #CS - PIN_C2
594 .................... MPL115A1 DOUT - PIN_C4
595 .................... MPL115A1 DIN - PIN_C5
596 .................... MPL115A1 SCLK - PIN_C3
597 .................... MPL115A1 GND - GND
598 .................... MPL115A1 VDD - +3.3V
599 .................... */
600 ....................
601 ....................
602 .................... // SPI mode definitions.
603 .................... #define SPI_MODE_0 (SPI_L_TO_H | SPI_XMIT_L_TO_H)
604 .................... #define SPI_MODE_1 (SPI_L_TO_H)
605 .................... #define SPI_MODE_2 (SPI_H_TO_L)
606 .................... #define SPI_MODE_3 (SPI_H_TO_L | SPI_XMIT_L_TO_H)
607 ....................
608 .................... float a0; // correctiaon coefficients
609 .................... float b1;
610 .................... float b2;
611 .................... float c12;
612 ....................
613 ....................
614 .................... void MPL_init()
615 .................... {
616 .................... unsigned int8 a0_MSB, a0_LSB;
617 .................... unsigned int8 b1_MSB, b1_LSB;
618 .................... unsigned int8 b2_MSB, b2_LSB;
619 .................... unsigned int8 c12_MSB, c12_LSB;
620 ....................
621 .................... output_low(CSN_SPI);
622 ....................
623 .................... spi_write(0x88); // get MSB for a0
624 .................... a0_MSB = spi_read(0x00);
625 .................... spi_write(0x8A); // get LSB for a0
626 .................... a0_LSB = spi_read(0x00);
627 ....................
628 .................... spi_write(0x8C); // get MSB for b1
629 .................... b1_MSB = spi_read(0x00);
630 .................... spi_write(0x8E); // get LSB for b1
631 .................... b1_LSB = spi_read(0x00);
632 ....................
633 .................... spi_write(0x90); // get MSB for b2
634 .................... b2_MSB = spi_read(0x00);
635 .................... spi_write(0x92); // get LSB for b2
636 .................... b2_LSB = spi_read(0x00);
637 ....................
638 .................... spi_write(0x94); // get MSB for c12
639 .................... c12_MSB = spi_read(0x00);
640 .................... spi_write(0x96); // get LSB for c12
641 .................... c12_LSB = spi_read(0x00);
642 ....................
643 .................... spi_read(0x00);
644 .................... output_high(CSN_SPI);
645 ....................
646 .................... // translate to floating point number
647 ....................
648 .................... a0 = ((unsigned int16) a0_MSB << 5) + (a0_LSB >> 3) + (a0_LSB & 0x07)/8.0;
649 .................... b1 = ((((b1_MSB & 0x1F) * 0x100) + b1_LSB) / 8192.0) - 3;
650 .................... b2 = ((((unsigned int16) (b2_MSB - 0x80) << 8) + b2_LSB)/ 16384.0) - 2;
651 .................... c12 =(((c12_MSB * 0x100) + c12_LSB)/16777216.0);
652 .................... }
653 ....................
654 .................... float MPL_get_pressure()
655 .................... {
656 .................... unsigned int8 LSB_data, MSB_data;
657 .................... unsigned int16 ADC_pressure, ADC_temperature;
658 .................... float Pcomp;
659 ....................
660 .................... output_low(CSN_SPI); //Start temperature and pressure conversion
661 .................... spi_write(0x24);
662 .................... spi_write(0x00);
663 .................... output_high(CSN_SPI);
664 ....................
665 .................... delay_ms(10);
666 ....................
667 .................... output_low(CSN_SPI); // get MSB for Pressure
668 .................... spi_write(0x80);
669 .................... MSB_data = spi_read(0x00);
670 .................... spi_write(0x82); // get LSB for Pressure
671 .................... LSB_data = spi_read(0x00);
672 .................... output_high(CSN_SPI);
673 ....................
674 .................... ADC_pressure = (((unsigned int16) MSB_data << 8) + LSB_data ) >> 6; // conversion of 8bit registers to 16bit variable
675 ....................
676 .................... output_low(CSN_SPI);
677 .................... spi_write(0x84);
678 .................... MSB_data = spi_read(0x00);
679 .................... spi_write(0x86); // get LSB for Temperature
680 .................... LSB_data = spi_read(0x00);
681 .................... spi_read(0x00);
682 .................... output_high(CSN_SPI);
683 ....................
684 .................... ADC_temperature = (((unsigned int16) MSB_data << 8) + LSB_data ) >> 6; // conversion of 8bit registers to 16bit variable
685 ....................
686 .................... Pcomp = (a0 + (b1 + c12 * ADC_temperature) * ADC_pressure + b2 * ADC_temperature ); // compute relative compensated pressure
687 ....................
688 .................... return (Pcomp * ((115.0 - 50.0)/1023.0) + 50.0); // return absolute pressure
689 .................... }
690 ....................
691 .................... float MPL_get_temperature()
692 .................... {
693 .................... unsigned int8 LSB_data, MSB_data;
694 .................... unsigned int16 ADC_temperature;
695 ....................
696 .................... output_low(CSN_SPI); //Start temperature and pressure conversion
697 .................... spi_write(0x22);
698 .................... spi_write(0x00);
699 .................... output_high(CSN_SPI);
700 ....................
701 .................... delay_ms(10);
702 ....................
703 .................... output_low(CSN_SPI);
704 .................... spi_write(0x84);
705 .................... MSB_data = spi_read(0x00);
706 .................... spi_write(0x86); // get LSB for Temperature
707 .................... LSB_data = spi_read(0x00);
708 .................... spi_read(0x00);
709 .................... output_high(CSN_SPI);
710 ....................
711 .................... ADC_temperature = (((unsigned int16) MSB_data << 8) + LSB_data ) >> 6; // conversion of 8bit registers to 16bit variable
712 ....................
713 .................... return ( ((float) ADC_temperature - 498.0)/-5.35) + 27.0; // return temperature in deg C
714 .................... }
715 ....................
716 ....................
717 ....................
718 .................... void welcome(void) // Welcome message
719 .................... {
720 .................... char REV[50]=ID; // Buffer for concatenate of a version string
721 0072: MOVLW 24
722 0073: MOVWF 33
723 0074: MOVLW 49
724 0075: MOVWF 34
725 0076: MOVLW 64
726 0077: MOVWF 35
727 0078: MOVLW 3A
728 0079: MOVWF 36
729 007A: MOVLW 20
730 007B: MOVWF 37
731 007C: MOVLW 6D
732 007D: MOVWF 38
733 007E: MOVLW 61
734 007F: MOVWF 39
735 0080: MOVLW 69
736 0081: MOVWF 3A
737 0082: MOVLW 6E
738 0083: MOVWF 3B
739 0084: MOVLW 2E
740 0085: MOVWF 3C
741 0086: MOVLW 63
742 0087: MOVWF 3D
743 0088: MOVLW 20
744 0089: MOVWF 3E
745 008A: MOVLW 32
746 008B: MOVWF 3F
747 008C: MOVLW 38
748 008D: MOVWF 40
749 008E: MOVLW 35
750 008F: MOVWF 41
751 0090: MOVLW 38
752 0091: MOVWF 42
753 0092: MOVLW 20
754 0093: MOVWF 43
755 0094: MOVLW 32
756 0095: MOVWF 44
757 0096: MOVLW 30
758 0097: MOVWF 45
759 0098: MOVLW 31
760 0099: MOVWF 46
761 009A: MOVLW 33
762 009B: MOVWF 47
763 009C: MOVLW 2D
764 009D: MOVWF 48
765 009E: MOVLW 30
766 009F: MOVWF 49
767 00A0: MOVLW 33
768 00A1: MOVWF 4A
769 00A2: MOVLW 2D
770 00A3: MOVWF 4B
771 00A4: MOVLW 32
772 00A5: MOVWF 4C
773 00A6: MOVWF 4D
774 00A7: MOVLW 20
775 00A8: MOVWF 4E
776 00A9: MOVLW 31
777 00AA: MOVWF 4F
778 00AB: MOVLW 36
779 00AC: MOVWF 50
780 00AD: MOVLW 3A
781 00AE: MOVWF 51
782 00AF: MOVLW 30
783 00B0: MOVWF 52
784 00B1: MOVLW 34
785 00B2: MOVWF 53
786 00B3: MOVLW 3A
787 00B4: MOVWF 54
788 00B5: MOVLW 31
789 00B6: MOVWF 55
790 00B7: MOVLW 33
791 00B8: MOVWF 56
792 00B9: MOVLW 5A
793 00BA: MOVWF 57
794 00BB: MOVLW 20
795 00BC: MOVWF 58
796 00BD: MOVLW 6B
797 00BE: MOVWF 59
798 00BF: MOVLW 61
799 00C0: MOVWF 5A
800 00C1: MOVLW 6B
801 00C2: MOVWF 5B
802 00C3: MOVLW 6C
803 00C4: MOVWF 5C
804 00C5: MOVLW 69
805 00C6: MOVWF 5D
806 00C7: MOVLW 6B
807 00C8: MOVWF 5E
808 00C9: MOVLW 20
809 00CA: MOVWF 5F
810 00CB: MOVLW 24
811 00CC: MOVWF 60
812 00CD: CLRF 61
813 ....................
814 .................... if (REV[strlen(REV)-1]=='$') REV[strlen(REV)-1]=0;
815 00CE: CLRF 66
816 00CF: MOVLW 33
817 00D0: MOVWF 65
818 00D1: CALL 032
819 00D2: MOVLW 01
820 00D3: SUBWF 78,W
821 00D4: ADDLW 33
822 00D5: MOVWF 04
823 00D6: BCF 03.7
824 00D7: MOVF 00,W
825 00D8: SUBLW 24
826 00D9: BTFSS 03.2
827 00DA: GOTO 0E5
828 00DB: CLRF 66
829 00DC: MOVLW 33
830 00DD: MOVWF 65
831 00DE: CALL 032
832 00DF: MOVLW 01
833 00E0: SUBWF 78,W
834 00E1: ADDLW 33
835 00E2: MOVWF 04
836 00E3: BCF 03.7
837 00E4: CLRF 00
838 ....................
839 .................... printf("# ver seq temp[mK] hum_temp[mK] hum[%%] ");
840 00E5: MOVLW 04
841 00E6: BSF 03.6
842 00E7: MOVWF 0D
843 00E8: MOVLW 00
844 00E9: MOVWF 0F
845 00EA: BCF 03.0
846 00EB: MOVLW 25
847 00EC: BCF 03.6
848 00ED: MOVWF 65
849 *
850 013C: MOVLW 25
851 013D: MOVWF 69
852 013E: CALL 050
853 013F: MOVLW 5D
854 0140: MOVWF 69
855 0141: CALL 050
856 0142: MOVLW 20
857 0143: MOVWF 69
858 0144: CALL 050
859 .................... printf("bar_temp[mK] pressure[hPa] Anemo[pls/s]check\r\n\r\n");
860 0145: MOVLW 19
861 0146: BSF 03.6
862 0147: MOVWF 0D
863 0148: MOVLW 00
864 0149: MOVWF 0F
865 .................... }
866 *
867 018B: BCF 03.6
868 018C: BCF 0A.3
869 018D: BCF 0A.4
870 018E: GOTO 203 (RETURN)
871 ....................
872 .................... void main()
873 .................... {
874 018F: CLRF 04
875 0190: BCF 03.7
876 0191: MOVLW 1F
877 0192: ANDWF 03,F
878 0193: MOVLW 71
879 0194: BSF 03.5
880 0195: MOVWF 0F
881 0196: MOVF 0F,W
882 0197: BCF 06.7
883 0198: BCF 03.5
884 0199: BSF 06.7
885 019A: BSF 03.5
886 019B: BSF 03.6
887 019C: MOVF 09,W
888 019D: ANDLW C0
889 019E: MOVWF 09
890 019F: BCF 03.6
891 01A0: BCF 1F.4
892 01A1: BCF 1F.5
893 01A2: MOVLW 00
894 01A3: BSF 03.6
895 01A4: MOVWF 08
896 01A5: BCF 03.5
897 01A6: CLRF 07
898 01A7: CLRF 08
899 01A8: CLRF 09
900 ....................
901 ....................
902 .................... setup_oscillator(OSC_8MHZ); // pri prouziti bootloaderu neni treba nastavovat
903 *
904 01AE: MOVLW 71
905 01AF: BSF 03.5
906 01B0: MOVWF 0F
907 01B1: MOVF 0F,W
908 .................... setup_wdt(WDT_2304MS);
909 01B2: MOVLW 09
910 01B3: BCF 03.5
911 01B4: BSF 03.6
912 01B5: MOVWF 05
913 01B6: MOVLW 0F
914 01B7: MOVWF 77
915 01B8: BCF 03.6
916 01B9: CLRF 01
917 01BA: MOVLW 81
918 01BB: MOVWF 04
919 01BC: BCF 03.7
920 01BD: MOVF 00,W
921 01BE: ANDLW F0
922 01BF: IORLW 07
923 01C0: MOVWF 00
924 01C1: CLRWDT
925 01C2: MOVF 00,W
926 01C3: ANDLW F7
927 01C4: BTFSC 77.3
928 01C5: ANDLW F0
929 01C6: IORWF 77,W
930 01C7: MOVWF 00
931 .................... restart_wdt(); //---WDT
932 01C8: CLRWDT
933 .................... setup_adc_ports(NO_ANALOGS|VSS_VDD);
934 01C9: BSF 03.5
935 01CA: BSF 03.6
936 01CB: MOVF 09,W
937 01CC: ANDLW C0
938 01CD: MOVWF 09
939 01CE: BCF 03.6
940 01CF: BCF 1F.4
941 01D0: BCF 1F.5
942 01D1: MOVLW 00
943 01D2: BSF 03.6
944 01D3: MOVWF 08
945 .................... setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_DIV_2);
946 01D4: BCF 03.5
947 01D5: BCF 03.6
948 01D6: BCF 1F.6
949 01D7: BCF 1F.7
950 01D8: BSF 03.5
951 01D9: BCF 1F.7
952 01DA: BCF 03.5
953 01DB: BSF 1F.0
954 .................... setup_timer_0(RTCC_EXT_L_TO_H|RTCC_DIV_1);
955 01DC: BSF 03.5
956 01DD: MOVF 01,W
957 01DE: ANDLW C7
958 01DF: IORLW 28
959 01E0: MOVWF 01
960 .................... // setup_timer_1(T1_EXTERNAL|T1_DIV_BY_1);//|T1_CLK_OUT);
961 .................... setup_timer_1(T1_INTERNAL|T1_DIV_BY_8);
962 01E1: MOVLW 35
963 01E2: BCF 03.5
964 01E3: MOVWF 10
965 .................... setup_timer_2(T2_DISABLED,0,1);
966 01E4: MOVLW 00
967 01E5: MOVWF 78
968 01E6: MOVWF 12
969 01E7: MOVLW 00
970 01E8: BSF 03.5
971 01E9: MOVWF 12
972 .................... setup_ccp1(CCP_OFF);
973 01EA: BCF 03.5
974 01EB: BSF 32.2
975 01EC: MOVF 32,W
976 01ED: BSF 03.5
977 01EE: MOVWF 07
978 01EF: BCF 03.5
979 01F0: CLRF 17
980 01F1: BSF 03.5
981 01F2: CLRF 1B
982 01F3: CLRF 1C
983 01F4: MOVLW 01
984 01F5: MOVWF 1D
985 .................... setup_comparator(NC_NC_NC_NC); // This device COMP currently not supported by the PICWizard
986 01F6: BCF 03.5
987 01F7: BSF 03.6
988 01F8: CLRF 07
989 01F9: CLRF 08
990 01FA: CLRF 09
991 .................... //setup_spi(SPI_MASTER | SPI_MODE_0 | SPI_CLK_DIV_64);
992 .................... output_high(CSN_SPI);
993 01FB: BCF 03.6
994 01FC: BCF 32.2
995 01FD: MOVF 32,W
996 01FE: BSF 03.5
997 01FF: MOVWF 07
998 0200: BCF 03.5
999 0201: BSF 07.2
1000 ....................
1001 .................... welcome(); // welcome print and device indentification
1002 0202: GOTO 072
1003 ....................
1004 ....................
1005 .................... }
1006 ....................
1007 0203: SLEEP
1009 Configuration Fuses:
1011 Word 2: 3FFF NOWRT BORV40