No changes between revisions
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/README.txt
0,0 → 1,2
Zdrojove kody FPGA rozhrani bez placeneho Xillybus modulu a par utilit, nepsal Ondrej Syrhrovsky.
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/comm/spi_master_transmit.vhd
0,0 → 1,132
-- this module transmit a given constant data when requested
-- and then signals done.
-- G_DATA has to contain also the address and the r/w bit
-- MSB of G_DATA will go first
-- version for multiple devices with different data
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity spi_master_transmit is
generic (
G_DATA1 : std_logic_vector;
G_DATA2 : std_logic_vector;
G_NUM_BITS_PACKET : integer;
G_NUM_PACKETS : integer;
G_NUM_BITS_PAUSE : integer
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
o_done : out std_logic;
-- selects which data to transfer. If '0', it transfers G_DATA1
i_data_selector : in std_logic;
-- SPI ports:
o_n_ce : out std_logic_vector;
o_dout : out std_logic;
o_clk : out std_logic
end spi_master_transmit;
architecture behavioral of spi_master_transmit is
subtype t_pause_counter is integer range 0 to G_NUM_BITS_PAUSE;
signal s_pause_counter : t_pause_counter;
subtype t_bit_counter is integer range 0 to G_NUM_BITS_PACKET - 1;
signal s_bit_counter : t_bit_counter;
subtype t_packet_counter is integer range 0 to G_NUM_PACKETS;
signal s_packet_counter : t_packet_counter;
subtype t_device_counter is integer range 0 to o_n_ce'length - 1;
signal s_device_counter : t_device_counter;
signal s_clk_inv : std_logic;
--signal s_o_dout_d : std_logic;
signal s_o_clk_en : std_logic;
signal s_cs_out : std_logic_vector( o_n_ce'range );
assert( G_DATA1'length = C_DATALEN_PER_DEVICE*o_n_ce'length ) report "The size of G_DATA1 does not match the number of devices and other generics." severity failure;
assert( G_DATA2'length = C_DATALEN_PER_DEVICE*o_n_ce'length ) report "The size of G_DATA2 does not match the number of devices and other generics." severity failure;
-- inverted clock:
s_clk_inv <= not i_clk;
-- output clock:
o_clk <= i_clk and s_o_clk_en;
-- done:
o_done <= '1' when ( (i_rst = '0') and (s_packet_counter = 0) and (s_pause_counter = 0) and (s_bit_counter = 0 ) and (s_device_counter=0) ) else
transmitter_process : process( s_clk_inv )
if( rising_edge( s_clk_inv ) ) then
if( i_rst = '1' ) then
s_bit_counter <= 0;
s_pause_counter <= t_pause_counter'high;
s_packet_counter <= t_packet_counter'high;
s_device_counter <= t_device_counter'high;
s_cs_out( s_cs_out'low ) <= '0';
s_cs_out( s_cs_out'high downto s_cs_out'low+1 ) <= ( others => '1' );
o_n_ce <= ( o_n_ce'range => '1' );
o_dout <= '0';
s_o_clk_en <= '0';
elsif( s_bit_counter > 0 ) then
o_n_ce <= s_cs_out;
if( i_data_selector = '0' ) then
o_dout <= G_DATA1( s_bit_counter + s_packet_counter*G_NUM_BITS_PACKET - 1 + s_device_counter*C_DATALEN_PER_DEVICE ); -- here s_packet_counter points to the current packet and s_bit_counter is one bit behind, therefore the -1.
o_dout <= G_DATA2( s_bit_counter + s_packet_counter*G_NUM_BITS_PACKET - 1 + s_device_counter*C_DATALEN_PER_DEVICE );
end if;
s_bit_counter <= s_bit_counter - 1;
s_o_clk_en <= '1';
elsif( s_pause_counter > 0 ) then
o_n_ce <= ( o_n_ce'range => '1' );
s_pause_counter <= s_pause_counter - 1;
o_dout <= '0';
s_o_clk_en <= '0';
elsif( s_packet_counter > 0 ) then
s_bit_counter <= t_bit_counter'high;
s_pause_counter <= t_pause_counter'high;
s_packet_counter <= s_packet_counter - 1;
o_n_ce <= s_cs_out;
if( i_data_selector = '0' ) then
o_dout <= G_DATA1( s_bit_counter + s_packet_counter*G_NUM_BITS_PACKET - 1 + s_device_counter*C_DATALEN_PER_DEVICE ); -- here s_bit_counter = 0, s_packet_counter points to previous packet. Therefore -1 to get the msb of current packet.
o_dout <= G_DATA2( s_bit_counter + s_packet_counter*G_NUM_BITS_PACKET - 1 + s_device_counter*C_DATALEN_PER_DEVICE );
end if;
s_o_clk_en <= '1';
elsif( s_device_counter > 0 ) then
s_cs_out <= s_cs_out( s_cs_out'high-1 downto s_cs_out'low ) & '1';
s_device_counter <= s_device_counter - 1;
-- follows pause.
s_bit_counter <= 0;
s_pause_counter <= t_pause_counter'high;
s_packet_counter <= t_packet_counter'high;
o_n_ce <= ( o_n_ce'range => '1' );
o_dout <= '0';
s_o_clk_en <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/core_generator_ml605/clk_125MHz_to_6MHz.xco
0,0 → 1,269
# Xilinx Core Generator version 14.3
# Date: Tue May 6 10:43:16 2014
# This file contains the customisation parameters for a
# Xilinx CORE Generator IP GUI. It is strongly recommended
# that you do not manually alter this file as it may cause
# unexpected and unsupported behavior.
# Generated from component:
# BEGIN Project Options
SET addpads = false
SET asysymbol = true
SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped
SET createndf = false
SET designentry = VHDL
SET device = xc6vlx240t
SET devicefamily = virtex6
SET flowvendor = Other
SET formalverification = false
SET foundationsym = false
SET implementationfiletype = Ngc
SET package = ff1156
SET removerpms = false
SET simulationfiles = Behavioral
SET speedgrade = -1
SET verilogsim = false
SET vhdlsim = true
# END Project Options
# BEGIN Select
SELECT Clocking_Wizard
# END Select
# BEGIN Parameters
CSET calc_done=DONE
CSET clk_in_sel_port=CLK_IN_SEL
CSET clk_out1_port=CLK_OUT_6
CSET clk_out1_use_fine_ps_gui=false
CSET clk_out2_port=CLK_OUT2
CSET clk_out2_use_fine_ps_gui=false
CSET clk_out3_port=CLK_OUT3
CSET clk_out3_use_fine_ps_gui=false
CSET clk_out4_port=CLK_OUT4
CSET clk_out4_use_fine_ps_gui=false
CSET clk_out5_port=CLK_OUT5
CSET clk_out5_use_fine_ps_gui=false
CSET clk_out6_port=CLK_OUT6
CSET clk_out6_use_fine_ps_gui=false
CSET clk_out7_port=CLK_OUT7
CSET clk_out7_use_fine_ps_gui=false
CSET clk_valid_port=CLK_VALID
CSET clkfb_in_n_port=CLKFB_IN_N
CSET clkfb_in_p_port=CLKFB_IN_P
CSET clkfb_in_port=CLKFB_IN
CSET clkfb_in_signaling=SINGLE
CSET clkfb_out_n_port=CLKFB_OUT_N
CSET clkfb_out_p_port=CLKFB_OUT_P
CSET clkfb_out_port=CLKFB_OUT
CSET clkfb_stopped_port=CLKFB_STOPPED
CSET clkin1_jitter_ps=80.0
CSET clkin1_ui_jitter=0.010
CSET clkin2_jitter_ps=100.0
CSET clkin2_ui_jitter=0.010
CSET clkout1_drives=BUFG
CSET clkout1_requested_duty_cycle=50.000
CSET clkout1_requested_out_freq=100.000
CSET clkout1_requested_phase=0.000
CSET clkout2_drives=BUFG
CSET clkout2_requested_duty_cycle=50.000
CSET clkout2_requested_out_freq=100.000
CSET clkout2_requested_phase=0.000
CSET clkout2_used=false
CSET clkout3_drives=BUFG
CSET clkout3_requested_duty_cycle=50.000
CSET clkout3_requested_out_freq=100.000
CSET clkout3_requested_phase=0.000
CSET clkout3_used=false
CSET clkout4_drives=BUFG
CSET clkout4_requested_duty_cycle=50.000
CSET clkout4_requested_out_freq=100.000
CSET clkout4_requested_phase=0.000
CSET clkout4_used=false
CSET clkout5_drives=BUFG
CSET clkout5_requested_duty_cycle=50.000
CSET clkout5_requested_out_freq=100.000
CSET clkout5_requested_phase=0.000
CSET clkout5_used=false
CSET clkout6_drives=BUFG
CSET clkout6_requested_duty_cycle=50.000
CSET clkout6_requested_out_freq=100.000
CSET clkout6_requested_phase=0.000
CSET clkout6_used=false
CSET clkout7_drives=BUFG
CSET clkout7_requested_duty_cycle=50.000
CSET clkout7_requested_out_freq=100.000
CSET clkout7_requested_phase=0.000
CSET clkout7_used=false
CSET clock_mgr_type=MANUAL
CSET component_name=clk_125MHz_to_6MHz
CSET daddr_port=DADDR
CSET dclk_port=DCLK
CSET dcm_clk_feedback=1X
CSET dcm_clk_out1_port=CLK0
CSET dcm_clk_out2_port=CLK0
CSET dcm_clk_out3_port=CLK0
CSET dcm_clk_out4_port=CLK0
CSET dcm_clk_out5_port=CLK0
CSET dcm_clk_out6_port=CLK0
CSET dcm_clkdv_divide=2.0
CSET dcm_clkfx_divide=1
CSET dcm_clkfx_multiply=4
CSET dcm_clkgen_clk_out1_port=CLKFX
CSET dcm_clkgen_clk_out2_port=CLKFX
CSET dcm_clkgen_clk_out3_port=CLKFX
CSET dcm_clkgen_clkfx_divide=1
CSET dcm_clkgen_clkfx_md_max=0.000
CSET dcm_clkgen_clkfx_multiply=4
CSET dcm_clkgen_clkfxdv_divide=2
CSET dcm_clkgen_clkin_period=10.000
CSET dcm_clkgen_notes=None
CSET dcm_clkgen_spread_spectrum=NONE
CSET dcm_clkgen_startup_wait=false
CSET dcm_clkin_divide_by_2=false
CSET dcm_clkin_period=10.000
CSET dcm_clkout_phase_shift=NONE
CSET dcm_notes=None
CSET dcm_phase_shift=0
CSET dcm_pll_cascade=NONE
CSET dcm_startup_wait=false
CSET den_port=DEN
CSET din_port=DIN
CSET dout_port=DOUT
CSET drdy_port=DRDY
CSET dwe_port=DWE
CSET feedback_source=FDBK_AUTO
CSET in_freq_units=Units_MHz
CSET in_jitter_units=Units_UI
CSET input_clk_stopped_port=INPUT_CLK_STOPPED
CSET jitter_options=UI
CSET jitter_sel=No_Jitter
CSET locked_port=LOCKED
CSET mmcm_bandwidth=OPTIMIZED
CSET mmcm_clkfbout_mult_f=6.000
CSET mmcm_clkfbout_phase=0.000
CSET mmcm_clkfbout_use_fine_ps=false
CSET mmcm_clkin1_period=8.000
CSET mmcm_clkin2_period=10.0
CSET mmcm_clkout0_divide_f=125.000
CSET mmcm_clkout0_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET mmcm_clkout0_phase=0.000
CSET mmcm_clkout0_use_fine_ps=false
CSET mmcm_clkout1_divide=1
CSET mmcm_clkout1_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET mmcm_clkout1_phase=0.000
CSET mmcm_clkout1_use_fine_ps=false
CSET mmcm_clkout2_divide=1
CSET mmcm_clkout2_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET mmcm_clkout2_phase=0.000
CSET mmcm_clkout2_use_fine_ps=false
CSET mmcm_clkout3_divide=1
CSET mmcm_clkout3_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET mmcm_clkout3_phase=0.000
CSET mmcm_clkout3_use_fine_ps=false
CSET mmcm_clkout4_cascade=false
CSET mmcm_clkout4_divide=1
CSET mmcm_clkout4_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET mmcm_clkout4_phase=0.000
CSET mmcm_clkout4_use_fine_ps=false
CSET mmcm_clkout5_divide=1
CSET mmcm_clkout5_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET mmcm_clkout5_phase=0.000
CSET mmcm_clkout5_use_fine_ps=false
CSET mmcm_clkout6_divide=1
CSET mmcm_clkout6_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET mmcm_clkout6_phase=0.000
CSET mmcm_clkout6_use_fine_ps=false
CSET mmcm_clock_hold=false
CSET mmcm_compensation=ZHOLD
CSET mmcm_divclk_divide=1
CSET mmcm_notes=None
CSET mmcm_ref_jitter1=0.010
CSET mmcm_ref_jitter2=0.010
CSET mmcm_startup_wait=false
CSET num_out_clks=1
CSET override_dcm=false
CSET override_dcm_clkgen=false
CSET override_mmcm=false
CSET override_pll=false
CSET platform=lin64
CSET pll_bandwidth=OPTIMIZED
CSET pll_clk_feedback=CLKFBOUT
CSET pll_clkfbout_mult=4
CSET pll_clkfbout_phase=0.000
CSET pll_clkin_period=10.000
CSET pll_clkout0_divide=1
CSET pll_clkout0_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET pll_clkout0_phase=0.000
CSET pll_clkout1_divide=1
CSET pll_clkout1_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET pll_clkout1_phase=0.000
CSET pll_clkout2_divide=1
CSET pll_clkout2_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET pll_clkout2_phase=0.000
CSET pll_clkout3_divide=1
CSET pll_clkout3_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET pll_clkout3_phase=0.000
CSET pll_clkout4_divide=1
CSET pll_clkout4_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET pll_clkout4_phase=0.000
CSET pll_clkout5_divide=1
CSET pll_clkout5_duty_cycle=0.500
CSET pll_clkout5_phase=0.000
CSET pll_divclk_divide=1
CSET pll_notes=None
CSET pll_ref_jitter=0.010
CSET power_down_port=POWER_DOWN
CSET prim_in_freq=125
CSET prim_in_jitter=0.010
CSET prim_source=Global_buffer
CSET primary_port=CLK_IN_125
CSET primitive=MMCM
CSET primtype_sel=MMCM_ADV
CSET psclk_port=PSCLK
CSET psdone_port=PSDONE
CSET psen_port=PSEN
CSET psincdec_port=PSINCDEC
CSET relative_inclk=REL_PRIMARY
CSET reset_port=RESET
CSET secondary_in_freq=100.000
CSET secondary_in_jitter=0.010
CSET secondary_port=CLK_IN2
CSET secondary_source=Single_ended_clock_capable_pin
CSET ss_mod_freq=250
CSET status_port=STATUS
CSET summary_strings=empty
CSET use_clk_valid=false
CSET use_clkfb_stopped=false
CSET use_dyn_phase_shift=false
CSET use_dyn_reconfig=false
CSET use_freeze=false
CSET use_freq_synth=true
CSET use_inclk_stopped=false
CSET use_inclk_switchover=false
CSET use_locked=false
CSET use_max_i_jitter=false
CSET use_min_o_jitter=false
CSET use_min_power=false
CSET use_phase_alignment=true
CSET use_power_down=false
CSET use_reset=false
CSET use_spread_spectrum=false
CSET use_spread_spectrum_1=false
CSET use_status=false
# END Parameters
# BEGIN Extra information
MISC pkg_timestamp=2012-05-10T12:44:55Z
# END Extra information
# CRC: 255c3699
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/core_generator_ml605/fifo_32x512.xco
0,0 → 1,213
# Xilinx Core Generator version 14.3
# Date: Tue Apr 29 09:14:51 2014
# This file contains the customisation parameters for a
# Xilinx CORE Generator IP GUI. It is strongly recommended
# that you do not manually alter this file as it may cause
# unexpected and unsupported behavior.
# Generated from component:
# BEGIN Project Options
SET addpads = false
SET asysymbol = true
SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped
SET createndf = false
SET designentry = VHDL
SET device = xc6vlx240t
SET devicefamily = virtex6
SET flowvendor = Other
SET formalverification = false
SET foundationsym = false
SET implementationfiletype = Ngc
SET package = ff1156
SET removerpms = false
SET simulationfiles = Behavioral
SET speedgrade = -1
SET verilogsim = false
SET vhdlsim = true
# END Project Options
# BEGIN Select
SELECT Fifo_Generator
# END Select
# BEGIN Parameters
CSET add_ngc_constraint_axi=false
CSET almost_empty_flag=false
CSET almost_full_flag=false
CSET aruser_width=1
CSET awuser_width=1
CSET axi_address_width=32
CSET axi_data_width=64
CSET axi_type=AXI4_Stream
CSET axis_type=FIFO
CSET buser_width=1
CSET clock_enable_type=Slave_Interface_Clock_Enable
CSET clock_type_axi=Common_Clock
CSET component_name=fifo_32x512
CSET data_count=false
CSET data_count_width=9
CSET disable_timing_violations=false
CSET disable_timing_violations_axi=false
CSET dout_reset_value=0
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value=2
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_axis=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_rach=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_rdch=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_wach=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_wdch=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_wrch=1022
CSET empty_threshold_negate_value=3
CSET enable_aruser=false
CSET enable_awuser=false
CSET enable_buser=false
CSET enable_common_overflow=false
CSET enable_common_underflow=false
CSET enable_data_counts_axis=false
CSET enable_data_counts_rach=false
CSET enable_data_counts_rdch=false
CSET enable_data_counts_wach=false
CSET enable_data_counts_wdch=false
CSET enable_data_counts_wrch=false
CSET enable_ecc=false
CSET enable_ecc_axis=false
CSET enable_ecc_rach=false
CSET enable_ecc_rdch=false
CSET enable_ecc_wach=false
CSET enable_ecc_wdch=false
CSET enable_ecc_wrch=false
CSET enable_read_channel=false
CSET enable_read_pointer_increment_by2=false
CSET enable_reset_synchronization=true
CSET enable_ruser=false
CSET enable_tdata=false
CSET enable_tdest=false
CSET enable_tid=false
CSET enable_tkeep=false
CSET enable_tlast=false
CSET enable_tready=true
CSET enable_tstrobe=false
CSET enable_tuser=false
CSET enable_write_channel=false
CSET enable_wuser=false
CSET fifo_application_type_axis=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_rach=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_rdch=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_wach=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_wdch=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_wrch=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_implementation=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_axis=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_rach=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_rdch=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_wach=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_wdch=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_wrch=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET full_flags_reset_value=0
CSET full_threshold_assert_value=510
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_axis=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_rach=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_rdch=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_wach=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_wdch=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_wrch=1023
CSET full_threshold_negate_value=509
CSET id_width=4
CSET inject_dbit_error=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_axis=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_rach=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_rdch=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_wach=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_wdch=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_wrch=false
CSET inject_sbit_error=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_axis=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_rach=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_rdch=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_wach=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_wdch=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_wrch=false
CSET input_data_width=32
CSET input_depth=512
CSET input_depth_axis=1024
CSET input_depth_rach=16
CSET input_depth_rdch=1024
CSET input_depth_wach=16
CSET input_depth_wdch=1024
CSET input_depth_wrch=16
CSET interface_type=Native
CSET output_data_width=32
CSET output_depth=512
CSET overflow_flag=false
CSET overflow_flag_axi=false
CSET overflow_sense=Active_High
CSET overflow_sense_axi=Active_High
CSET performance_options=Standard_FIFO
CSET programmable_empty_type=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_axis=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_rach=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_rdch=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_wach=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_wdch=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_wrch=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_axis=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_rach=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_rdch=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_wach=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_wdch=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_wrch=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET rach_type=FIFO
CSET rdch_type=FIFO
CSET read_clock_frequency=1
CSET read_data_count=false
CSET read_data_count_width=9
CSET register_slice_mode_axis=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_rach=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_rdch=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_wach=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_wdch=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_wrch=Fully_Registered
CSET reset_pin=true
CSET reset_type=Synchronous_Reset
CSET ruser_width=1
CSET synchronization_stages=2
CSET synchronization_stages_axi=2
CSET tdata_width=64
CSET tdest_width=4
CSET tid_width=8
CSET tkeep_width=4
CSET tstrb_width=4
CSET tuser_width=4
CSET underflow_flag=false
CSET underflow_flag_axi=false
CSET underflow_sense=Active_High
CSET underflow_sense_axi=Active_High
CSET use_clock_enable=false
CSET use_dout_reset=true
CSET use_embedded_registers=false
CSET use_extra_logic=false
CSET valid_flag=true
CSET valid_sense=Active_High
CSET wach_type=FIFO
CSET wdch_type=FIFO
CSET wrch_type=FIFO
CSET write_acknowledge_flag=false
CSET write_acknowledge_sense=Active_High
CSET write_clock_frequency=1
CSET write_data_count=false
CSET write_data_count_width=9
CSET wuser_width=1
# END Parameters
# BEGIN Extra information
MISC pkg_timestamp=2012-06-23T13:35:37Z
# END Extra information
# CRC: e2c6d431
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/core_generator_ml605/fifo_32x512_dualclk_fwft.xco
0,0 → 1,213
# Xilinx Core Generator version 14.3
# Date: Tue May 6 09:52:07 2014
# This file contains the customisation parameters for a
# Xilinx CORE Generator IP GUI. It is strongly recommended
# that you do not manually alter this file as it may cause
# unexpected and unsupported behavior.
# Generated from component:
# BEGIN Project Options
SET addpads = false
SET asysymbol = true
SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped
SET createndf = false
SET designentry = VHDL
SET device = xc6vlx240t
SET devicefamily = virtex6
SET flowvendor = Other
SET formalverification = false
SET foundationsym = false
SET implementationfiletype = Ngc
SET package = ff1156
SET removerpms = false
SET simulationfiles = Behavioral
SET speedgrade = -1
SET verilogsim = false
SET vhdlsim = true
# END Project Options
# BEGIN Select
# END Select
# BEGIN Parameters
CSET add_ngc_constraint_axi=false
CSET almost_empty_flag=false
CSET almost_full_flag=false
CSET aruser_width=1
CSET awuser_width=1
CSET axi_address_width=32
CSET axi_data_width=64
CSET axi_type=AXI4_Stream
CSET axis_type=FIFO
CSET buser_width=1
CSET clock_enable_type=Slave_Interface_Clock_Enable
CSET clock_type_axi=Common_Clock
CSET component_name=fifo_32x512_dualclk_fwft
CSET data_count=false
CSET data_count_width=9
CSET disable_timing_violations=false
CSET disable_timing_violations_axi=false
CSET dout_reset_value=0
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value=4
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_axis=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_rach=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_rdch=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_wach=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_wdch=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_wrch=1022
CSET empty_threshold_negate_value=5
CSET enable_aruser=false
CSET enable_awuser=false
CSET enable_buser=false
CSET enable_common_overflow=false
CSET enable_common_underflow=false
CSET enable_data_counts_axis=false
CSET enable_data_counts_rach=false
CSET enable_data_counts_rdch=false
CSET enable_data_counts_wach=false
CSET enable_data_counts_wdch=false
CSET enable_data_counts_wrch=false
CSET enable_ecc=false
CSET enable_ecc_axis=false
CSET enable_ecc_rach=false
CSET enable_ecc_rdch=false
CSET enable_ecc_wach=false
CSET enable_ecc_wdch=false
CSET enable_ecc_wrch=false
CSET enable_read_channel=false
CSET enable_read_pointer_increment_by2=false
CSET enable_reset_synchronization=true
CSET enable_ruser=false
CSET enable_tdata=false
CSET enable_tdest=false
CSET enable_tid=false
CSET enable_tkeep=false
CSET enable_tlast=false
CSET enable_tready=true
CSET enable_tstrobe=false
CSET enable_tuser=false
CSET enable_write_channel=false
CSET enable_wuser=false
CSET fifo_application_type_axis=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_rach=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_rdch=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_wach=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_wdch=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_wrch=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_implementation=Independent_Clocks_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_axis=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_rach=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_rdch=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_wach=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_wdch=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_wrch=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET full_flags_reset_value=1
CSET full_threshold_assert_value=511
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_axis=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_rach=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_rdch=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_wach=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_wdch=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_wrch=1023
CSET full_threshold_negate_value=510
CSET id_width=4
CSET inject_dbit_error=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_axis=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_rach=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_rdch=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_wach=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_wdch=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_wrch=false
CSET inject_sbit_error=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_axis=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_rach=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_rdch=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_wach=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_wdch=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_wrch=false
CSET input_data_width=32
CSET input_depth=512
CSET input_depth_axis=1024
CSET input_depth_rach=16
CSET input_depth_rdch=1024
CSET input_depth_wach=16
CSET input_depth_wdch=1024
CSET input_depth_wrch=16
CSET interface_type=Native
CSET output_data_width=32
CSET output_depth=512
CSET overflow_flag=false
CSET overflow_flag_axi=false
CSET overflow_sense=Active_High
CSET overflow_sense_axi=Active_High
CSET performance_options=First_Word_Fall_Through
CSET programmable_empty_type=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_axis=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_rach=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_rdch=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_wach=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_wdch=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_wrch=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_axis=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_rach=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_rdch=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_wach=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_wdch=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_wrch=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET rach_type=FIFO
CSET rdch_type=FIFO
CSET read_clock_frequency=1
CSET read_data_count=false
CSET read_data_count_width=9
CSET register_slice_mode_axis=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_rach=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_rdch=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_wach=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_wdch=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_wrch=Fully_Registered
CSET reset_pin=true
CSET reset_type=Asynchronous_Reset
CSET ruser_width=1
CSET synchronization_stages=2
CSET synchronization_stages_axi=2
CSET tdata_width=64
CSET tdest_width=4
CSET tid_width=8
CSET tkeep_width=4
CSET tstrb_width=4
CSET tuser_width=4
CSET underflow_flag=false
CSET underflow_flag_axi=false
CSET underflow_sense=Active_High
CSET underflow_sense_axi=Active_High
CSET use_clock_enable=false
CSET use_dout_reset=false
CSET use_embedded_registers=false
CSET use_extra_logic=false
CSET valid_flag=true
CSET valid_sense=Active_High
CSET wach_type=FIFO
CSET wdch_type=FIFO
CSET wrch_type=FIFO
CSET write_acknowledge_flag=false
CSET write_acknowledge_sense=Active_High
CSET write_clock_frequency=1
CSET write_data_count=false
CSET write_data_count_width=9
CSET wuser_width=1
# END Parameters
# BEGIN Extra information
MISC pkg_timestamp=2012-07-25T18:11:59Z
# END Extra information
# CRC: 19014e08
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/core_generator_ml605/fifo_32x512_walmostfull.xco
0,0 → 1,213
# Xilinx Core Generator version 14.3
# Date: Tue May 6 09:54:30 2014
# This file contains the customisation parameters for a
# Xilinx CORE Generator IP GUI. It is strongly recommended
# that you do not manually alter this file as it may cause
# unexpected and unsupported behavior.
# Generated from component:
# BEGIN Project Options
SET addpads = false
SET asysymbol = true
SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped
SET createndf = false
SET designentry = VHDL
SET device = xc6vlx240t
SET devicefamily = virtex6
SET flowvendor = Other
SET formalverification = false
SET foundationsym = false
SET implementationfiletype = Ngc
SET package = ff1156
SET removerpms = false
SET simulationfiles = Behavioral
SET speedgrade = -1
SET verilogsim = false
SET vhdlsim = true
# END Project Options
# BEGIN Select
# END Select
# BEGIN Parameters
CSET add_ngc_constraint_axi=false
CSET almost_empty_flag=false
CSET almost_full_flag=false
CSET aruser_width=1
CSET awuser_width=1
CSET axi_address_width=32
CSET axi_data_width=64
CSET axi_type=AXI4_Stream
CSET axis_type=FIFO
CSET buser_width=1
CSET clock_enable_type=Slave_Interface_Clock_Enable
CSET clock_type_axi=Common_Clock
CSET component_name=fifo_32x512_walmostfull
CSET data_count=false
CSET data_count_width=9
CSET disable_timing_violations=false
CSET disable_timing_violations_axi=false
CSET dout_reset_value=0
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value=2
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_axis=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_rach=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_rdch=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_wach=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_wdch=1022
CSET empty_threshold_assert_value_wrch=1022
CSET empty_threshold_negate_value=3
CSET enable_aruser=false
CSET enable_awuser=false
CSET enable_buser=false
CSET enable_common_overflow=false
CSET enable_common_underflow=false
CSET enable_data_counts_axis=false
CSET enable_data_counts_rach=false
CSET enable_data_counts_rdch=false
CSET enable_data_counts_wach=false
CSET enable_data_counts_wdch=false
CSET enable_data_counts_wrch=false
CSET enable_ecc=false
CSET enable_ecc_axis=false
CSET enable_ecc_rach=false
CSET enable_ecc_rdch=false
CSET enable_ecc_wach=false
CSET enable_ecc_wdch=false
CSET enable_ecc_wrch=false
CSET enable_read_channel=false
CSET enable_read_pointer_increment_by2=false
CSET enable_reset_synchronization=true
CSET enable_ruser=false
CSET enable_tdata=false
CSET enable_tdest=false
CSET enable_tid=false
CSET enable_tkeep=false
CSET enable_tlast=false
CSET enable_tready=true
CSET enable_tstrobe=false
CSET enable_tuser=false
CSET enable_write_channel=false
CSET enable_wuser=false
CSET fifo_application_type_axis=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_rach=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_rdch=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_wach=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_wdch=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_application_type_wrch=Data_FIFO
CSET fifo_implementation=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_axis=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_rach=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_rdch=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_wach=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_wdch=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET fifo_implementation_wrch=Common_Clock_Block_RAM
CSET full_flags_reset_value=0
CSET full_threshold_assert_value=400
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_axis=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_rach=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_rdch=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_wach=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_wdch=1023
CSET full_threshold_assert_value_wrch=1023
CSET full_threshold_negate_value=399
CSET id_width=4
CSET inject_dbit_error=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_axis=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_rach=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_rdch=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_wach=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_wdch=false
CSET inject_dbit_error_wrch=false
CSET inject_sbit_error=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_axis=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_rach=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_rdch=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_wach=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_wdch=false
CSET inject_sbit_error_wrch=false
CSET input_data_width=32
CSET input_depth=512
CSET input_depth_axis=1024
CSET input_depth_rach=16
CSET input_depth_rdch=1024
CSET input_depth_wach=16
CSET input_depth_wdch=1024
CSET input_depth_wrch=16
CSET interface_type=Native
CSET output_data_width=32
CSET output_depth=512
CSET overflow_flag=false
CSET overflow_flag_axi=false
CSET overflow_sense=Active_High
CSET overflow_sense_axi=Active_High
CSET performance_options=Standard_FIFO
CSET programmable_empty_type=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_axis=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_rach=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_rdch=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_wach=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_wdch=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_empty_type_wrch=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type=Single_Programmable_Full_Threshold_Constant
CSET programmable_full_type_axis=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_rach=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_rdch=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_wach=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_wdch=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET programmable_full_type_wrch=No_Programmable_Full_Threshold
CSET rach_type=FIFO
CSET rdch_type=FIFO
CSET read_clock_frequency=1
CSET read_data_count=false
CSET read_data_count_width=9
CSET register_slice_mode_axis=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_rach=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_rdch=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_wach=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_wdch=Fully_Registered
CSET register_slice_mode_wrch=Fully_Registered
CSET reset_pin=true
CSET reset_type=Synchronous_Reset
CSET ruser_width=1
CSET synchronization_stages=2
CSET synchronization_stages_axi=2
CSET tdata_width=64
CSET tdest_width=4
CSET tid_width=8
CSET tkeep_width=4
CSET tstrb_width=4
CSET tuser_width=4
CSET underflow_flag=false
CSET underflow_flag_axi=false
CSET underflow_sense=Active_High
CSET underflow_sense_axi=Active_High
CSET use_clock_enable=false
CSET use_dout_reset=false
CSET use_embedded_registers=false
CSET use_extra_logic=false
CSET valid_flag=true
CSET valid_sense=Active_High
CSET wach_type=FIFO
CSET wdch_type=FIFO
CSET wrch_type=FIFO
CSET write_acknowledge_flag=false
CSET write_acknowledge_sense=Active_High
CSET write_clock_frequency=1
CSET write_data_count=false
CSET write_data_count_width=9
CSET wuser_width=1
# END Parameters
# BEGIN Extra information
MISC pkg_timestamp=2012-07-25T18:11:59Z
# END Extra information
# CRC: 53dc1af8
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/fifo_related/fifo_to_enable.vhd
0,0 → 1,81
-- A bridge between the read side of a native FIFO and the Flexelerator's "enable" signal technique
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity fifo_to_enable is
-- Input from FIFO:
din : in std_logic_vector;
rden : out std_logic;
empty : in std_logic;
-- Output with enable:
data : out std_logic_vector;
valid : out std_logic;
enable : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic
end entity;
architecture behavioral of fifo_to_enable is
signal s_rden : std_logic := '0';
signal s_rden_d : std_logic := '0';
signal s_valid : std_logic := '0';
subtype t_data is std_logic_vector( din'range );
type t_data_buffer is array( 1 to 2 ) of t_data;
signal s_data_buffer : t_data_buffer := ( others => ( others => '0' ) );
signal s_cntr : natural range 0 to 3;
s_rden <= '1' when empty = '0' and enable = '1' and reset = '0' and s_cntr < 3 else '0';
rden <= s_rden;
s_valid <= '1' when s_cntr > 0 and enable = '1' and reset = '0' else '0';
valid <= s_valid;
data <= s_data_buffer( 1 );
-- Delayed rden:
delayed_rden : process( clk ) is
if( rising_edge( clk ) ) then
s_rden_d <= s_rden;
end if;
end process;
data_manipulation : process( clk ) is
if( rising_edge( clk ) ) then
if( s_valid = '1' ) then
s_data_buffer(1) <= s_data_buffer(2);
--s_data_buffer(2) <= s_data_buffer(3);
end if;
if( reset = '1' ) then
s_cntr <= 0;
elsif( s_rden_d = '1' and s_valid = '0' ) then
s_cntr <= s_cntr + 1;
s_data_buffer( s_cntr + 1 ) <= din;
elsif( s_rden_d = '1' and s_valid = '1' ) then
s_data_buffer( s_cntr ) <= din;
elsif( s_rden_d = '0' and s_valid = '1' ) then
s_cntr <= s_cntr - 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/information/information_block.vhd
0,0 → 1,117
-- Provides information about the firmware.
-- This block is written as a generic memory that sends data based on the requested address.
-- Generally this block is connected to the 'control' interface in the userlogiccmp_forxilly block and the user interacts with it using the 'control' files.
-- The information_data package should contain several mandatory constants as well as the contents of the memory. Generally, the first four 32-bit-tuples are occupied by a unique GUID that identifies the firmware.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library utilities;
use utilities.utilities.all;
library information;
use information.information_data.all;
-- NOTE: No range check on the i_data requested address.
entity information_block is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
-- Input side:
i_data : in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
i_valid : in std_logic;
o_enable : out std_logic;
-- Output side:
o_data : out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
o_valid : out std_logic;
i_enable : in std_logic
end entity;
architecture rtl of information_block is
-- data in buffer
signal buffer_valid : std_logic;
signal buffer_data : std_logic_vector( o_data'range );
-- data from the memory
signal mem_valid : std_logic;
signal mem_data : std_logic_vector( o_data'range );
signal oo_valid : std_logic;
signal addr : unsigned( log2( C_INFO_NUMDATA ) - 1 downto 0 );
--signal i_valid_d : std_logic;
constant C_RESVAL : std_logic_vector( C_INFO_BITWIDTH -1 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0' );
-- Memory content:
subtype t_memdata is t_twodim_stdlogic( C_INFO_NUMDATA - 1 downto 0, C_INFO_BITWIDTH - 1 downto 0 );
constant C_MEMDATA : t_memdata := stdlogicvector_to_twodim( C_INFO_DATA, C_INFO_NUMDATA, C_INFO_BITWIDTH );
o_enable <= i_enable;
o_valid <= oo_valid and i_enable;
o_data <= buffer_data when buffer_valid = '1' else
oo_valid <= buffer_valid when buffer_valid = '1' else
valid_handling: process( clk )
if( rising_edge(clk) ) then
mem_valid <= i_valid;
end if;
end process;
addr <= unsigned( i_data( addr'range ) );
-- inferred bram:
inferred_bram_inst : entity utilities.inferred_bram
generic map(
port map(
i_clka => clk,
i_ena => '1',
i_wea => '0',
i_resa => '0',
i_addra => addr,
i_dataa => ( C_INFO_BITWIDTH - 1 downto 0 => '0' ),
o_dataa => mem_data
outp_data : process( clk )
if( rising_edge(clk) ) then
if( rst = '1' ) then
buffer_valid <= '0';
if( i_enable = '1' ) then
buffer_valid <= '0';
elsif( buffer_valid = '0' ) then
buffer_valid <= mem_valid;
buffer_data <= mem_data;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/sychro1/clock_divider.vhd
0,0 → 1,68
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
entity clock_divider is
generic (
G_DIVISOR : positive := 2
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
o_clk : out std_logic
end entity clock_divider;
architecture behavioral of clock_divider is
subtype t_counter is natural range 0 to ( G_DIVISOR - 1 );
signal s_counter : t_counter := 0;
constant C_COUNTER : t_counter := G_DIVISOR / 2 - 1;
signal s_clk_divided : std_logic;
attribute clock_signal : string;
attribute clock_signal of s_clk_divided : signal is "yes";
assert ( G_DIVISOR > 1 ) report "The divisor should be greater than 1" severity failure;
counting : process( i_clk )
if( rising_edge(i_clk) ) then
if( i_rst = '1' ) then
s_counter <= 0;
s_clk_divided <= '0';
if( s_counter = t_counter'high ) then
s_counter <= 0;
s_clk_divided <= '0';
s_counter <= s_counter + 1;
if( s_counter = C_COUNTER ) then
s_clk_divided <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process counting;
BUFR_inst : BUFR
generic map (
BUFR_DIVIDE => "BYPASS", -- "BYPASS", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"
SIM_DEVICE => "VIRTEX6") -- Specify target device, "VIRTEX4", "VIRTEX5", "VIRTEX6"
port map (
O => o_clk, -- Clock buffer output
CE => '1', -- Clock enable input
CLR => '0', -- Clock buffer reset input
I => s_clk_divided -- Clock buffer input
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/sychro1/up_counter.vhd
0,0 → 1,57
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity up_counter is
generic (
G_MIN_NUMBER : natural := 0;
G_MAX_NUMBER : natural := 10
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
-- Count when this input is '1'
i_valid : in std_logic;
-- Output the actual number
o_data : out natural := G_MIN_NUMBER;
o_carry : out std_logic := '0'
end up_counter;
architecture rtl of up_counter is
signal number : natural range G_MIN_NUMBER to G_MAX_NUMBER := G_MIN_NUMBER;
o_data <= number;
counter : process( i_clk )
if( rising_edge( i_clk ) ) then
o_carry <= '0';
if( i_rst = '1' ) then
number <= G_MIN_NUMBER;
elsif( i_valid = '1' ) then
-- count up:
if( number = G_MAX_NUMBER ) then
number <= G_MIN_NUMBER;
o_carry <= '1';
number <= number + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/sychro1/up_counter_stdlv.vhd
0,0 → 1,57
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity up_counter_stdlv is
generic (
G_BITS : positive := 8;
G_MIN_NUMBER : std_logic_vector;
G_MAX_NUMBER : std_logic_vector
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
-- Count when this input is '1'
i_valid : in std_logic;
-- Output the actual number
o_data : out std_logic_vector( G_BITS-1 downto 0 );
o_carry : out std_logic := '0'
end up_counter_stdlv;
architecture rtl of up_counter_stdlv is
signal number : std_logic_vector( G_BITS-1 downto 0 );
o_data <= number;
counter : process( i_clk )
if( rising_edge( i_clk ) ) then
o_carry <= '0';
if( i_rst = '1' ) then
number <= G_MIN_NUMBER;
elsif( i_valid = '1' ) then
-- count up:
if( number = G_MAX_NUMBER ) then
number <= G_MIN_NUMBER;
o_carry <= '1';
number <= std_logic_vector( unsigned(number) + to_unsigned(1,G_BITS) );
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/modules/xilly/xilly_userlogiccmp_wrapper.vhd
0,0 → 1,248
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library fifo_related;
entity xilly_userlogiccmp_wrapper is
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
user_r_control_r_rden : in std_logic;
user_r_control_r_empty : out std_logic := '1';
user_r_control_r_data : out std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0) := ( others => '0' );
user_w_control_w_wren : in std_logic;
user_w_control_w_full : out std_logic := '0';
user_w_control_w_data : in std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
user_r_data1_r_rden : in std_logic;
user_r_data1_r_empty : out std_logic := '1';
user_r_data1_r_data : out std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0) := ( others => '0' );
user_w_data1_w_wren : in std_logic;
user_w_data1_w_full : out std_logic := '0';
user_w_data1_w_data : in std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
user_r_data2_r_rden : in std_logic;
user_r_data2_r_empty : out std_logic := '1';
user_r_data2_r_data : out std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0) := ( others => '0' );
user_w_data2_w_wren : in std_logic;
user_w_data2_w_full : out std_logic := '0';
user_w_data2_w_data : in std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0)
end entity;
architecture behavioral of xilly_userlogiccmp_wrapper is
component user_logic_cmp
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
-- data1 interface:
i_data1in_data : in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
i_data1in_valid : in std_logic;
o_data1in_enable : out std_logic;
o_data1out_data : out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
o_data1out_valid : out std_logic;
i_data1out_enable : in std_logic;
-- data2 interface:
i_data2in_data : in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
i_data2in_valid : in std_logic;
o_data2in_enable : out std_logic := '1';
o_data2out_data : out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
o_data2out_valid : out std_logic := '0';
i_data2out_enable : in std_logic;
-- control interface:
i_controlin_data : in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
i_controlin_valid : in std_logic;
o_controlin_enable : out std_logic := '1';
o_controlout_data : out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
o_controlout_valid : out std_logic := '0';
i_controlout_enable : in std_logic
end component;
component fifo_32x512
port (
clk: IN std_logic;
srst: IN std_logic;
din: IN std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := ( others => '0' );
wr_en: IN std_logic := '0';
rd_en: IN std_logic;
dout: OUT std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
valid: OUT std_logic;
full: OUT std_logic;
empty: OUT std_logic
end component;
-- data1 signals
signal s_data1_ffin2fte_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_data1_ffin2fte_rden : std_logic;
signal s_data1_ffin2fte_empty : std_logic;
signal s_data1_fte2ul_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_data1_fte2ul_valid : std_logic;
signal s_data1_fte2ul_enable : std_logic;
signal s_data1_ul2ffout_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_data1_ul2ffout_valid : std_logic;
signal s_data1_ul2ffout_enable : std_logic;
signal s_data1_ul2ffout_full : std_logic;
-- data2 signals
signal s_data2_ffin2fte_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_data2_ffin2fte_rden : std_logic;
signal s_data2_ffin2fte_empty : std_logic;
signal s_data2_fte2ul_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_data2_fte2ul_valid : std_logic;
signal s_data2_fte2ul_enable : std_logic;
signal s_data2_ul2ffout_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_data2_ul2ffout_valid : std_logic;
signal s_data2_ul2ffout_enable : std_logic;
signal s_data2_ul2ffout_full : std_logic;
-- control signals
signal s_control_ffin2fte_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_control_ffin2fte_rden : std_logic;
signal s_control_ffin2fte_empty : std_logic;
signal s_control_fte2ul_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_control_fte2ul_valid : std_logic;
signal s_control_fte2ul_enable : std_logic;
signal s_control_ul2ffout_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_control_ul2ffout_valid : std_logic;
signal s_control_ul2ffout_enable : std_logic;
signal s_control_ul2ffout_full : std_logic;
--data1_gen : if( C_USES_DATA1_INTERFACE = '1' ) generate
-- FIFO_IN instantiation:
data1_fifo_in_inst : fifo_32x512
port map (
clk => i_clk, srst => i_rst,
din => user_w_data1_w_data, wr_en => user_w_data1_w_wren, full => user_w_data1_w_full,
dout => s_data1_ffin2fte_data, rd_en => s_data1_ffin2fte_rden, empty => s_data1_ffin2fte_empty,
valid => open );
-- FIFO_to_enable instantiation:
data1_fifo_to_enable_inst : entity fifo_related.fifo_to_enable
port map (
clk => i_clk, reset => i_rst,
din => s_data1_ffin2fte_data, rden => s_data1_ffin2fte_rden, empty => s_data1_ffin2fte_empty,
data => s_data1_fte2ul_data, valid => s_data1_fte2ul_valid, enable => s_data1_fte2ul_enable );
-- FIFO_OUT instantiation:
data1_fifo_out_inst : fifo_32x512
port map (
clk => i_clk, srst => i_rst,
din => s_data1_ul2ffout_data, wr_en => s_data1_ul2ffout_valid, full => s_data1_ul2ffout_full,
dout => user_r_data1_r_data, rd_en => user_r_data1_r_rden, empty => user_r_data1_r_empty,
valid => open );
s_data1_ul2ffout_enable <= not s_data1_ul2ffout_full;
-- generate;
--data2_gen : if( C_USES_DATA2_INTERFACE = '1' ) generate
-- FIFO_IN instantiation:
data2_fifo_in_inst : fifo_32x512
port map (
clk => i_clk, srst => i_rst,
din => user_w_data2_w_data, wr_en => user_w_data2_w_wren, full => user_w_data2_w_full,
dout => s_data2_ffin2fte_data, rd_en => s_data2_ffin2fte_rden, empty => s_data2_ffin2fte_empty,
valid => open );
-- FIFO_to_enable instantiation:
data2_fifo_to_enable_inst : entity fifo_related.fifo_to_enable
port map (
clk => i_clk, reset => i_rst,
din => s_data2_ffin2fte_data, rden => s_data2_ffin2fte_rden, empty => s_data2_ffin2fte_empty,
data => s_data2_fte2ul_data, valid => s_data2_fte2ul_valid, enable => s_data2_fte2ul_enable );
-- FIFO_OUT instantiation:
data2_fifo_out_inst : fifo_32x512
port map (
clk => i_clk, srst => i_rst,
din => s_data2_ul2ffout_data, wr_en => s_data2_ul2ffout_valid, full => s_data2_ul2ffout_full,
dout => user_r_data2_r_data, rd_en => user_r_data2_r_rden, empty => user_r_data2_r_empty,
valid => open );
s_data2_ul2ffout_enable <= not s_data2_ul2ffout_full;
--end generate;
--control_gen : if( C_USES_CONTROL_INTERFACE = '1' ) generate
-- FIFO_IN instantiation:
control_fifo_in_inst : fifo_32x512
port map (
clk => i_clk, srst => i_rst,
din => user_w_control_w_data, wr_en => user_w_control_w_wren, full => user_w_control_w_full,
dout => s_control_ffin2fte_data, rd_en => s_control_ffin2fte_rden, empty => s_control_ffin2fte_empty,
valid => open );
-- FIFO_to_enable instantiation:
control_fifo_to_enable_inst : entity fifo_related.fifo_to_enable
port map (
clk => i_clk, reset => i_rst,
din => s_control_ffin2fte_data, rden => s_control_ffin2fte_rden, empty => s_control_ffin2fte_empty,
data => s_control_fte2ul_data, valid => s_control_fte2ul_valid, enable => s_control_fte2ul_enable );
-- FIFO_OUT instantiation:
control_fifo_out_inst : fifo_32x512
port map (
clk => i_clk, srst => i_rst,
din => s_control_ul2ffout_data, wr_en => s_control_ul2ffout_valid, full => s_control_ul2ffout_full,
dout => user_r_control_r_data, rd_en => user_r_control_r_rden, empty => user_r_control_r_empty,
valid => open );
s_control_ul2ffout_enable <= not s_control_ul2ffout_full;
--end generate;
-- user logic:
user_logic_cmp_inst : user_logic_cmp
port map (
i_clk => i_clk,
i_rst => i_rst,
-- data1 interface:
i_data1in_data => s_data1_fte2ul_data,
i_data1in_valid => s_data1_fte2ul_valid,
o_data1in_enable => s_data1_fte2ul_enable,
o_data1out_data => s_data1_ul2ffout_data,
o_data1out_valid => s_data1_ul2ffout_valid,
i_data1out_enable => s_data1_ul2ffout_enable,
-- data2 interface:
i_data2in_data => s_data2_fte2ul_data,
i_data2in_valid => s_data2_fte2ul_valid,
o_data2in_enable => s_data2_fte2ul_enable,
o_data2out_data => s_data2_ul2ffout_data,
o_data2out_valid => s_data2_ul2ffout_valid,
i_data2out_enable => s_data2_ul2ffout_enable,
-- control interface:
i_controlin_data => s_control_fte2ul_data,
i_controlin_valid => s_control_fte2ul_valid,
o_controlin_enable => s_control_fte2ul_enable,
o_controlout_data => s_control_ul2ffout_data,
o_controlout_valid => s_control_ul2ffout_valid,
i_controlout_enable => s_control_ul2ffout_enable
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/bitslip_compensation.vhd
0,0 → 1,116
-- internal bitslip in iserdes works only with 8 bits. It may happen that when we make a 16-bit word from them,
-- internal bitslip is correct, but we need to swap the whole bytes. -> o_bitslip_swap_bytes
-- NOTE: swapping bytes is wrong, because that means we're grabbing when frame is "00FF". That suggests, that
-- we're using LSbyte from previous sample and MSbyte from current sample. It is correct to drop the byte, to have the frame signal "FF00"
-- However, the bytes are not swapped, i.e. LSbyte is still LSbyte. They just do not come from the same sample.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
--library utilities;
entity bitslip_compensation is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
i_data : in std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
i_valid : in std_logic;
o_bitslip : out std_logic;
o_bitslip_done : out std_logic;
o_bitslip_drop_byte : out std_logic;
o_bitslip_failed : out std_logic
end bitslip_compensation;
architecture behavioral of bitslip_compensation is
component swap_endianness
port (
i_data : in std_logic_vector;
o_data : out std_logic_vector
end component;
constant C_BITSLIP_FRAME_TRAINING_PATTERN : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 ) := X"FF00";
-- wait a while before bitslipping again
subtype t_counter_busy is natural range 0 to 5; -- in theory 2 is enough
signal s_counter_busy : t_counter_busy := 0;
-- count the number of bitslip attempts
subtype t_counter_attempts is natural range 0 to 9;
signal s_counter_attempts : t_counter_attempts := 0;
signal s_i_data_bytes_swapped : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
signal s_bitslip_done : std_logic;
signal s_bitslip_failed : std_logic;
swap_endianness_inst : swap_endianness
port map( i_data => i_data, o_data => s_i_data_bytes_swapped );
o_bitslip_done <= s_bitslip_done;
o_bitslip_failed <= s_bitslip_failed;
main_process : process( clk )
if( rising_edge(clk) ) then
o_bitslip <= '0';
o_bitslip_drop_byte <= '0';
if( rst = '1' ) then
-- reset
s_counter_busy <= t_counter_busy'high;
s_counter_attempts <= 0;
s_bitslip_done <= '0';
s_bitslip_failed <= '0';
elsif( s_bitslip_done = '1' or s_bitslip_failed = '1' ) then
-- do nothing, the bitslip has already been determined.
elsif( i_valid = '1' and s_counter_busy > 0 ) then
-- we are busy now, do not do anything
s_counter_busy <= s_counter_busy - 1;
elsif( i_valid = '1' and s_counter_busy = 0 and i_data = C_BITSLIP_FRAME_TRAINING_PATTERN ) then
-- we are not busy and the incoming pattern matches the training pattern.
s_bitslip_done <= '1';
elsif( i_valid = '1' and s_counter_busy = 0 and s_i_data_bytes_swapped = C_BITSLIP_FRAME_TRAINING_PATTERN ) then
-- we are not busy and the incoming pattern matches the training pattern if we swap its bytes:
-- drop the byte and start over.
o_bitslip_drop_byte <= '1';
s_counter_busy <= t_counter_busy'high;
elsif( i_valid = '1' and s_counter_busy = 0 and s_counter_attempts < t_counter_attempts'high ) then
-- we are not busy, we may bitslip again and the incoming pattern does not match.
s_counter_attempts <= s_counter_attempts + 1;
s_counter_busy <= t_counter_busy'high;
o_bitslip <= '1';
elsif( i_valid = '1' and s_counter_busy = 0 and s_counter_attempts = t_counter_attempts'high ) then
-- we are not busy, but we do not have another attempt and the pattern still does not match.
s_bitslip_failed <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/glue_data.vhd
0,0 → 1,60
-- glue incoming data (from MSB position)
-- in: D1, D2, D3, D4...
-- out: D1D2, D3D4...
-- NOTE: hardwired for 8 + 8, beware if changing dimensions. swap_endianness only works on 8-bits
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library utilities;
entity glue_data is
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_reset_n : in std_logic;
i_data : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0 );
i_valid : in std_logic;
o_enable : out std_logic;
o_data : out std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
o_valid : out std_logic;
i_enable : in std_logic
end glue_data;
architecture behavioral of glue_data is
component swap_endianness
port (
i_data : in std_logic_vector;
o_data : out std_logic_vector
end component;
signal s_rst_n : std_logic;
signal s_packed_data : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
-- pack data:
pack_data_inst : entity utilities.pack_data
generic map ( G_OUTPUT_WIDTH => 16 )
port map (
i_clk => i_clk, i_reset_n => i_reset_n,
i_data => i_data, i_valid => i_valid, o_enable => o_enable,
o_data => s_packed_data, o_valid => o_valid, i_enable => i_enable );
-- and swap the bytes to have the first to come on MSB:
swap_endianness_inst : swap_endianness
port map( i_data => s_packed_data, o_data => o_data );
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/information_data.vhd
0,0 → 1,18
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library kakona;
use kakona.kakona_package.all;
package information_data is
-- Size:
constant C_INFO_BITWIDTH : natural := C_KAK_INFO_BITWIDTH; -- not to be changed
constant C_INFO_NUMDATA : natural := 4;
-- Contents:
constant C_INFO_DATA : std_logic_vector( C_INFO_BITWIDTH*C_INFO_NUMDATA - 1 downto 0 ) := C_GUID;
end package;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/iserdes_clock_generator.vhd
0,0 → 1,115
-- file: selectio_iserdes_8bit_ddr_diffin.vhd
-- (c) Copyright 2009 - 2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
-- This file contains confidential and proprietary information
-- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and
-- international copyright and other intellectual property
-- laws.
-- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any
-- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as
-- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by
-- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable
-- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort,
-- including negligence, or under any other theory of
-- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature
-- related to, arising under or in connection with these
-- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect,
-- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage
-- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of
-- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought
-- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was
-- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the
-- possibility of the same.
-- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-
-- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe
-- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or
-- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities,
-- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any
-- other applications that could lead to death, personal
-- injury, or severe property or environmental damage
-- (individually and collectively, "Critical
-- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and
-- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical
-- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and
-- regulations governing limitations on product liability.
-- User entered comments
-- None
-- EDIT: Only the clock generator buffers here
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity iserdes_clock_generator is
-- Clock and reset signals
CLK_IN_P : in std_logic; -- Differential fast clock from IOB
CLK_IN_N : in std_logic;
CLK_OUT : out std_logic; -- Fast clock output (synchronous to data)
CLK_DIV_OUT : out std_logic; -- Slow clock output
CLK_RESET : in std_logic); -- Reset signal for Clock circuit
end iserdes_clock_generator;
architecture sychro1 of iserdes_clock_generator is
signal clk_in_int : std_logic;
-- Create the clock logic
ibufds_clk_inst : IBUFGDS
generic map (
port map (
I => CLK_IN_P,
O => clk_in_int);
-- High Speed BUFIO clock buffer
bufio_inst : BUFIO
port map (
I => clk_in_int);
-- BUFR generates the slow clock
clkout_buf_inst : BUFR
generic map (
port map (
CE => '1',
I => clk_in_int );
end sychro1;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/kakona_package.vhd
0,0 → 1,58
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
package kakona_package is
-- information block constants:
-- Size:
constant C_KAK_INFO_BITWIDTH : natural := 32; -- not to be changed
constant C_GUID : std_logic_vector( 4*C_KAK_INFO_BITWIDTH - 1 downto 0 ) := X"D52900BA62BC431DBB38C1D38551887A"; -- 1-lane
constant C_NUM_INPUT_ADC_MODULES : natural := 2; -- for SPI block
constant C_NUM_INPUT_ADC_DATA_PORTS : natural := 4; -- for processing block generate
-- configuration for the SPI transmitter for ADCs:
-- SPI DATA version 1:
constant C_SPI_ADC1_DATA1 : std_logic_vector( 79 downto 0 ) := X"00" & "10000000" & -- software reset
X"01" & "00100000" & -- two's complement enabled
X"02" & "00000010" & -- 3.5mA LVDS driver, test pattern off, 1-lane
X"03" & "10010110" & -- test pattern msb '96'
X"04" & "11110010"; -- test pattern lsb 'F2'
constant C_SPI_ADC2_DATA1 : std_logic_vector( 79 downto 0 ) := X"00" & "10000000" & -- software reset
X"01" & "00100000" & -- two's complement enabled
X"02" & "00000010" & -- 3.5mA LVDS driver, test pattern off, 1-lane
X"03" & "11111111" & -- test pattern msb 'FF'
X"04" & "00000000"; -- test pattern lsb '00'
constant C_SPI_ADC_DATA1 : std_logic_vector( C_SPI_ADC1_DATA1'length + C_SPI_ADC2_DATA1'length - 1 downto 0 ) := C_SPI_ADC1_DATA1 & C_SPI_ADC2_DATA1;
-- SPI DATA version 2:
-- difference: test pattern on.
constant C_SPI_ADC1_DATA2 : std_logic_vector( 79 downto 0 ) := X"00" & "10000000" & -- software reset
X"01" & "00100000" & -- two's complement enabled
X"02" & "00000110" & -- 3.5mA LVDS driver, test pattern on, 1-lane
X"03" & "10010110" & -- test pattern msb '96'
X"04" & "11110010"; -- test pattern lsb 'F2'
constant C_SPI_ADC2_DATA2 : std_logic_vector( 79 downto 0 ) := X"00" & "10000000" & -- software reset
X"01" & "00100000" & -- two's complement enabled
X"02" & "00000110" & -- 3.5mA LVDS driver, test pattern on, 1-lane
X"03" & "11111110" & -- test pattern msb 'FE'
X"04" & "11111111"; -- test pattern lsb 'FF'
constant C_SPI_ADC_DATA2 : std_logic_vector( C_SPI_ADC1_DATA2'length + C_SPI_ADC2_DATA2'length - 1 downto 0 ) := C_SPI_ADC1_DATA2 & C_SPI_ADC2_DATA2;
constant C_SPI_ADC_LENGTH : integer := 16;
constant C_SPI_ADC_PACKETS : integer := 5;
constant C_SPI_ADC_PAUSE : integer := 300;
-- definition of swapped P&N wires:
constant C_FRAME_WIRES_SWAPPED_PN : std_logic := '1';
-- definition of swapped P&N wires in data lines. Direction conforms to .ucf file array.
constant C_DATA_WIRES_SWAPPED_PN : std_logic_vector( 0 to 3 ) := "0101";
end package;
package body kakona_package is
end package body;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/lo_divider_wrapper.vhd
0,0 → 1,86
-- wrapper for the local oscillator division logic
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
library sychro1;
entity lo_divider_wrapper is
generic (
G_DIVISOR : integer
port (
-- input clock:
IN_CLK_LO_N : IN std_logic;
IN_CLK_LO_P : IN std_logic;
in_clk_enable : in std_logic;
-- divided clock
end lo_divider_wrapper;
architecture behavioral of lo_divider_wrapper is
-- clock signals for in->divide->out clock:
signal s_in_clk_lo : std_logic;
signal s_in_clk_lo_bufred : std_logic;
signal s_divided_lo : std_logic;
attribute clock_signal : string;
attribute clock_signal of s_divided_lo : signal is "yes";
generic map (
--IBUF_LOW_PWR => TRUE -- Low power (TRUE) vs. performance (FALSE) setting for refernced I/O standards
port map (
O => s_in_clk_lo, -- Clock buffer output
I => IN_CLK_LO_P, -- Diff_p clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
IB => IN_CLK_LO_N -- Diff_n clock buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
-- TEST2: misto counteru pouziju deleni v BUFR
BUFR_inst : BUFR
generic map (
BUFR_DIVIDE => "BYPASS", -- "BYPASS", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"
SIM_DEVICE => "VIRTEX6") -- Specify target device, "VIRTEX4", "VIRTEX5", "VIRTEX6"
port map (
O => s_in_clk_lo_bufred, -- Clock buffer output
CE => in_clk_enable, -- Clock enable input
CLR => '0', -- Clock buffer reset input
I => s_in_clk_lo -- Clock buffer input
-- TEST3: opravil jsem clock_divider, zkusim ho sem dat zpatky
-- -> BUFR -> BYPASS
-- zpatky clock_divider
-- TEMP1: vyhozeni counteru
divider_inst : entity sychro1.clock_divider
generic map( G_DIVISOR => G_DIVISOR )
port map( i_clk => s_in_clk_lo_bufred, i_rst => '0', o_clk => s_divided_lo );
--s_divided_lo <= s_in_clk_lo_bufred;
generic map (
port map (
O => OUT_CLK_LO_DIVIDED_P, -- Diff_p output (connect directly to top-level port)
OB => OUT_CLK_LO_DIVIDED_N, -- Diff_n output (connect directly to top-level port)
I => s_divided_lo -- Buffer input
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/multiplexer_from_fifos.vhd
0,0 → 1,92
-- Multiplexer from FIFOs
-- Waits until all i_valid signals are asserted. Then, if i_full == '0', cycles through all inputs and puts them to output.
-- If at that time i_full == '1', all the inputs are discarded.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity multiplexer_from_fifos is
( G_NUM_CHANNELS : natural := 2; -- number of channels
G_DATA_WIDTH : natural := 32 -- data width of individual packets
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
-- input side
i_data : in std_logic_vector( G_DATA_WIDTH*G_NUM_CHANNELS - 1 downto 0 );
i_valid : in std_logic_vector( G_NUM_CHANNELS - 1 downto 0 );
o_rden : out std_logic_vector( G_NUM_CHANNELS - 1 downto 0 );
-- output side
o_data : out std_logic_vector( G_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0 );
o_valid : out std_logic;
i_full : in std_logic
end multiplexer_from_fifos;
architecture behavioral of multiplexer_from_fifos is
subtype t_counter is natural range 0 to G_NUM_CHANNELS;
signal s_counter : t_counter := 0;
signal s_all_i_valid : std_logic;
signal s_drop_data : std_logic;
assert( G_NUM_CHANNELS > 1 ) report "The number of channels must be higher than 1." severity failure;
s_all_i_valid <= '1' when i_valid = ( i_valid'range => '1' ) else
counter_process : process( clk )
if( rising_edge( clk ) ) then
s_drop_data <= '0';
if( rst = '1' ) then
-- reset
s_counter <= 0;
elsif( s_counter = 0 and s_all_i_valid = '1' and i_full = '0' and s_drop_data = '0' ) then
-- counter is stopped, i_data have new data and the following FIFO is ready to receive.
-- start the counter.
s_counter <= 1;
elsif( s_counter = 0 and s_all_i_valid = '1' and i_full = '1' ) then
-- discard the complete set of data because the following FIFO is full.
s_drop_data <= '1';
elsif( s_counter > 0 and s_counter < t_counter'high ) then
-- the counter is running and is somewhere in between, just increase the value.
s_counter <= s_counter + 1;
elsif( s_counter = t_counter'high and s_all_i_valid = '1' and i_full = '0' ) then
-- the counter has reached maximum value and there are new data waiting
-- start the counter right away
s_counter <= 1;
-- stop the counter
s_counter <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
o_data <= i_data( G_DATA_WIDTH*s_counter - 1 downto G_DATA_WIDTH*s_counter - G_DATA_WIDTH ) when s_counter > 0 and rst = '0' else
( others => '0' );
o_valid <= i_valid( s_counter - 1 ) when s_counter > 0 and rst = '0' else
o_rden_gen : for i in 0 to G_NUM_CHANNELS - 1 generate
o_rden(i) <= '1' when ( s_counter = i + 1 or s_drop_data = '1' ) and i_valid(i) = '1' else
end generate;
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/myserdes_ddr.vhd
0,0 → 1,247
-- file: selectio_iserdes_8bit_ddr_diffin.vhd
-- (c) Copyright 2009 - 2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
-- This file contains confidential and proprietary information
-- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and
-- international copyright and other intellectual property
-- laws.
-- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any
-- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as
-- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by
-- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable
-- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort,
-- including negligence, or under any other theory of
-- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature
-- related to, arising under or in connection with these
-- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect,
-- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage
-- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of
-- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought
-- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was
-- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the
-- possibility of the same.
-- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-
-- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe
-- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or
-- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities,
-- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any
-- other applications that could lead to death, personal
-- injury, or severe property or environmental damage
-- (individually and collectively, "Critical
-- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and
-- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical
-- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and
-- regulations governing limitations on product liability.
-- User entered comments
-- None
-- EDIT: the clocking logic has been moved outside
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity myserdes_ddr is
(-- width of the data for the system
sys_w : integer := 1;
-- width of the data for the device
dev_w : integer := 8);
-- From the system into the device
DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_P : in std_logic_vector(sys_w-1 downto 0);
DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_N : in std_logic_vector(sys_w-1 downto 0);
DATA_IN_TO_DEVICE : out std_logic_vector(dev_w-1 downto 0);
BITSLIP : in std_logic; -- Bitslip module is enabled in NETWORKING mode
-- User should tie it to '0' if not needed
-- Clock and reset signals
CLK_IN : in std_logic; -- Fast clock from IOB, after IBUFGDS and BUFIO
CLK_DIV_IN : in std_logic; -- Divided fast clock from IBUFGDS and BUFR
IO_RESET : in std_logic); -- Reset signal for IO circuit
end myserdes_ddr;
architecture xilinx of myserdes_ddr is
attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO : string;
attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO of xilinx : architecture is "selectio_iserdes_8bit_ddr_diffin,selectio_wiz_v4_1,{component_name=selectio_iserdes_8bit_ddr_diffin,bus_dir=INPUTS,bus_sig_type=DIFF,bus_io_std=LVDS_25,use_serialization=true,use_phase_detector=false,serialization_factor=8,enable_bitslip=false,enable_train=false,system_data_width=1,bus_in_delay=NONE,bus_out_delay=NONE,clk_sig_type=DIFF,clk_io_std=LVCMOS18,clk_buf=BUFIO2,active_edge=RISING,clk_delay=NONE,v6_bus_in_delay=NONE,v6_bus_out_delay=NONE,v6_clk_buf=BUFIO,v6_active_edge=DDR,v6_ddr_alignment=SAME_EDGE_PIPELINED,v6_oddr_alignment=SAME_EDGE,ddr_alignment=C0,v6_interface_type=NETWORKING,interface_type=NETWORKING,v6_bus_in_tap=0,v6_bus_out_tap=0,v6_clk_io_std=LVDS_25,v6_clk_sig_type=DIFF}";
constant clock_enable : std_logic := '1';
signal unused : std_logic;
-- After the buffer
signal data_in_from_pins_int : std_logic_vector(sys_w-1 downto 0);
-- Between the delay and serdes
signal data_in_from_pins_delay : std_logic_vector(sys_w-1 downto 0);
constant num_serial_bits : integer := dev_w/sys_w;
type serdarr is array (0 to 9) of std_logic_vector(sys_w-1 downto 0);
-- Array to use intermediately from the serdes to the internal
-- devices. bus "0" is the leftmost bus
-- * fills in starting with 0
signal iserdes_q : serdarr := (( others => (others => '0')));
signal serdesstrobe : std_logic;
signal icascade1 : std_logic_vector(sys_w-1 downto 0);
signal icascade2 : std_logic_vector(sys_w-1 downto 0);
signal clk_in_inv : std_logic;
-- We have multiple bits- step over every bit, instantiating the required elements
pins: for pin_count in 0 to sys_w-1 generate
-- Instantiate the buffers
-- Instantiate a buffer for every bit of the data bus
ibufds_inst : IBUFDS
generic map (
DIFF_TERM => TRUE, -- Differential termination
port map (
I => DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_P (pin_count),
IB => DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_N (pin_count),
O => data_in_from_pins_int(pin_count));
-- Pass through the delay
data_in_from_pins_delay(pin_count) <= data_in_from_pins_int(pin_count);
-- Instantiate the serdes primitive
clk_in_inv <= not (CLK_IN);
-- declare the iserdes
iserdese1_master : ISERDESE1
generic map (
NUM_CE => 2,
IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- Use input at D to output the data on Q1-Q6
port map (
Q1 => iserdes_q(0)(pin_count),
Q2 => iserdes_q(1)(pin_count),
Q3 => iserdes_q(2)(pin_count),
Q4 => iserdes_q(3)(pin_count),
Q5 => iserdes_q(4)(pin_count),
Q6 => iserdes_q(5)(pin_count),
SHIFTOUT1 => icascade1(pin_count), -- Cascade connection to Slave ISERDES
SHIFTOUT2 => icascade2(pin_count), -- Cascade connection to Slave ISERDES
BITSLIP => BITSLIP, -- 1-bit Invoke Bitslip. This can be used with any
-- DATA_WIDTH, cascaded or not.
CE1 => clock_enable, -- 1-bit Clock enable input
CE2 => clock_enable, -- 1-bit Clock enable input
CLK => CLK_IN, -- Fast Source Synchronous SERDES clock from BUFIO
CLKB => clk_in_inv, -- Locally inverted clock
CLKDIV => CLK_DIV_IN, -- Slow clock driven by BUFR
D => data_in_from_pins_delay(pin_count), -- 1-bit Input signal from IOB.
DDLY => '0',
RST => IO_RESET, -- 1-bit Asynchronous reset only.
SHIFTIN1 => '0',
SHIFTIN2 => '0',
-- unused connections
OFB => '0',
OCLK => '0',
O => open); -- unregistered output of ISERDESE1
iserdese1_slave : ISERDESE1
generic map (
NUM_CE => 2,
IOBDELAY => "NONE", -- Use input at D to output the data on Q1-Q6
port map (
Q1 => open,
Q2 => open,
Q3 => iserdes_q(6)(pin_count),
Q4 => iserdes_q(7)(pin_count),
Q5 => iserdes_q(8)(pin_count),
Q6 => iserdes_q(9)(pin_count),
SHIFTOUT1 => open,
SHIFTOUT2 => open,
SHIFTIN1 => icascade1(pin_count), -- Cascade connections from Master ISERDES
SHIFTIN2 => icascade2(pin_count), -- Cascade connections from Master ISERDES
BITSLIP => BITSLIP, -- 1-bit Invoke Bitslip. This can be used with any
-- DATA_WIDTH, cascaded or not.
CE1 => clock_enable, -- 1-bit Clock enable input
CE2 => clock_enable, -- 1-bit Clock enable input
CLK => CLK_IN, -- Fast source synchronous serdes clock
CLKB => clk_in_inv, -- locally inverted clock
CLKDIV => CLK_DIV_IN, -- Slow clock sriven by BUFR.
D => '0', -- Slave ISERDES module. No need to connect D, DDLY
DDLY => '0',
RST => IO_RESET, -- 1-bit Asynchronous reset only.
-- unused connections
OFB => '0',
OCLK => '0',
O => open); -- unregistered output of ISERDESE1
-- Concatenate the serdes outputs together. Keep the timesliced
-- bits together, and placing the earliest bits on the right
-- ie, if data comes in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ...
-- the output will be 3210, 7654, ...
in_slices: for slice_count in 0 to num_serial_bits-1 generate begin
-- This places the first data in time on the right
-- DATA_IN_TO_DEVICE(slice_count) <=
-- iserdes_q(num_serial_bits-slice_count-1)(0);
-- To place the first data in time on the left, use the
-- following code, instead
DATA_IN_TO_DEVICE(slice_count) <=
end generate in_slices;
end generate pins;
end xilinx;
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/myserdes_ddr_wrapper.vhd
0,0 → 1,78
-- wrapper for the iserdes_ddr and pack_data
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
entity myserdes_ddr_wrapper is
(-- width of the data for the system
sys_w : integer := 1;
-- width of the data for the device
dev_w : integer := 8);
port (
clk_in : in std_logic;
clk_in_div : in std_logic;
data_in_from_pins_p : in std_logic;
data_in_from_pins_n : in std_logic;
data_in_to_device : out std_logic_vector( dev_w - 1 downto 0 );
bitslip : in std_logic;
rst_in : in std_logic );
end myserdes_ddr_wrapper;
architecture behavioral of myserdes_ddr_wrapper is
component myserdes_ddr is
(-- width of the data for the system
sys_w : integer := 1;
-- width of the data for the device
dev_w : integer := 8);
-- From the system into the device
DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_P : in std_logic_vector(sys_w-1 downto 0);
DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_N : in std_logic_vector(sys_w-1 downto 0);
DATA_IN_TO_DEVICE : out std_logic_vector(dev_w-1 downto 0);
BITSLIP : in std_logic; -- Bitslip module is enabled in NETWORKING mode
-- User should tie it to '0' if not needed
-- Clock and reset signals
CLK_IN : in std_logic; -- Fast clock from IOB, after IBUFGDS and BUFIO
CLK_DIV_IN : in std_logic; -- Divided fast clock from IBUFGDS and BUFR
IO_RESET : in std_logic); -- Reset signal for IO circuit
end component;
-- data in signal:
signal s_data_in_from_pins_p : std_logic_vector( sys_w-1 downto 0 );
signal s_data_in_from_pins_n : std_logic_vector( sys_w-1 downto 0 );
-- convert std_logic to std_logic_vector
s_data_in_from_pins_n(0) <= data_in_from_pins_n;
s_data_in_from_pins_p(0) <= data_in_from_pins_p;
-- instantiate the myserdes_ddr
myserdes_ddr_inst : myserdes_ddr
port map (
DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_P => s_data_in_from_pins_p, DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_N => s_data_in_from_pins_n,
DATA_IN_TO_DEVICE => data_in_to_device,
BITSLIP => bitslip, CLK_IN => clk_in, CLK_DIV_IN => clk_in_div, IO_RESET => rst_in );
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/processing_block.vhd
0,0 → 1,185
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
library utilities;
entity processing_block is
port (
-- clock:
clk_iserdes_in : in std_logic;
clk_iserdes_in_div : in std_logic;
clk_global : in std_logic;
-- reset:
rst : in std_logic;
-- bitslip:
bitslip : in std_logic;
bitslip_done : in std_logic; -- todo: use this
bitslip_drop_byte : in std_logic;
-- input signal:
in_data_p : in std_logic;
in_data_n : in std_logic;
in_data_swap_pn : in std_logic;
-- input switch for counter output:
in_output_counting : in std_logic;
-- output after iserdes and pack16 for bitslip:
o_iserdes_output : out std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
o_iserdes_output_valid : out std_logic;
-- output fwft FIFO:
o_data : out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
o_valid : out std_logic;
i_rden : in std_logic
end processing_block;
architecture behavioral of processing_block is
component swap_endianness
port (
i_data : in std_logic_vector;
o_data : out std_logic_vector
end component;
component fifo_32x512_dualclk_fwft
port (
rst : in std_logic;
wr_clk : in std_logic;
rd_clk : in std_logic;
din : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
wr_en : in std_logic;
rd_en : in std_logic;
dout : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
full : out std_logic;
empty : out std_logic;
valid : out std_logic
end component;
component myserdes_ddr_wrapper
( sys_w : integer := 1;
dev_w : integer := 8);
port (
clk_in : in std_logic;
clk_in_div : in std_logic;
data_in_from_pins_p : in std_logic;
data_in_from_pins_n : in std_logic;
data_in_to_device : out std_logic_vector( dev_w - 1 downto 0 );
bitslip : in std_logic;
rst_in : in std_logic );
end component;
component saw_generator_wrapper
generic (
G_INCREASE_EVERY_NTH : positive := 4
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
o_valid : out std_logic;
o_data : out std_logic_vector
end component;
-- Frame signal
signal s_in_frame_for_data : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0 );
signal s_in_frame_for_data_precorrect : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0 );
signal s_in_frame_for_data_packed16 : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
signal s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_le : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
signal s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_swapped : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
signal s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_valid : std_logic;
signal s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_valid_wbitslip_done : std_logic;
signal s_in_frame_for_data_packed32 : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_in_frame_for_data_packed32_valid : std_logic;
signal s_rst_n : std_logic;
-- counter:
signal s_counter_valid : std_logic;
signal s_counter_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
-- selection signals for the final FIFO:
signal s_selected_source_valid : std_logic;
signal s_selected_source_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
-- byte drop request
signal s_bitslip_drop_byte_n : std_logic;
s_rst_n <= not rst;
s_bitslip_drop_byte_n <= not bitslip_drop_byte;
-- iserdes wrapper:
myserdes_ddr_wrapper_inst : myserdes_ddr_wrapper
port map (
clk_in => clk_iserdes_in, clk_in_div => clk_iserdes_in_div,
data_in_from_pins_p => in_data_p, data_in_from_pins_n => in_data_n, data_in_to_device => s_in_frame_for_data_precorrect,
bitslip => bitslip, rst_in => rst );
-- correct hardware swapping of P&N wires:
s_in_frame_for_data <= s_in_frame_for_data_precorrect when in_data_swap_pn = '0' else
not s_in_frame_for_data_precorrect;
-- glue two parts to 16-bit full data:
glue_data_inst : entity work.glue_data
port map (
i_clk => clk_iserdes_in_div, i_reset_n => s_rst_n,
i_data => s_in_frame_for_data, i_valid => s_bitslip_drop_byte_n, o_enable => open,
o_data => s_in_frame_for_data_packed16, o_valid => s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_valid, i_enable => '1' );
-- output the 16-bit to manage bitslip:
o_iserdes_output <= s_in_frame_for_data_packed16;
o_iserdes_output_valid <= s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_valid;
-- these data go further after bitslip has been set:
s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_le <= s_in_frame_for_data_packed16;
s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_valid_wbitslip_done <= bitslip_done and s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_valid;
-- insert the pack block to 32 bits:
pack_data32_inst : entity utilities.pack_data
generic map (
port map (
i_clk => clk_iserdes_in_div, i_reset_n => s_rst_n,
i_data => s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_le, i_valid => s_in_frame_for_data_packed16_valid_wbitslip_done, o_enable => open,
o_data => s_in_frame_for_data_packed32, o_valid => s_in_frame_for_data_packed32_valid, i_enable => '1' );
-- counter:
counter_inst : saw_generator_wrapper
generic map( G_INCREASE_EVERY_NTH => 4 )
port map(
i_clk => clk_iserdes_in_div, i_rst => rst, o_valid => s_counter_valid, o_data => s_counter_data );
-- output either the grabbed data or the counter, based on request:
s_selected_source_valid <= s_counter_valid when in_output_counting = '1' else s_in_frame_for_data_packed32_valid;
s_selected_source_data <= s_counter_data when in_output_counting = '1' else s_in_frame_for_data_packed32;
-- insert the cross-domain FIFO:
cross_domain_fifo_inst : fifo_32x512_dualclk_fwft
port map (
rst => rst, wr_clk => clk_iserdes_in_div, rd_clk => clk_global,
din => s_selected_source_data, wr_en => s_selected_source_valid, full => open,
dout => o_data, valid => o_valid, rd_en => i_rden, empty => open );
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/saw_generator_wrapper.vhd
0,0 → 1,47
-- increase output every fourth clock cycle
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library sychro1;
entity saw_generator_wrapper is
generic (
G_INCREASE_EVERY_NTH : positive := 4
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
o_valid : out std_logic;
o_data : out std_logic_vector
end saw_generator_wrapper;
architecture behavioral of saw_generator_wrapper is
signal s_modulo_counter_carry : std_logic;
-- first counter that counts modulo G_INCREASE_EVERY_NTH to generate a valid signal for the second counter
-- and the output:
modulo_up_counter : entity sychro1.up_counter
generic map ( G_MIN_NUMBER => 0, G_MAX_NUMBER => G_INCREASE_EVERY_NTH - 1 )
port map ( i_clk => i_clk, i_rst => i_rst, i_valid => '1', o_data => open, o_carry => s_modulo_counter_carry );
-- the second counter:
main_up_counter : entity sychro1.up_counter_stdlv
generic map ( G_BITS => o_data'length, G_MIN_NUMBER => ( o_data'range => '0' ), G_MAX_NUMBER => ( o_data'range => '1' ) )
port map( i_clk => i_clk, i_rst => i_rst, i_valid => s_modulo_counter_carry, o_data => o_data, o_carry => open );
-- signal connection:
o_valid <= s_modulo_counter_carry;
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/spi_transmitter_wrapper2.vhd
0,0 → 1,123
-- wrapper for the SPI master transmitter logic
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
library comm;
entity spi_transmitter_wrapper is
generic (
G_DATA1 : std_logic_vector;
G_DATA2 : std_logic_vector;
G_NUM_BITS_PACKET : integer;
G_NUM_PACKETS : integer;
G_NUM_BITS_PAUSE : integer
port (
-- input clock:
i_clk125 : in std_logic;
i_reset : in std_logic;
i_data_selector : in std_logic;
o_done : out std_logic;
-- SPI output:
OUT_SPI_N_CE : OUT std_logic_vector;
OUT_SPI_DOUT : OUT std_logic;
OUT_SPI_CLK : OUT std_logic
end spi_transmitter_wrapper;
architecture behavioral of spi_transmitter_wrapper is
component clk_125MHz_to_6MHz
(-- Clock in ports
CLK_IN_125 : in std_logic;
-- Clock out ports
CLK_OUT_6 : out std_logic
end component;
-- divided clock:
signal s_spi_input_clk : std_logic;
signal s_clk_6MHz : std_logic;
signal s_clk_125kHz_tmp : std_logic;
attribute clock_signal : string;
attribute clock_signal of s_spi_input_clk : signal is "yes";
-- SPI output pins registers:
signal s_out_spi_n_ce_d : std_logic_vector( OUT_SPI_N_CE'range );
signal s_out_spi_dout_d : std_logic;
signal s_out_spi_clk_d : std_logic;
-- pack the OUT registers to IOB so that the timing is better:
attribute iob : string;
attribute iob of OUT_SPI_N_CE : signal is "FORCE";
attribute iob of OUT_SPI_DOUT : signal is "FORCE";
attribute iob of OUT_SPI_CLK : signal is "FORCE";
-- IP Core clock wizard:
clk_125MHz_to_6MHz_inst : clk_125MHz_to_6MHz
port map ( CLK_IN_125 => i_clk125, CLK_OUT_6 => s_clk_6MHz );
-- ~1MHz clock:
BUFR_inst : BUFR
generic map (
port map (
O => s_clk_125kHz_tmp, -- s_spi_input_clk
CE => '1',
CLR => '0',
I => s_clk_6MHz
BUFR2_inst : BUFR
generic map (
port map (
O => s_spi_input_clk,
CE => '1',
CLR => '0',
I => s_clk_125kHz_tmp
-- SPI master transmitter:
spi_transmit_inst : entity comm.spi_master_transmit
generic map(
port map(
i_clk => s_spi_input_clk, i_rst => i_reset, i_data_selector => i_data_selector,
o_done => o_done,
o_n_ce => s_out_spi_n_ce_d,
o_dout => s_out_spi_dout_d,
o_clk => s_out_spi_clk_d
-- registers:
registered_spi_output : process( s_clk_6MHz )
if( rising_edge( s_clk_6MHz ) ) then
OUT_SPI_N_CE <= s_out_spi_n_ce_d;
OUT_SPI_DOUT <= s_out_spi_dout_d;
OUT_SPI_CLK <= s_out_spi_clk_d;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/swap_endianness.vhd
0,0 → 1,24
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity swap_endianness is
port (
i_data : in std_logic_vector;
o_data : out std_logic_vector
end swap_endianness;
architecture behavioral of swap_endianness is
assert ( i_data'length = o_data'length ) report "The input and output data lengths have to match." severity failure;
assert ( i_data'length mod 8 = 0 ) report "The data length has to be divisible by 8. (Whole bytes)." severity failure;
swap_gen : for i in 0 to ((i_data'length / 8) - 1) generate
o_data( 8*(i+1) - 1 downto 8*i ) <= i_data( i_data'length - 8*i - 1 downto i_data'length - 8*(i+1) );
end generate;
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/userlogiccmp_template.vhd
0,0 → 1,82
-- Dummy user_logic_cmp_winfo
-- Uses only data1 stream and simply adds to each byte a given number
-- uses the information_block entity for version/type control
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity user_logic_cmp is
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
-- data1 interface:
i_data1in_data : in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
i_data1in_valid : in std_logic;
o_data1in_enable : out std_logic;
o_data1out_data : out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
o_data1out_valid : out std_logic;
i_data1out_enable : in std_logic;
-- data2 interface:
i_data2in_data : in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
i_data2in_valid : in std_logic;
o_data2in_enable : out std_logic;
o_data2out_data : out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
o_data2out_valid : out std_logic;
i_data2out_enable : in std_logic;
-- control interface:
i_controlin_data : in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
i_controlin_valid : in std_logic;
o_controlin_enable : out std_logic;
o_controlout_data : out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
o_controlout_valid : out std_logic;
i_controlout_enable : in std_logic
end entity;
architecture behavioral of user_logic_cmp is
component information_block is
port (
clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic;
-- Input side:
i_data : in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 ); i_valid : in std_logic; o_enable : out std_logic;
-- Output side:
o_data : out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 ); o_valid : out std_logic; i_enable : in std_logic );
end component;
-- Example how to read and transmit data:
sum_process : process( i_clk )
if( rising_edge( i_clk ) ) then
if( i_rst = '1' ) then
o_data1out_data <= ( others => '0' );
o_data1out_valid <= '0';
o_data1out_data( 31 downto 24 ) <= std_logic_vector( unsigned(i_data1in_data( 31 downto 24 )) + to_unsigned(1,8) );
o_data1out_data( 23 downto 16 ) <= std_logic_vector( unsigned(i_data1in_data( 23 downto 16 )) + to_unsigned(2,8) );
o_data1out_data( 15 downto 8 ) <= std_logic_vector( unsigned(i_data1in_data( 15 downto 8 )) + to_unsigned(3,8) );
o_data1out_data( 7 downto 0 ) <= std_logic_vector( unsigned(i_data1in_data( 7 downto 0 )) + to_unsigned(4,8) );
o_data1out_valid <= i_data1in_valid;
end if;
end if;
end process;
o_data1in_enable <= i_data1out_enable;
-- information_block:
info_block_inst : information_block
port map (
clk => i_clk, rst => i_rst,
i_data => i_controlin_data, i_valid => i_controlin_valid, o_enable => o_controlin_enable,
o_data => o_controlout_data, o_valid => o_controlout_valid, i_enable => i_controlout_enable );
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/xilly/xilly_toplevel.userlogiccmp_kakona.vhd
0,0 → 1,543
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
library sychro1;
library utilities;
library comm;
library kakona;
use kakona.kakona_package.all;
entity xilly_toplevel is
port (
-- FMC & other ports:
-- local oscillator to be divided
IN_CLK_LO_N : IN std_logic;
IN_CLK_LO_P : IN std_logic;
-- divided clock
-- input data:
-- clock:
IN_CLK_FOR_DATA_P : IN std_logic;
IN_CLK_FOR_DATA_N : IN std_logic;
-- frame signal:
IN_FRAME_FOR_DATA_N : IN std_logic;
IN_FRAME_FOR_DATA_P : IN std_logic;
-- data from ADCs:
IN_DATA_ADC_P : IN std_logic_vector( C_NUM_INPUT_ADC_DATA_PORTS - 1 downto 0 );
IN_DATA_ADC_N : IN std_logic_vector( C_NUM_INPUT_ADC_DATA_PORTS - 1 downto 0 );
-- our LEDs:
GPIO_LED2 : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
-- SPI communication block:
OUT_SPI_N_CE : OUT std_logic_vector( C_NUM_INPUT_ADC_MODULES-1 downto 0 );
OUT_SPI_DOUT : OUT std_logic;
OUT_SPI_CLK : OUT std_logic;
-- test:
--OUT_TEST1 : OUT std_logic;
-- dummy inputs due to incorrect soldering -- pins are hardconnected to ground.
IN_DUMMY : IN std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0 );
GPIO_DIP_SW : IN std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0 );
-- original xillybus-only ports:
PCIE_PERST_B_LS : IN std_logic;
PCIE_REFCLK_N : IN std_logic;
PCIE_REFCLK_P : IN std_logic;
PCIE_RX_N : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_RX_P : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
GPIO_LED : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_TX_N : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_TX_P : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0));
end xilly_toplevel;
architecture behavioral of xilly_toplevel is
component multiplexer_from_fifos
( G_NUM_CHANNELS : natural := 2; -- number of channels
G_DATA_WIDTH : natural := 32 -- data width of individual packets
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
-- input side
i_data : in std_logic_vector( G_DATA_WIDTH*G_NUM_CHANNELS - 1 downto 0 );
i_valid : in std_logic_vector( G_NUM_CHANNELS - 1 downto 0 );
o_rden : out std_logic_vector( G_NUM_CHANNELS - 1 downto 0 );
-- output side
o_data : out std_logic_vector( G_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0 );
o_valid : out std_logic;
i_full : in std_logic
end component;
COMPONENT fifo_32x512_walmostfull
srst : IN STD_LOGIC;
wr_en : IN STD_LOGIC;
rd_en : IN STD_LOGIC;
empty : OUT STD_LOGIC;
valid : OUT STD_LOGIC;
prog_full : OUT STD_LOGIC
component bitslip_compensation
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
i_data : in std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
i_valid : in std_logic;
o_bitslip : out std_logic;
o_bitslip_done : out std_logic;
o_bitslip_drop_byte : out std_logic;
o_bitslip_failed : out std_logic
end component;
component iserdes_clock_generator
-- Clock and reset signals
CLK_IN_P : in std_logic; -- Differential fast clock from IOB
CLK_IN_N : in std_logic;
CLK_OUT : out std_logic; -- Fast clock output (synchronous to data)
CLK_DIV_OUT : out std_logic; -- Slow clock output
CLK_RESET : in std_logic); -- Reset signal for Clock circuit
end component;
component xillybus
port (
PCIE_PERST_B_LS : IN std_logic;
PCIE_REFCLK_N : IN std_logic;
PCIE_REFCLK_P : IN std_logic;
PCIE_RX_N : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_RX_P : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
GPIO_LED : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_TX_N : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_TX_P : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
bus_clk : OUT std_logic;
quiesce : OUT std_logic;
user_r_control_r_rden : OUT std_logic;
user_r_control_r_empty : IN std_logic := '0';
user_r_control_r_data : IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0) := ( others => '0' );
user_r_control_r_eof : IN std_logic := '0';
user_r_control_r_open : OUT std_logic;
user_w_control_w_wren : OUT std_logic;
user_w_control_w_full : IN std_logic := '0';
user_w_control_w_data : OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
user_w_control_w_open : OUT std_logic;
user_r_data1_r_rden : OUT std_logic;
user_r_data1_r_empty : IN std_logic;
user_r_data1_r_data : IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
user_r_data1_r_eof : IN std_logic;
user_r_data1_r_open : OUT std_logic;
user_w_data1_w_wren : OUT std_logic;
user_w_data1_w_full : IN std_logic;
user_w_data1_w_data : OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
user_w_data1_w_open : OUT std_logic;
user_r_data2_r_rden : OUT std_logic;
user_r_data2_r_empty : IN std_logic := '0';
user_r_data2_r_data : IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0) := ( others => '0' );
user_r_data2_r_eof : IN std_logic := '0';
user_r_data2_r_open : OUT std_logic;
user_w_data2_w_wren : OUT std_logic;
user_w_data2_w_full : IN std_logic := '0';
user_w_data2_w_data : OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
user_w_data2_w_open : OUT std_logic);
end component;
component xilly_userlogiccmp_wrapper
port (
i_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
user_r_control_r_rden : in std_logic := '0';
user_r_control_r_empty : out std_logic := '1';
user_r_control_r_data : out std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
user_w_control_w_wren : in std_logic := '0';
user_w_control_w_full : out std_logic := '0';
user_w_control_w_data : in std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0) := ( others => '0' );
user_r_data1_r_rden : in std_logic := '0';
user_r_data1_r_empty : out std_logic := '1';
user_r_data1_r_data : out std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
user_w_data1_w_wren : in std_logic := '0';
user_w_data1_w_full : out std_logic := '0';
user_w_data1_w_data : in std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0) := ( others => '0' );
user_r_data2_r_rden : in std_logic := '0';
user_r_data2_r_empty : out std_logic := '1';
user_r_data2_r_data : out std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
user_w_data2_w_wren : in std_logic := '0';
user_w_data2_w_full : out std_logic := '0';
user_w_data2_w_data : in std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0) := ( others => '0' )
end component;
signal bus_clk : std_logic;
signal quiesce : std_logic;
signal user_r_control_r_rden : std_logic;
signal user_r_control_r_empty : std_logic;
signal user_r_control_r_data : std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
--signal user_r_control_r_eof : std_logic;
signal user_r_control_r_open : std_logic;
signal user_w_control_w_wren : std_logic;
signal user_w_control_w_full : std_logic;
signal user_w_control_w_data : std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
signal user_w_control_w_open : std_logic;
signal user_r_data1_r_rden : std_logic;
signal user_r_data1_r_empty : std_logic;
signal user_r_data1_r_data : std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
--signal user_r_data1_r_eof : std_logic;
signal user_r_data1_r_open : std_logic;
signal user_w_data1_w_wren : std_logic;
signal user_w_data1_w_full : std_logic;
signal user_w_data1_w_data : std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
signal user_w_data1_w_open : std_logic;
signal user_r_data2_r_rden : std_logic;
signal user_r_data2_r_empty : std_logic;
signal user_r_data2_r_data : std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
--signal user_r_data2_r_eof : std_logic;
signal user_r_data2_r_open : std_logic;
signal user_w_data2_w_wren : std_logic;
signal user_w_data2_w_full : std_logic;
signal user_w_data2_w_data : std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
signal user_w_data2_w_open : std_logic;
-- reset signal from xillybus. '1' when no device is open
signal s_reset : std_logic;
-- generated clock from ADC by iserdes_clock_generator:
signal s_iserdes_clk : std_logic;
signal s_iserdes_clk_div : std_logic;
-- Frame signal
signal s_data16_to_bitslip : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
signal s_data16_to_bitslip_valid : std_logic;
signal s_bitslip : std_logic;
signal s_bitslip_done : std_logic;
signal s_bitslip_drop_byte : std_logic;
signal s_bitslip_failed : std_logic;
signal s_bitslip_regged : std_logic;
signal s_bitslip_drop_byte_regged : std_logic;
-- from all ADC processing blocks:
signal s_from_processing_blocks_data : std_logic_vector( (C_NUM_INPUT_ADC_DATA_PORTS+1)*32 - 1 downto 0 ); -- +1 is space for output from frame
signal s_from_processing_blocks_valid : std_logic_vector( C_NUM_INPUT_ADC_DATA_PORTS+1 - 1 downto 0 );
signal s_from_processing_blocks_rden : std_logic_vector( C_NUM_INPUT_ADC_DATA_PORTS+1 - 1 downto 0 );
-- from multiplexer:
signal s_from_multiplexer_data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal s_from_multiplexer_valid : std_logic;
signal s_from_multiplexer_full : std_logic;
-- SPI communication module:
signal s_spi_done : std_logic;
-- GPIO_DIP_SW register
signal s_gpio_dip_sw : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0 );
signal s_valid_for_bitslip_processing : std_logic;
-- Xillybus instantiation:
xillybus_ins : xillybus
port map (
-- Ports related to /dev/xillybus_control_r
-- FPGA to CPU signals:
user_r_control_r_rden => user_r_control_r_rden,
user_r_control_r_empty => user_r_control_r_empty,
user_r_control_r_data => user_r_control_r_data,
user_r_control_r_eof => '0',
user_r_control_r_open => user_r_control_r_open,
-- Ports related to /dev/xillybus_control_w
-- CPU to FPGA signals:
user_w_control_w_wren => user_w_control_w_wren,
user_w_control_w_full => user_w_control_w_full,
user_w_control_w_data => user_w_control_w_data,
user_w_control_w_open => user_w_control_w_open,
-- Ports related to /dev/xillybus_data1_r
-- FPGA to CPU signals:
user_r_data1_r_rden => user_r_data1_r_rden,
user_r_data1_r_empty => user_r_data1_r_empty,
user_r_data1_r_data => user_r_data1_r_data,
user_r_data1_r_eof => '0',
user_r_data1_r_open => user_r_data1_r_open,
-- Ports related to /dev/xillybus_data1_w
-- CPU to FPGA signals:
user_w_data1_w_wren => user_w_data1_w_wren,
user_w_data1_w_full => user_w_data1_w_full,
user_w_data1_w_data => user_w_data1_w_data,
user_w_data1_w_open => user_w_data1_w_open,
-- Ports related to /dev/xillybus_data2_r
-- FPGA to CPU signals:
user_r_data2_r_rden => user_r_data2_r_rden,
user_r_data2_r_empty => user_r_data2_r_empty,
user_r_data2_r_data => user_r_data2_r_data,
user_r_data2_r_eof => '0',
user_r_data2_r_open => user_r_data2_r_open,
-- Ports related to /dev/xillybus_data2_w
-- CPU to FPGA signals:
user_w_data2_w_wren => user_w_data2_w_wren,
user_w_data2_w_full => user_w_data2_w_full,
user_w_data2_w_data => user_w_data2_w_data,
user_w_data2_w_open => user_w_data2_w_open,
-- General signals
bus_clk => bus_clk,
quiesce => quiesce
s_reset <= '0' when user_r_control_r_open = '1' or
user_w_control_w_open = '1' or
user_r_data1_r_open = '1' or
user_w_data1_w_open = '1' or
user_r_data2_r_open = '1' or
user_w_data2_w_open = '1' or
s_gpio_dip_sw(0) = '0' else
-- register the gpio_dip_sw(0) with the 125MHz clock:
registers_for_gpio0 : process( bus_clk )
if( rising_edge( bus_clk ) ) then
s_gpio_dip_sw(0) <= gpio_dip_sw(0);
s_gpio_dip_sw(2) <= gpio_dip_sw(2); -- used for SPI confifuration block that is clocked with bus_clk
end if;
end process;
-- register the gpio_dip_sw(1) with the clk_div clock:
registers_for_gpio1 : process( s_iserdes_clk_div )
if( rising_edge( s_iserdes_clk_div ) ) then
s_gpio_dip_sw(1) <= gpio_dip_sw(1);
end if;
end process;
-- xilly_userlogiccmp_wrapper instantiation:
xilly_userlogiccmp_wrapper_inst : xilly_userlogiccmp_wrapper
port map (
i_clk => bus_clk,
i_rst => s_reset,
user_r_control_r_rden => user_r_control_r_rden,
user_r_control_r_empty => user_r_control_r_empty,
user_r_control_r_data => user_r_control_r_data,
user_w_control_w_wren => user_w_control_w_wren,
user_w_control_w_full => user_w_control_w_full,
user_w_control_w_data => user_w_control_w_data,
user_r_data1_r_rden => user_r_data1_r_rden,
user_r_data1_r_empty => user_r_data1_r_empty,
user_r_data1_r_data => user_r_data1_r_data,
user_w_data1_w_wren => user_w_data1_w_wren,
user_w_data1_w_full => user_w_data1_w_full,
user_w_data1_w_data => user_w_data1_w_data,
-- user_r_data2_r_rden => user_r_data2_r_rden,
-- user_r_data2_r_empty => user_r_data2_r_empty,
-- user_r_data2_r_data => user_r_data2_r_data,
-- user_w_data2_w_wren => user_w_data2_w_wren,
-- user_w_data2_w_full => user_w_data2_w_full,
-- user_w_data2_w_data => user_w_data2_w_data
user_r_data2_r_rden => open,
user_r_data2_r_empty => open,
user_r_data2_r_data => open,
user_w_data2_w_wren => open,
user_w_data2_w_full => open,
user_w_data2_w_data => open
-- tie outputs:
--OUT_TEST1 <= '0';
GPIO_LED2(0) <= s_bitslip_done;
GPIO_LED2(1) <= s_bitslip_failed;
GPIO_LED2(2) <= s_bitslip_drop_byte_regged;
GPIO_LED2(3) <= s_bitslip_regged;
ddd : process( s_iserdes_clk_div )
if( rising_edge( s_iserdes_clk_div ) ) then
if( s_reset = '1' ) then
s_bitslip_regged <= '0';
s_bitslip_drop_byte_regged <= '0';
s_bitslip_regged <= s_bitslip_regged or s_bitslip;
s_bitslip_drop_byte_regged <= s_bitslip_drop_byte_regged or s_bitslip_drop_byte;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Clock generator:
iserdes_clock_generator_inst : iserdes_clock_generator
port map (
CLK_OUT => s_iserdes_clk, CLK_DIV_OUT => s_iserdes_clk_div, CLK_RESET => '0' );
-- FRAME signal processing block:
frame_processing_block_inst : entity work.processing_block
port map (
clk_iserdes_in => s_iserdes_clk, clk_iserdes_in_div => s_iserdes_clk_div, clk_global => bus_clk,
rst => s_reset,
bitslip => s_bitslip, bitslip_done => s_bitslip_done, bitslip_drop_byte => s_bitslip_drop_byte,
in_data_p => IN_FRAME_FOR_DATA_P, in_data_n => IN_FRAME_FOR_DATA_N,
in_data_swap_pn => C_FRAME_WIRES_SWAPPED_PN,
in_output_counting => s_gpio_dip_sw(1),
o_iserdes_output => s_data16_to_bitslip,
o_iserdes_output_valid => s_data16_to_bitslip_valid,
o_data => s_from_processing_blocks_data( 31 downto 0 ),
o_valid => s_from_processing_blocks_valid( 0 ),
i_rden => s_from_processing_blocks_rden( 0 )
-- bitslip processing:
s_valid_for_bitslip_processing <= s_data16_to_bitslip_valid and s_spi_done;
bitslip_compensation_inst : bitslip_compensation
port map (
clk => s_iserdes_clk_div, rst => s_reset,
i_data => s_data16_to_bitslip, i_valid => s_valid_for_bitslip_processing,
o_bitslip => s_bitslip, o_bitslip_done => s_bitslip_done, o_bitslip_drop_byte => s_bitslip_drop_byte, o_bitslip_failed => s_bitslip_failed );
-- ADCs signal processing blocks:
adc_proc_block_gen : for i in 0 to C_NUM_INPUT_ADC_DATA_PORTS - 1 generate
adc_processing_block_inst : entity work.processing_block
port map (
clk_iserdes_in => s_iserdes_clk, clk_iserdes_in_div => s_iserdes_clk_div, clk_global => bus_clk,
rst => s_reset,
bitslip => s_bitslip, bitslip_done => s_bitslip_done, bitslip_drop_byte => s_bitslip_drop_byte,
in_data_p => IN_DATA_ADC_P(i), in_data_n => IN_DATA_ADC_N(i),
in_data_swap_pn => C_DATA_WIRES_SWAPPED_PN(i),
in_output_counting => '0',
o_iserdes_output => open, o_iserdes_output_valid => open,
o_data => s_from_processing_blocks_data( 32*(i+1+1) - 1 downto 32*(i+1) ), -- i+1, because 31 downto 0 is used by the FRAME result
o_valid => s_from_processing_blocks_valid( i + 1 ),
i_rden => s_from_processing_blocks_rden( i + 1 )
end generate;
-- multiplexer:
multiplexer_from_fifos_inst : multiplexer_from_fifos
generic map (
G_DATA_WIDTH => 32 )
port map (
clk => bus_clk, rst => s_reset,
i_data => s_from_processing_blocks_data, i_valid => s_from_processing_blocks_valid,
o_rden => s_from_processing_blocks_rden,
o_data => s_from_multiplexer_data, o_valid => s_from_multiplexer_valid, i_full => s_from_multiplexer_full
-- interface to xillybus:
-- FIFO_OUT instantiation:
data2_frame_fifo_out_inst : fifo_32x512_walmostfull
port map (
clk => bus_clk, srst => s_reset,
din => s_from_multiplexer_data, wr_en => s_from_multiplexer_valid, full => open, prog_full => s_from_multiplexer_full,
dout => user_r_data2_r_data, rd_en => user_r_data2_r_rden, empty => user_r_data2_r_empty, valid => open );
-- LO - Local Oscillator division module:
-- TODO: not tested: addition of the CE input. Will the ADCs configure themselves without CLOCK?
lo_divider_wrapper_inst : entity work.lo_divider_wrapper
generic map ( G_DIVISOR => 30 )
port map (
IN_CLK_LO_N => IN_CLK_LO_N, IN_CLK_LO_P => IN_CLK_LO_P, in_clk_enable => '1',
spi_transmitter_wrapper_inst : entity work.spi_transmitter_wrapper
generic map(
port map(
i_clk125 => bus_clk, i_reset => s_reset, i_data_selector => s_gpio_dip_sw(2),
o_done => s_spi_done,
end architecture;
//Designs/HAM Constructions/SDRX02B/HDL/project_src/xillybus_ml605_kakona.ucf
0,0 → 1,197
CONFIG PART = xc6vlx240t-ff1156-1;
# The location constraints for REFCLK are implicitly given by the choice
# of the input buffer.
INST "*/pcieclk_ibuf" LOC = IBUFDS_GTXE1_X0Y4;
INST "*/pcie/pcie_2_0_i/pcie_gt_i/gtx_v6_i/GTXD[0].GTX" LOC = GTXE1_X0Y15;
INST "*/pcie/pcie_2_0_i/pcie_gt_i/gtx_v6_i/GTXD[1].GTX" LOC = GTXE1_X0Y14;
INST "*/pcie/pcie_2_0_i/pcie_gt_i/gtx_v6_i/GTXD[2].GTX" LOC = GTXE1_X0Y13;
INST "*/pcie/pcie_2_0_i/pcie_gt_i/gtx_v6_i/GTXD[3].GTX" LOC = GTXE1_X0Y12;
INST "*/pcie/pcie_2_0_i/pcie_block_i" LOC = PCIE_X0Y1;
INST "*/pcie/pcie_clocking_i/mmcm_adv_i" LOC = MMCM_ADV_X0Y7;
NET "*/pcie/pcie_clocking_i/clk_125" TNM_NET = "CLK_125" ;
NET "*/pcie/TxOutClk_bufg" TNM_NET = "TXOUTCLKBUFG";
PIN "*/pcie/trn_reset_n_int_i.CLR" TIG ;
PIN "*/pcie/trn_reset_n_i.CLR" TIG ;
PIN "*/pcie/pcie_clocking_i/mmcm_adv_i.RST" TIG ;
NET "GPIO_LED[0]" LOC = "AC22"; # DS12
NET "GPIO_LED[1]" LOC = "AC24"; # DS11
NET "GPIO_LED[2]" LOC = "AE22"; # DS9
NET "GPIO_LED[3]" LOC = "AE23"; # DS10
############## SYCHRO1
# Incoming clock to be divided:
NET "IN_CLK_LO_N" LOC = "B10"; ## H5 on J63 FMC_LPC_CLK0_M2C_N
NET "IN_CLK_LO_P" LOC = "A10"; ## H4 on J63 FMC_LPC_CLK0_M2C_P
# Timing for that:
# Divided clock:
#nejde NET "OUT_CLK_LO_DIVIDED_N" LOC = "M5"; ## D5 on J63 "FMC_LPC_GBTCLK0_M2C_N"
#nejde NET "OUT_CLK_LO_DIVIDED_P" LOC = "M6"; ## D4 on J63 "FMC_LPC_GBTCLK0_M2C_P"
# Incoming clock synchronous to incoming data:
NET "IN_CLK_FOR_DATA_N" LOC = "G33"; ## G3 on J63 FMC_LPC_CLK1_M2C_N
NET "IN_CLK_FOR_DATA_P" LOC = "F33"; ## G2 on J63 FMC_LPC_CLK1_M2C_P
# Timing for that:
# Incoming frame signal:
NET "IN_FRAME_FOR_DATA_N" LOC = "L30"; ## C23 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA18_CC_N
NET "IN_FRAME_FOR_DATA_P" LOC = "L29"; ## C22 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA18_CC_P
# Incoming data signal:
NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[0]" LOC = "B33"; ## G19 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA16_N SAS-P2_0_N
NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[0]" LOC = "A33"; ## G18 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA16_P SAS-P2_0_P
NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[1]" LOC = "D32"; ## H17 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA11_N SAS-P2_1_N
NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[1]" LOC = "D31"; ## H16 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA11_P SAS-P2_1_P
NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[2]" LOC = "N29"; ## D21 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA17_CC_N SAS-P3_0_N
NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[2]" LOC = "N28"; ## D20 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA17_CC_P SAS-P3_0_P
NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[3]" LOC = "B32"; ## H20 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA15_N SAS-P3_1_N
NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[3]" LOC = "C32"; ## H19 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA15_P SAS-P3_1_P
# MiniSAS channels P0 and P1
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[0]" LOC = "J32"; ## G10 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA03_N SAS-P0_0_N
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[0]" LOC = "J31"; ## G9 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA03_P SAS-P0_0_P
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[1]" LOC = "J29"; ## H11 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA04_N SAS-P0_1_N
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[1]" LOC = "K28"; ## H10 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA04_P SAS-P0_1_P
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[2]" LOC = "K29"; ## G13 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA08_N SAS-P1_0_N
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[2]" LOC = "J30"; ## G12 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA08_P SAS-P1_0_P
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[3]" LOC = "H32"; ## H14 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA07_N SAS-P1_1_N
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[3]" LOC = "G32"; ## H13 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA07_P SAS-P1_1_P
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[0]" LOC = "R27"; ## D24 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA23_N
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[0]" LOC = "R28"; ## D23 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA23_P
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[1]" LOC = "M32"; ## D27 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA26_N
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[1]" LOC = "L33"; ## D26 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA26_P
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[2]" LOC = "J29"; ## H11 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA04_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[2]" LOC = "K28"; ## H10 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA04_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[3]" LOC = "H33"; ## D12 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA05_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[3]" LOC = "H34"; ## D11 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA05_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[4]" LOC = "J34"; ## C11 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA06_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[4]" LOC = "K33"; ## C10 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA06_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[5]" LOC = "H32"; ## H14 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA07_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[5]" LOC = "G32"; ## H13 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA07_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[6]" LOC = "K29"; ## G13 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA08_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[6]" LOC = "J30"; ## G12 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA08_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[7]" LOC = "L26"; ## D15 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA09_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[7]" LOC = "L25"; ## D14 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA09_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[8]" LOC = "G30"; ## C15 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA10_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[8]" LOC = "F30"; ## C14 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA10_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[9]" LOC = "D32"; ## H17 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA11_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[9]" LOC = "D31"; ## H16 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA11_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[10]" LOC = "E33"; ## G16 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA12_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[10]" LOC = "E32"; ## G15 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA12_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[11]" LOC = "C34"; ## D18 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA13_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[11]" LOC = "D34"; ## D17 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA13_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[12]" LOC = "B34"; ## C19 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA14_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[12]" LOC = "C33"; ## C18 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA14_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[13]" LOC = "B32"; ## H20 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA15_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[13]" LOC = "C32"; ## H19 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA15_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[14]" LOC = "B33"; ## G19 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA16_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[14]" LOC = "A33"; ## G18 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA16_P"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_N[15]" LOC = "N29"; ## D21 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA17_CC_N"
#NET "IN_DATA_ADC_P[15]" LOC = "N28"; ## D20 on J63 "FMC_LPC_LA17_CC_P"
# four other LEDs:
NET "GPIO_LED2[0]" LOC = "AB23"; ## 2 on LED DS15, 5 on J62
NET "GPIO_LED2[1]" LOC = "AG23"; ## 2 on LED DS14, 6 on J62
NET "GPIO_LED2[2]" LOC = "AE24"; ## 2 on LED DS22, 7 on J62
NET "GPIO_LED2[3]" LOC = "AD24"; ## 2 on LED DS21, 8 on J62
## SAS-interface AUX 1 ~ 8
#NET "SAS-AUX[1]" LOC = "B34"; ## C19 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA14_N
#NET "SAS-AUX[2]" LOC = "C33"; ## C18 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA14_P
#NET "SAS-AUX[3]" LOC = "E33"; ## G16 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA12_N
#NET "SAS-AUX[4]" LOC = "E32"; ## G15 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA12_P
#NET "SAS-AUX[5]" LOC = "C34"; ## D18 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA13_N ## SOLDERED TO GND
#NET "SAS-AUX[6]" LOC = "D34"; ## D17 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA13_P
#NET "SAS-AUX[7]" LOC = "L26"; ## D15 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA09_N
#NET "SAS-AUX[8]" LOC = "L25"; ## D14 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA09_P ## SOLDERED TO GND
## SAS-interface LVDS lines:
#NET "SAS-P0_0_N" LOC = "J32"; ## G10 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA03_N SAS-P0_0_N
#NET "SAS-P0_0_P" LOC = "J31"; ## G9 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA03_P SAS-P0_0_P
#NET "SAS-P0_1_N" LOC = "J29"; ## H11 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA04_N SAS-P0_1_N
#NET "SAS-P0_1_P" LOC = "K28"; ## H10 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA04_P SAS-P0_1_P
#NET "SAS-P1_0_N" LOC = "K29"; ## G13 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA08_N SAS-P1_0_N
#NET "SAS-P1_0_P" LOC = "J30"; ## G12 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA08_P SAS-P1_0_P
#NET "SAS-P1_1_N" LOC = "H32"; ## H14 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA07_N SAS-P1_1_N
#NET "SAS-P1_1_P" LOC = "G32"; ## H13 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA07_P SAS-P1_1_P
#NET "SAS-P2_0_N" LOC = "B33"; ## G19 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA16_N SAS-P2_0_N
#NET "SAS-P2_0_P" LOC = "A33"; ## G18 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA16_P SAS-P2_0_P
#NET "SAS-P2_1_N" LOC = "D32"; ## H17 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA11_N SAS-P2_1_N
#NET "SAS-P2_1_P" LOC = "D31"; ## H16 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA11_P SAS-P2_1_P
#NET "SAS-P3_0_N" LOC = "N29"; ## D21 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA17_CC_N SAS-P3_0_N
#NET "SAS-P3_0_P" LOC = "N28"; ## D20 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA17_CC_P SAS-P3_0_P
#NET "SAS-P3_1_N" LOC = "B32"; ## H20 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA15_N SAS-P3_1_N
#NET "SAS-P3_1_P" LOC = "C32"; ## H19 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA15_P SAS-P3_1_P
# SPI interface:
NET "OUT_SPI_DOUT" LOC = "B34" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 2; ## C19 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA14_N SAS-AUX[1]
NET "OUT_SPI_CLK" LOC = "C33" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 2; ## C18 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA14_P SAS-AUX[2]
NET "OUT_SPI_N_CE[0]" LOC = "E33" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 2; ## G16 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA12_N SAS-AUX[3]
NET "OUT_SPI_N_CE[1]" LOC = "E32" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 2; ## G15 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA12_P SAS-AUX[4]
# Locate the BUFR near the output pins so that the timing can be reached.
INST "spi_transmitter_wrapper_inst/BUFR_inst" LOC = BUFR_X0Y8;
# test:
#NET "OUT_TEST1" LOC = "E32" | SLEW = FAST; ## G15 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA12_P
# DUMMY hard-connected to ground.
NET "IN_DUMMY[0]" LOC = "C34"; ## D18 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA13_N ## SOLDERED TO GND
NET "IN_DUMMY[1]" LOC = "L25"; ## D14 on J63 FMC_LPC_LA09_P ## SOLDERED TO GND
# DIP switch
NET "GPIO_DIP_SW<0>" LOC = "D22"; ## 1 on SW1 DIP switch (active-high)
NET "GPIO_DIP_SW<1>" LOC = "C22"; ## 2 on SW1 DIP switch (active-high)
NET "GPIO_DIP_SW<2>" LOC = "L21"; ## 3 on SW1 DIP switch (active-high)
NET "GPIO_DIP_SW<3>" LOC = "L20"; ## 4 on SW1 DIP switch (active-high)
NET "GPIO_DIP_SW<4>" LOC = "C18"; ## 5 on SW1 DIP switch (active-high)
NET "GPIO_DIP_SW<5>" LOC = "B18"; ## 6 on SW1 DIP switch (active-high)
NET "GPIO_DIP_SW<6>" LOC = "K22"; ## 7 on SW1 DIP switch (active-high)
NET "GPIO_DIP_SW<7>" LOC = "K21"; ## 8 on SW1 DIP switch (active-high)