No changes between revisions
0,0 → 1,375
# vim:et:ts=3:sts=3:sw=3:fdm=marker:
// WebSVN - Subversion repository viewing via the web using PHP
// Copyright © 2004-2006 Tim Armes, Matt Sicker
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// --
// Configuration parameters
// Uncomment the next line if your running a windows server
// $config->setServerIsWindows();
// Configure these lines if your commands aren't on your path.
// $config->setSVNCommandPath('Path/to/svn and svnlook/ e.g. c:\\program files\\subversion\\bin');
// $config->setDiffPath('Path/to/diff/command/');
// For syntax colouring, if option enabled...
// $config->setEnscriptPath('Path/to/enscript/command/');
// $config->setSedPath('Path/to/sed/command/');
// For delivered tarballs, if option enabled...
// $config->setTarPath('Path/to/tar/command/');
// For delivered GZIP'd files and tarballs, if option enabled...
// $config->setGZipPath('Path/to/gzip/command/');
// }}}
// There are 2 methods for defining the repositiories available on the system. Either you list
// them by hand, in which case you can give each one the name of your choice, or you use the
// parent path function, in which case the name of the directory is used as the repository name.
// In all cases, you may optionally supply a group name to the repositories. This is useful in the
// case that you need to separate your projects. Grouped Repositories are referred to using the
// convention GroupName.RepositoryName
// Performance is much better on local repositories (e.g. accessed by file:///). However, you
// can also provide an interface onto a remote repository. In this case you should supply the
// username and password needed to access it.
// To configure the repositories by hand, copy the appropriate line below, uncomment it and
// replace the name and URL of your repository.
// Local repositories (without and with optional group):
// $config->addRepository('NameToDisplay', 'URL to repository (e.g. file:///c:/svn/proj)');
// $config->addRepository('NameToDisplay', 'URL to repository (e.g. file:///c:/svn/proj)', 'group');
// Remote repositories (without and with optional group):
// $config->addRepository('NameToDisplay', 'URL (e.g. http://path/to/rep)', NULL, 'username', 'password');
// $config->addRepository('NameToDisplay', 'URL (e.g. http://path/to/rep)', 'group', 'username', 'password');
// To use the parent path method, uncomment the newt line and and replace the path with your one. You
// can call the function several times if you have several parent paths. Note that in this case the
// path is a filesystem path
// $config->parentPath('Path/to/parent (e.g. c:\\svn)');
// }}}
// {{{ LOOK AND FEEL ---
// Uncomment ONLY the template file that you want.
// $config->setTemplatePath("$locwebsvnreal/templates/BlueGrey/");
// $config->setTemplatePath("$locwebsvnreal/templates/Zinn/");
// You may also specify a per repository template file by uncommenting and changing the following
// line as necessary. Use the convention "groupname.myrep" if your repository is in a group.
// $config->setTemplatePath('$locwebsvnreal/templates/Standard/', 'myrep'); // Access file for myrep
// The index page containing the projects may either be displayed as a flat view (the default),
// where grouped repositories are displayed as "GroupName.RepName" or as a tree view.
// In the case of a tree view, you may choose whether the entire tree is open by default.
// $config->useTreeIndex(false); // Tree index, closed by default
// $config->useTreeIndex(true); // Tree index, open by default
// By default, WebSVN displays a tree view onto the current directory. You can however
// choose to display a flat view of the current directory only, which may make the display
// load faster. Uncomment this line if you want that.
// $config->useFlatView();
// }}}
// WebSVN uses the iconv module to convert messages from your system's character set to the
// UTF-8 output encoding. If you find that your log messages aren't displayed correctly then
// you'll need to change the value here.
// You may also specify the character encoding of the repository contents if different from
// the system encoding. This is typically the case for windows users, whereby the command
// line returns, for example, CP850 encoded strings, whereas the source files are encoded
// as iso-8859-1 by Windows based text editors. When display text file, WebSVN will convert
// them from the content encoding to the output encoding (UTF-8).
// WebSVN does its best to automate all this, so only use the following if it doesn't work
// "out of the box". Uncomment and change one of the examples below.
// $config->setInputEncoding('CP850'); // Encoding of result returned by svn command line, etc.
// $config->setContentEncoding('iso-8859-1'); // Content encoding of all your repositories // repositories
// You may also specify a content encoding on a per repository basis. Uncomment and copy this
// line as necessary.
// $config->setContentEncoding('iso-8859-1', 'MyEnc');
// Note for Windows users: To enable iconv you'll need to enable the extension in your php.ini file
// AND copy iconv.dll (not php_iconv.dll) to your Windows system folder. In most cases the correct
// encoding is set when you call $config->setServerIsWindows();.
// Note for *nix users. You'll need to have iconv compiled into your binary. The default input and
// output encodings are taken from your locale informations. Override these if they aren't correct.
// Uncomment the default language. If you want English then don't do anything here.
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// include 'languages/';
// }}}
// {{{ MULTIVIEWS ---
// Uncomment this line if you want to use MultiView to access the repository by, for example:
// http://servername/wsvn/repname/path/in/repository
// Note: The websvn directory will need to have Multiviews turned on in Apache, and you'll need to configure
// wsvn.php
// $config->useMultiViews();
// }}}
// {{{ ACCESS RIGHTS ---
// Uncomment this line if you want to use your Subversion access file to control access
// rights via WebSVN. For this to work, you'll need to set up the same Apache based authentication
// to the WebSVN (or wsvn) directory as you have for Subversion itself. More information can be
// found in install.txt
// $config->useAuthenticationFile('/path/to/accessfile'); // Global access file
// You may also specify a per repository access file by uncommenting and copying the following
// line as necessary. Use the convention 'groupname.myrep' if your repository is in a group.
// $config->useAuthenticationFile('/path/to/accessfile', 'myrep'); // Access file for myrep
// }}}
// {{{ FILE CONTENT ---
// You may wish certain file types to be GZIP'd and delieved to the user when clicked apon.
// This is useful for binary files and the like that don't display well in a browser window!
// Copy, uncomment and modify this line for each extension to which this rule should apply.
// (Don't forget the . before the extension. You don't need an index between the []'s).
// If you'd rather that the files were delivered uncompressed with the associated MIME type,
// then read below.
// $zipped[] = '.dll';
// Subversion controlled files have an svn:mime-type property that can
// be set on a file indicating its mime type. By default binary files
// are set to the generic appcliation/octet-stream, and other files
// don't have it set at all. WebSVN also has a built-in list of
// associations from file extension to MIME content type. (You can
// view this list in
// Determining the content-type: By default, if the svn:mime-type
// property exists and is different from application/octet-stream, it
// is used. Otherwise, if the built-in list has a contentType entry
// for the extension of the file, that is used. Otherwise, if the
// svn:mime-type property exists has the generic binary value of
// application/octet-stream, the file will be served as a binary
// file. Otherwise, the file will be brought up as ASCII text in the
// browser window (although this text may optionally be colourised.
// See below).
// Uncomment this if you want to ignore any svn:mime-type property on your
// files.
// $config->ignoreSvnMimeTypes();
// Uncomment this if you want skip WebSVN's custom mime-type handling
// $config->ignoreWebSVNContentTypes();
// Following the examples below, you can add new associations, modify
// the default ones or even delete them entirely (to show them in
// ASCII via WebSVN).
// $contentType['.c'] = 'plain/text'; // Create a new association
// $contentType['.doc'] = 'plain/text'; // Modify an existing one
// unset($contentType['.m'] // Remove a default association
// }}}
// {{{ TARBALLS ---
// You need tar and gzip installed on your system. Set the paths above if necessary
// Uncomment the line below to offer a tarball download option across all your
// repositories.
// $config->allowDownload();
// To change the global option for individual repositories, uncomment and replicate
// the required line below (replacing 'myrep' for the name of the repository to be changed).
// Use the convention 'groupname.myrep' if your repository is in a group.
// $config->allowDownload('myrep'); // Specifically allow downloading for 'myrep'
// $config->disallowDownload('myrep'); // Specifically disallow downloading for 'myrep'
// You can also choose the minimum directory level from which you'll allow downloading.
// A value of zero will allow downloading from the root. 1 will allow downloding of directories
// in the root, etc.
// If your project is arranged with trunk, tags and branches at the root level, then a value of 2
// would allow the downloading of directories within branches/tags while disallowing the download
// of the entire branches or tags directories. This would also stop downloading of the trunk, but
// see after for path exceptions.
// Change the line below to set the download level across all your repositories.
// To change the level for individual repositories, uncomment and replicate
// the required line below (replacing 'myrep' for the name of the repository to be changed).
// Use the convention 'groupname.myrep' if your repository is in a group.
// $config->setMinDownloadLevel(2, 'myrep');
// Finally, you may add or remove certain directories (and their contents) either globally
// or on a per repository basis. Uncomment and copy the following lines as necessary. Note
// that the these are searched in the order than you give them until a match is made (with the
// exception that all the per repository exceptions are tested before the global ones). This means
// that you must disallow /a/b/c/ before you allow /a/b/ otherwise the allowed match on /a/b/ will
// stop any further searching, thereby allowing downloads on /a/b/c/.
// Global exceptions possibilties:
// $config->addAllowedDownloadException('/path/to/allowed/directory/');
// $config->addDisAllowedDownloadException('/path/to/disallowed/directory/');
// Per repository exception possibilties:
// Use the convention 'groupname.myrep' if your repository is in a group.
// $config->addAllowedDownloadException('/path/to/allowed/directory/', 'myrep');
// $config->addDisAllowedDownloadException('/path/to/disallowed/directory/', 'myrep');
// }}}
// Uncomment this line if you want to use Enscript to colourise your file listings
// You'll need Enscript version 1.6 or higher AND Sed installed to use this feature.
// Set the path above.
// $config->useEnscript();
// Enscript need to be told what the contents of a file are so that it can be colourised
// correctly. WebSVN includes a predefined list of mappings from file extension to Enscript
// file type (viewable in
// Here you should add and other extensions not already listed or redefine the default ones. eg:
// $extEnscript['.pas'] = 'pascal';
// Note that extensions are case sensitive.
// }}}
// {{{ RSSFEED ---
// Uncomment this line if you wish to hide the RSS feed links across all repositories
// $config->hideRSS();
// To change the global option for individual repositories, uncomment and replicate
// the required line below (replacing 'myrep' for the name of the repository to be changed).
// Use the convention 'groupname.myrep' if your repository is in a group.
// $config->hideRSS('myrep'); // Specifically hide RSS links for 'myrep'
// $config->showRSS('myrep'); // Specifically show RSS links for 'myrep'
// }}}
// {{{ BUGTRAQ ---
// Uncomment this line if you wish to use bugtraq: properties to show links to your BugTracker
// from the log messages.
// $config->useBugtraqProperties();
// To change the global option for individual repositories, uncomment and replicate
// the required line below (replacing 'myrep' for the name of the repository to be changed).
// Use the convention 'groupname.myrep' if your repository is in a group.
// $config->useBugtraqProperties('myrep'); // Specifically use bugtraq properties for 'myrep'
// $config->ignoreBugtraqProperties('myrep'); // Specifically ignore bugtraq properties for 'myrep'
// }}}
// Comment out this if you don't have the right to use it. Be warned that you may need it however!
// Comment this line to turn off caching of repo information. This will slow down your browsing.
// Number of spaces to expand tabs to in diff/listing view across all repositories
// To change the global option for individual repositories, uncomment and replicate
// the required line below (replacing 'myrep' for the name of the repository to be changed).
// Use the convention 'groupname.myrep' if your repository is in a group.
// $config->expandTabsBy(3, 'myrep'); // Expand Tabs by 3 for repository 'myrep'
// For installations without PHP5, a copy of PEAR's PHP Compat library is included.
// If you have your own version of Compat you wish to use, go ahead and specify here.
// $config->setPHPCompatPath('/usr/share/php/PHP/');
// }}}
0,0 → 1,28
[websvn:curdirlinks] - <h2> [lang:BLAMEFOR] [websvn:rev]</h2>
<table border="1" class="blame">
<th style="padding-bottom: 5px" align="left"><b>[lang:LINENO]</b></th>
<th style="padding-bottom: 5px" align="left"><b>[lang:REV]</b></th>
<th style="padding-bottom: 5px" align="left"><b>[lang:AUTHOR]</b></th>
<th style="padding-bottom: 5px" align="left"><b>[lang:LINE]</b></th>
0,0 → 1,169
* Switch Content script- © Dynamic Drive (
* This notice must stay intact for legal use. Last updated April 2nd, 2005.
* Visit for full source code
var enablepersist="on" // Enable saving state of content structure using session cookies? (on/off)
var collapseprevious="yes" // Collapse previously open content when opening present? (yes/no)
var contractsymbol='<div class="minusbox">-</div>' // HTML for contract symbol. For image, use: <img src="${prefix}whatever.gif">
var expandsymbol='<div class="plusbox">+</div>' // HTML for expand symbol.
var expandonload=false
if (document.getElementById)
document.write('<style type="text/css">')
function getElementbyClass(rootobj, classname)
var temparray=new Array()
var inc=0
for (i=0; i<rootobj.length; i++)
if (rootobj[i].className==classname)
return temparray
function sweeptoggle(ec)
var thestate=(ec=="expand")? "block" : "none"
var inc=0
while (ccollect[inc])
collapseprevious = (ec=="expand")? "no" : "yes"
function contractcontent(omit)
var inc=0
while (ccollect[inc])
if (ccollect[inc].id!=omit)
function expandcontent(curobj, cid)
var spantags=curobj.getElementsByTagName("SPAN")
var showstateobj=getElementbyClass(spantags, "showstate")
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if (collapseprevious=="yes")
document.getElementById(cid).style.display=(document.getElementById(cid).style.display!="block")? "block" : "none"
if (showstateobj.length>0) //if "showstate" span exists in header
if (collapseprevious=="no")
showstateobj[0].innerHTML=(document.getElementById(cid).style.display=="block")? contractsymbol : expandsymbol
function revivecontent()
for (i=1; i<selectedComponents.length-1; i++)
function revivestatus()
var inc=0
while (statecollect[inc])
if (ccollect[inc].style.display=="block")
function get_cookie(Name)
var search = Name + "="
var returnvalue = "";
if (document.cookie.length > 0)
offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search)
if (offset != -1)
offset += search.length
end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;
returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))
return returnvalue;
function getselectedItem()
if (get_cookie(window.location.pathname) != "")
return selectedItem
return ""
function saveswitchstate()
var inc=0, selectedItem=collapseprevious+"|"
while (ccollect[inc])
if (ccollect[inc].style.display=="block")
function do_onload()
var alltags=document.all? document.all : document.getElementsByTagName("*")
ccollect=getElementbyClass(alltags, "switchcontent")
statecollect=getElementbyClass(alltags, "showstate")
if (enablepersist=="on" && ccollect.length>0)
document.cookie=(get_cookie(uniqueidn)=="")? uniqueidn+"=1" : uniqueidn+"=0"
firsttimeload=(get_cookie(uniqueidn)==1)? 1 : 0 //check if this is 1st page load
if (!firsttimeload)
if (ccollect.length>0 && statecollect.length>0)
if (expandonload)
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", do_onload, false)
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", do_onload)
else if (document.getElementById)
if (enablepersist=="on" && document.getElementById)
0,0 → 1,67
<table class="outlined">
<tr><td>[lang:COMPPATH]&nbsp;</td><td>[websvn:compare_path1input] [lang:REV] [websvn:compare_rev1input]</td></tr>
<tr><td>[lang:WITHPATH]&nbsp;</td><td>[websvn:compare_path2input] [lang:REV] [websvn:compare_rev2input]</td></tr>
<tr><td align="center">[websvn:compare_submit]</td></tr>
[lang:CONVFROM] <b>[websvn:path1] ([lang:REV] [websvn:rev1])</b> [lang:TO] <b>[websvn:path2] ([lang:REV] [websvn:rev2])</b>
<div class="newpath">
<div class="difflines">
<table class="diff" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="[websvn:diffclass]">[websvn:line]</td></tr>
0,0 → 1,41
No Previous Revision
[websvn:curdirlinks] - <h2>[lang:DIFFREVS] <b>[websvn:rev2]</b> [lang:AND] <b>[websvn:rev1]</b></h2>
<table class="diff">
<th style="padding-bottom: 5px" width="50%" align="left"><b>[lang:REV] [websvn:rev2]</b></th>
<th width="5"></th>
<th style="padding-bottom: 5px" width="50%" align="left"><b>[lang:REV] [websvn:rev1]</b></th>
<td width="50%" style="padding: 3px 0 3px 0" align="center"><b>[lang:LINE] [websvn:rev1lineno]...</b></td>
<td width="5"></td>
<td width="50%" style="padding: 3px 0 3px 0" align="center"><b>[lang:LINE] [websvn:rev2lineno]...</b></td>
<tr><td class="[websvn:rev1diffclass]">[websvn:rev1line]</td>
<td width="5"></td>
<td class="[websvn:rev2diffclass]">[websvn:rev2line]</td></tr>
0,0 → 1,117
<div style="display:none">{DIRECTORY START}</div>
<p><b>[lang:PATH]:</b> [websvn:path]
<br><b>[lang:REV]:</b> [websvn:rev]
- [websvn:goyoungestlink]
<br><b>[lang:LASTMOD]:</b> [lang:REV] [websvn:lastchangedrev] - [websvn:author] - [websvn:date]
<table border=1 class="bordered" cellpadding=4>
<td valign="top">
<td valign="top">
<td valign="top">
<b>[lang:CURDIR]:</b> [websvn:curdirlinks] - [websvn:curdirloglink]
- [websvn:curdircomplink]
- [websvn:curdirdllink]
- [websvn:curdirrssanchor]<img style="border: 0;" src="[websvn:locwebsvnhttp]/templates/MLAB/xml.gif" width="36" height="14" alt="[lang:RSSFEED]"></a>
<table class="outlined" cellpadding=2>
<th width="100%"><b>[lang:PATH]</b></th>
<td class="[websvn:rowparity]">
<td class="[websvn:rowparity]">[lang:NOBR][websvn:fileviewloglink][lang:ENDNOBR]</td>
<td class="[websvn:rowparity]">[websvn:fileviewdllink]</td>
<td class="row[websvn:rowparity]">[websvn:rssanchor]<img style="border: 0;" src="[websvn:locwebsvnhttp]/templates/MLAB/xml.gif" width="36" height="14" alt="[lang:RSSFEED]"></a></td>
<div style="display:none">{DIRECTORY END}</div>
0,0 → 1,18
[websvn:curdirlinks] - [lang:REV] [websvn:rev]<p>
[websvn:prevdifflink] - [websvn:blamelink]
<table width="100%" border=0><tr><td>
0,0 → 1,21
<p><center><font size="-1"><i><b>[lang:POWERED] v[websvn:version]</b></i></font></center>
<!-- AUTOINCLUDE START "Page/Footer.cs.ihtml" DO NOT REMOVE -->
<!-- ============== PATIÈKA ============== -->
<div class="Footer">
<script type="text/javascript">
// -->
<b> Pro zobrazení (vložení) hlavièky je potøeba JavaScript </b>
0,0 → 1,58
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=[websvn:charset]">
<!-- AUTOINCLUDE START "Page/Head.cs.ihtml" DO NOT REMOVE -->
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="" type="text/css" title="MLAB základní styl" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="" />
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="[websvn:locwebsvnhttp]/templates/MLAB/collapse.js"></script>
<title> Subversion Server </title>
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="WebSVN RSS" href="[websvn:curdirrsshref]">
<body lang="[lang:LANG]">
<!-- AUTOINCLUDE START "Page/Header.cs.ihtml" DO NOT REMOVE -->
<!-- ============== HLAVICKA ============== -->
<div class="Header">
<script type="text/javascript">
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<b> Pro zobrazení (vložení) hlavièky je potøeba JavaScript </b>
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<!-- ============== MENU ============== -->
<div class="Menu">
<script type="text/javascript">
// -->
<b> Pro zobrazení (vložení) menu je potøeba JavaScript </b>
<div class="Text">
<div style="float: right">
<div style="float: right">
0,0 → 1,37
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align="center">
<td align="center">
<table border=0>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align="center">
<td align="center">
<table border=0>
<div style="padding: 3px">[websvn:listitem]</div>
0,0 → 1,64
<h1>[websvn:repname] - [lang:REV] [websvn:rev]</h1>
[lang:STARTLOG]:[websvn:logsearch_startbox] [lang:ENDLOG]:[websvn:logsearch_endbox] [lang:MAXLOG]:[websvn:logsearch_maxbox] [lang:SEARCHLOG]:[websvn:logsearch_inputbox]
<p><font size="-1">[websvn:logsearch_clearloglink]</font><p>
<table border=1 class="outlined" width="100%" cellpadding=2>
<td valign="top" class="[websvn:rowparity]"><nobr>[websvn:compare_box][websvn:revlink]</nobr></td>
<td valign="top" class="[websvn:rowparity]">[websvn:revpathlink]</td>
<td valign="top" class="[websvn:rowparity]">[websvn:revauthor]</td>
<td valign="top" class="[websvn:rowparity]">[websvn:revage]</td>
<td valign="top" class="[websvn:rowparity]">[websvn:revlog]</td>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
1,5 → 1,5
<div align="right">[websvn:projects_form][websvn:projects_select][websvn:projects_submit][websvn:projects_endform]</div>
[websvn:curdirlinks] - <h2> [lang:BLAMEFOR] [websvn:rev]</h2>
6,7 → 6,7
<table border="1" class="blame">
<table border="1" class="blame" width="100%">
<th style="padding-bottom: 5px" align="left"><b>[lang:LINENO]</b></th>
<th style="padding-bottom: 5px" align="left"><b>[lang:REV]</b></th>
24,5 → 24,4
1,5 → 1,5
<div align="right">[websvn:projects_form][websvn:projects_select][websvn:projects_submit][websvn:projects_endform]</div>
64,4 → 64,3
1,4 → 1,3
5,7 → 4,8
No Previous Revision
<div align="right">[websvn:projects_form][websvn:projects_select][websvn:projects_submit][websvn:projects_endform]</div>
[websvn:curdirlinks] - <h2>[lang:DIFFREVS] <b>[websvn:rev2]</b> [lang:AND] <b>[websvn:rev1]</b></h2>
14,7 → 14,7
<table class="diff">
<table class="diff" width="100%">
<th style="padding-bottom: 5px" width="50%" align="left"><b>[lang:REV] [websvn:rev2]</b></th>
<th width="5"></th>
38,4 → 38,3
1,4 → 1,5
<div style="display:none">{DIRECTORY START}</div>
<div align="right">[websvn:projects_form][websvn:projects_select][websvn:projects_submit][websvn:projects_endform]</div>
77,12 → 78,12
- [websvn:curdirdllink]
- [websvn:curdirrssanchor]<img style="border: 0;" src="[websvn:locwebsvnhttp]/templates/MLAB/xml.gif" width="36" height="14" alt="[lang:RSSFEED]"></a>
- [websvn:curdirrssanchor]<img style="border: 0;" src="[websvn:locwebsvnhttp]/templates/Standard/xml.gif" width="36" height="14" alt="[lang:RSSFEED]"></a>
<table class="outlined" cellpadding=2>
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- [websvn:repname]
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60,5 → 61,4
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