Problem with comparison.
0,0 → 1,82
import hid
import time
import datetime
from time import sleep
import os, sys
from mlabutils import ejson
parser = ejson.Parser()
#### Script Arguments ###############################################
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
sys.stderr.write("Invalid number of arguments.\n")
sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s CONFIG_FILE\n" % (sys.argv[0], ))
value = parser.parse_file(sys.argv[1])
path = value['data_upload']
stationName = value['origin']
def main():
while True:
print "Opening device"
h = hid.device(), 0xEA90)
print "Manufacturer: %s" % h.get_manufacturer_string()
print "Product: %s" % h.get_product_string()
print "Serial No: %s" % h.get_serial_number_string()
h.write([0x02, 0b00000110, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # setup io pin direction
sleep( 1.00 )
response = h.get_feature_report(0x03,2)
previous_inputs = response[1]
while True:
response = h.get_feature_report(0x03,2)
inputs = response[1]
print bin(inputs)
now =
filename = path + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H", time.gmtime())+"0000_"+stationName+"_meta.csv"
if not os.path.exists(filename):
with open(filename, "a") as f:
f.write('#timestamp,IO_state \n')
f.write("%.1f,%s\n" % (time.time(), hex(inputs)))
if (previous_inputs != inputs):
with open(filename, "a") as f:
f.write("%.1f,%s\n" % (time.time(), hex(inputs)))
previous_inputs = inputs
if not (inputs & 0b00000001) and (0b00000001):
h.write([0x04, 0x00, 0xFF])
h.write([0x04, 0xFF, 0xFF])
except IOError, ex:
print ex
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Closing device"
print "Done"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,22
"logging": [
"file_name": "/home/odroid/bolidozor/radio-observer.log",
"log_level": "debug",
"project": "geozor",
"project_home_folder": "/home/odroid/geozor/station/",
"storage_hostname": "",
"storage_username": "kaklik",
"storage_stationpath": "/storage/geozor/",
"raw_sample_interval": 5,
"data_path": "./station/data/", // path to measured data directory
"data_archive": "/home/odroid/geozor/station/data_archive/", // path to raw data archive directory
"data_upload": "/home/odroid/geozor/station/data_upload/", // path to data ready for upload
"origin": "VRTY-S2", // name of detection station
0,0 → 1,135
#uncomment for debbug purposes
#import logging
import time
import datetime
import sys
import os
import minimalmodbus
from pymlab import config
from mlabutils import ejson
parser = ejson.Parser()
#### Script Arguments ###############################################
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
sys.stderr.write("Invalid number of arguments.\n")
sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s PORT_ADDRESS CONFIG_FILE\n" % (sys.argv[0], ))
port = eval(sys.argv[1])
value = parser.parse_file(sys.argv[2])
path = value['data_path']
interval = value['raw_sample_interval']
stationName = value['origin']
if (interval<5) or (interval>3600):
sys.stderr.write("Invalid sample interval arguments.\n")
sys.stderr.write("The interval has to be in the range from 5 to 3600 seconds\n")
#### Sensor Configuration ###########################################
# I2C
cfg = config.Config(
i2c = {
"port": port,
bus = [
"name": "current_sensor1",
"type": "vcai2c01",
"address": 0x68,
# modbus
instrument = minimalmodbus.Instrument('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1) # port name, slave address (in decimal)
instrument.serial.port # this is the serial port name
instrument.serial.baudrate = 9600 # Baud
instrument.serial.bytesize = 8
instrument.serial.stopbits = 2
instrument.serial.timeout = 0.5 # seconds
instrument.mode = minimalmodbus.MODE_RTU # rtu or ascii mode
sys.stdout.write("Current loop and modbus sensor example \r\n")
sys.stdout.write("Time, water-level, temp1, conduc, salinity, tds_kcl, temp2, pH, redox \r\n")
#sys.stdout.write("Time, channel #1, channel #2, channel #3 , channel #4, channel #5 channel #6 , channel #7, channel #8 \r\n")
sensor1 = cfg.get_device("current_sensor1")
#### Data Logging ###################################################
while True:
before = time.time()-interval
while True:
filename = path + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H", time.gmtime()) +"0000_"+ stationName + "_data.csv"
now = time.time()
if (now - before >= interval - 2.5): # 0.5*5 channels= 2.5s
with open(filename, "a") as f:
##Measuremment settings
sensor1.setADC(channel = 1, gain = 1, sample_rate = 3.75);
instrument.address = 0x1E # this is the slave address number (1E-conductivity)
instrument.write_register(0x01, 0x1F, 0) # Registernumber, value, number of decimals for storage
instrument.address = 0x14 # this is the slave address number (14 - pH)
instrument.write_register(0x01, 0x1F, 0) # Registernumber, value, number of decimals for storage
## Read data from analog sensors ##
channel1 = sensor1.readCurrent();
channel1 = 0.2488*channel1-0.8892; # transformation from mA to meters
## Read data from conductivity sensor ##
instrument.address = 0x1E # this is the slave address number (1E-conductivity)
temperature1 = instrument.read_float(0x53, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
conductivity = instrument.read_float(0x55, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
salinity = instrument.read_float(0x57, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
tds_kcl = instrument.read_float(0x59, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
## Read data from pH sensor ##
instrument.address = 0x14 # this is the slave address number (14 - pH)
temperature2 = instrument.read_float(0x53, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
pH = instrument.read_float(0x55, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
redox = instrument.read_float(0x57, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
sys.stdout.write("%s \t %0.3f \t %0.3f \t %0.3f \t %0.3f \t %0.3f \t %0.3f \t %0.3f \t %0.3f \t \n" % (, channel1, temperature1, conductivity, salinity, tds_kcl, temperature2, pH, redox))
f.write("%d;%0.3f;%0.3f;%0.3f;%0.3f;%0.3f;%0.3f;%0.3f;%0.3f\n" % (time.time(), channel1, temperature1, conductivity, salinity, tds_kcl, temperature2, pH, redox))
before = time.time()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
0,0 → 1,32
#!/usr/bin/env python
import minimalmodbus
import time
instrument = minimalmodbus.Instrument('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1) # port name, slave address (in decimal)
instrument.serial.port # this is the serial port name
instrument.serial.baudrate = 9600 # Baud
instrument.serial.bytesize = 8
instrument.serial.stopbits = 2
instrument.serial.timeout = 0.5 # seconds
instrument.address = 0x1E # this is the slave address number
instrument.mode = minimalmodbus.MODE_RTU # rtu or ascii mode
instrument.write_register(0x01, 0x1F, 0) # Registernumber, value, number of decimals for storage
## Read temperature (PV = ProcessValue) ##
temperature = instrument.read_float(0x53, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
print temperature
conductivity = instrument.read_float(0x55, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
print conductivity
salinity = instrument.read_float(0x57, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
print salinity
tds_kcl = instrument.read_float(0x59, 3, 2) # Registernumber, number of decimals
print tds_kcl
## Change temperature setpoint (SP) ##
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property