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<library name="switch-raychem"> |
<description><b>Raychem Switches</b><p> |
<author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author></description> |
<packages> |
<package name="SMD050F"> |
<description><b>PolySwitch (TM) Resettable Device</b><p> |
SMD Series Size: 7555 (mm), 2920 (mils)<br> |
Source: <a href="http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/13482.pdf">Data sheet</a></description> |
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<description><b>PolySwitch (TM) Resettable Device</b><p> |
Source: <a href="http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/13482.pdf">Data sheet</a></description> |
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<connects> |
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<technologies> |
<technology name="030"/> |
<technology name="050"/> |
<technology name="075"/> |
<technology name="100"/> |
<technology name="125"/> |
<technology name="260"/> |
<technology name="300"/> |
</technologies> |
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<connects> |
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</connects> |
<technologies> |
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</technologies> |
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<connects> |
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<technologies> |
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</technologies> |
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<library name="moje_hrebinky"> |
<description><b>Pin Headers</b><p> |
Naming:<p> |
MA = male<p> |
# contacts - # rows<p> |
W = angled<p> |
<author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author></description> |
<packages> |
<package name="MA04-2"> |
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</instance> |
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</busses> |
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