1,8 → 1,6
# vim:et:ts=3:sts=3:sw=3:fdm=marker:
// WebSVN - Subversion repository viewing via the web using PHP
// Copyright © 2004-2006 Tim Armes, Matt Sicker
// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Tim Armes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
24,28 → 22,47
// Show the logs for the given path
require_once 'include/setup.php';
require_once 'include/svnlook.php';
require_once 'include/utils.php';
require_once 'include/template.php';
require_once 'include/bugtraq.php';
$page = (int)@$_REQUEST["page"];
$all = (@$_REQUEST["all"] == 1)?1:0;
$isDir = (@$_REQUEST["isdir"] == 1)?1:0;
$dosearch = (@$_REQUEST["logsearch"] == 1)?1:0;
$search = trim(@$_REQUEST["search"]);
$page = (int)@$_REQUEST['page'];
$all = @$_REQUEST['all'] == 1;
$isDir = @$_REQUEST['isdir'] == 1 || $path == '' || $path == '/';
// Make sure that we have a repository
if (!$rep)
if (isset($_REQUEST['showchanges']))
$showchanges = @$_REQUEST['showchanges'] == 1;
$showchanges = $rep->logsShowChanges();
$search = trim((string) @$_REQUEST['search']);
$dosearch = strlen($search) > 0;
$words = preg_split('#\s+#', $search);
$fromRev = (int)@$_REQUEST["fr"];
$startrev = strtoupper(trim(@$_REQUEST["sr"]));
$endrev = strtoupper(trim(@$_REQUEST["er"]));
$max = @$_REQUEST["max"];
$fromRev = (int)@$_REQUEST['fr'];
$startrev = strtoupper(trim((string) @$_REQUEST['sr']));
$endrev = strtoupper(trim((string) @$_REQUEST['er']));
$max = isset($_REQUEST['max']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['max'] : false;
// Max number of results to find at a time
$numSearchResults = 15;
$numSearchResults = 20;
if ($search == "")
if ($search == '')
$dosearch = false;
// removeAccents
55,9 → 72,9
function removeAccents($string)
return strtr($string,
$string = htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1');
$string = preg_replace('/&([A-Za-z])(acute|uml|circ|grave|ring|cedil|slash|tilde|caron);/', '$1', $string);
return $string;
// Normalise the search words
70,76 → 87,187
if (empty($page)) $page = 1;
if (empty($page))
$page = 1;
// If searching, display all the results
$all = (bool) $dosearch;
if ($dosearch)
$all = true;
$maxperpage = 20;
// Make sure that we have a repository
if (!isset($rep))
$svnrep = new SVNRepository($rep);
$history = $svnrep->getLog($path, 'HEAD', '', false, 1, ($path == '/') ? '' : $peg);
if (!$history)
echo $lang["NOREP"];
$history = $svnrep->getLog($path, '', '', false, 1, ($path == '/') ? '' : $peg);
if (!$history)
$svnrep = new SVNRepository($rep);
$youngest = ($history && isset($history->entries[0])) ? $history->entries[0]->rev : 0;
$passrev = $rev;
if (empty($startrev))
//$startrev = ($rev) ? $rev : 'HEAD';
$startrev = $rev;
else if ($startrev != 'HEAD' && $startrev != 'BASE' && $startrev != 'PREV' && $startrev != 'COMMITTED')
$startrev = (int)$startrev;
// If there's no revision info, go to the lastest revision for this path
$history = $svnrep->getLog($path, "", "", true);
$youngest = $history->entries[0]->rev;
if (empty($endrev))
$endrev = 1;
else if ($endrev != 'HEAD' && $endrev != 'BASE' && $endrev != 'PREV' && $endrev != 'COMMITTED')
$endrev = (int)$endrev;
if (empty($rev))
$rev = $youngest;
if (empty($startrev))
$startrev = $rev;
// make sure path is prefixed by a /
$ppath = $path;
if ($path == "" || $path{0} != "/")
$ppath = "/".$path;
$vars["action"] = $lang["LOG"];
$vars["repname"] = $rep->getDisplayName();
$vars["rev"] = $rev;
$vars["path"] = $ppath;
if ($path == '' || $path[0] != '/')
$ppath = '/'.$path;
createDirLinks($rep, $ppath, $passrev, $showchanged);
$vars['action'] = $lang['LOG'];
$vars['rev'] = $rev;
$vars['peg'] = $peg;
$vars['path'] = str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($ppath));
$vars['safepath'] = escape($ppath);
$logurl = $config->getURL($rep, $path, "log");
if ($history && isset($history->entries[0]))
$vars['log'] = xml_entities($history->entries[0]->msg);
$vars['date'] = $history->entries[0]->date;
$vars['age'] = datetimeFormatDuration(time() - strtotime($history->entries[0]->date));
$vars['author'] = $history->entries[0]->author;
if ($rev != $youngest)
$vars["goyoungestlink"] = "<a href=\"${logurl}sc=1\">${lang["GOYOUNGEST"]}</a>";
if ($max === false)
$max = ($dosearch) ? 0 : 40;
else if ($max < 0)
$max = 40;
// TODO: If the rev is less than the head, get the path (may have been renamed!)
// Will probably need to call `svn info`, parse XML output, and substring a path
createPathLinks($rep, $ppath, $passrev, $peg);
$passRevString = createRevAndPegString($rev, $peg);
$isDirString = ($isDir) ? 'isdir=1&amp;' : '';
// Toggle 'showchanges' param for link to switch from the current behavior
if ($showchanges == $rep->logsShowChanges())
$queryParams['showchanges'] = (int)!$showchanges;
$vars["goyoungestlink"] = "";
// We get the bugtraq variable just once based on the HEAD
$bugtraq = new Bugtraq($rep, $svnrep, $ppath);
$vars['changesurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'log').buildQuery($queryParams);
$vars['changeslink'] = '<a href="'.$vars['changesurl'].'">'.$lang[($showchanges ? 'HIDECHANGED' : 'SHOWCHANGED')].'</a>';
$vars['showchanges'] = $showchanges;
if ($startrev != "HEAD") $startrev = (int)$startrev;
if (empty($startrev)) $startrev = $rev;
if (empty($endrev)) $endrev = 1;
// Revert 'showchanges' param to propagate the current behavior
if ($showchanges == $rep->logsShowChanges())
$queryParams['showchanges'] = (int)$showchanges;
if (empty($_REQUEST["max"]))
$vars['revurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'revision').$isDirString.$passRevString;
if ($isDir)
if (empty($_REQUEST["logsearch"]))
$max = 30;
$vars['directoryurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'dir').$passRevString.'#'.anchorForPath($path);
$vars['directorylink'] = '<a href="'.$vars['directoryurl'].'">'.$lang['LISTING'].'</a>';
$max = 0;
$vars['filedetailurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'file').$passRevString;
$vars['filedetaillink'] = '<a href="'.$vars['filedetailurl'].'">'.$lang['FILEDETAIL'].'</a>';
$vars['blameurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'blame').$passRevString;
$vars['blamelink'] = '<a href="'.$vars['blameurl'].'">'.$lang['BLAME'].'</a>';
$vars['diffurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'diff').$passRevString;
$vars['difflink'] = '<a href="'.$vars['diffurl'].'">'.$lang['DIFFPREV'].'</a>';
if ($rep->isRssEnabled())
$vars['rssurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'rss').$isDirString.createRevAndPegString('', $peg);
$vars['rsslink'] = '<a href="'.$vars['rssurl'].'">'.$lang['RSSFEED'].'</a>';
if ($rev != $youngest)
if ($path == '/')
$vars['goyoungesturl'] = $config->getURL($rep, '', 'log').$isDirString;
$max = (int)$max;
if ($max < 0) $max = 30;
$vars['goyoungesturl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'log').$isDirString.'peg='.($peg ? $peg : $rev);
$history = $svnrep->getLog($path, $startrev, $endrev, true, $max);
$vars["logsearch_moreresultslink"] = "";
$vars["pagelinks"] = "";
$vars["showalllink"] = "";
$listing = array();
$vars['goyoungestlink'] = '<a href="'.$vars['goyoungesturl'].'"'.($youngest ? ' title="'.$lang['REV'].' '.$youngest.'"' : '').'>'.$lang['GOYOUNGEST'].'</a>';
// We get the bugtraq variable just once based on the HEAD
$bugtraq = new Bugtraq($rep, $svnrep, $ppath);
$vars['logsearch_moreresultslink'] = '';
$vars['pagelinks'] = '';
$vars['showalllink'] = '';
if ($history)
$history = $svnrep->getLog($path, $startrev, $endrev, true, $max, $peg);
if (empty($history))
$vars['warning'] = 'Revision '.$startrev.' of this resource does not exist.';
if (!empty($history))
// Get the number of separate revisions
159,24 → 287,35
if ($page > $pages) $page = $pages;
// Word out where to start and stop
// Work out where to start and stop
$firstrevindex = ($page - 1) * $maxperpage;
$lastrevindex = $firstrevindex + $maxperpage - 1;
if ($lastrevindex > $revisions - 1) $lastrevindex = $revisions - 1;
$lastrevindex = min($firstrevindex + $maxperpage - 1, $revisions - 1);
$history = $svnrep->getLog($path, $history->entries[$firstrevindex ]->rev, $history->entries[$lastrevindex]->rev, false, 0);
$frev = isset($history->entries[0]) ? $history->entries[0]->rev : false;
$brev = isset($history->entries[$firstrevindex]) ? $history->entries[$firstrevindex]->rev : false;
$erev = isset($history->entries[$lastrevindex]) ? $history->entries[$lastrevindex]->rev : false;
$entries = array();
if ($brev && $erev)
$history = $svnrep->getLog($path, $brev, $erev, false, 0, $peg, true);
if ($history)
$entries = $history->entries;
$row = 0;
$index = 0;
$listing = array();
$found = false;
foreach ($history->entries as $r)
foreach ($entries as $revision)
// Assume a good match
$match = true;
$thisrev = $r->rev;
$thisrev = $revision->rev;
// Check the log for the search words, if searching
if ($dosearch)
188,7 → 327,7
// Make sure that each word in the search in also in the log
foreach($words as $word)
if (strpos(strtolower(removeAccents($r->msg)), $word) === false)
if (strpos(strtolower(removeAccents($revision->msg)), $word) === false && strpos(strtolower(removeAccents($revision->author)), $word) === false)
$match = false;
202,43 → 341,81
$match = false;
$thisRevString = createRevAndPegString($thisrev, ($peg ? $peg : $thisrev));
if ($match)
// Add the trailing slash if we need to (svnlook history doesn't return trailing slashes!)
$rpath = $r->path;
$rpath = $revision->path;
if (empty($rpath))
$rpath = "/";
else if ($isDir && $rpath{strlen($rpath) - 1} != "/")
$rpath .= "/";
$rpath = '/';
else if ($isDir && $rpath[strlen($rpath) - 1] != '/')
$rpath .= '/';
$precisePath = $revision->precisePath;
if (empty($precisePath))
$precisePath = '/';
else if ($isDir && $precisePath[strlen($precisePath) - 1] != '/')
$precisePath .= '/';
// Find the parent path (or the whole path if it's already a directory)
$pos = strrpos($rpath, "/");
$pos = strrpos($rpath, '/');
$parent = substr($rpath, 0, $pos + 1);
$url = $config->getURL($rep, $parent, "dir");
$listing[$index]["revlink"] = "<a href=\"${url}rev=$thisrev&amp;sc=1\">$thisrev</a>";
$compareValue = (($isDir) ? $parent : $rpath).'@'.$thisrev;
if ($isDir)
$listvar = &$listing[$index];
$listvar['compare_box'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="compare[]" value="'.$compareValue.'" onclick="enforceOnlyTwoChecked(this)" />';
$url = $config->getURL($rep, $rpath, 'revision').$thisRevString;
$listvar['revlink'] = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.$thisrev.'</a>';
$url = $config->getURL($rep, $precisePath, ($isDir ? 'dir' : 'file')).$thisRevString;
$listvar['revpathlink'] = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.escape($precisePath).'</a>';
$listvar['revpath'] = escape($precisePath);
$listvar['revauthor'] = $revision->author;
$listvar['revdate'] = $revision->date;
$listvar['revage'] = $revision->age;
$listvar['revlog'] = nl2br($bugtraq->replaceIDs(create_anchors(xml_entities($revision->msg))));
$listvar['rowparity'] = $row;
$listvar['compareurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, '', 'comp').'compare[]='.urlencode($rpath).'@'.($thisrev - 1).'&amp;compare[]='.urlencode($rpath).'@'.$thisrev;
if ($showchanges)
$listing[$index]["compare_box"] = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"compare[]\" value=\"$parent@$thisrev\" onclick=\"checkCB(this)\" />";
$url = $config->getURL($rep, $rpath, "dir");
$listing[$index]["revpathlink"] = "<a href=\"${url}rev=$thisrev&amp;sc=$showchanged\">$rpath</a>";
// Aggregate added/deleted/modified paths for display in table
$modpaths = array();
foreach ($revision->mods as $mod)
$modpaths[$mod->action][] = $mod->path;
foreach ($modpaths as $action => $paths)
$listing[$index]["compare_box"] = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"compare[]\" value=\"$rpath@$thisrev\" onclick=\"checkCB(this)\" />";
$url = $config->getURL($rep, $rpath, "file");
$listing[$index]["revpathlink"] = "<a href=\"${url}rev=$thisrev&amp;sc=$showchanged\">$rpath</a>";
$modpaths[$action] = $paths;
$listing[$index]["revauthor"] = $r->author;
$listing[$index]["revage"] = $r->age;
$listing[$index]["revlog"] = nl2br($bugtraq->replaceIDs(create_anchors($r->msg)));
$listing[$index]["rowparity"] = "$row";
$listvar['revadded'] = (isset($modpaths['A'])) ? implode('<br/>', escape($modpaths['A'])) : '';
$listvar['revdeleted'] = (isset($modpaths['D'])) ? implode('<br/>', escape($modpaths['D'])) : '';
$listvar['revmodified'] = (isset($modpaths['M'])) ? implode('<br/>', escape($modpaths['M'])) : '';
$row = 1 - $row;
247,87 → 424,135
// If we've reached the search limit, stop here...
if (!$numSearchResults)
$url = $config->getURL($rep, $path, "log");
$vars["logsearch_moreresultslink"] = "<a href=\"${url}rev=$rev&amp;sc=$showchanged&amp;isdir=$isDir&amp;logsearch=1&amp;search=$search&amp;fr=$thisrev\">${lang["MORERESULTS"]}</a>";
$url = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'log').$isDirString.$thisRevString;
$vars['logsearch_moreresultslink'] = '<a href="'.$url.'&amp;search='.$search.'&amp;fr='.$thisrev.'">'.$lang['MORERESULTS'].'</a>';
$vars["logsearch_resultsfound"] = true;
$vars['logsearch_resultsfound'] = true;
if ($dosearch && !$found)
if ($fromRev == 0)
$vars["logsearch_nomatches"] = true;
$vars["logsearch_resultsfound"] = false;
$vars['logsearch_nomatches'] = true;
$vars['logsearch_resultsfound'] = false;
$vars["logsearch_nomorematches"] = true;
$vars['logsearch_nomorematches'] = true;
else if ($dosearch && $numSearchResults > 0)
$vars["logsearch_nomorematches"] = true;
$vars['logsearch_nomorematches'] = true;
// Work out the paging options
// Work out the paging options, create links to pages of results
if ($pages > 1)
$prev = $page - 1;
$next = $page + 1;
echo "<p><center>";
if ($page > 1) $vars["pagelinks"] .= "<a href=\"${logurl}rev=$rev&amp;sr=$startrev&amp;er=$endrev&amp;sc=$showchanged&amp;max=$max&amp;page=$prev\"><&nbsp;${lang["PREV"]}</a> ";
$logurl = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'log').buildQuery($queryParams);
if ($page > 1)
$vars['pagelinks'] .= '<a href="'.$logurl.(!$peg && $frev && $prev != 1 ? '&amp;peg='.$frev : '').'&amp;page='.$prev.'">&larr;'.$lang['PREV'].'</a>';
$vars['pagelinks'] .= '<span>&larr;'.$lang['PREV'].'</span>';
for ($p = 1; $p <= $pages; $p++)
if ($p != $page)
$vars["pagelinks"].= "<a href=\"${logurl}rev=$rev&amp;sr=$startrev&amp;er=$endrev&amp;sc=$showchanged&amp;max=$max&amp;page=$p\">$p</a> ";
$vars['pagelinks'] .= '<a href="'.$logurl.(!$peg && $frev && $p != 1 ? '&amp;peg='.$frev : '').'&amp;page='.$p.'">'.$p.'</a>';
$vars["pagelinks"] .= "<b>$p </b>";
$vars['pagelinks'] .= '<span id="curpage">'.$p.'</span>';
if ($page < $pages) $vars["pagelinks"] .=" <a href=\"${logurl}rev=$rev&amp;sr=$startrev&amp;er=$endrev&amp;sc=$showchanged&amp;max=$max&amp;page=$next\">${lang["NEXT"]}&nbsp;></a>";
$vars["showalllink"] = "<a href=\"${logurl}rev=$rev&amp;sr=$startrev&amp;er=$endrev&amp;sc=$showchanged&amp;all=1&amp;max=$max\">${lang["SHOWALL"]}</a>";
echo "</center>";
if ($page < $pages)
$vars['pagelinks'] .= '<a href="'.$logurl.(!$peg && $frev ? '&amp;peg='.$frev : '').'&amp;page='.$next.'">'.$lang['NEXT'].'&rarr;</a>';
$vars['pagelinks'] .= '<span>'.$lang['NEXT'].'&rarr;</span>';
// Create the project change combo box
$vars['showalllink'] = '<a href="'.$logurl.'&amp;all=1">'.$lang['SHOWALL'].'</a>';
$url = $config->getURL($rep, $path, "log");
# XXX: forms don't have the name attribute, but _everything_ has the id attribute,
# so what you're trying to do (if anything?) should be done via that ~J
$vars["logsearch_form"] = "<form action=\"$url\" method=\"post\" name=\"logsearchform\">";
// Create form elements for filtering and searching log messages
if ($config->multiViews)
$hidden = '<input type="hidden" name="op" value="log" />';
$hidden = '<input type="hidden" name="repname" value="'.$repname.'" />';
$hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="path" value="'.$path.'" />';
$vars["logsearch_startbox"] = "<input name=\"sr\" size=\"5\" value=\"$startrev\" />";
$vars["logsearch_endbox" ] = "<input name=\"er\" size=\"5\" value=\"$endrev\" />";
$vars["logsearch_maxbox" ] = "<input name=\"max\" size=\"5\" value=\"".($max==0?"":$max)."\" />";
$vars["logsearch_inputbox"] = "<input name=\"search\" value=\"$search\" />";
if ($isDir)
$hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="isdir" value="'.$isDir.'" />';
$vars["logsearch_submit"] = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"${lang["GO"]}\" />";
$vars["logsearch_endform"] = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"logsearch\" value=\"1\" />".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"log\" />".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rev\" value=\"$rev\" />".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sc\" value=\"$showchanged\" />".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"isdir\" value=\"$isDir\" />".
if ($peg)
$hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="peg" value="'.$peg.'" />';
$url = $config->getURL($rep, $path, "log");
$vars["logsearch_clearloglink"] = "<a href=\"${url}rev=$rev&amp;sc=$showchanged&amp;isdir=$isDir\">${lang["CLEARLOG"]}</a>";
if ($showchanges != $rep->logsShowChanges())
$hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="showchanges" value="'.$showchanges.'" />';
$url = $config->getURL($rep, "/", "comp");
$vars["compare_form"] = "<form action=\"$url\" method=\"post\" name=\"compareform\">";
$vars["compare_submit"] = "<input name=\"comparesubmit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"${lang["COMPAREREVS"]}\" />";
$vars["compare_endform"] = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"comp\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sc\" value=\"$showchanged\" /></form>";
$vars['logsearch_form'] = '<form method="get" action="'.$config->getURL($rep, $path, 'log').'" id="search">'.$hidden;
$vars['logsearch_startbox'] = '<input name="sr" size="5" value="'.$startrev.'" />';
$vars['logsearch_endbox'] = '<input name="er" size="5" value="'.$endrev.'" />';
$vars['logsearch_maxbox'] = '<input name="max" size="5" value="'.($max == 0 ? 40 : $max).'" />';
$vars['logsearch_inputbox'] = '<input name="search" value="'.escape($search).'" />';
$vars['logsearch_showall'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="all" value="1"'.($all ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />';
$vars['logsearch_submit'] = '<input type="submit" value="'.$lang['GO'].'" />';
$vars['logsearch_endform'] = '</form>';
$vars["version"] = $version;
// If a filter is in place, produce a link to clear all filter parameters
if ($page !== 1 || $all || $dosearch || $fromRev || $startrev !== $rev || $endrev !== 1 || $max !== 40)
$url = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'log').$isDirString.$passRevString;
$vars['logsearch_clearloglink'] = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.$lang['CLEARLOG'].'</a>';
// Create form elements for comparing selected revisions
$vars['compare_form'] = '<form method="get" action="'.$config->getURL($rep, '', 'comp').'" id="compare">';
if ($config->multiViews)
$vars['compare_form'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="op" value="comp" />';
$vars['compare_form'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="repname" value="'.$repname.'" />';
$vars['compare_submit'] = '<input type="submit" value="'.$lang['COMPAREREVS'].'" />';
$vars['compare_endform'] = '</form>';
if (!$rep->hasReadAccess($path, false))
$vars["noaccess"] = true;
$vars['error'] = $lang['NOACCESS'];
parseTemplate($rep->getTemplatePath()."header.tmpl", $vars, $listing);
parseTemplate($rep->getTemplatePath()."log.tmpl", $vars, $listing);
parseTemplate($rep->getTemplatePath()."footer.tmpl", $vars, $listing);