Subversion Repositories svnkaklik

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 768 → Rev 769

0,0 → 1,46
set terminal png
set grid
set logscale xy
set key off
set xlabel "P [mW]"
set ylabel "R [Ohm]"
set output "RP.png"
plot "RP.txt" using 1:4 with points title "0,26 mW"
set key above
set xlabel "U [V]"
set ylabel "I [mA]"
set output "VA_R.png"
plot "VA_R.txt" using 1:3 with points title "0,26 mW", "" using 1:4 with points title "0,022 mW"
unset logscale xy
set output "VA_PIN_zaverny.png"
set xrange [-10:0]
plot "VA_PIN.txt" using 1:2 with lines smooth csplines title "2,94 mW", "" using 1:3 with lines smooth csplines title "0,26 mW"
set output "VA_PIN_propustny.png"
set xrange [0.3:0.6]
plot "VA_PIN.txt" using 1:2 with lines smooth csplines title "2,94 mW", "" using 1:3 with lines smooth csplines title "0,26 mW"
set key above
unset logscale xy
set xlabel "U [V]"
set ylabel "I [mA]"
set y2label "P [mW]"
set y2range [0:17]
set y2tics
set xrange [0.3:0.6]
set output "PIN_photovoltanic.png"
plot "PIN_photovoltanic.txt" using 1:2 with points title "Proud" axes x1y1, "" using 1:3 with points title "Výkon" axes x1y2
set xrange [0.022:3]
set yrange [0.05:25]
set logscale xy
set key off
set xlabel "P [mW]"
set ylabel "Ice [mA]"
set output "ITP.png"
plot "ITP.txt" using 1:3 with points