/dokumenty/skolni/ZPOP/zdroje_zareni/plot.gp |
0,0 → 1,23 |
set terminal png |
set key under |
set grid |
set angles degrees |
set xlabel "Proud [mA]" |
set ylabel "Vykon [mW]" |
set yrange [0:20] |
f(x)=k*x +q |
fit [30:100] f(x) "prahovy_proud.txt" using 1:2 via k,q |
g(x)=a*x +b |
fit [40:100] g(x) "prahovy_proud.txt" using 3:4 via a,b |
h(x)=c*x +d |
fit [70:100] h(x) "prahovy_proud.txt" using 5:6 via c,d |
set output "prahovy_proud.png" |
plot "prahovy_proud.txt" using 1:2 with points title "5 °C", f(x) title "", "prahovy_proud.txt" using 3:4 with points title "25 °C",g(x) title "" , "prahovy_proud.txt" using 5:6 with points title "50 °C", h(x) |
/dokumenty/skolni/ZPOP/zdroje_zareni/prahovy_proud.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
+application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/dokumenty/skolni/ZPOP/zdroje_zareni/prahovy_proud.txt |
0,0 → 1,18 |
12.28 0 0.02 0 0.02 0 |
14.38 0.01 20.8 0.01 23.23 0.01 |
24.67 0.03 25.17 0.02 37.8 0.02 |
29.2 0.05 30.39 0.03 45 0.03 |
21.27 0.02 35.39 0.04 52.54 0.04 |
27.06 0.04 38.04 0.05 57.92 0.05 |
32 0.1 39.6 0.06 62.19 0.06 |
33.14 0.2 40.8 0.07 64.81 0.08 |
34 0.5 42.13 0.1 71.05 1 |
35.42 1 44.1 0.5 74.53 2 |
38 2 45.5 1 78 3 |
40.61 3 48.35 2 |
0 0 51.16 3 |
0 0 56.6 5 |
0 0 64 7 |
0 0 64.8 8 |
0 0 69.8 10 |
/dokumenty/skolni/ZPOP/zdroje_zareni/zdroje_zareni.pdf |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
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/dokumenty/skolni/ZPOP/zdroje_zareni/zdroje_zareni.tex |
0,0 → 1,72 |
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\begin{document} |
\noindent \begin{tabular}{|>{\raggedright}b{4cm}|>{\raggedright}b{13cm}|} |
\hline |
\textbf{Název a \v{c}íslo úlohy}& Úloha 6 - Zdroje optického záření a jejich vlastnosti |
\tabularnewline |
\hline |
\textbf{Datum m\v{e}\v{r}ení}& 5. 4. 2011 |
\tabularnewline |
\hline |
\textbf{M\v{e}\v{r}ení provedli}& Tomáš Zikmund, Jakub Kákona |
\tabularnewline |
\hline |
\textbf{Vypracoval}& Jakub Kákona |
\tabularnewline |
\hline |
\textbf{Datum}& |
\tabularnewline |
\hline |
\textbf{Hodnocení}& |
\tabularnewline |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
\section{Zapojení LASERové diody} |
\subsection{Kalibrace řídící jednotky} |
\section{Prahový proud LASERové diody} |
\section{Vyzařovací charakteristika} |
\subsection*{Vertikální směr} |
\subsection*{Horizontální směr} |
\begin{thebibliography}{99} |
\bibitem{navod} Kolektiv KFE FJFI ČVUT: \emph{Úloha č. 8 - Vlastnosti optických vláken a optické senzory }, [online], [cit. 13. dubna 2011], http://optics.fjfi.cvut.cz/files/pdf/ZPOP\_08.pdf |
\end{thebibliography} |
\end{document} |