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Regard whitespace Rev 356 → Rev 408

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0,0 → 1,969
// sidd.c: A VLF signal monitor.
// author: Paul Nicholson,
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <linux/soundcard.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
// Tuneable Settings //
#define VERSION "0.94"
// Number of soundcard bytes to read at a time.
#define NREAD 2048
// Max number of bands which can be read from the config file.
#define MAXBANDS 20
// Name of the configuration file.
#define CONFIG_FILE "sidd.conf"
// Globals and fixed definitions //
// Default values here are over-ridden by the config file.
int mode = 1; // 1 = mono, 2 = stereo
int bits = 16; // Sample width, 8 or 16 bits
int BINS = 2048; // Number of frequency bins
#define FFTWID (2 * BINS) // Number of samples in FFT period
int background = 1; // Set zero if running in foreground
int fdi; // Input file handle
int fdm; // Mixer file handle
int VFLAG = 0; // Set non-zero by -v option
int MFLAG = 0; // Set non-zero by -m option
int spec_max = 100; // Issue a spectrum for every spec_max output records
int spec_cnt = 0;
int sample_rate = 100000; // Samples per second
int chans = 1;
int alert_on = 0;
int priority = 0; // Set to 1 if high scheduling priority
struct sigaction sa;
char mailaddr[100];
double los_thresh = 0; // Threshold for loss of signal, 0..1
int los_timeout = 0; // Number of seconds before loss of signal declared
double DF; // Frequency resolution of the FFT
int bailout_flag = 0; // To prevent bailout() looping
int grab_cnt = 0; // Count of samples into the FFT buffer
// Mixer gain settings requested by config file.
int req_lgain = -1; // Line gain
int req_mgain = -1; // Microphone gain
int req_igain = -1; // Input gain
int req_rgain = -1; // Record level
// Actual mixer values, read by open_mixer()
int mixer_recmask; // Recording device mask
int mixer_stereo; // Stereo device mask
int mixer_line; // Line input gain setting
int mixer_microphone; // Microphone input gain
int mixer_igain; // Overall input gain setting
int mixer_reclev; // Recording level setting
int mixer_recsrc; // Mask indicating which inputs are set to record
// Various filenames, contents set by config file.
char logfile[100] = "";
char device[100] = "/dev/dsp";
char mixer[100] = "/dev/mixer";
char spectrum_file[100] = "/tmp/sidspec";
char datadir[100] = ".";
// Table of frequency bands to monitor
struct BAND
char ident[50];
int start;
int end;
bands[MAXBANDS]; // Table of bands to be monitored
int nbands = 0;
// Independent state variables and buffers for left and right channels
struct CHAN
char *name;
double *signal_avg;
double *powspec;
double *fft_inbuf;
fftw_complex *fft_data;
fftw_plan ffp;
double peak;
double sum_sq;
int los_state;
time_t los_time;
FILE *fo;
char fname[100];
left = { "left" }, right = { "right" };
// Various Utility Functions //
// Issue a message to the log file, if the verbosity level is high enough...
void report( int level, char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
void bailout( char *format, ...);
char temp[ 200];
if( VFLAG < level) return;
va_start( ap, format);
vsprintf( temp, format, ap);
va_end( ap);
if( !logfile[0] || !background)
if( background != 2) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", temp);
if( logfile[0])
time_t now = time( NULL);
struct tm *tm = gmtime( &now);
FILE *flog = NULL;
if( (flog = fopen( logfile, "a+")) == NULL)
bailout( "cannot open logfile [%s]: %s", logfile, strerror( errno));
fprintf( flog, "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s\n",
tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday,
tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, temp);
fclose( flog);
void alert( char *format, ...)
FILE *f;
va_list( ap);
char cmd[100], temp[100];
va_start( ap, format);
vsprintf( temp, format, ap);
va_end( ap);
report( -1, "%s", temp);
if( !alert_on || !mailaddr[0]) return;
sprintf( cmd, "mail -s 'sidd alert' '%s'", mailaddr);
if( (f=popen( cmd, "w")) == NULL)
report( 0, "cannot exec [%s]: %s", cmd, strerror( errno));
fprintf( f, "sidd: %s\n", temp);
fclose( f);
// We try to exit the program through here, if possible.
void bailout( char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
char temp[ 200];
if( bailout_flag) exit( 1);
bailout_flag = 1;
va_start( ap, format);
vsprintf( temp, format, ap);
va_end( ap);
alert( "terminating: %s", temp);
exit( 1);
// Exit with a message if we get any signals.
void handle_sigs( int signum)
bailout( "got signal %d", signum);
// Soundcard Setup //
// Prepare the input stream, setting up the soundcard if the input
// is a character device.
void setup_input_stream( void)
struct stat st;
report( 1, "taking data from [%s]", device);
if( (fdi = open( device, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
bailout( "cannot open [%s]: %s", strerror( errno));
if( fstat( fdi, &st) < 0)
bailout( "cannot stat input stream: %s", strerror( errno));
if( S_ISCHR( st.st_mode))
int blksize;
int fragreq = 0x7fff000a;
unsigned int format;
unsigned int req_format = AFMT_S16_LE;
if( bits == 8) req_format = AFMT_U8;
if (ioctl( fdi, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, &fragreq))
report( 01, "cannot set fragment size");
if( ioctl( fdi, SNDCTL_DSP_RESET, NULL) < 0)
bailout( "cannot reset input device");
chans = mode;
if( ioctl( fdi, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS, &chans) < 0)
bailout( "cannot set channels on input device");
if( ioctl( fdi, SNDCTL_DSP_GETFMTS, &format) < 0)
bailout( "cannot get formats from input device");
report( 2, "formats available: %08X", format);
if( (format & req_format) == 0)
report( 0, "available dsp modes are %08X", format);
bailout( "unable to set %d bit dsp mode", bits);
format = req_format;
if( ioctl( fdi, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &format) < 0)
bailout( "cannot set dsp format on input device");
if( ioctl( fdi, SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE, &blksize) < 0)
bailout( "cannot get block size from input device");
report( 2, "dsp block size: %d", blksize);
if( ioctl( fdi, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS, &chans) < 0)
bailout( "cannot get channels from input device");
report( 1, "requesting rate %d", sample_rate);
if( ioctl( fdi, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &sample_rate) < 0)
bailout( "cannot set sample rate of input device");
report( 1, "actual rate set: %d samples/sec", sample_rate);
report( 1, "soundcard channels: %d bits: %d", chans, bits);
// Output Functions //
void maybe_output_spectrum( void)
FILE *f;
int i;
if( ++spec_cnt < spec_max) return; // Wait for spec_max records
spec_cnt = 0;
if( !spectrum_file[0]) return; // Spectrum file not wanted.
if( (f=fopen( spectrum_file, "w+")) == NULL)
bailout( "cannot open spectrum file %s, %s", strerror( errno));
if( mode == 1){
fprintf( f, "Frequency PowerL \n");
for( i=0; i<BINS; i++) fprintf( f, "%.5e %.5e\n",
(i+0.5) * DF, left.signal_avg[i]/spec_max);}
fprintf( f, "Frequncy PowerL PowerR \n");
for( i=0; i<BINS; i++) fprintf( f, "%.5e %.5e %.5e\n",
(i+0.5) * DF, left.signal_avg[i]/spec_max,
fclose( f);
for( i=0; i<BINS; i++) left.signal_avg[i] = 0;
if( mode == 2) for( i=0; i<BINS; i++) right.signal_avg[i] = 0;
void output_record( struct CHAN *c, char *prefix, double fsecs)
int i, j;
char test[100];
if( mode == 1)
sprintf( test, "%s.dat", prefix);
sprintf( test, "%s.%s.dat", prefix, c->name);
if( !c->fo || strcmp( test, c->fname))
if( c->fo) fclose( c->fo);
strcpy( c->fname, test);
report( 0, "using output file [%s]", c->fname);
if( (c->fo=fopen( c->fname, "a+")) == NULL)
bailout( "cannot open [%s], %s", c->fname, strerror( errno));
fprintf( c->fo, "%.3f %.3f %.3f", fsecs, c->peak, sqrt( c->sum_sq/FFTWID));
for( i=0; i<nbands; i++)
double e = 0;
int n1 = bands[i].start/DF;
int n2 = bands[i].end/DF;
for( j=n1; j<= n2; j++) e += c->powspec[j];
e /= n2 - n1 + 1;
fprintf( c->fo, " %.2e", e);
fprintf( c->fo, "\n");
fflush( c->fo);
c->peak = c->sum_sq = 0;
void output_records( void)
struct timeval tv;
struct tm *tm;
double fsecs;
time_t ud;
char prefix[100];
gettimeofday( &tv, NULL);
fsecs = tv.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv.tv_usec;
ud = tv.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec % 86400;
tm = gmtime( &ud);
sprintf( prefix, "%s/%02d%02d%02d", datadir,
tm->tm_year - 100, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday);
output_record( &left, prefix, fsecs);
if( mode == 2) output_record( &right, prefix, fsecs);
void check_los( struct CHAN *c)
if( !c->los_state)
if( !c->los_time && c->peak < los_thresh) time( &c->los_time);
if( c->los_time && c->peak > los_thresh) c->los_time = 0;
if( c->los_time && c->los_time + los_timeout < time( NULL))
c->los_state = 1;
c->los_time = 0;
if( mode == 1) alert( "loss of signal");
else alert( "loss of signal on %s", c->name);
if( !c->los_time && c->peak > los_thresh) time( &c->los_time);
if( c->los_time && c->peak < los_thresh) c->los_time = 0;
if( c->los_time && c->los_time + los_timeout < time( NULL))
c->los_state = 0;
c->los_time = 0;
if( mode == 1) alert( "signal restored");
else alert( "signal restored on %s", c->name);
// Signal Processing //
void process_fft( struct CHAN *c)
int i;
// Do the FFT. First time through, initialise the fft plan.
if( !c->ffp)
c->ffp = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d( FFTWID, c->fft_inbuf, c->fft_data,
fftw_execute( c->ffp);
// Obtain squared amplitude of each bin.
c->powspec[ 0] = 0.0; // Zero the DC component
for( i=1; i<BINS; i++)
double t1 = c->fft_data[ i][0];
double t2 = c->fft_data[ i][1];
c->powspec[ i] = t1*t1 + t2*t2;
// Accumulate average signal levels in each bin. signal_avg is used
// only for the spectrum file output.
for( i=0; i<BINS; i++) c->signal_avg[ i] += c->powspec[i];
check_los( c);
void insert_sample( struct CHAN *c, double f)
c->sum_sq += f * f;
if( f > c->peak) c->peak = f;
if( f < -c->peak) c->peak = -f;
c->fft_inbuf[ grab_cnt] = f * sin( grab_cnt/(double) FFTWID * M_PI);
void maybe_do_fft( void)
if( ++grab_cnt < FFTWID) return;
grab_cnt = 0;
process_fft( &left);
if( mode == 2) process_fft( &right);
// Main signal processing loop. Never returns.
void process_signal( void)
unsigned char buff[ NREAD];
while( 1)
int i, q;
if( (q=read( fdi, buff, NREAD)) <= 0)
if( !q || errno == ENOENT || errno == 0)
usleep( 50000);
report( 0, "input file: read error, count=%d errno=%d", q, errno);
exit( 1);
// Unpack the input buffer into signed 16 bit words.
// then scale to -1..+1 for further processing.
// We use 'chans' to decide if the soundcard is giving stereo or
// mono samples, rather than 'mode', because some cards will refuse
// to do mono.
if( bits == 16)
if( chans == 1)
for( i=0; i<q; i += 2)
int fh = *(short *)(buff + i);
insert_sample( &left, fh/32768.0);
else // chans must be 2
if( mode == 1)
for( i=0; i<q; i += 4)
int fh = *(short *)(buff + i);
insert_sample( &left, fh/32768.0);
else // mode == 2
for( i=0; i<q; i += 4)
int fh = *(short *)(buff + i);
insert_sample( &left, fh/32768.0);
fh = *(short *)(buff + i + 2);
insert_sample( &right, fh/32768.0);
else // bits must be 8
if( chans == 1)
for( i=0; i<q; i++)
int fh = ((short)buff[i] - 128)*256;
insert_sample( &left, fh/32768.0);
else // chans must be 2
if( mode == 1)
for( i=0; i<q; i += 2)
int fh = ((short)buff[i] - 128)*256;
insert_sample( &left, fh/32768.0);
else // mode == 2
for( i=0; i<q; i += 2)
int fh = ((short)buff[i] - 128)*256;
insert_sample( &left, fh/32768.0);
fh = ((short)buff[i+1] - 128)*256;
insert_sample( &right, fh/32768.0);
// Configuration File Stuff //
void config_band( char *ident, char *start, char *end)
struct BAND *b = bands + nbands++;
if( nbands == MAXBANDS) bailout( "too many bands specified in config file");
strcpy( b->ident, ident);
b->start = atoi( start);
b->end = atoi( end);
report( 1, "band %s %d %d", b->ident, b->start, b->end);
void load_config( void)
int lino = 0, nf;
FILE *f;
char buff[100], *p, *fields[20];
if( (f=fopen( CONFIG_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
bailout( "no config file found");
while( fgets( buff, 99, f))
if( (p=strchr( buff, '\r')) != NULL) *p = 0;
if( (p=strchr( buff, '\n')) != NULL) *p = 0;
if( (p=strchr( buff, ';')) != NULL) *p = 0;
p = buff; nf = 0;
while( 1)
while( *p && isspace( *p)) p++;
if( !*p) break;
fields[nf++] = p;
while( *p && !isspace( *p)) p++;
if( *p) *p++ = 0;
if( !nf) continue;
if( nf == 4 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "band"))
config_band( fields[1], fields[2], fields[3]);
if( nf == 2 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "logfile"))
strcpy( logfile, fields[1]);
report( 1, "logfile %s", logfile);
if( nf == 3 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "los"))
los_thresh = atof( fields[1]);
los_timeout = atoi( fields[2]);
report( 1, "los threshold %.3f, timeout %d seconds",
los_thresh, los_timeout);
if( nf == 2 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "device"))
strcpy( device, fields[1]);
if( nf == 2 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "mixer"))
strcpy( mixer, fields[1]);
if( nf == 2 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "mode"))
if( !strcasecmp( fields[1], "mono")) mode = 1;
if( !strcasecmp( fields[1], "stereo")) mode = 2;
bailout( "error in config file, line %d", lino);
if( nf == 2 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "bits"))
bits = atoi( fields[1]);
if( bits != 8 && bits != 16)
bailout( "can only do 8 or 16 bits, config file line %d", lino);
if( nf == 3 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "spectrum"))
strcpy( spectrum_file, fields[1]);
spec_max = atoi( fields[2]);
if( nf == 2 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "sched")
&& !strcasecmp( fields[1], "high"))
priority = 1;
if( nf == 4 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "gain"))
int left = atoi( fields[2]);
int right = atoi( fields[3]);
int gain = (right << 8) | left;
if( !strcasecmp( fields[1], "line"))
req_lgain = gain;
mixer_recsrc = SOUND_MASK_LINE;
if( !strcasecmp( fields[1], "mic"))
req_mgain = gain;
mixer_recsrc = SOUND_MASK_MIC;
if( !strcasecmp( fields[1], "overall")) req_igain = gain;
if( !strcasecmp( fields[1], "record")) req_rgain = gain;
bailout( "unknown gain control [%s]", fields[1]);
if( nf == 2 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "rate"))
sample_rate = atoi( fields[1]);
if( nf == 2 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "bins"))
BINS = atoi( fields[1]);
if( nf == 2 && !strcasecmp( fields[0], "datadir"))
struct stat st;
strcpy( datadir, fields[1]);
if( stat( datadir, &st) < 0 || !S_ISDIR( st.st_mode))
bailout( "no data directory, %s", datadir);
bailout( "error in config file, line %d", lino);
fclose( f);
// Mixer Stuff //
void open_mixer( void)
if( (fdm = open( mixer, O_RDWR)) < 0)
bailout( "cannot open [%s]: %s", mixer, strerror( errno));
// Determine the available mixer recording gain controls.
// We must at least have a line input.
if( ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECMASK, &mixer_recmask) < 0)
bailout( "cannot read mixer devmask");
if( (mixer_recmask & SOUND_MASK_LINE) == 0)
bailout( "mixer has no line device");
if( ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_READ_STEREODEVS, &mixer_stereo) < 0)
bailout( "cannot read mixer stereodevs");
if( ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECSRC, &mixer_recsrc) < 0)
bailout( "cannot read mixer recsrc");
// Read the line input gain.
if( ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_READ_LINE, &mixer_line) < 0)
bailout( "cannot read mixer line");
// Read overall input gain? Optional.
if( (mixer_recmask & SOUND_MASK_IGAIN) &&
ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_READ_IGAIN, &mixer_igain) < 0)
bailout( "cannot read mixer igain");
// Read overall recording level? Optional.
if( (mixer_recmask & SOUND_MASK_RECLEV) &&
ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECLEV, &mixer_reclev) < 0)
bailout( "cannot read mixer reclev");
void report_mixer_settings( void)
report( 1, "mixer: line input is %s",
mixer_stereo & SOUND_MASK_LINE ? "stereo" : "mono");
report( 1, "mixer: line input is %s",
mixer_recsrc & SOUND_MASK_LINE ? "on" : "off");
report( 1, "mixer: line input gain: left=%d right=%d",
mixer_line & 0xff, (mixer_line >> 8) & 0xff);
// Overall input gain? Optional.
if( mixer_recmask & SOUND_MASK_IGAIN)
report( 1, "mixer: igain: left=%d right=%d",
mixer_igain & 0xff, (mixer_igain >> 8) & 0xff);
else report( 1, "mixer: igain: n/a");
// Overall recording level? Optional.
if( mixer_recmask & SOUND_MASK_RECLEV)
report( 1, "mixer: reclev: left=%d right=%d",
mixer_reclev & 0xff, (mixer_reclev >> 8) & 0xff);
else report( 1, "mixer: reclev: n/a");
void setup_mixer( void)
if( req_lgain >= 0)
report( 1, "requesting line input gains left=%d right=%d",
req_lgain & 0xff, (req_lgain >> 8) & 0xff);
if( ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_LINE, &req_lgain) < 0 ||
ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_READ_LINE, &mixer_line) < 0)
bailout( "error setting mixer line gain");
report( 1, "line input gains set to: left=%d right=%d",
mixer_line & 0xff, (mixer_line >> 8) & 0xff);
if( req_mgain >= 0)
report( 1, "requesting microphone input gains left=%d right=%d",
req_mgain & 0xff, (req_mgain >> 8) & 0xff);
if( ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_MIC, &req_mgain) < 0 ||
ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_READ_MIC, &mixer_microphone) < 0)
bailout( "error setting mixer microphone gain");
report( 1, "Microphone input gains set to: left=%d right=%d",
mixer_microphone & 0xff, (mixer_microphone >> 8) & 0xff);
if( req_igain >= 0 &&
(mixer_recmask & SOUND_MASK_IGAIN))
report( 1, "requesting overall input gains left=%d right=%d",
req_igain & 0xff, (req_igain >> 8) & 0xff);
if( ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_IGAIN, &req_igain) < 0 ||
ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_READ_IGAIN, &mixer_igain) < 0)
bailout( "error setting mixer overall input gain");
report( 1, "overall input gains set to: left=%d right=%d",
mixer_igain & 0xff, (mixer_igain >> 8) & 0xff);
if( req_rgain >= 0 &&
(mixer_recmask & SOUND_MASK_RECLEV))
report( 1, "requesting overall record levels left=%d right=%d",
req_rgain & 0xff, (req_rgain >> 8) & 0xff);
if( ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_RECLEV, &req_rgain) < 0 ||
ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECLEV, &mixer_reclev) < 0)
bailout( "error setting mixer record level");
report( 1, "mixer record levels set to: left=%d right=%d",
mixer_reclev & 0xff, (mixer_reclev >> 8) & 0xff);
//mixer_recsrc= SOUND_MASK_LINE;
mixer_recsrc= SOUND_MASK_MIC;
switch (mixer_recsrc)
if( ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_RECSRC, &mixer_recsrc) < 0)
bailout( "cannot set mixer recsrc to microphone");
else report(1, "Input device set to microphone");
if( ioctl( fdm, SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_RECSRC, &mixer_recsrc) < 0)
bailout( "cannot set mixer recsrc to line");
else report(1, "Input device set to line");
// Main //
void make_daemon( void)
int childpid, fd;
if( (childpid = fork()) < 0)
bailout( "cannot fork: %s", strerror( errno));
else if( childpid > 0) exit( 0);
if( setpgrp() == -1) bailout( "cannot setpgrp");
if( (childpid = fork()) < 0)
bailout( "cannot fork: %s", strerror( errno));
else if( childpid > 0) exit( 0);
for( fd = 0; fd <NOFILE; fd++) if( fd != fdi) close( fd);
errno = 0;
background = 2;
void initialise_channel( struct CHAN *c)
int i;
c->fft_inbuf = (double *) malloc( BINS * 2 * sizeof( double));
c->fft_data = fftw_malloc( sizeof( fftw_complex) * FFTWID);
c->powspec = (double *) malloc( BINS * sizeof( double));
c->signal_avg = (double *) malloc( BINS * sizeof( double));
for( i=0; i<BINS; i++) c->signal_avg[i] = 0;
void setup_signal_handling( void)
sa.sa_handler = handle_sigs;
sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask);
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction( SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
sigaction( SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);
sigaction( SIGHUP, &sa, NULL);
sigaction( SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL);
sigaction( SIGFPE, &sa, NULL);
sigaction( SIGBUS, &sa, NULL);
sigaction( SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL);
// Set scheduling priority to the minimum SCHED_FIFO value.
void set_scheduling( void)
struct sched_param pa;
int min = sched_get_priority_min( SCHED_FIFO);
pa.sched_priority = min;
if( sched_setscheduler( 0, SCHED_FIFO, &pa) < 0)
report( -1, "cannot set scheduling priority: %s", strerror( errno));
report( 0, "using SCHED_FIFO priority %d", min);
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
while( 1)
int c = getopt( argc, argv, "vfm");
if( c == 'v') VFLAG++;
if( c == 'm') MFLAG++;
if( c == 'f') background = 0;
else if( c == -1) break;
else bailout( "unknown option [%c]", c);
if( MFLAG)
VFLAG = 1;
background = 0;
exit( 0);
if( background && !logfile[0])
report( -1, "warning: no logfile specified for daemon");
DF = (double) sample_rate/(double) FFTWID;
report( 1, "resolution: bins=%d fftwid=%d df=%f", BINS, FFTWID, DF);
report( 1, "spectrum file: %s", spectrum_file);
initialise_channel( &left);
if( mode == 2) initialise_channel( &right);
if( background) make_daemon();
if( priority) set_scheduling();
report( 0, "sidd version %s: starting work", VERSION);
alert_on = 1;
return 0;
0,0 → 1,77
; Specify a file into which sidd will write messages.
logfile ./sidd.log
; The input device and mixer
device /dev/dsp
mixer /dev/mixer
; Specify the mode of operation - stereo or mono. In stereo mode,
; sidd will run two independent monitors, each with its own output file.
mode stereo
; The requested sample rate. The software will use the closest
; setting available from the soundcard.
rate 48000
; Sample size, 8 or 16 bits. 16 bits is strongly recommended, 8 bit is
; provided in case your soundcard or driver doesn't do 16.
bits 16
; Number of frequency bins to use. The FFT size is 2*bins and the program
; will issue an output record every (2*bins)/rate seconds.
bins 2048
; Line input gains, left and right. If using mono, set them both the same.
; Range is 0 to 100. The logfile will report the actual values set, which
; may differ a little.
;gain line 77 100
gain mic 100 100
; Overall input gains, comments as above.
;gain overall 86 100
; Overall record level, comments as above.
;gain record 100 100
; Specify a directory to contain daily data files. Use '.' for the
; current directory. Output files will be datadir/yymmdd.dat when running
; in mono, otherwise datadir/yymmdd.left.dat and datadir/yymmdd.right.dat
datadir .
; Enable real time scheduling of sidd. Recommended so that soundcard buffers
; are read promptly, which means minimum latency before each fft buffer is
; timestamped. You have to be running as root for this to work.
sched high
; Specify the email address of whoever is to get any bad news.
; mail someone@someplace
; The loss-of-signal warning threshold and time delay. If the input
; signal peak level (0-1.0) falls below the given threshold for more than
; the delay time, a warning will be issued. The threshold applies to both
; left and right in stereo mode, on the assumption that you've set the gains
; so that the signal levels are about the same anyway.
los 0.06 5
; Specify a file into which spectrum data will regularly be written.
; This file is overwritten with a fresh spectrum roughly every
; 100 * 2 * bins/rate seconds. The spectrum file contains three space
; separated columns: bin centre frequency (Hz) and the average power
; in the bin (relative), for the left and right channels. In mono mode,
; there are just two columns
spectrum /tmp/sidspec 100
; Specify the channels to monitor. The ident field is not actually used by
; sidd.
; ident from to
band 18k3HWU 18200 18400 ; Le Blanc, France
band 19k6GBZ 19480 19680 ; Anthorn, UK
band 22k1GBZ 22050 22150 ; Skelton, UK
band 20k3ICV 20190 20340 ; Tavolara, Italy
band B1 20800 21000 ; Background channel
band B2 22650 22850 ; Background channel
0,0 → 1,2049
Frequency PowerL
5,85938e+00 0,00000e+00
1,75781e+01 1,53110e+01
2,92969e+01 6,26870e-01
4,10156e+01 1,30362e-01
5,27344e+01 9,68796e-02
6,44531e+01 4,19689e-02
7,61719e+01 1,33644e-02
8,78906e+01 1,17298e-02
9,96094e+01 8,36757e-03
1,11328e+02 7,57972e-03
1,23047e+02 4,82043e-03
1,34766e+02 4,29181e-03
1,46484e+02 6,10396e-03
1,58203e+02 1,10537e-02
1,69922e+02 2,91697e-03
1,81641e+02 2,49682e-03
1,93359e+02 4,14917e-03
2,05078e+02 7,28881e-03
2,16797e+02 3,24922e-03
2,28516e+02 2,71058e-03
2,40234e+02 3,37082e-03
2,51953e+02 3,89083e-03
2,63672e+02 3,24383e-03
2,75391e+02 3,44929e-03
2,87109e+02 3,50977e-03
2,98828e+02 4,10071e-03
3,10547e+02 3,88093e-03
3,22266e+02 3,28404e-03
3,33984e+02 4,02088e-03
3,45703e+02 3,22343e-03
3,57422e+02 2,37614e-03
3,69141e+02 2,67083e-03
3,80859e+02 3,20112e-03
3,92578e+02 2,91127e-03
4,04297e+02 2,63589e-03
4,16016e+02 2,62869e-03
4,27734e+02 2,82605e-03
4,39453e+02 3,21832e-03
4,51172e+02 2,42085e-03
4,62891e+02 2,59514e-03
4,74609e+02 3,01597e-03
4,86328e+02 3,15201e-03
4,98047e+02 2,53131e-03
5,09766e+02 2,88717e-03
5,21484e+02 3,01986e-03
5,33203e+02 3,27034e-03
5,44922e+02 2,51910e-03
5,56641e+02 3,38825e-03
5,68359e+02 3,05193e-03
5,80078e+02 2,79330e-03
5,91797e+02 2,51063e-03
6,03516e+02 3,32973e-03
6,15234e+02 2,65348e-03
6,26953e+02 2,45071e-03
6,38672e+02 1,73846e-03
6,50391e+02 2,58569e-03
6,62109e+02 2,88270e-03
6,73828e+02 2,66624e-03
6,85547e+02 2,11060e-03
6,97266e+02 3,15658e-03
7,08984e+02 2,81907e-03
7,20703e+02 2,76264e-03
7,32422e+02 2,82791e-03
7,44141e+02 2,71246e-03
7,55859e+02 2,79216e-03
7,67578e+02 3,09958e-03
7,79297e+02 2,77437e-03
7,91016e+02 2,84116e-03
8,02734e+02 2,65407e-03
8,14453e+02 2,64713e-03
8,26172e+02 1,95746e-03
8,37891e+02 2,67365e-03
8,49609e+02 2,66572e-03
8,61328e+02 2,51246e-03
8,73047e+02 2,25137e-03
8,84766e+02 2,92843e-03
8,96484e+02 2,81848e-03
9,08203e+02 2,69917e-03
9,19922e+02 2,16258e-03
9,31641e+02 2,68937e-03
9,43359e+02 2,69649e-03
9,55078e+02 2,40891e-03
9,66797e+02 1,92704e-03
9,78516e+02 2,94323e-03
9,90234e+02 2,72567e-03
1,00195e+03 2,95382e-03
1,01367e+03 2,03037e-03
1,02539e+03 2,51357e-03
1,03711e+03 2,71860e-03
1,04883e+03 2,79833e-03
1,06055e+03 1,72914e-03
1,07227e+03 2,14589e-03
1,08398e+03 2,55448e-03
1,09570e+03 1,92969e-03
1,10742e+03 1,97705e-03
1,11914e+03 2,02731e-03
1,13086e+03 2,13883e-03
1,14258e+03 2,02723e-03
1,15430e+03 2,06362e-03
1,16602e+03 2,35543e-03
1,17773e+03 2,06152e-03
1,18945e+03 2,18602e-03
1,20117e+03 2,04449e-03
1,21289e+03 2,53517e-03
1,22461e+03 1,91685e-03
1,23633e+03 1,52390e-03
1,24805e+03 1,79079e-03
1,25977e+03 2,40559e-03
1,27148e+03 2,71502e-03
1,28320e+03 3,27105e-03
1,29492e+03 1,60039e-03
1,30664e+03 2,34576e-03
1,31836e+03 2,35837e-03
1,33008e+03 2,64431e-03
1,34180e+03 1,72023e-03
1,35352e+03 2,82992e-03
1,36523e+03 2,72451e-03
1,37695e+03 2,67537e-03
1,38867e+03 1,77844e-03
1,40039e+03 1,81719e-03
1,41211e+03 1,97427e-03
1,42383e+03 2,03234e-03
1,43555e+03 1,65764e-03
1,44727e+03 2,70719e-03
1,45898e+03 2,35454e-03
1,47070e+03 2,36461e-03
1,48242e+03 1,58300e-03
1,49414e+03 2,36680e-03
1,50586e+03 2,39502e-03
1,51758e+03 2,08697e-03
1,52930e+03 1,50109e-03
1,54102e+03 1,89479e-03
1,55273e+03 2,30505e-03
1,56445e+03 2,20807e-03
1,57617e+03 1,73962e-03
1,58789e+03 2,16210e-03
1,59961e+03 2,17065e-03
1,61133e+03 2,26959e-03
1,62305e+03 1,63650e-03
1,63477e+03 1,83037e-03
1,64648e+03 2,06193e-03
1,65820e+03 2,14040e-03
1,66992e+03 1,53946e-03
1,68164e+03 2,15223e-03
1,69336e+03 2,20137e-03
1,70508e+03 2,00351e-03
1,71680e+03 1,56333e-03
1,72852e+03 2,39768e-03
1,74023e+03 2,15851e-03
1,75195e+03 1,89264e-03
1,76367e+03 1,31613e-03
1,77539e+03 1,78599e-03
1,78711e+03 1,87742e-03
1,79883e+03 2,06394e-03
1,81055e+03 1,19110e-03
1,82227e+03 1,91879e-03
1,83398e+03 1,94832e-03
1,84570e+03 2,42839e-03
1,85742e+03 1,44283e-03
1,86914e+03 1,82647e-03
1,88086e+03 2,02933e-03
1,89258e+03 1,89927e-03
1,90430e+03 1,08258e-03
1,91602e+03 1,75833e-03
1,92773e+03 1,85053e-03
1,93945e+03 1,91112e-03
1,95117e+03 1,26063e-03
1,96289e+03 1,79728e-03
1,97461e+03 1,63155e-03
1,98633e+03 1,67803e-03
1,99805e+03 1,14593e-03
2,00977e+03 1,76829e-03
2,02148e+03 2,07658e-03
2,03320e+03 1,80349e-03
2,04492e+03 1,11449e-03
2,05664e+03 1,90659e-03
2,06836e+03 1,96368e-03
2,08008e+03 1,65273e-03
2,09180e+03 1,16492e-03
2,10352e+03 1,59487e-03
2,11523e+03 1,53669e-03
2,12695e+03 1,87489e-03
2,13867e+03 1,20863e-03
2,15039e+03 1,91875e-03
2,16211e+03 1,76283e-03
2,17383e+03 1,92895e-03
2,18555e+03 1,18704e-03
2,19727e+03 1,61464e-03
2,20898e+03 1,53782e-03
2,22070e+03 1,67306e-03
2,23242e+03 9,61660e-04
2,24414e+03 1,51012e-03
2,25586e+03 1,60284e-03
2,26758e+03 1,53825e-03
2,27930e+03 8,91721e-04
2,29102e+03 1,76133e-03
2,30273e+03 1,53630e-03
2,31445e+03 1,73604e-03
2,32617e+03 1,07672e-03
2,33789e+03 1,64943e-03
2,34961e+03 1,72416e-03
2,36133e+03 1,64603e-03
2,37305e+03 9,58880e-04
2,38477e+03 1,67522e-03
2,39648e+03 1,58563e-03
2,40820e+03 1,57123e-03
2,41992e+03 1,09475e-03
2,43164e+03 1,36182e-03
2,44336e+03 1,25777e-03
2,45508e+03 1,60928e-03
2,46680e+03 1,00263e-03
2,47852e+03 1,59007e-03
2,49023e+03 1,51628e-03
2,50195e+03 1,66775e-03
2,51367e+03 1,07629e-03
2,52539e+03 1,36279e-03
2,53711e+03 1,63727e-03
2,54883e+03 1,21431e-03
2,56055e+03 8,60311e-04
2,57227e+03 1,37781e-03
2,58398e+03 1,38705e-03
2,59570e+03 1,30161e-03
2,60742e+03 7,53928e-04
2,61914e+03 9,86307e-04
2,63086e+03 1,31060e-03
2,64258e+03 1,67334e-03
2,65430e+03 9,32153e-04
2,66602e+03 2,98500e-03
2,67773e+03 2,10333e-03
2,68945e+03 1,50504e-03
2,70117e+03 7,25762e-04
2,71289e+03 1,66182e-03
2,72461e+03 1,66438e-03
2,73633e+03 1,34532e-03
2,74805e+03 9,48057e-04
2,75977e+03 1,65451e-03
2,77148e+03 1,49503e-03
2,78320e+03 1,43515e-03
2,79492e+03 7,53022e-04
2,80664e+03 1,42038e-03
2,81836e+03 1,27705e-03
2,83008e+03 1,43205e-03
2,84180e+03 7,12544e-04
2,85352e+03 1,47589e-03
2,86523e+03 1,68024e-03
2,87695e+03 1,29502e-03
2,88867e+03 7,26944e-04
2,90039e+03 1,51366e-03
2,91211e+03 1,37533e-03
2,92383e+03 1,37639e-03
2,93555e+03 8,32318e-04
2,94727e+03 1,54476e-03
2,95898e+03 1,42327e-03
2,97070e+03 1,17025e-03
2,98242e+03 7,94097e-04
2,99414e+03 1,50863e-03
3,00586e+03 1,38455e-03
3,01758e+03 1,19708e-03
3,02930e+03 8,55425e-04
3,04102e+03 1,39972e-03
3,05273e+03 1,38838e-03
3,06445e+03 1,33051e-03
3,07617e+03 6,86145e-04
3,08789e+03 1,35525e-03
3,09961e+03 1,40293e-03
3,11133e+03 1,24304e-03
3,12305e+03 7,65865e-04
3,13477e+03 1,27227e-03
3,14648e+03 1,25171e-03
3,15820e+03 1,23725e-03
3,16992e+03 6,67611e-04
3,18164e+03 1,40830e-03
3,19336e+03 1,53646e-03
3,20508e+03 1,29434e-03
3,21680e+03 6,40567e-04
3,22852e+03 1,12977e-03
3,24023e+03 1,42471e-03
3,25195e+03 1,54218e-03
3,26367e+03 6,89389e-04
3,27539e+03 1,19894e-03
3,28711e+03 1,26884e-03
3,29883e+03 1,25920e-03
3,31055e+03 6,02674e-04
3,32227e+03 1,23416e-03
3,33398e+03 1,21639e-03
3,34570e+03 1,25239e-03
3,35742e+03 6,93175e-04
3,36914e+03 1,26905e-03
3,38086e+03 1,09942e-03
3,39258e+03 1,20406e-03
3,40430e+03 5,99881e-04
3,41602e+03 1,19071e-03
3,42773e+03 1,28526e-03
3,43945e+03 1,26884e-03
3,45117e+03 6,95048e-04
3,46289e+03 1,27697e-03
3,47461e+03 1,15861e-03
3,48633e+03 1,35877e-03
3,49805e+03 6,34659e-04
3,50977e+03 1,22196e-03
3,52148e+03 1,28757e-03
3,53320e+03 1,63197e-03
3,54492e+03 7,20978e-04
3,55664e+03 1,07482e-03
3,56836e+03 1,20152e-03
3,58008e+03 1,45292e-03
3,59180e+03 6,29949e-04
3,60352e+03 1,12542e-03
3,61523e+03 1,32302e-03
3,62695e+03 1,53604e-03
3,63867e+03 5,70850e-04
3,65039e+03 1,07606e-03
3,66211e+03 1,40578e-03
3,67383e+03 1,44565e-03
3,68555e+03 6,87665e-04
3,69727e+03 1,22618e-03
3,70898e+03 1,47728e-03
3,72070e+03 1,47715e-03
3,73242e+03 5,24985e-04
3,74414e+03 1,06079e-03
3,75586e+03 1,47398e-03
3,76758e+03 1,95931e-03
3,77930e+03 5,31248e-04
3,79102e+03 9,07808e-04
3,80273e+03 3,64894e-03
3,81445e+03 6,24651e-03
3,82617e+03 6,79027e-04
3,83789e+03 7,92014e-04
3,84961e+03 7,15316e-04
3,86133e+03 8,55498e-04
3,87305e+03 7,16483e-04
3,88477e+03 5,79129e-04
3,89648e+03 6,52152e-04
3,90820e+03 7,24394e-04
3,91992e+03 4,87313e-04
3,93164e+03 2,62327e-03
3,94336e+03 2,13896e-03
3,95508e+03 8,90383e-04
3,96680e+03 8,10631e-04
3,97852e+03 2,80448e-02
3,99023e+03 1,51045e-02
4,00195e+03 1,16238e-03
4,01367e+03 5,02397e-04
4,02539e+03 4,74365e-03
4,03711e+03 2,99842e-03
4,04883e+03 7,52364e-04
4,06055e+03 6,79411e-04
4,07227e+03 3,04311e-03
4,08398e+03 1,89952e-03
4,09570e+03 9,97753e-04
4,10742e+03 6,02079e-04
4,11914e+03 2,43462e-03
4,13086e+03 1,64580e-03
4,14258e+03 9,09784e-04
4,15430e+03 5,95553e-04
4,16602e+03 2,31958e-03
4,17773e+03 1,59159e-03
4,18945e+03 1,00809e-03
4,20117e+03 5,98915e-04
4,21289e+03 2,13145e-03
4,22461e+03 1,61172e-03
4,23633e+03 1,00167e-03
4,24805e+03 6,43863e-04
4,25977e+03 2,05572e-03
4,27148e+03 1,44885e-03
4,28320e+03 8,69748e-04
4,29492e+03 5,28514e-04
4,30664e+03 1,78718e-03
4,31836e+03 1,38223e-03
4,33008e+03 9,30110e-04
4,34180e+03 5,54462e-04
4,35352e+03 1,87278e-03
4,36523e+03 1,19922e-03
4,37695e+03 1,02967e-03
4,38867e+03 4,75963e-04
4,40039e+03 1,96240e-03
4,41211e+03 1,34810e-03
4,42383e+03 9,53110e-04
4,43555e+03 5,68335e-04
4,44727e+03 1,86443e-03
4,45898e+03 1,34638e-03
4,47070e+03 1,07393e-03
4,48242e+03 4,70260e-04
4,49414e+03 1,71872e-03
4,50586e+03 1,32410e-03
4,51758e+03 9,49589e-04
4,52930e+03 5,47441e-04
4,54102e+03 1,70809e-03
4,55273e+03 1,39277e-03
4,56445e+03 1,08668e-03
4,57617e+03 4,93540e-04
4,58789e+03 1,65953e-03
4,59961e+03 1,29958e-03
4,61133e+03 9,50794e-04
4,62305e+03 6,24377e-04
4,63477e+03 1,58763e-03
4,64648e+03 1,38626e-03
4,65820e+03 9,72221e-04
4,66992e+03 4,82221e-04
4,68164e+03 1,74363e-03
4,69336e+03 1,23042e-03
4,70508e+03 1,01955e-03
4,71680e+03 5,21411e-04
4,72852e+03 1,56294e-03
4,74023e+03 1,23192e-03
4,75195e+03 9,92262e-04
4,76367e+03 4,89711e-04
4,77539e+03 1,67703e-03
4,78711e+03 1,14611e-03
4,79883e+03 1,02311e-03
4,81055e+03 5,68808e-04
4,82227e+03 1,57599e-03
4,83398e+03 1,37597e-03
4,84570e+03 1,09947e-03
4,85742e+03 5,05844e-04
4,86914e+03 1,69457e-03
4,88086e+03 1,51226e-03
4,89258e+03 1,14821e-03
4,90430e+03 5,36304e-04
4,91602e+03 1,57733e-03
4,92773e+03 1,33854e-03
4,93945e+03 8,96512e-04
4,95117e+03 4,60180e-04
4,96289e+03 1,56813e-03
4,97461e+03 1,46627e-03
4,98633e+03 1,14125e-03
4,99805e+03 5,14069e-04
5,00977e+03 1,64104e-03
5,02148e+03 1,37697e-03
5,03320e+03 1,24433e-03
5,04492e+03 5,15085e-04
5,05664e+03 1,81016e-03
5,06836e+03 1,42563e-03
5,08008e+03 1,09769e-03
5,09180e+03 6,15259e-04
5,10352e+03 1,82511e-03
5,11523e+03 2,71801e-03
5,12695e+03 3,49029e-03
5,13867e+03 4,93402e-04
5,15039e+03 1,59512e-03
5,16211e+03 9,85115e-04
5,17383e+03 5,17278e-04
5,18555e+03 5,25180e-04
5,19727e+03 1,64695e-03
5,20898e+03 1,11768e-03
5,22070e+03 7,82694e-04
5,23242e+03 5,05751e-04
5,24414e+03 1,23195e-03
5,25586e+03 9,53769e-04
5,26758e+03 8,05104e-04
5,27930e+03 5,41959e-04
5,29102e+03 1,95401e-03
5,30273e+03 1,44779e-03
5,31445e+03 7,79200e-04
5,32617e+03 5,31002e-04
5,33789e+03 1,59373e-03
5,34961e+03 1,28178e-03
5,36133e+03 8,58177e-04
5,37305e+03 5,90275e-04
5,38477e+03 1,50988e-03
5,39648e+03 1,18548e-03
5,40820e+03 6,24301e-04
5,41992e+03 4,59213e-04
5,43164e+03 1,55092e-03
5,44336e+03 1,15900e-03
5,45508e+03 7,97832e-04
5,46680e+03 5,13584e-04
5,47852e+03 1,64756e-03
5,49023e+03 1,43153e-03
5,50195e+03 9,11876e-04
5,51367e+03 4,54870e-04
5,52539e+03 1,58821e-03
5,53711e+03 1,28346e-03
5,54883e+03 8,26042e-04
5,56055e+03 5,79526e-04
5,57227e+03 1,75747e-03
5,58398e+03 1,41915e-03
5,59570e+03 9,30966e-04
5,60742e+03 7,42640e-04
5,61914e+03 1,89011e-03
5,63086e+03 1,29017e-03
5,64258e+03 8,97089e-04
5,65430e+03 5,83180e-04
5,66602e+03 1,84302e-03
5,67773e+03 1,41994e-03
5,68945e+03 8,82735e-04
5,70117e+03 6,78619e-04
5,71289e+03 1,77708e-03
5,72461e+03 1,48479e-03
5,73633e+03 1,02555e-03
5,74805e+03 6,01629e-04
5,75977e+03 1,87196e-03
5,77148e+03 1,32369e-03
5,78320e+03 1,02330e-03
5,79492e+03 5,51335e-04
5,80664e+03 1,55673e-03
5,81836e+03 1,37698e-03
5,83008e+03 9,96371e-04
5,84180e+03 6,55793e-04
5,85352e+03 1,73061e-03
5,86523e+03 1,29349e-03
5,87695e+03 9,75235e-04
5,88867e+03 5,80591e-04
5,90039e+03 1,61457e-03
5,91211e+03 1,30503e-03
5,92383e+03 9,17043e-04
5,93555e+03 5,74213e-04
5,94727e+03 1,81285e-03
5,95898e+03 1,29835e-03
5,97070e+03 8,81357e-04
5,98242e+03 5,50609e-04
5,99414e+03 1,72819e-03
6,00586e+03 1,40315e-03
6,01758e+03 9,22881e-04
6,02930e+03 5,77252e-04
6,04102e+03 1,74718e-03
6,05273e+03 1,47634e-03
6,06445e+03 9,94503e-04
6,07617e+03 5,67774e-04
6,08789e+03 1,91261e-03
6,09961e+03 1,46105e-03
6,11133e+03 1,00064e-03
6,12305e+03 5,80027e-04
6,13477e+03 1,62509e-03
6,14648e+03 1,15592e-03
6,15820e+03 9,96704e-04
6,16992e+03 5,88960e-04
6,18164e+03 1,73591e-03
6,19336e+03 1,49215e-03
6,20508e+03 8,94947e-04
6,21680e+03 5,97935e-04
6,22852e+03 2,01946e-03
6,24023e+03 1,43879e-03
6,25195e+03 1,07273e-03
6,26367e+03 5,99134e-04
6,27539e+03 2,22524e-03
6,28711e+03 1,57537e-03
6,29883e+03 1,12597e-03
6,31055e+03 6,69308e-04
6,32227e+03 2,14632e-03
6,33398e+03 1,51475e-03
6,34570e+03 1,05181e-03
6,35742e+03 5,71431e-04
6,36914e+03 1,88840e-03
6,38086e+03 1,27163e-03
6,39258e+03 8,02791e-04
6,40430e+03 5,41099e-04
6,41602e+03 2,12003e-03
6,42773e+03 1,68421e-03
6,43945e+03 1,35763e-03
6,45117e+03 5,98289e-04
6,46289e+03 1,94418e-03
6,47461e+03 1,49248e-03
6,48633e+03 8,43543e-04
6,49805e+03 5,61272e-04
6,50977e+03 2,77176e-03
6,52148e+03 1,98505e-03
6,53320e+03 1,08962e-03
6,54492e+03 6,68006e-04
6,55664e+03 1,22028e-03
6,56836e+03 1,12149e-03
6,58008e+03 8,57069e-04
6,59180e+03 5,80883e-04
6,60352e+03 1,77133e-03
6,61523e+03 1,40110e-03
6,62695e+03 9,40506e-04
6,63867e+03 7,10872e-04
6,65039e+03 1,83943e-03
6,66211e+03 1,42490e-03
6,67383e+03 1,01619e-03
6,68555e+03 6,06128e-04
6,69727e+03 1,79310e-03
6,70898e+03 1,58058e-03
6,72070e+03 1,22921e-03
6,73242e+03 6,82741e-04
6,74414e+03 1,82054e-03
6,75586e+03 1,31006e-03
6,76758e+03 9,83653e-04
6,77930e+03 6,48695e-04
6,79102e+03 2,00174e-03
6,80273e+03 1,50357e-03
6,81445e+03 1,22606e-03
6,82617e+03 7,11154e-04
6,83789e+03 1,87613e-03
6,84961e+03 1,62024e-03
6,86133e+03 1,14175e-03
6,87305e+03 7,34513e-04
6,88477e+03 2,09287e-03
6,89648e+03 1,37312e-03
6,90820e+03 8,89644e-04
6,91992e+03 6,22687e-04
6,93164e+03 2,09458e-03
6,94336e+03 1,62220e-03
6,95508e+03 1,05679e-03
6,96680e+03 7,55416e-04
6,97852e+03 1,96849e-03
6,99023e+03 1,61293e-03
7,00195e+03 8,88741e-04
7,01367e+03 7,38304e-04
7,02539e+03 2,31587e-03
7,03711e+03 1,63686e-03
7,04883e+03 1,01524e-03
7,06055e+03 6,71888e-04
7,07227e+03 2,15670e-03
7,08398e+03 1,61784e-03
7,09570e+03 1,02786e-03
7,10742e+03 6,53897e-04
7,11914e+03 2,34236e-03
7,13086e+03 1,72959e-03
7,14258e+03 9,48103e-04
7,15430e+03 7,76600e-04
7,16602e+03 2,20418e-03
7,17773e+03 1,96229e-03
7,18945e+03 9,94464e-04
7,20117e+03 6,61264e-04
7,21289e+03 2,66320e-03
7,22461e+03 1,73019e-03
7,23633e+03 1,12838e-03
7,24805e+03 7,02629e-04
7,25977e+03 2,46067e-03
7,27148e+03 1,70703e-03
7,28320e+03 1,11808e-03
7,29492e+03 7,05699e-04
7,30664e+03 2,34035e-03
7,31836e+03 1,53750e-03
7,33008e+03 8,87205e-04
7,34180e+03 7,62828e-04
7,35352e+03 2,66622e-03
7,36523e+03 1,86195e-03
7,37695e+03 9,53832e-04
7,38867e+03 6,16230e-04
7,40039e+03 2,72337e-03
7,41211e+03 1,91056e-03
7,42383e+03 8,90954e-04
7,43555e+03 8,44942e-04
7,44727e+03 2,63856e-03
7,45898e+03 1,73452e-03
7,47070e+03 1,07955e-03
7,48242e+03 7,14713e-04
7,49414e+03 3,04433e-03
7,50586e+03 1,76887e-03
7,51758e+03 9,88069e-04
7,52930e+03 7,90398e-04
7,54102e+03 3,20290e-03
7,55273e+03 2,08313e-03
7,56445e+03 8,46009e-04
7,57617e+03 7,60293e-04
7,58789e+03 3,69881e-03
7,59961e+03 2,08999e-03
7,61133e+03 8,46691e-04
7,62305e+03 6,42698e-04
7,63477e+03 3,75968e-03
7,64648e+03 2,15801e-03
7,65820e+03 8,57198e-04
7,66992e+03 7,81537e-04
7,68164e+03 4,52765e-03
7,69336e+03 2,86182e-03
7,70508e+03 1,17233e-03
7,71680e+03 7,26476e-04
7,72852e+03 5,88306e-03
7,74023e+03 4,15447e-03
7,75195e+03 2,48479e-03
7,76367e+03 8,07522e-04
7,77539e+03 1,02237e-02
7,78711e+03 5,50999e-03
7,79883e+03 1,51533e-03
7,81055e+03 1,19304e-03
7,82227e+03 3,54268e-02
7,83398e+03 2,09848e-02
7,84570e+03 1,65135e-03
7,85742e+03 1,38370e-03
7,86914e+03 5,86086e-02
7,88086e+03 3,30104e-02
7,89258e+03 1,45479e-03
7,90430e+03 7,20703e-04
7,91602e+03 2,28249e-03
7,92773e+03 1,89280e-03
7,93945e+03 1,23980e-03
7,95117e+03 7,45353e-04
7,96289e+03 8,11197e-04
7,97461e+03 1,13613e-03
7,98633e+03 1,41441e-03
7,99805e+03 7,84460e-04
8,00977e+03 8,91341e-04
8,02148e+03 1,07405e-03
8,03320e+03 1,31368e-03
8,04492e+03 8,70176e-04
8,05664e+03 1,04458e-03
8,06836e+03 1,21578e-03
8,08008e+03 1,22292e-03
8,09180e+03 1,01497e-03
8,10352e+03 1,33243e-03
8,11523e+03 1,35399e-03
8,12695e+03 1,20654e-03
8,13867e+03 9,61435e-04
8,15039e+03 1,28041e-03
8,16211e+03 1,43410e-03
8,17383e+03 1,17257e-03
8,18555e+03 8,07833e-04
8,19727e+03 1,41358e-03
8,20898e+03 1,30813e-03
8,22070e+03 1,30719e-03
8,23242e+03 1,15088e-03
8,24414e+03 1,66132e-03
8,25586e+03 1,48574e-03
8,26758e+03 1,20385e-03
8,27930e+03 7,39336e-04
8,29102e+03 1,50176e-03
8,30273e+03 1,29650e-03
8,31445e+03 1,11185e-03
8,32617e+03 9,00354e-04
8,33789e+03 1,53889e-03
8,34961e+03 1,58134e-03
8,36133e+03 1,49714e-03
8,37305e+03 6,69995e-04
8,38477e+03 1,54279e-03
8,39648e+03 1,39692e-03
8,40820e+03 1,28326e-03
8,41992e+03 8,13798e-04
8,43164e+03 1,89730e-03
8,44336e+03 1,70574e-03
8,45508e+03 1,21407e-03
8,46680e+03 1,05981e-03
8,47852e+03 1,57069e-03
8,49023e+03 1,46372e-03
8,50195e+03 1,43195e-03
8,51367e+03 9,34771e-04
8,52539e+03 1,88570e-03
8,53711e+03 1,75260e-03
8,54883e+03 1,34969e-03
8,56055e+03 1,11311e-03
8,57227e+03 1,98245e-03
8,58398e+03 1,58891e-03
8,59570e+03 1,30359e-03
8,60742e+03 1,12406e-03
8,61914e+03 2,15850e-03
8,63086e+03 1,72998e-03
8,64258e+03 1,26934e-03
8,65430e+03 1,19718e-03
8,66602e+03 2,02103e-03
8,67773e+03 1,57202e-03
8,68945e+03 1,09742e-03
8,70117e+03 9,61252e-04
8,71289e+03 1,94420e-03
8,72461e+03 1,68934e-03
8,73633e+03 1,41894e-03
8,74805e+03 1,11588e-03
8,75977e+03 2,08755e-03
8,77148e+03 1,64161e-03
8,78320e+03 1,42281e-03
8,79492e+03 1,10831e-03
8,80664e+03 2,00777e-03
8,81836e+03 2,04254e-03
8,83008e+03 1,44892e-03
8,84180e+03 1,07822e-03
8,85352e+03 2,07571e-03
8,86523e+03 1,68023e-03
8,87695e+03 1,43526e-03
8,88867e+03 1,19228e-03
8,90039e+03 1,96369e-03
8,91211e+03 1,90369e-03
8,92383e+03 1,47925e-03
8,93555e+03 1,05077e-03
8,94727e+03 2,40094e-03
8,95898e+03 1,84041e-03
8,97070e+03 9,54980e-04
8,98242e+03 1,27362e-03
8,99414e+03 2,38921e-03
9,00586e+03 1,84893e-03
9,01758e+03 2,04979e-03
9,02930e+03 1,13186e-03
9,04102e+03 2,01568e-03
9,05273e+03 3,28717e-03
9,06445e+03 3,50325e-03
9,07617e+03 1,17764e-03
9,08789e+03 2,21381e-03
9,09961e+03 2,16678e-03
9,11133e+03 2,16536e-03
9,12305e+03 1,39176e-03
9,13477e+03 2,86173e-03
9,14648e+03 2,47019e-03
9,15820e+03 1,83559e-03
9,16992e+03 1,01583e-03
9,18164e+03 1,88149e-03
9,19336e+03 1,78610e-03
9,20508e+03 1,79917e-03
9,21680e+03 1,19397e-03
9,22852e+03 2,60621e-03
9,24023e+03 2,04716e-03
9,25195e+03 1,78345e-03
9,26367e+03 1,03097e-03
9,27539e+03 2,51101e-03
9,28711e+03 2,04797e-03
9,29883e+03 1,50738e-03
9,31055e+03 1,18762e-03
9,32227e+03 2,45257e-03
9,33398e+03 2,21107e-03
9,34570e+03 2,00898e-03
9,35742e+03 1,25892e-03
9,36914e+03 3,14872e-03
9,38086e+03 2,65028e-03
9,39258e+03 1,98026e-03
9,40430e+03 1,35368e-03
9,41602e+03 2,76898e-03
9,42773e+03 2,16718e-03
9,43945e+03 1,54235e-03
9,45117e+03 1,58698e-03
9,46289e+03 3,04416e-03
9,47461e+03 1,91177e-03
9,48633e+03 1,61177e-03
9,49805e+03 1,29438e-03
9,50977e+03 2,38430e-03
9,52148e+03 2,02572e-03
9,53320e+03 1,73487e-03
9,54492e+03 1,37497e-03
9,55664e+03 2,64598e-03
9,56836e+03 2,32225e-03
9,58008e+03 1,83841e-03
9,59180e+03 1,35249e-03
9,60352e+03 3,01734e-03
9,61523e+03 2,31362e-03
9,62695e+03 1,76921e-03
9,63867e+03 1,62986e-03
9,65039e+03 2,69273e-03
9,66211e+03 2,09491e-03
9,67383e+03 1,63033e-03
9,68555e+03 1,35797e-03
9,69727e+03 2,56185e-03
9,70898e+03 2,24715e-03
9,72070e+03 1,64923e-03
9,73242e+03 1,39002e-03
9,74414e+03 2,93250e-03
9,75586e+03 2,36829e-03
9,76758e+03 2,11664e-03
9,77930e+03 1,57127e-03
9,79102e+03 3,27151e-03
9,80273e+03 2,41973e-03
9,81445e+03 1,61420e-03
9,82617e+03 1,30252e-03
9,83789e+03 2,66717e-03
9,84961e+03 2,29882e-03
9,86133e+03 2,03508e-03
9,87305e+03 1,66249e-03
9,88477e+03 3,00427e-03
9,89648e+03 2,16282e-03
9,90820e+03 1,93223e-03
9,91992e+03 1,37961e-03
9,93164e+03 2,69764e-03
9,94336e+03 2,77349e-03
9,95508e+03 2,08292e-03
9,96680e+03 1,44152e-03
9,97852e+03 2,94051e-03
9,99023e+03 3,24369e-03
1,00020e+04 2,47072e-03
1,00137e+04 1,52545e-03
1,00254e+04 3,11204e-03
1,00371e+04 2,76769e-03
1,00488e+04 1,72464e-03
1,00605e+04 1,60974e-03
1,00723e+04 3,08171e-03
1,00840e+04 2,64205e-03
1,00957e+04 1,70606e-03
1,01074e+04 1,73751e-03
1,01191e+04 2,91720e-03
1,01309e+04 2,23384e-03
1,01426e+04 1,92492e-03
1,01543e+04 1,59758e-03
1,01660e+04 2,95470e-03
1,01777e+04 2,36775e-03
1,01895e+04 1,80383e-03
1,02012e+04 1,74480e-03
1,02129e+04 3,14253e-03
1,02246e+04 2,28614e-03
1,02363e+04 1,96572e-03
1,02480e+04 1,50105e-03
1,02598e+04 2,85632e-03
1,02715e+04 2,33200e-03
1,02832e+04 2,11692e-03
1,02949e+04 1,70607e-03
1,03066e+04 3,13307e-03
1,03184e+04 2,29603e-03
1,03301e+04 1,56883e-03
1,03418e+04 1,84772e-03
1,03535e+04 3,45016e-03
1,03652e+04 2,56051e-03
1,03770e+04 2,20517e-03
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1,54629e+04 1,47627e+00
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1,59199e+04 3,49156e-03
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1,62715e+04 5,44280e-02
1,62832e+04 1,81840e-03
1,62949e+04 2,11136e-03
1,63066e+04 9,14376e-02
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1,76074e+04 2,44044e-03
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1,76543e+04 2,72373e-03
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1,79707e+04 2,73620e-03
1,79824e+04 2,85870e-03
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1,82520e+04 5,69446e-02
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1,86738e+04 2,35370e-03
1,86855e+04 2,29589e-03
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1,88730e+04 1,80826e-03
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1,89199e+04 1,40093e-03
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1,90137e+04 1,62922e-03
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1,90371e+04 1,43864e-02
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1,91426e+04 2,26436e-03
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1,91660e+04 4,36345e-02
1,91777e+04 2,23826e-02
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1,92012e+04 1,83357e-03
1,92129e+04 5,42397e-02
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1,92480e+04 1,77943e-03
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1,92949e+04 2,22798e-03
1,93066e+04 9,84344e-02
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1,93652e+04 7,75167e-02
1,93770e+04 2,33924e-03
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1,94355e+04 3,26573e-03
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1,94590e+04 3,23549e-01
1,94707e+04 1,77945e-03
1,94824e+04 3,01600e-02
1,94941e+04 4,08761e+00
1,95059e+04 2,36282e+00
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1,95410e+04 1,31345e+01
1,95527e+04 7,11884e+00
1,95645e+04 3,40940e-02
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1,95996e+04 4,24459e-01
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1,96348e+04 2,71957e-01
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1,96582e+04 1,78206e-03
1,96699e+04 1,44454e-03
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1,96934e+04 6,54453e-02
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1,97168e+04 1,40170e-03
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1,97402e+04 3,90043e-02
1,97520e+04 1,25925e-03
1,97637e+04 9,91144e-04
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1,97871e+04 2,53062e-02
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1,98105e+04 9,41867e-04
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1,98457e+04 1,03379e-03
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1,98809e+04 1,30589e-02
1,98926e+04 1,00942e-03
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1,99160e+04 1,83519e-02
1,99277e+04 9,94299e-03
1,99395e+04 1,06265e-03
1,99512e+04 5,65449e-04
1,99629e+04 1,47338e-02
1,99746e+04 7,57220e-03
1,99863e+04 9,73825e-04
1,99980e+04 5,72615e-04
2,00098e+04 1,10166e-02
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2,00332e+04 9,08311e-04
2,00449e+04 5,60329e-04
2,00566e+04 9,95019e-03
2,00684e+04 5,35995e-03
2,00801e+04 9,76519e-04
2,00918e+04 6,88095e-04
2,01035e+04 7,76555e-03
2,01152e+04 4,59218e-03
2,01270e+04 9,99917e-04
2,01387e+04 5,31416e-04
2,01504e+04 6,33858e-03
2,01621e+04 3,72974e-03
2,01738e+04 9,71493e-04
2,01855e+04 8,28567e-04
2,01973e+04 5,75185e-03
2,02090e+04 3,19996e-03
2,02207e+04 8,92323e-04
2,02324e+04 6,86117e-04
2,02441e+04 4,81536e-03
2,02559e+04 2,86611e-03
2,02676e+04 8,48615e-04
2,02793e+04 4,66590e-04
2,02910e+04 4,19125e-03
2,03027e+04 2,56675e-03
2,03145e+04 1,06459e-03
2,03262e+04 4,56301e-04
2,03379e+04 3,76960e-03
2,03496e+04 2,47630e-03
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2,03730e+04 5,66698e-04
2,03848e+04 3,36218e-03
2,03965e+04 2,15175e-03
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2,04199e+04 5,71248e-04
2,04316e+04 2,99606e-03
2,04434e+04 1,67485e-03
2,04551e+04 1,05703e-03
2,04668e+04 4,56804e-04
2,04785e+04 2,50049e-03
2,04902e+04 2,03640e-03
2,05020e+04 1,32553e-03
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2,05254e+04 2,44178e-03
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2,05488e+04 1,68128e-03
2,05605e+04 4,94099e-04
2,05723e+04 2,21907e-03
2,05840e+04 2,53647e-03
2,05957e+04 2,41735e-03
2,06074e+04 7,60135e-04
2,06191e+04 2,26383e-03
2,06309e+04 3,90395e-03
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2,07129e+04 3,10738e-03
2,07246e+04 9,07041e-03
2,07363e+04 1,30822e-02
2,07480e+04 1,36492e-03
2,07598e+04 2,43873e-03
2,07715e+04 2,48300e-03
2,07832e+04 2,65096e-03
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2,08066e+04 1,98375e-03
2,08184e+04 1,45796e-03
2,08301e+04 1,36013e-03
2,08418e+04 9,56009e-04
2,08535e+04 2,97163e-03
2,08652e+04 2,82655e-03
2,08770e+04 2,20118e-03
2,08887e+04 1,87311e-03
2,09004e+04 3,40260e-03
2,09121e+04 3,09521e-03
2,09238e+04 2,73157e-03
2,09355e+04 2,20116e-03
2,09473e+04 2,67671e-03
2,09590e+04 2,50180e-03
2,09707e+04 1,52111e-03
2,09824e+04 1,49293e-03
2,09941e+04 1,80991e-03
2,10059e+04 1,31098e-03
2,10176e+04 8,16562e-04
2,10293e+04 7,72038e-04
2,10410e+04 1,21767e-03
2,10527e+04 1,00676e-03
2,10645e+04 5,00966e-04
2,10762e+04 5,00886e-04
2,10879e+04 1,18864e-03
2,10996e+04 8,50803e-04
2,11113e+04 5,71571e-04
2,11230e+04 4,48045e-04
2,11348e+04 1,16695e-03
2,11465e+04 8,82883e-04
2,11582e+04 5,47086e-04
2,11699e+04 5,13803e-04
2,11816e+04 1,05955e-03
2,11934e+04 7,26663e-04
2,12051e+04 5,48226e-04
2,12168e+04 5,56849e-04
2,12285e+04 1,05140e-03
2,12402e+04 7,83575e-04
2,12520e+04 5,01493e-04
2,12637e+04 5,76476e-04
2,12754e+04 1,16190e-03
2,12871e+04 8,12284e-04
2,12988e+04 4,32072e-04
2,13105e+04 5,05989e-04
2,13223e+04 9,10635e-04
2,13340e+04 8,44919e-04
2,13457e+04 5,42999e-04
2,13574e+04 4,85408e-04
2,13691e+04 1,05257e-03
2,13809e+04 7,63435e-04
2,13926e+04 5,95798e-04
2,14043e+04 4,13011e-04
2,14160e+04 1,07052e-03
2,14277e+04 8,59821e-04
2,14395e+04 6,02520e-04
2,14512e+04 4,40639e-04
2,14629e+04 1,06613e-03
2,14746e+04 8,49613e-04
2,14863e+04 4,75934e-04
2,14980e+04 5,62883e-04
2,15098e+04 1,16547e-03
2,15215e+04 8,60212e-04
2,15332e+04 5,63071e-04
2,15449e+04 5,68000e-04
2,15566e+04 1,01051e-03
2,15684e+04 8,56216e-04
2,15801e+04 6,06614e-04
2,15918e+04 4,85154e-04
2,16035e+04 1,13876e-03
2,16152e+04 7,57891e-04
2,16270e+04 5,41708e-04
2,16387e+04 5,98367e-04
2,16504e+04 9,96711e-04
2,16621e+04 6,67362e-04
2,16738e+04 6,89753e-04
2,16855e+04 6,47118e-04
2,16973e+04 1,11295e-03
2,17090e+04 7,78554e-04
2,17207e+04 5,34260e-04
2,17324e+04 6,67401e-04
2,17441e+04 1,12261e-03
2,17559e+04 8,90468e-04
2,17676e+04 6,40516e-04
2,17793e+04 7,58531e-04
2,17910e+04 1,05374e-03
2,18027e+04 9,24617e-04
2,18145e+04 6,73251e-04
2,18262e+04 8,15584e-04
2,18379e+04 1,12828e-03
2,18496e+04 1,13487e-03
2,18613e+04 9,20362e-04
2,18730e+04 1,07981e-03
2,18848e+04 1,50076e-03
2,18965e+04 1,45710e-03
2,19082e+04 1,13260e-03
2,19199e+04 1,29462e-03
2,19316e+04 1,96295e-03
2,19434e+04 1,52589e-03
2,19551e+04 1,28023e-03
2,19668e+04 1,30002e-03
2,19785e+04 1,60981e-03
2,19902e+04 1,53983e-03
2,20020e+04 1,72105e-03
2,20137e+04 1,47674e-03
2,20254e+04 1,90066e-03
2,20371e+04 1,55195e-03
2,20488e+04 1,57213e-03
2,20605e+04 2,34770e-03
2,20723e+04 3,19259e-03
2,20840e+04 3,79879e-03
2,20957e+04 5,10706e-03
2,21074e+04 7,33191e-03
2,21191e+04 7,39895e-03
2,21309e+04 8,73811e-03
2,21426e+04 1,39226e-02
2,21543e+04 1,89407e-02
2,21660e+04 1,83189e-02
2,21777e+04 2,19111e-02
2,21895e+04 2,24457e-02
2,22012e+04 2,64845e-02
2,22129e+04 2,23327e-02
2,22246e+04 2,31792e-02
2,22363e+04 2,00815e-02
2,22480e+04 2,13020e-02
2,22598e+04 1,70476e-02
2,22715e+04 1,28483e-02
2,22832e+04 9,67605e-03
2,22949e+04 9,53313e-03
2,23066e+04 5,99411e-03
2,23184e+04 4,98722e-03
2,23301e+04 3,40877e-03
2,23418e+04 2,43496e-03
2,23535e+04 2,17627e-03
2,23652e+04 1,48624e-03
2,23770e+04 1,14976e-03
2,23887e+04 1,34714e-03
2,24004e+04 1,49375e-03
2,24121e+04 1,30150e-03
2,24238e+04 1,08953e-03
2,24355e+04 8,58263e-04
2,24473e+04 1,23651e-03
2,24590e+04 9,83376e-04
2,24707e+04 8,08939e-04
2,24824e+04 8,19284e-04
2,24941e+04 1,11839e-03
2,25059e+04 8,97057e-04
2,25176e+04 6,77416e-04
2,25293e+04 5,77180e-04
2,25410e+04 1,11589e-03
2,25527e+04 1,04609e-03
2,25645e+04 6,83130e-04
2,25762e+04 6,39241e-04
2,25879e+04 1,18247e-03
2,25996e+04 9,21514e-04
2,26113e+04 6,76458e-04
2,26230e+04 5,88456e-04
2,26348e+04 1,16129e-03
2,26465e+04 8,17353e-04
2,26582e+04 5,46449e-04
2,26699e+04 5,91015e-04
2,26816e+04 1,12881e-03
2,26934e+04 9,08115e-04
2,27051e+04 6,15891e-04
2,27168e+04 5,03437e-04
2,27285e+04 1,07343e-03
2,27402e+04 1,07836e-03
2,27520e+04 5,82979e-04
2,27637e+04 5,38923e-04
2,27754e+04 1,13413e-03
2,27871e+04 8,87225e-04
2,27988e+04 4,38606e-04
2,28105e+04 4,25956e-04
2,28223e+04 1,23874e-03
2,28340e+04 8,39505e-04
2,28457e+04 5,07192e-04
2,28574e+04 4,48869e-04
2,28691e+04 1,27017e-03
2,28809e+04 1,02568e-03
2,28926e+04 5,27564e-04
2,29043e+04 4,98848e-04
2,29160e+04 1,38898e-03
2,29277e+04 8,61384e-04
2,29395e+04 6,11656e-04
2,29512e+04 6,29579e-04
2,29629e+04 1,51491e-03
2,29746e+04 9,98050e-04
2,29863e+04 5,49689e-04
2,29980e+04 4,95570e-04
2,30098e+04 1,47415e-03
2,30215e+04 1,10613e-03
2,30332e+04 6,43164e-04
2,30449e+04 5,72887e-04
2,30566e+04 1,76222e-03
2,30684e+04 1,25489e-03
2,30801e+04 7,35308e-04
2,30918e+04 7,78559e-04
2,31035e+04 2,21425e-03
2,31152e+04 1,65848e-03
2,31270e+04 9,24249e-04
2,31387e+04 1,12497e-03
2,31504e+04 3,14867e-03
2,31621e+04 2,92234e-03
2,31738e+04 1,51884e-03
2,31855e+04 1,78127e-03
2,31973e+04 4,30691e-03
2,32090e+04 3,06987e-03
2,32207e+04 1,73220e-03
2,32324e+04 1,35585e-03
2,32441e+04 6,33403e-03
2,32559e+04 3,43317e-03
2,32676e+04 1,27329e-03
2,32793e+04 9,62700e-04
2,32910e+04 7,66394e-03
2,33027e+04 4,49989e-03
2,33145e+04 1,00066e-03
2,33262e+04 8,15734e-04
2,33379e+04 1,90267e-02
2,33496e+04 9,26117e-03
2,33613e+04 8,92798e-04
2,33730e+04 1,84146e-03
2,33848e+04 1,00015e-01
2,33965e+04 5,93255e-02
2,34082e+04 2,10769e-03
2,34199e+04 3,58414e-03
2,34316e+04 3,07038e-01
2,34434e+04 1,67473e-01
2,34551e+04 1,95465e-03
2,34668e+04 1,12631e-03
2,34785e+04 2,01505e-02
2,34902e+04 1,00466e-02
2,35020e+04 7,97417e-04
2,35137e+04 7,37855e-04
2,35254e+04 5,74220e-03
2,35371e+04 3,61558e-03
2,35488e+04 5,77331e-04
2,35605e+04 5,06821e-04
2,35723e+04 2,91483e-03
2,35840e+04 1,62719e-03
2,35957e+04 5,16925e-04
2,36074e+04 4,62342e-04
2,36191e+04 1,97507e-03
2,36309e+04 1,07150e-03
2,36426e+04 4,13931e-04
2,36543e+04 3,56737e-04
2,36660e+04 1,29499e-03
2,36777e+04 8,69517e-04
2,36895e+04 3,54529e-04
2,37012e+04 3,59257e-04
2,37129e+04 1,00440e-03
2,37246e+04 7,63086e-04
2,37363e+04 3,66982e-04
2,37480e+04 3,94671e-04
2,37598e+04 6,95750e-04
2,37715e+04 5,68211e-04
2,37832e+04 4,20806e-04
2,37949e+04 3,48518e-04
2,38066e+04 5,45848e-04
2,38184e+04 5,07257e-04
2,38301e+04 4,20949e-04
2,38418e+04 2,76786e-04
2,38535e+04 4,81616e-04
2,38652e+04 4,61702e-04
2,38770e+04 3,65291e-04
2,38887e+04 3,27057e-04
2,39004e+04 3,73736e-04
2,39121e+04 3,64975e-04
2,39238e+04 4,53637e-04
2,39355e+04 5,30530e-04
2,39473e+04 4,43218e-04
2,39590e+04 3,14862e-04
2,39707e+04 3,81287e-04
2,39824e+04 4,93235e-04
2,39941e+04 3,81498e-04
0,0 → 1,30
[ "$t1" = "" ] && t1=0
[ "$t2" = "" ] && t2=86400
awk -v "t1=$t1" -v "t2=$t2" '{
$1 %= 86400
if( $1 < t1) next
if( $1 > t2) exit
}' $file > /tmp/nplot.$$
echo "
set style data lines
set terminal png
set xlabel 'UT Seconds'
set size 1.4,0.6
set xrange [$t1:$t2]
set key outside below
plot '/tmp/nplot.$$' using (\$1):(\$5/2) title 'Anthorn',\
'' using (\$1):(\$6/2) title 'Skelton',\
'' using (\$1):(\$7*2) title 'Burlage',\
'' using (\$1):(\$4) title 'Le Blanc',\
'' using (\$1):(\$8*2) title 'Tavolara'
" | gnuplot
0,0 → 1,35
[ "$t1" = "" ] && t1=0
[ "$t2" = "" ] && t2=86400
awk -v "t1=$t1" -v "t2=$t2" '{
$1 %= 86400
if( $1 < t1) next
if( $1 > t2) exit
}' $file > /tmp/nplot.$$
echo "
set data style lines
set terminal png
set xlabel 'Time - UT'
set xdata time
set timefmt '%S'
set format x '%H:%M:%S'
set size 1.4,0.6
set xrange [$t1:$t2]
set yrange [0:1]
set key outside below
plot '/tmp/nplot.$$' using (\$1):(\$5/2) title 'Anthorn',\
'' using (\$1):(\$6/2) title 'Skelton',\
'' using (\$1):(\$7*2) title 'Burlage',\
'' using (\$1):(\$4) title 'Le Blanc',\
'' using (\$1):(\$8*2) title 'Tavolara'
" | gnuplot
0,0 → 1,30
[ "$t1" = "" ] && t1=0
[ "$t2" = "" ] && t2=86400
awk -v "t1=$t1" -v "t2=$t2" '{
$1 %= 86400
if( $1 < t1) next
if( $1 > t2) exit
}' $file > /tmp/nplot.$$
echo "
set style data lines
set terminal png
set xlabel 'UT Seconds'
set size 1.4,0.6
set xrange [$t1:$t2]
set key outside below
plot '/tmp/nplot.$$' using (\$1):(\$5/2) title 'Anthorn',\
'' using (\$1):(\$6/2) title 'Skelton',\
'' using (\$1):(\$7*2) title 'Burlage',\
'' using (\$1):(\$4) title 'Le Blanc',\
'' using (\$1):(\$8*2) title 'Tavolara'
" | gnuplot
0,0 → 1,155
Installation and setup notes for sidd-0.93, 15th March 2005.
You have unpacked the tgz file and have 3 files:-
* README - this one
* sidd.c - source code
* sidd.conf - a sample configuration file.
Installation steps
* 1/
You will need FFTW3 from, if not already installed.
* 2/
Compile the sidd source with
gcc -Wall -O4 -ffast-math -DPENTIUM -Wall -o sidd sidd.c -lfftw3 -lm
which produces an executable sidd in the current directory.
* 3/
Edit sidd.conf to suit your requirements.
* 4/
Start sidd in verbose foreground mode with the command
./sidd -vf
* 5/
Examine the log file - it should look something like
2005/03/15 20:03:17 logfile /root/sidd.log
2005/03/15 20:03:17 los threshold 0.060, timeout 5 seconds
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band LB 18200 18400
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band AN 19480 19680
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band SK 22050 22150
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band BG 23300 23500
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band TV 20190 20340
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band NV 16300 16500
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band B1 20800 21000
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band B2 22650 22850
2005/03/15 20:03:17 requesting line input gains left=77 right=100
2005/03/15 20:03:17 line input gains set to: left=77 right=100
2005/03/15 20:03:17 taking data from [/dev/dsp]
2005/03/15 20:03:17 requesting rate 48000
2005/03/15 20:03:17 actual rate set: 48662 samples/sec
2005/03/15 20:03:17 soundcard channels: 1 bits: 16
2005/03/15 20:03:17 resolution: bins=2048 fftwid=4096 df=11.880371
2005/03/15 20:03:17 spectrum file: /tmp/sidspec
2005/03/15 20:03:17 using SCHED_FIFO priority 1
2005/03/15 20:03:17 sidd version 0.93: starting work
2005/03/15 20:03:17 using output file [./050315.dat]
* 6/
Now tail the output file (in my example, ./050315.dat). The first
three columns are the timestamp (seconds from 01/01/1970), peak signal
level (range 0 to 1), and rms signal level (also range 0 to 1).
Adjust your mixer gain settings so that the peak hovers around the
range 0.1 to 0.5 (the rms will be around 1/2 or 1/3 of the peak, depending
on your level of impulsive noise and sferics).
* 7/
Plot the spectrum file, in my case /tmp/sidspec. This file is two columns,
bin centre frequency in Hz, and relative power. The file is re-written by
sidd every 10 seconds or so, depending on your sidd.conf settings. Adjust
antennas, receivers, etc to obtain desired signal to noise ratios. You
may want to reconsider the band settings in sidd.conf at this point too.
* 8/
Once you're happy with the gain settings, stop sidd and run it again with
the command
./sidd -m
This will read and display the applicable mixer gain settings. Now edit
your sidd.conf, commenting in the gain commands and putting in your gain
settings. Then, whenever sidd starts, it will setup the mixer with these
settings. All mixers will have a line input gain control, but only some
will have an overall input gain control and/or a record level control.
The -m option will report what you need to put in the config file.
* 9/
Set your PC clock and activate your favourite time synchronisation
software. Make sure it slews the clock rather than stepping the time.
* 10/
Restart sidd in background with
./sidd -v
Inspect the log file to make sure your mixer settings have been applied.
* 11/
After a period of time, plot some of the data from the output file.
Output file columns 4 onwards correspond to the 'band' commands in the
order they appear in sidd.conf. Each column is a total relative power,
so you will need to apply a square root function during plotting if you
want to display relative amplitudes.
* 12/
After a midnight crossing, make sure sidd has switched to the next
output file.
Command line options
There are just a few command line options - most controls are
in the config file.
-v Be a little more verbose with log messages.
-f Run in foreground. By default, sidd detaches from the process
group and terminal and becomes a daemon. In foreground mode,
log messages are duplicated to stderr.
-m Interrogate the soundcard mixer and report settings, then exit.
This option overrides any others.
Miscellaneous notes
sidd will set the soundcard to the nearest available sample rate to that
specified in sidd.conf
Make sure you have enough disk space. The example sidd.conf with 8 bands
generates files of about 100Mbytes per day, which compress down to about
30Mbytes. Arrange scripts for plotting. Arrange scripts for compressing
and archiving files that are a few days old.
You can specify an ordinary file or a pipe as the input 'device' instead
of /dev/dsp. In this case, you must set the sample rate in sidd.conf
to whatever the actual sample rate is. sidd is looking for unsigned bytes
in 8 bit mode, or signed words in 16 bit mode.
Once sidd has started up and set the mixer gains, it no longer takes any
notice of the mixer. Therefore once sidd is running, a rogue user can
mess things up by twiddling the mixer settings with Xmixer or some other
utility. Kill off any mixer control panels to avoid the risk of any upset.
If your PC is set to autoboot after a power outage, you might want to put
a startup command for sidd into /etc/rc.d/rc.local or similar - but make
sure the RTC setting commands are done first.
v0.9: Original.
v0.91: Fixes a header file problem with some gcc.
No longer produces a static binary.
v0.93: Another bug fixed.
Added control of mixer input and gains.
Added stereo mode to make a 2 channel monitor.
0,0 → 1,47
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (void)
float i;
int b,x,y;
printf("for: \n ");
printf("%2.1f ",i);
printf("\nwhile: \n ");
printf("%2.1f ",i);
printf("\ndowhile: \n ");
printf("%2.1f ",i);
while (i<10);
printf("\nAbeceda: \n ");
printf("%c ",b);
printf("\nNasobilka: \n ");
printf("%4d ",(x*y));
printf("\n ");
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,14
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i;
printf("Hello world \n");
return 0;
0,0 → 1,40
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int rnd (int max)
return ( (int) (max * (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))));
void init_rnd(void)
time_t t;
unsigned int seed;
seed=(unsigned int) t;
int main()
int i=1,hledane,pokus;
printf("program uhodne cislo od 0 do 100 \n ");
printf("Pokus cislo %d ",i);
scanf("%d", &pokus);
if (pokus > hledane) printf("Zadane cislo je vetsi nez hledane \n ");
if (pokus < hledane) printf("Zadane cislo je mensi nez hledane \n ");
else printf("Spravne cislo bylo nalezeno \n ");
while (pokus != hledane);
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,30
#include <stdio.h>
float nejvetsi (float a,float b,float c)
if (a>b)
if (a>c) return (a);
if (b>c) return (b);
else return (c);
int main (void)
float a,b,c=0;
// zadej hodnoty
printf("\n Zadej hodnotu a= ");
printf("\n Zadej hodnotu b= ");
printf("\n Zadej hodnotu c= ");
printf("nejvetsi hodnota je %f",nejvetsi(a,b,c));
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,43
// Program opise zadany text az do chvile, nez narazi na tecku.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int clear_buffer()
int i=0;
while (getchar() != '\n') i++;
return i;
int main()
int c;
printf("Program po stisknutí Enteru opíše zadaný vstup \n");
/*Prvni zpusob reseni */
while (c != '.');
printf("\n Pocet smazanych znaku %d \n",clear_buffer());
/* Druhy zpusob reseni*/
while ((c=getchar()) != '.') putchar(c);
printf("\n Pocet smazanych znaku %d \n",clear_buffer());
/* treti zpusob reseni*/
while(putchar(getchar()) != '.');
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,44
// Program spocita pocet malych, velkych pismen a cislic v napsane radce.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int cti_radku(int* mala,int* velka,int* cisla)
int znaky = 0;
char c;
while ((c=getchar()) != '\n')
// if('a'< c <'z') (*mala)++;
// if('A'< c <'Z') (*velka)++;
// if('0'< c <'9') (*cisla)++;
if (isdigit(c)) (*cisla)++;
if (islower(c)) (*mala)++;
if (isupper(c)) (*velka)++;
return znaky;
int main()
int mala=0,velka=0,cisla=0,znaky=0;
znaky=cti_radku(&mala, &velka, &cisla);
printf("Bylo napsano %d znaku z toho ",znaky);
printf("%d malych pismen,",mala);
printf("%d velkych pismen",velka);
printf(" a %d cislic.",cisla);
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,80
// Program spocita pocet malych, velkych pismen a cislic v napsane radce.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
int rnd (int max) // generuje nahodna cela cisla od 0 do zadane hodnoty max.
return ( (int) (max * (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))));
void init_rnd(void) // inicializuje generator nahodnych cisel
time_t t;
unsigned int seed;
seed=(unsigned int) t;
int napln_pole(int *adresa,int velikost) // naplni pole hodnotami
int i;
for(i=0;i<velikost;i++) adresa[i]=rnd('Z'-'A'+1)+'A';
int vypis_pole(int *adresa,int velikost,int strana)
int i;
if(strana) for(i=0; i<velikost;i++) printf("%c",*(adresa+i));
else for(i=velikost;i>=0;i--) printf("%c",*(adresa+i));
int setrid_pole(int *adresa,int velikost)
int pismeno,vetsipismeno;
int a,b;
for(a=0; a<velikost;a++)
pismeno = *(adresa+a);
for(b=a; b<velikost;b++)
if (*(adresa+b) > pismeno)
vetsipismeno = *(adresa+b);
adresa[a] = vetsipismeno;
adresa[b] = pismeno;
int main()
int *pole;
int velikost;
printf("Zadejte velikost pole:");
scanf("%d", &velikost);
pole=(int*)malloc( sizeof(int) * velikost);
if (NULL==pole) printf("pamet nebyla pridelena");
free (pole);
0,0 → 1,0
<Project name="pole"><File path="pole.c"></File></Project>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,40
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (void)
int a,b,c,d=0;
printf("program vyresi rovnici ve tvaru Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0");
// zadej hodnoty
printf("\n Zadej hodnotu A= ");
printf("\n Zadej hodnotu B= ");
printf("\n Zadej hodnotu C= ");
if(b==0) printf("rovnice nema reseni."); // rovnice je neresitelna
else printf("X=%f",-(float)c/b ); // jedna se o linearni rovnici
{ // rovnice ma reseni
printf("\n discriminant rovnice D=%d",d);
if (d>0)
printf("\n rovnice ma reseni X1=%f X2=%f",( ((float)-b)+sqrt(d))/2*a,((float)-b)-sqrt(d))/2*a;
if (d==0)
printf("\n rovnice ma jeden koren X=%f",(((float)-b)/2*a));
if (d<0)
printf("\n reseni rovnice lezi v rovine komplexnich cisel.");
printf("\n X1=%f X2=%f");
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,20
#original contents follow:
#dataFiles = test.c lib.h lib.c cmakelibc.png CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.txt.src
#templateName = cmakelibc
#### no need to change below:
#template_DATA = $(templateName).kdevtemplate
#templatedir = ${appwizarddatadir}/templates
#appwizarddatadir = ${kde_datadir}/kdevappwizard
# $(TAR) -cf $(templateName).tar -C $(srcdir) ${dataFiles}
# $(GZIP) -9 $(templateName).tar
#archivedir = ${appwizarddatadir}
#archive_DATA = $(templateName).tar.gz ${templateName}.png
#CLEANFILES = *.tar.gz
0,0 → 1,340
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.
0,0 → 1,19
#this is just a basic CMakeLists.txt, for more information see the cmake manpage
#add definitions, compiler switches, etc.
#build a shared library
#for testing the shared library you probably need some test app too
ADD_EXECUTABLE(testtest testtest.c)
#need to link to some other libraries ? just add them here
#add an install target here
0,0 → 1,13
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "test.h"
void do_something()
printf("Hello world !\n");
0,0 → 1,7
#ifndef test_H
#define test_H
void do_something();
0,0 → 1,8
#include "test.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
0,0 → 1,19
* Copyright (C) 2007 by Jakub Kákona *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
0,0 → 1,19
* Copyright (C) 2007 by Jakub Kákona *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
0,0 → 1,6
#include <math.h>
printf(s, 34, s="main(s){printf(s,34,s=%c%s%c,34);} \n",34);
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,11
# include "stdio.h"
void main()
int c;
printf("Zadej hodnotu:");
printf("Zadali jste hodnotu %d coz je %x HEX a odpovida znaku ASCII %c. \n ", c,c,c);
0,0 → 1,36
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "./vypocty.h"
float obvod_ctverce(float strana); //vypocita obvod ctverce o strane a
float obsah_ctverce(float strana); // vypocita obsah crverce o strane a
float obvod_kruznice(float polomer); // spocita obvod kruznice z polomeru
float obsah_kruznice(float polomer); // spocit obsah kruznice z polomeru
int main( void )
float r;
float r2;
float a;
float a2;
printf("Zadejte polomer r=");
printf("obvod male kruznice Omk=%25.2f \n",obvod_kruznice(r));
printf("obsah male kruznice Smk=%25.2f \n",obsah_kruznice(r));
a=2*r; // a je strana vnitrniho ctverce
printf("obvod vnitrniho ctverce Oc=%25.2f \n",obvod_ctverce(a));
printf("obsah vnitrniho ctverce Sc=%25.2f \n",obsah_ctverce(a));
r2=M_SQRT2*r; // polomer kruznice
printf("obvod kruznice Ok=%25.2f \n",obvod_kruznice(r2));
printf("obsah kruznice Sk=%25.2f \n",obsah_kruznice(r2));
a2=2*r2; // strana vetsiho ctverce
printf("obvod velkeho ctverce Ovc=%25.2f \n",obvod_ctverce(a2));
printf("obsah velkeho ctverce Svc=%25.2f \n",obsah_ctverce(a2));
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,37
** knihovna pro vypocet obsahu a ploch zakladnich obrazcu
float obvod_ctverce(float strana) //vypocita obvod ctverce o strane a
float obvod;
return (obvod);
float obsah_ctverce(float strana) // vypocita obsah crverce o strane a
float obsah;
return (obsah);
float obvod_kruznice(float polomer) // spocita obvod kruznice z polomeru
float obvod;
return (obvod);
float obsah_kruznice(float polomer) // spocit obsah kruznice z polomeru
float obsah;
return (obsah);