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Installation and setup notes for sidd-0.93, 15th March 2005.
You have unpacked the tgz file and have 3 files:-
* README - this one
* sidd.c - source code
* sidd.conf - a sample configuration file.
Installation steps
* 1/
You will need FFTW3 from, if not already installed.
* 2/
Compile the sidd source with
gcc -Wall -O4 -ffast-math -DPENTIUM -Wall -o sidd sidd.c -lfftw3 -lm
which produces an executable sidd in the current directory.
* 3/
Edit sidd.conf to suit your requirements.
* 4/
Start sidd in verbose foreground mode with the command
./sidd -vf
* 5/
Examine the log file - it should look something like
2005/03/15 20:03:17 logfile /root/sidd.log
2005/03/15 20:03:17 los threshold 0.060, timeout 5 seconds
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band LB 18200 18400
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band AN 19480 19680
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band SK 22050 22150
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band BG 23300 23500
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band TV 20190 20340
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band NV 16300 16500
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band B1 20800 21000
2005/03/15 20:03:17 band B2 22650 22850
2005/03/15 20:03:17 requesting line input gains left=77 right=100
2005/03/15 20:03:17 line input gains set to: left=77 right=100
2005/03/15 20:03:17 taking data from [/dev/dsp]
2005/03/15 20:03:17 requesting rate 48000
2005/03/15 20:03:17 actual rate set: 48662 samples/sec
2005/03/15 20:03:17 soundcard channels: 1 bits: 16
2005/03/15 20:03:17 resolution: bins=2048 fftwid=4096 df=11.880371
2005/03/15 20:03:17 spectrum file: /tmp/sidspec
2005/03/15 20:03:17 using SCHED_FIFO priority 1
2005/03/15 20:03:17 sidd version 0.93: starting work
2005/03/15 20:03:17 using output file [./050315.dat]
* 6/
Now tail the output file (in my example, ./050315.dat). The first
three columns are the timestamp (seconds from 01/01/1970), peak signal
level (range 0 to 1), and rms signal level (also range 0 to 1).
Adjust your mixer gain settings so that the peak hovers around the
range 0.1 to 0.5 (the rms will be around 1/2 or 1/3 of the peak, depending
on your level of impulsive noise and sferics).
* 7/
Plot the spectrum file, in my case /tmp/sidspec. This file is two columns,
bin centre frequency in Hz, and relative power. The file is re-written by
sidd every 10 seconds or so, depending on your sidd.conf settings. Adjust
antennas, receivers, etc to obtain desired signal to noise ratios. You
may want to reconsider the band settings in sidd.conf at this point too.
* 8/
Once you're happy with the gain settings, stop sidd and run it again with
the command
./sidd -m
This will read and display the applicable mixer gain settings. Now edit
your sidd.conf, commenting in the gain commands and putting in your gain
settings. Then, whenever sidd starts, it will setup the mixer with these
settings. All mixers will have a line input gain control, but only some
will have an overall input gain control and/or a record level control.
The -m option will report what you need to put in the config file.
* 9/
Set your PC clock and activate your favourite time synchronisation
software. Make sure it slews the clock rather than stepping the time.
* 10/
Restart sidd in background with
./sidd -v
Inspect the log file to make sure your mixer settings have been applied.
* 11/
After a period of time, plot some of the data from the output file.
Output file columns 4 onwards correspond to the 'band' commands in the
order they appear in sidd.conf. Each column is a total relative power,
so you will need to apply a square root function during plotting if you
want to display relative amplitudes.
* 12/
After a midnight crossing, make sure sidd has switched to the next
output file.
Command line options
There are just a few command line options - most controls are
in the config file.
-v Be a little more verbose with log messages.
-f Run in foreground. By default, sidd detaches from the process
group and terminal and becomes a daemon. In foreground mode,
log messages are duplicated to stderr.
-m Interrogate the soundcard mixer and report settings, then exit.
This option overrides any others.
Miscellaneous notes
sidd will set the soundcard to the nearest available sample rate to that
specified in sidd.conf
Make sure you have enough disk space. The example sidd.conf with 8 bands
generates files of about 100Mbytes per day, which compress down to about
30Mbytes. Arrange scripts for plotting. Arrange scripts for compressing
and archiving files that are a few days old.
You can specify an ordinary file or a pipe as the input 'device' instead
of /dev/dsp. In this case, you must set the sample rate in sidd.conf
to whatever the actual sample rate is. sidd is looking for unsigned bytes
in 8 bit mode, or signed words in 16 bit mode.
Once sidd has started up and set the mixer gains, it no longer takes any
notice of the mixer. Therefore once sidd is running, a rogue user can
mess things up by twiddling the mixer settings with Xmixer or some other
utility. Kill off any mixer control panels to avoid the risk of any upset.
If your PC is set to autoboot after a power outage, you might want to put
a startup command for sidd into /etc/rc.d/rc.local or similar - but make
sure the RTC setting commands are done first.
v0.9: Original.
v0.91: Fixes a header file problem with some gcc.
No longer produces a static binary.
v0.93: Another bug fixed.
Added control of mixer input and gains.
Added stereo mode to make a 2 channel monitor.