/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.BAK |
0,0 → 1,55 |
#include ".\camerus.h" |
void main() |
{ |
setup_adc_ports(NO_ANALOGS); |
setup_adc(ADC_OFF); |
setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL|RTCC_DIV_1); |
setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); |
setup_timer_2(T2_DISABLED,0,1); |
output_high(PIN_C0); |
output_low(PIN_C6); |
i2c_start(); // Reset |
i2c_write(0xC0); |
i2c_write(0x12); |
i2c_write(0x80 | 0x24); |
i2c_stop(); |
// **** Write data => Adr($13) = 0x05 **** |
// This will tri-state the Y and UV busses on the OV6620, which |
// will allow re-programming of the mega8 to proceed at startup |
// if needed. |
i2c_start(); |
i2c_write(0xC0); |
i2c_write(0x13); |
i2c_write(0x05); |
i2c_stop(); |
Delay_ms(250); |
//**** Write data => Adr($3F) = 0x42 **** |
// This will turn on the external clock for the mega8 to use. |
i2c_start(); |
i2c_write(0xC0); |
i2c_write(0x3F); |
i2c_write(0x42); |
i2c_stop(); |
// Wait for a short amount of time for the external clock |
// to stabilize |
Delay_ms(250); |
output_low(PIN_C0); |
// turn on the mega8 by releasing the reset line |
output_high(PIN_C6); |
while(true); |
} |
/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.PJT |
0,0 → 1,40 |
Target=camerus.HEX |
Development_Mode= |
Processor=0x873F |
ToolSuite=CCS |
[Directories] |
Include=C:\Program Files\PICC\devices\;C:\Program Files\PICC\Dr |
Library= |
LinkerScript= |
[Target Data] |
FileList=D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.c |
BuildTool=C-COMPILER |
OptionString=+FM |
AdditionalOptionString= |
BuildRequired=1 |
[camerus.c] |
Type=4 |
Path= |
FileList= |
BuildTool= |
OptionString= |
AdditionalOptionString= |
[mru-list] |
1=camerus.c |
[Windows] |
0=0000 camerus.c 0 0 796 451 3 0 |
[Opened Files] |
1=D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.c |
2= |
3=C:\Program Files\PICC\devices\16F873.h |
4= |
[Units] |
Count=1 |
1=D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.c (main) |
/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.c |
0,0 → 1,60 |
#include ".\camerus.h" |
void main() |
{ |
setup_adc_ports(NO_ANALOGS); |
setup_adc(ADC_OFF); |
setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL|RTCC_DIV_1); |
setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); |
setup_timer_2(T2_DISABLED,0,1); |
output_high(PIN_C0); |
output_low(PIN_C6); |
Delay_ms(200); |
output_low(PIN_C0); |
Delay_ms(200); |
output_high(PIN_C0); |
i2c_start(); // Reset |
i2c_write(0xC0); |
i2c_write(0x12); |
i2c_write(0x80 | 0x24); |
i2c_stop(); |
// **** Write data => Adr($13) = 0x05 **** |
// This will tri-state the Y and UV busses on the OV6620, which |
// will allow re-programming of the mega8 to proceed at startup |
// if needed. |
i2c_start(); |
i2c_write(0xC0); |
i2c_write(0x13); |
i2c_write(0x05); |
i2c_stop(); |
Delay_ms(250); |
//**** Write data => Adr($3F) = 0x42 **** |
// This will turn on the external clock for the mega8 to use. |
i2c_start(); |
i2c_write(0xC0); |
i2c_write(0x3F); |
i2c_write(0x42); |
i2c_stop(); |
// Wait for a short amount of time for the external clock |
// to stabilize |
Delay_ms(250); |
output_low(PIN_C0); |
// turn on the mega8 by releasing the reset line |
output_high(PIN_C6); |
while(true); |
} |
/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.cof |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
+application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.err |
0,0 → 1,2 |
No Errors |
0 Errors, 0 Warnings. |
/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.h |
0,0 → 1,16 |
#include <16F873.h> |
#device adc=8 |
#FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer |
#FUSES XT //Crystal osc <= 4mhz |
#FUSES NOPUT //No Power Up Timer |
#FUSES NOPROTECT //Code not protected from reading |
#FUSES NOBROWNOUT //No brownout reset |
#FUSES NOLVP //No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O |
#FUSES NOCPD //No EE protection |
#FUSES NOWRT //Program memory not write protected |
#FUSES NODEBUG //No Debug mode for ICD |
#use delay(clock=4000000) |
#use i2c(Master,Fast,sda=PIN_C4,scl=PIN_C3,force_HW) |
/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.hex |
0,0 → 1,28 |
:1000000000308A00292800002630840000080319E7 |
:1000100018280130A100A001A00B0C28A10B0B286F |
:100020004A30A000A00B122800000000800B092815 |
:10003000003494138C11260893000230941B272857 |
:100040008C1D202800308316111B01308312A10063 |
:10005000003484011F308305A51525088316870009 |
:100060008312251625088316870001309300283057 |
:10007000831294008316941314131F149F141F15D6 |
:100080009F11FF308312A50083161F149F141F15A4 |
:100090009F1183121F1083160108C7390838810089 |
:1000A000831290010030A10092000030831692006C |
:1000B0008312251025088316870083120714251341 |
:1000C00025088316870083120713C830A600042072 |
:1000D000251025088316870083120710C830A60054 |
:1000E0000420251025088316870083120714831621 |
:1000F000111411187928C0308312A600192012306B |
:10010000A6001920A430A600192083161115111974 |
:100110008728111411188A28C0308312A6001920CC |
:100120001330A60019200530A600192083161115DA |
:1001300011199828FA308312A6000420831611148E |
:100140001118A028C0308312A60019203F30A60045 |
:1001500019204230A6001920831611151119AE2856 |
:10016000FA308312A6000420251025088316870084 |
:10017000831207102513250883168700831207179B |
:04018000C028630030 |
:02400E00393F38 |
:00000001FF |
;PIC16F873 |
/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.lst |
0,0 → 1,292 |
CCS PCM C Compiler, Version 3.245, 27853 10-III-07 23:23 |
Filename: D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.lst |
ROM used: 194 words (5%) |
Largest free fragment is 2048 |
RAM used: 6 (3%) at main() level |
7 (4%) worst case |
Stack: 1 locations |
* |
0000: MOVLW 00 |
0001: MOVWF 0A |
0002: GOTO 029 |
0003: NOP |
.................... #include ".\camerus.h" |
.................... #include <16F873.h> |
.................... //////// Standard Header file for the PIC16F873 device //////////////// |
.................... #device PIC16F873 |
.................... #list |
.................... |
.................... #device adc=8 |
.................... |
.................... #FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer |
.................... #FUSES XT //Crystal osc <= 4mhz |
.................... #FUSES NOPUT //No Power Up Timer |
.................... #FUSES NOPROTECT //Code not protected from reading |
.................... #FUSES NOBROWNOUT //No brownout reset |
.................... #FUSES NOLVP //No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O |
.................... #FUSES NOCPD //No EE protection |
.................... #FUSES NOWRT //Program memory not write protected |
.................... #FUSES NODEBUG //No Debug mode for ICD |
.................... |
.................... #use delay(clock=4000000) |
0004: MOVLW 26 |
0005: MOVWF 04 |
0006: MOVF 00,W |
0007: BTFSC 03.2 |
0008: GOTO 018 |
0009: MOVLW 01 |
000A: MOVWF 21 |
000B: CLRF 20 |
000C: DECFSZ 20,F |
000D: GOTO 00C |
000E: DECFSZ 21,F |
000F: GOTO 00B |
0010: MOVLW 4A |
0011: MOVWF 20 |
0012: DECFSZ 20,F |
0013: GOTO 012 |
0014: NOP |
0015: NOP |
0016: DECFSZ 00,F |
0017: GOTO 009 |
0018: RETLW 00 |
.................... #use i2c(Master,Fast,sda=PIN_C4,scl=PIN_C3,force_HW) |
0019: BCF 14.7 |
001A: BCF 0C.3 |
001B: MOVF 26,W |
001C: MOVWF 13 |
001D: MOVLW 02 |
001E: BTFSC 14.7 |
001F: GOTO 027 |
0020: BTFSS 0C.3 |
0021: GOTO 020 |
0022: MOVLW 00 |
0023: BSF 03.5 |
0024: BTFSC 11.6 |
0025: MOVLW 01 |
0026: BCF 03.5 |
0027: MOVWF 21 |
0028: RETLW 00 |
* |
0041: MOVLW FF |
0042: BCF 03.5 |
0043: MOVWF 25 |
.................... |
.................... |
.................... |
.................... |
.................... void main() |
.................... { |
* |
0029: CLRF 04 |
002A: MOVLW 1F |
002B: ANDWF 03,F |
002C: BSF 25.3 |
002D: MOVF 25,W |
002E: BSF 03.5 |
002F: MOVWF 07 |
0030: BCF 03.5 |
0031: BSF 25.4 |
0032: MOVF 25,W |
0033: BSF 03.5 |
0034: MOVWF 07 |
0035: MOVLW 01 |
0036: MOVWF 13 |
0037: MOVLW 28 |
0038: BCF 03.5 |
0039: MOVWF 14 |
003A: BSF 03.5 |
003B: BCF 14.7 |
003C: BCF 14.6 |
003D: BSF 1F.0 |
003E: BSF 1F.1 |
003F: BSF 1F.2 |
0040: BCF 1F.3 |
.................... setup_adc_ports(NO_ANALOGS); |
* |
0044: BSF 03.5 |
0045: BSF 1F.0 |
0046: BSF 1F.1 |
0047: BSF 1F.2 |
0048: BCF 1F.3 |
.................... setup_adc(ADC_OFF); |
0049: BCF 03.5 |
004A: BCF 1F.0 |
.................... setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL|RTCC_DIV_1); |
004B: BSF 03.5 |
004C: MOVF 01,W |
004D: ANDLW C7 |
004E: IORLW 08 |
004F: MOVWF 01 |
.................... setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); |
0050: BCF 03.5 |
0051: CLRF 10 |
.................... setup_timer_2(T2_DISABLED,0,1); |
0052: MOVLW 00 |
0053: MOVWF 21 |
0054: MOVWF 12 |
0055: MOVLW 00 |
0056: BSF 03.5 |
0057: MOVWF 12 |
.................... |
.................... output_high(PIN_C0); |
0058: BCF 03.5 |
0059: BCF 25.0 |
005A: MOVF 25,W |
005B: BSF 03.5 |
005C: MOVWF 07 |
005D: BCF 03.5 |
005E: BSF 07.0 |
.................... output_low(PIN_C6); |
005F: BCF 25.6 |
0060: MOVF 25,W |
0061: BSF 03.5 |
0062: MOVWF 07 |
0063: BCF 03.5 |
0064: BCF 07.6 |
.................... |
.................... Delay_ms(200); |
0065: MOVLW C8 |
0066: MOVWF 26 |
0067: CALL 004 |
.................... output_low(PIN_C0); |
0068: BCF 25.0 |
0069: MOVF 25,W |
006A: BSF 03.5 |
006B: MOVWF 07 |
006C: BCF 03.5 |
006D: BCF 07.0 |
.................... Delay_ms(200); |
006E: MOVLW C8 |
006F: MOVWF 26 |
0070: CALL 004 |
.................... output_high(PIN_C0); |
0071: BCF 25.0 |
0072: MOVF 25,W |
0073: BSF 03.5 |
0074: MOVWF 07 |
0075: BCF 03.5 |
0076: BSF 07.0 |
.................... |
.................... i2c_start(); // Reset |
0077: BSF 03.5 |
0078: BSF 11.0 |
0079: BTFSC 11.0 |
007A: GOTO 079 |
.................... i2c_write(0xC0); |
007B: MOVLW C0 |
007C: BCF 03.5 |
007D: MOVWF 26 |
007E: CALL 019 |
.................... i2c_write(0x12); |
007F: MOVLW 12 |
0080: MOVWF 26 |
0081: CALL 019 |
.................... i2c_write(0x80 | 0x24); |
0082: MOVLW A4 |
0083: MOVWF 26 |
0084: CALL 019 |
.................... i2c_stop(); |
0085: BSF 03.5 |
0086: BSF 11.2 |
0087: BTFSC 11.2 |
0088: GOTO 087 |
.................... |
.................... // **** Write data => Adr($13) = 0x05 **** |
.................... // This will tri-state the Y and UV busses on the OV6620, which |
.................... // will allow re-programming of the mega8 to proceed at startup |
.................... // if needed. |
.................... |
.................... i2c_start(); |
0089: BSF 11.0 |
008A: BTFSC 11.0 |
008B: GOTO 08A |
.................... i2c_write(0xC0); |
008C: MOVLW C0 |
008D: BCF 03.5 |
008E: MOVWF 26 |
008F: CALL 019 |
.................... i2c_write(0x13); |
0090: MOVLW 13 |
0091: MOVWF 26 |
0092: CALL 019 |
.................... i2c_write(0x05); |
0093: MOVLW 05 |
0094: MOVWF 26 |
0095: CALL 019 |
.................... i2c_stop(); |
0096: BSF 03.5 |
0097: BSF 11.2 |
0098: BTFSC 11.2 |
0099: GOTO 098 |
.................... |
.................... Delay_ms(250); |
009A: MOVLW FA |
009B: BCF 03.5 |
009C: MOVWF 26 |
009D: CALL 004 |
.................... |
.................... //**** Write data => Adr($3F) = 0x42 **** |
.................... // This will turn on the external clock for the mega8 to use. |
.................... |
.................... i2c_start(); |
009E: BSF 03.5 |
009F: BSF 11.0 |
00A0: BTFSC 11.0 |
00A1: GOTO 0A0 |
.................... i2c_write(0xC0); |
00A2: MOVLW C0 |
00A3: BCF 03.5 |
00A4: MOVWF 26 |
00A5: CALL 019 |
.................... i2c_write(0x3F); |
00A6: MOVLW 3F |
00A7: MOVWF 26 |
00A8: CALL 019 |
.................... i2c_write(0x42); |
00A9: MOVLW 42 |
00AA: MOVWF 26 |
00AB: CALL 019 |
.................... i2c_stop(); |
00AC: BSF 03.5 |
00AD: BSF 11.2 |
00AE: BTFSC 11.2 |
00AF: GOTO 0AE |
.................... |
.................... // Wait for a short amount of time for the external clock |
.................... // to stabilize |
.................... |
.................... Delay_ms(250); |
00B0: MOVLW FA |
00B1: BCF 03.5 |
00B2: MOVWF 26 |
00B3: CALL 004 |
.................... |
.................... |
.................... output_low(PIN_C0); |
00B4: BCF 25.0 |
00B5: MOVF 25,W |
00B6: BSF 03.5 |
00B7: MOVWF 07 |
00B8: BCF 03.5 |
00B9: BCF 07.0 |
.................... |
.................... // turn on the mega8 by releasing the reset line |
.................... output_high(PIN_C6); |
00BA: BCF 25.6 |
00BB: MOVF 25,W |
00BC: BSF 03.5 |
00BD: MOVWF 07 |
00BE: BCF 03.5 |
00BF: BSF 07.6 |
.................... |
.................... while(true); |
00C0: GOTO 0C0 |
.................... } |
00C1: SLEEP |
Configuration Fuses: |
/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.sta |
0,0 → 1,30 |
ROM used: 194 (5%) |
194 (5%) including unused fragments |
1 Average locations per line |
6 Average locations per statement |
RAM used: 6 (3%) at main() level |
7 (4%) worst case |
Lines Stmts % Files |
----- ----- --- ----- |
61 32 100 D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.c |
17 0 0 D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.h |
244 0 0 C:\Program Files\PICC\devices\16F873.h |
----- ----- |
644 64 Total |
Page ROM % RAM Functions: |
---- --- --- --- ---------- |
0 21 11 1 @delay_ms1 |
0 16 8 1 @I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 |
0 153 79 0 main |
Segment Used Free |
--------- ---- ---- |
00000-00003 4 0 |
00004-007FF 190 1854 |
00800-00FFF 0 2048 |
/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.sym |
0,0 → 1,44 |
015 CCP_1_LOW |
015-016 CCP_1 |
016 CCP_1_HIGH |
01B CCP_2_LOW |
01B-01C CCP_2 |
01C CCP_2_HIGH |
020 @SCRATCH |
021 @SCRATCH |
021 _RETURN_ |
022 @SCRATCH |
023 @SCRATCH |
024 @SCRATCH |
025 @TRIS_C |
026 @I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000.P1 |
026 @delay_ms1.P2 |
0004 @delay_ms1 |
0019 @I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 |
0029 main |
0029 @cinit |
Project Files: |
D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.c |
D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.h |
C:\Program Files\PICC\devices\16F873.h |
Units: |
D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.c (main) |
Compiler Settings: |
Processor: PIC16F873 |
Pointer Size: 8 |
ADC Range: 0-255 |
Opt Level: 9 |
Short,Int,Long: 1,8,16 |
Output Files: |
Errors: D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.err |
INHX8: D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.hex |
Symbols: D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.sym |
List: D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.lst |
Debug/COFF: D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.cof |
Call Tree: D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.tre |
Statistics: D:\KAKLIK\projekty\programy\PIC_C\PICcam\873\camerus.sta |
/programy/PIC_C/PICcam/873/camerus.tre |
0,0 → 1,16 |
ÀÄcamerus |
ÀÄmain 0/153 Ram=0 |
ÃÄ??0?? |
ÃÄ@delay_ms1 0/21 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@delay_ms1 0/21 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 0/16 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 0/16 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 0/16 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 0/16 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 0/16 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 0/16 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@delay_ms1 0/21 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 0/16 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 0/16 Ram=1 |
ÃÄ@I2C_WRITEU_1_59_60_4000000 0/16 Ram=1 |
ÀÄ@delay_ms1 0/21 Ram=1 |