0,0 → 1,332 |
#include "main.h" |
#define TXo PIN_C3 // To the transmitter modulator |
#include "AX25.c" // podprogram pro prenos telemetrie |
//motory //Napred vypnout potom zapnout! |
#define FR output_low(PIN_B5); output_high(PIN_B4) // Vpred |
#define FL output_low(PIN_B7); output_high(PIN_B6) |
#define BR output_low(PIN_B4); output_high(PIN_B5) // Vzad |
#define BL output_low(PIN_B6); output_high(PIN_B7) |
#define STOPR output_low(PIN_B4);output_low(PIN_B5) |
#define STOPL output_low(PIN_B6);output_low(PIN_B7) |
#define L 0b10 // left |
#define R 0b01 // right |
#define S 0b11 // straight |
#define COUVANI 1600 // couvnuti po zjisteni diry |
#define MEZERA 5400 // za jak dlouho bude ztracena cara |
#define PRES_DIRU 400 // velikost mezery v care |
#define ODEZVA 1 // za jak dlouho po opusteni cary se ma zacit zatacet |
#define BRZDENI 100 // doba (v ms) ptrebna k zastaveni jednoho motoru |
//cidla |
#define RSENSOR 1 // Senzory na caru |
#define LSENSOR 0 |
#define BUMPER PIN_C4 // sensor na cihlu |
#define DIAG_SERVO PIN_B0 // Propojka pro diagnosticky mod |
#define DIAG_SENSORS PIN_B1 // Propojka pro diagnosticky mod |
char AXstring[40]; // Buffer pro prenos telemetrie |
int tresholdL; // rozhodovaci uroven pro prave cidlo |
int tresholdR; // rozhodovaci uroven pro prave cidlo |
int movement; // smer minuleho pohybu |
int line; // na ktere strane byla detekovana cara |
unsigned int16 dira; // pocitadlo pro nalezeni preruseni cary |
// Primitivni Pipani |
void beep(unsigned int16 period, unsigned int16 length) |
{ |
unsigned int16 nn; |
for(nn=length; nn>0; nn--) |
{ |
output_high(SOUND_HI);output_low(SOUND_LO); |
delay_us(period); |
output_high(SOUND_LO);output_low(SOUND_HI); |
delay_us(period); |
} |
} |
// Diagnostika pohonu, hejbne vsema motorama ve vsech smerech |
void diagnostika() |
{ |
unsigned int16 n; |
while (input(DIAG_SERVO)) // Propojka, ktera spousti diagnostiku |
{ |
for (n=500; n<800; n+=100) |
{ |
beep(n,n); //beep UP |
}; |
Delay_ms(1000); |
//zastav vse |
//pravy pas |
FR; Delay_ms(1000); STOPR; Delay_ms(1000); |
BR; Delay_ms(1000); STOPR; Delay_ms(1000); |
Beep(880,100); Delay_ms(1000); |
//levy pas |
FL; Delay_ms(1000); STOPL; Delay_ms(1000); |
BL; Delay_ms(1000); STOPL; Delay_ms(1000); |
Beep(880,100); Delay_ms(1000); |
//oba pasy |
FL; FR; Delay_ms(1000); STOPL; STOPR; Delay_ms(1000); |
BL; BR; Delay_ms(1000); STOPL; STOPR; Delay_ms(1000); |
}; |
while (input(DIAG_SENSORS)) |
{ |
int ls, rs; |
while(!input(BUMPER)){beep(1100,100); Delay_ms(50);} |
set_adc_channel(RSENSOR); |
Delay_us(20); |
rs=read_adc(); |
set_adc_channel(LSENSOR); |
Delay_us(20); |
ls=read_adc(); |
sprintf(AXstring,"L: %U R: %U\0", ls, rs); // Convert DATA to String. |
SendPacket(&AXstring[0]); |
delay_ms(1000); |
}; |
} |
void cikcak() |
{ |
int n; |
switch(movement) // podivej se na jednu stranu |
{ |
case L: |
FL;BR; |
movement=R; |
break; |
case R: |
FR;BL; |
movement=L; |
break; |
case S: |
FR;BL; |
movement=L; |
break; |
} |
set_adc_channel(LSENSOR); |
Delay_us(10); |
while (tresholdL < read_adc()) // je tam cara? |
{ |
if (n==50) // asi bude na druhe strane |
{ |
n=0; |
switch(movement) |
{ |
case L: |
FL;BR; |
movement=R; |
break; |
case R: |
FR;BL; |
movement=L; |
break; |
} |
} |
Delay_ms(5); |
n++; |
} |
STOPL;STOPR; // nasli jsme caru |
line=S; |
} |
void objizdka() |
{ |
BL;BR;Delay_ms(300); |
beep(1000,1000); |
Delay_ms(500); |
beep(1000,1000); |
Delay_ms(1000); |
} |
void kalibrace() |
{ |
unsigned int16 i; |
int min; |
int max; |
int current; |
int treshold; |
FL; BR; Delay_ms(130); |
chyba1: |
FR; BL; //kalibrace leveho cidla |
set_adc_channel(LSENSOR); |
Delay_us(20); |
min=max=read_adc(); |
for (i=1;i<=500;i++) |
{ |
current=read_adc(); |
if (max < current) max=current; |
if (min > current) min=current; |
Delay_us(500); |
} |
FL; BR; |
for (i=1;i<=500;i++) |
{ |
current=read_adc(); |
if (max < current) max=current; |
if (min > current) min=current; |
Delay_us(500); |
} |
STOPL; STOPR; Delay_ms(200); |
if((max-min)<50) {Beep(1000,300); GOTO chyba1;} |
treshold=(max-min)>>1; |
tresholdL=treshold+min; |
chyba2: |
FR; BL; |
set_adc_channel(RSENSOR); |
Delay_us(20); |
min=max=read_adc(); //naplneni min a max nejakou rozumnou hodnotou |
for (i=1;i<=500 ;i++) |
{ |
current=read_adc(); |
if (max < current) max=current; //zmereni minima a maxima |
if (min > current) min=current; |
Delay_us(500); |
} |
FL; BR; |
for (i=1;i<=500 ;i++) |
{ |
current=read_adc(); |
if (max < current) max=current; //zmereni minima a maxima |
if (min > current) min=current; |
Delay_us(500); |
} |
STOPL; STOPR; Delay_ms(200); |
if((max-min)<50) {Beep(1000,300); GOTO chyba2;} |
treshold=(max-min)>>1; |
tresholdR=treshold+min; |
FR; BL; |
movement=L; |
set_adc_channel(LSENSOR); |
Delay_us(20); |
while (tresholdL < read_adc()) Delay_us(100); |
FL; BR; Delay_ms(50); |
STOPL; STOPR; Delay_ms(500); |
Beep(780,200); |
} |
void main() |
{ |
unsigned int16 rovne; // pocita delku rovne cary |
setup_adc_ports(RA0_RA1_RA3_ANALOG); |
setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_DIV_2); |
port_b_pullups(false); |
diagnostika(); |
Beep(1000,200); //double beep |
Delay_ms(50); |
Beep(1000,200); |
Delay_ms(1000); // 1s |
// kalibrace(); |
tresholdl=tresholdr=80; |
// FL; FR; |
movement=S; |
line=S; |
dira=0; |
rovne=0; |
while(true) |
{ |
if(!input(BUMPER)) objizdka(); |
line=0; |
set_adc_channel(RSENSOR); // podivej se jestli neni cara pod pravym cidlem |
Delay_us(10); |
if(tresholdR > read_adc()) |
{ |
dira=0; |
line=R; |
} |
set_adc_channel(LSENSOR); // kdyz cara nebyla pod pravym cidlem, mozna bude pod levym |
Delay_us(10); |
if(tresholdL > read_adc()) |
{ |
dira=0; |
line=line | L; |
} |
switch(line) |
{ |
case S: |
FR;FL; |
movement=S; |
continue; |
case L: |
FR;movement=L; |
continue; |
case R: |
FL;movement=R; |
continue; |
default: |
} |
if (dira==ODEZVA) // kdyz uz chvili jedeme po bile plose |
{ |
//BR;BL;Delay_us(rovne >>= 5); |
rovne=0; //kdyz sme museli zatocit, uz neni rovna cara |
switch (line) // musime zatocit |
{ |
case L: |
FR; |
movement=L; |
break; |
case R: |
FL; |
movement=R; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (dira==MEZERA) // kdyz zkoncila cara |
{ |
beep(800,500); |
Delay_ms(50); |
beep(800,500); |
switch (movement) //vrat se zpet na caru |
{ |
case L: |
break; |
case R: |
break; |
case S: |
BL; BR; Delay_ms(COUVANI); |
break; |
} |
FR;FL; Delay_ms(PRES_DIRU); // popojedem dopredu mozna tam bude cara |
STOPL; STOPR; movement=S; |
cikcak(); // najdi caru |
dira=0; |
} |
dira++; |
} // while(true) |
} |