Subversion Repositories svnkaklik

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Regard whitespace Rev 5 → Rev 6

0,0 → 1,136
$db = mysql_connect("$dbHost","$dbUser","$dbPass");
#connect to the database
#select our database
$requete = "SELECT * FROM ShoutBox ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 0,$ShoutDisplay";
#query that grabs all the columns from shoutbox
#it uses the shoutdisplay variable set before the include to limit how many rows
#descending by date because it gives the latests dates
$result = mysql_query ($requete,$db);
#result of query
echo '<div class="fullshout">&nbsp;';
#This is a little design this div wraps around the whole table.
echo '<div class="halfshout">&nbsp;<br />';
#This is a little design this div wraps around all but the form.
#we're using this variable to create the alternating rows
while ($article = mysql_fetch_object($result))
#looping through our result $article is the row we're on
$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a", $article->Date);
#Sets up the date
$URL = $article->URL;
#grabs the URL/email of poster from the database
if (mailcheck($URL))
#defined in the shoutfunctions.php regular expression check
#determines if this is an email address
$ShoutURL = '<a';
#first part of anchor
if (($Alternate==1)&&($i==0))
$ShoutURL .= ' class="shoutname2"';
$ShoutURL .= ' class="shoutname"';
#if alternate is on and i is 0, otherwise regular
$ShoutURL .=' href="mailto:'.$URL.'"';
#Finishes the beginning anchor tag
else if (URLcheck($URL))
#regular expression to determine if url and if starts with http://
#function found in phpfunctions.php
$ShoutURL = '<a';
if (($Alternate==1)&&($i==0))
$ShoutURL .= ' class="shoutname2"';
$ShoutURL .= ' class="shoutname"';
$ShoutURL .=' href="'.$URL.'"';
else if ($URL!=NULL)
#as long as URL isn't empty let's just assume they forgot http://
$ShoutURL = '<a';
if (($Alternate==1)&&($i==0))
$ShoutURL .= ' class="shoutname2"';
$ShoutURL .= ' class="shoutname"';
$ShoutURL .=' href="http://'.$URL.'"';
else {
#empty url, we'll give them an empty javascript command
$ShoutURL = '<a';
if (($Alternate==1)&&($i==0))
$ShoutURL .= ' class="shoutname2"';
$ShoutURL .= ' class="shoutname"';
$ShoutURL .= ' href="javascript:()" onclick="return false;" onkeypress="return false;"';
if (($Alternate==1)&&($i==0))
#will only display if i is 0 and alternate mode, set in shoutoptions, is on
echo '<div class="shoutentry2">'.$ShoutURL.' title="'.$today.'">'.stripslashes($article->Name).'</a>';
echo '<div class="shoutmessage2">';
if ($WordWrap!=0) #only wraps if set
echo webcode(wrap_text(stripslashes($article->Message),$WordWrap));
echo webcode(stripslashes($article->Message));
echo '</div>';
#webcode() is a function of mine to add smilies color and bb depending on if they're on
#strip slashes removes the \ that often are used to protect the database when messages are inward
#it's safe because now they're out in the open
if ($SelfDelete==1)
#if in phpoptions.php self delete is on
if ($article->IP==$IP)
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?SelfDel='.$article->ID.'">Delete this entry?</a>';
#this if checks if this user owns the message
#if so it gives them the option of self deleting their post
#in case you care, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] is the main script running
#the one before includes, I set the $IP before calling this include
echo '</div><br />';
#set i to 1 so it will alternate, remember this only turns on if $Alternate=1
else {
#normal execution
echo '<div class="shoutentry">'.$ShoutURL.' title="'.$today.'">'.stripslashes($article->Name).'</a>';
echo '<div class="shoutmessage">';
if ($WordWrap!=0)
echo webcode(wrap_text(stripslashes($article->Message),$WordWrap));
echo webcode(stripslashes($article->Message));
echo '</div>';
if ($SelfDelete==1)
#same as above
if ($article->IP==$IP)
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?SelfDel='.$article->ID.'">Delete this entry?</a>';
echo '</div><br />';
echo '</div>';
#closes halfshout div