/Modules/H_Bridge/HBSTEP01B/CAM_PROFI/Preview.gvp |
3,8 → 3,8 |
(define-layer! 7 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-F_Mask.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(65535 50629 13107))) |
(define-layer! 6 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-F_Cu.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(53713 6939 26728))) |
(define-layer! 5 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-Edge_Cuts.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(54741 65021 13107))) |
(define-layer! 4 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-Dwgs_User.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(0 50115 50115))) |
(define-layer! 3 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-B_SilkS.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(30069 62194 26471))) |
(define-layer! 4 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-Dwgs_User.gbr")(cons 'visible #f)(cons 'color #(0 50115 50115))) |
(define-layer! 3 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-B_SilkS.gbr")(cons 'visible #f)(cons 'color #(30069 62194 26471))) |
(define-layer! 2 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-B_Mask.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(49601 0 57568))) |
(define-layer! 1 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B-B_Cu.gbr")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(65535 32639 29555))) |
(define-layer! 0 (cons 'filename "HBSTEP01B.drl")(cons 'visible #t)(cons 'color #(29555 29555 57054))(cons 'attribs (list (list 'autodetect 'Boolean 1) (list 'zero_supression 'Enum 1) (list 'units 'Enum 1) (list 'digits 'Integer 3)))) |
/ServerPrivate/Templates/Head.cs.ihtml |
1,4 → 1,3 |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> |
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="Web/CSS/MLAB.css" type="text/css" title="MLAB základní styl"> |
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="Web/CSS/MLAB_Print.css" type="text/css" media="print"> |
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="Web/PIC/MLAB.ico"> |
/index.cs.html |
67,13 → 67,13 |
<!-- ============== TEXT ============== --> |
<div class="Text"> |
<p class="Title"> |
MLAB Projekt - open-source hardware pro každého |
Open-source stavebnice MLAB |
<br> |
<a href="index.cs.html"><img class="NoBorder" width=22 height=13 src="./Web/PIC/CZE.gif" alt="Česká vlajka"></a> |
<a href="index.en.html"><img class="NoBorder" width=22 height=13 src="./Web/PIC/GBR.gif" alt="Britská vlajka"></a> |
</p> |
<p class="Subtitle"> |
Vítejte na stránkách projektu MLAB - místa orginálních řěšení. Nezáleží zda jste profesionál nebo amatérský nadšenec, modulární systém MLAB zjednoduší vaši práci při vývoji elektroniky. S námi se na své cíle můžete zaměřit ihned. |
Tento WEB je plný originálních návrhů modulů a řešení. |
</p> |
<p class="Subtitle"> |
<a href="./Web/PIC/about_bastl.jpg"><img src="./Web/PIC/about_bastl_small.jpg" alt="Typical MLAB design"></a> |
/index.en.html |
67,13 → 67,16 |
<!-- ============== TEXT ============== --> |
<div class="Text"> |
<p class="Title"> |
The MLAB Project - an open-source hardware for everyone |
Open-source hardware MLAB project |
<br> |
<a href="index.cs.html"><img class="NoBorder" width=22 height=13 src="Web/PIC/CZE.gif" alt="Czech Flag"></a> |
<a href="index.en.html"><img class="NoBorder" width=22 height=13 src="Web/PIC/GBR.gif" alt="British Flag"></a> |
</p> |
<p class=Subtitle> |
Welcome to MLAB Project website - a place with original solutions. No matter if you are a professional develop or a hobbyist, the MLAB modular system simplifies your work in electronics development. With us, you can focus on your goals straight away. |
This is a noncommercial web about electronics with original designs. |
You can find here a lot of electronic modules and you can use its when developing |
some electronics. It does not matter if you are professional |
developer or hobbyist. You will be surprised by the quality! |
</p> |
<p class="Subtitle"> |
<a href="./Web/PIC/about_bastl.jpg"><img src="./Web/PIC/about_bastl_small.jpg" alt="Typical MLAB design"></a> |
82,7 → 85,10 |
<iframe src="http://prezi.com/embed/zdjlfo5zm79e/?bgcolor=ffffff&lock_to_path=0&autoplay=0&autohide_ctrls=0#" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="400" width="550"></iframe> |
</p> |
<p> |
For more information see: |
On this web there are published MLAB modules, |
their documentation and other original papers about electronics and designs |
written by our authors. More information about our goals and about this web |
is on these pages: |
</p> |
<ul> |
<li><a href="./Web/About.en.html">About MLAB project</a></li> |